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📗 Tермини започващи с буквата A в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата A

abb act add adz aft age aid aim air and arc awn azo abac able abut acid acre acyl adit adze aeon agar ager agon alba alum amid amyl anex anol anta apex apse arch aril aryl ashy aula aura auri auro axes axle aback abaft abate abeam abode abort abuse abyss acela ackey acorn acrid acron acryl actin adapt adder adion admit admix adobe aflat agate agene agent aging agora aided aimer akbar alarm alcal aldol alert alfer algae algin align aline alite alive alkyl alloy allyl almag alpax alure ambit amine anate angel angle anvil apron arbor archy armco aroyl array arrow arsyl asdic ashed assay aster atlas attic attle audit auger auget auric auryl avial axoid azide azine azoic azole azoxy a band abacus abatis ablute aboard abrade abrupt absorb ac arc accent accept accost accrue acetal acetic acetin acetol acetyl acidax acidic acidol acmite acrest across acting action active actual acuity acylat adatom addend adduct adhere adipic adipol adjust adular advent aerate aerial aerify aerugo affect affine afflux ageing agency aiming ainico airbag airing airleg airman airway albedo albite albone alcali alclad alcove aldose alight aljack alkali alkane alkene alkine alkoxy alkyne allene alpaca alphax alphyl aludel alumel amagol amends amfoil amidol ammate ammine amylin amylum analog anchor angled anisal anisil anneal anoxic antium apical apices aplite apogee appeal aquate arcade arched arcing arcose arkose arsine arsino ascend ascent ashing assign astern at bar at par ataxis atrium attack attain audion augend augite aurate aureol aurine aurous awning a frame a scope a truss aa pole aa view ability abiotic ablator aborted abrader abraser abridge abroach absence abut on abyssal account accroid acerdol acetate acetify acetoin acetone acetous acetron acidify acidity acinose aclinal acquire acreage acrilan acrinyl acroter acrylon acrysol actinic actinon activex activol actuate acyclic acyloin adaline adamant adamite adaprin adapter adaptor adelite adenase adendum adenine adermin adiabat adipose adjoint adjunct advance adverse aeradio aerator aerobic aerosol affinor agalite aggrade agilite agitate aground aileron ainoite air bar air end air gap air gas air gun air jet air jig air pit air tap air-box air-dry airbond airflow airfoil airglow airless airlift airport airshed airship akerite alanine alantin albumen albumin alchlor alcogas alcohol alcomax alfenol aliquot alitize alkoxyl alleged allobar alloyed allwork allylen allylic alodize aloxite altaite altered alumite alundum alunite amalgam amberol ambetti ambitus ametron amidate amidino aminate ammeter ammonal amphion amplify amylene amyloid amyloin analogy analyse anatase anation aneroid aneurin anhydro anilide aniseed anisole annular annulet annulus anolyte anotron antacid antapex antefix anti-df antihum antirad antirot antisag apatite apogean apolune applied appoint aprotic apsides apyrous aquifer aquoion arc gap arc jaw arcaded archean arcilla argonin arm saw arsenic arylate arylene arylide as roll as-cast ash bin ash box ash pit assayer astable astylar at hand atactic athodyd atr box attical attrite aubepin audible autosyn average avional avivage azimide azo dye azotize azurite a priori abaculus abamurus abeyance abhesion abietine ablation ablative ablution abnormal abradant abrasion abrasive abscissa absolute absorber abstract abundant abutment abutting ac meter ac metre acanthus acceptor accurate acetanil acetenyl acetonic acetonyl acetosal acetoxyl acicular acid dye acid egg acid tar acierage acoustic acridine acriloid acrolein acrylate acryloyl actifier activate actuator adaption adaptive add time addition additive adequate ader wax adherend adhesive adjacent adjuster adjutage adjuvant adularia advanced advancer aedirine aegirine aeration aeratron aerofloc aerofoil aerolite aerology aerophor aesculin affected afferent affinage affinely affinity affluent afforest afterrun agaphite agitator aglucone agronomy aiguille air bath air bell air belt air bomb air cell air cowl air data air dook air drag air drum air duct air face air flue air gate air grid air head air hole air hose air leak air line air lock air main air mask air oven air pipe air pump air seal air tank air test air tool air tube air vane air vent air vice air vise air void air wave air-blow air-core air-feed air-free airborne aircraft airfield airframe airliner airplane airslide airstrip ajusting albronze alcatron alcoxide aldamine aldehyde aldimine aldoform aldolase aldoxime aleatory alerting algicide alginate algraphy aliquant alizarin alizarol alkalify alkaline alkamine alkylate alkylene all-cast all-year allanite allotter alloxane alloyage alloying alluvion alluvium altitude aluminic aluminon alunogen amberite amberlac amethyst ammonify ammonium ammophos amphenol anabatic anabosin anaglyph analcime analogue analyser analysis analytic ancestor and gate andesine andesite anechoic anethole anionite ankerite annaline anteport antiapex anticing antimine antimony antipole antirust antiseep antisine antiskid aperture aphelion apophige apophyse apparent appraise approach approbed approval approved aqua-gel aqualung aquanaut aquation aquatone aquatory aqueduct aquoacid aquobase arabitol arbitron arboreal arc gate arc lamp arc path arc weld arc-back arc-over arcature arch key arch rib archless archwise arcology argentan argentic argenton argosite arm file arm rest armature arrester arrestor arsenide arsenite arsenium arsenous arsonate arsonium arsylene artotype as-drawn ash coal ash dump ash dust ash hole ash test ash tray ash-free ashlared asperity assemble assembly astillen astragal attitude audition auditron augering augetron autodyne autoflag autotune autotype autotypy averaged avigraph avionics awnchaff axipetal axle box a display a-fixture abaciscus abat-jour abat-vent abat-voix abatement abietinic abnormity above par abruption absorbent absorbing abundance abut upon acanthite acceptive accession accessory acclivity accordant accordion accretion acetamide acetamido acetannin acetidine acetoxime acetylate acetylene acetylide acetylize achromate acid bath acid cure acid pump acid rain acid rock acid salt acid slag acid soil acid-base acid-free acidifier acidylate aconitine acorn nut acquiring acre-foot acre-inch acropolis actinator actinides actinoids activated activator actualize actuation acylation add twist adenosine adherence adiabatic adipamide adipocire adjacency admission admixture advancing advantage advection adventure aegricane aeolation aeriotron aerocrete aerofloat aerograph aerometer aeropathy aerophore aeroscope afferency aflrology after bay after end afterbake afterblow afterbody aftercure afterflow afterheat afterhold afterrake agarinate agate cup age limit aggregate agitation agreed to agreement agrometer air blast air brick air brush air burst air chill air chuck air chute air cover air drain air drier air drill air force air gauge air hoist air inlet air layer air meter air metre air motor air purge air scoop air screw air shaft air sheet air space air split air stain air stand air stove air table air trial air trunk air valve air-based air-blown air-break air-cored air-cured air-dried air-fired air-proof air-tight airbridge airstream ajar hook alabaster alamosite alcoholic alicyclic alien key alignment alinement aliphatic alizarine alkylable all-round all-steel alleviate alligator allomeric allophane alloprene allowance alloy bit almandine alpha oil alpha ray altimeter alum cake aluminate aluminium aluminize ambulance ambulator amendment americium amidation aminoacid aminoform aminourea ammoniate amorphism amorphous amphibian ampholyte ampiltron amplidyne amplifier amplistat amplitron amplitude amylopsin anabolism anaclimal anaerobic analeptic analgesic analogous analyiser analysing anchorage anchoring ancillary andradite angle bar angle lag angle-tie anglesite anhydrate anhydride anhydrite anhydrone anhydrous animation anionogen annoyance anode cap anode hum anode lug anode mud anode ray anodynine anorganic anorthite anthemion antichlor anticline antiknock antimonic antimonil antipodal antipolar antiscale antiscuff anvil bed anvil cap aperiodic apex load aphanitic aphyllous apoenzyme apparatus appendage appentice appertize appliance applicant appraisal aprotonic apse line aqua acid aqua base aquametry arabesque aragonite arbitrary arboreous arboretum arc chute arc flame arc flash arc torch arch bond arch core arch dook arch ring arch rise arch wall arch-type archivolt archstone arcticize arcuation arcwaller ardometer areometer argentate argentine argentous argillous aristogen aristowax arm crane arm mixer arresting arrow cut art paper arylation as-welded asbestine ashlaring asphaltum astrakhan astrolabe at a bite atacamite athenaeum atmometer atom site atomistic atonality attendant attenuant auger bit austenite austerity authentic authority auto bulb autoclave autocrane autolysis autolytic automatic autorelay available axed arch axial die axial fan axle base axle beam axle load axle neck axle tree axle-hung axotomous azeotrope azeotropy azide cap aziethane azocyclic azoic dye a operator abm system above curb abridgment abruptness absorbance absorption absorptive abuts upon accelerant accelerate acceptable acceptance access arm accessible accidental accordance accounting accrescent accumulate acetacetic acetimeter acetimetry acetolysis acetolytic acetometer acetonines acetophene acetylenic achondrite achromatic acid aging acid brick acid drift acid oxide acid stain acid steel acid value acid waste acid water acid-proof acidimetry acidolysis acidometer acids-base acids-free acorn tube acoustical acrylamide act of god actinolite activation active day activities actual cut actual fit actual gas actual key actual use acute arch adamantane adamantine adaptation adder gate additional adhumulone adiactinic adipolysis adipopexis adjustable adjustment administer admittance admrssible adobe clay adobe soil adsorptive adulterant adulterate adventurer aerocamera aeruginous affiliated affination affineness afforested after damp after deck after rope aftergases afterpulse aftershock afterwinds agraphitic aiken code air blower air bottle air bubble air buffer air cavity air change air column air cooler air course air curing air damper air drying air engine air escape air feeder air filter air funnel air hammer air heater air holder air intake air marker air output air piston air pocket air screen air supply air tamper air tubing air tunnel air vessel air washer air-cooled air-driven aisle wall akermanite alabandite alarm call alarm lamp albuminate albuminoid alcoholate alcoholize aldolactol aliquation alkoxylate alkylation alkylidene all-around all-in-one all-welded allocation allomerism allosteric allotement allowables alloxazine allylidene almond oil aloe fibre alpha dust amalgamate amber acid ambivalent ambulatory ameliorate amido acid aminolysis ammoniacal ammoplaste ammunition amo thread amphoteric amygdaline amylaceous amylogenic amylolysis anacoustic anallactic analytical anchor arm anchor gap anchor ice andalusite anelectric anemometer anemometry anfieurage angle beam angle belt angle bend angle cock angle face angle file angle iron angle pipe angle tool angledozer angularity angulation animal oil animal tar anisomeric anode coil anode foil anode glow anode grid anode load antecedent antecessor anthracene anthropeic anti-glare antibaryon anticosine antimonide antimonite antimonium antimonous antirocket antiseptic antivortex anvil face anvil tool anvil vice anvil vise apex angle apex drive apex stone apocamphor appearance applicable apprentice apron gate apron roll apron slab apron wall apron-type aqua-regia araeostyle arbor yoke arc length arc needle arc plasma arc shears arc shield arc stream arc welder arc-boutan arch block arch brick arch cover arch truss arched cap arched dam areal mean argyrodite arm length aromatizer arris-wise arrow head arsonation art patent art search articulate ash cellar ashlarwork assemblage assignment assumption astrionics astrometry astroscope at a point atomic ion atomic set attachment attackable atteration audio gain audiophile audiorange aural null austenitic authorized autobrader autogenous autohesion autoloader autonailer autoswitch autoturned auxochrome axial bond axial eddy axial feed axial flow axial line axial load axial play axial pump axial seal axial test axiomatize axle lathe axle shaft axonometry azeotropic azimethane azomethane abaca fibre abney level abnormality abridgement absorptance abstraction accelerated accelerator access lane acclimatize accommodate accumulator accurate to aceko-black aceric acid acetanilide acetaniside acetic acid acetobromal acetonation acetylation achievement acid ageing acid bottom acid bronze acid lining acid liquid acid number acidylation acme thread acorn valve acquisition acquittance actinic ray actinograph actinometry actinomycin active area active dust active face active line active mass active page active site active zone actual lift actual load actual mass actual size actual time acute angle adaptometer added metal adder stage address bus adipic acid adipocerite adit collar adit window adjournment adobe brick adstringent advancement advertising aerial data aerial dust aerial fold aerial frog aerial line aerial view aerocasting aerodynamic aerohydrous aeronautics aerophysics aerostatics aft section after image afteraction afterburner aftercooler agave fibre age holding ageing test agglomerant agglomerate agglutinant agglutinate aggradation aggregation air barrage air blanket air blaster air breaker air carrier air chamber air channel air chimney air chipper air cleaner air conduit air control air cooling air current air curtain air cushion air damping air defence air density air draught air ejector air furnace air heading air heating air opening air passage air reactor air release air renewal air retting air riveter air roadway air scuttle air sealing air starter air traffic air turbine air-cleaned air-end way air-jet gum air-powered air-setting airless end alactacidic alarm relay alcoholysis aldehydrase aldol resin alert light algal bloom alkalescent alkali salt alkali soap alkali test alkali-free alkali-type alkalimetry alkyd resin alkyl oxide all-weather allyl resin alpha assay alpha decay alpha waste alterations alternation alumetizing alumina gel am detector am receiver amber-glass ambidentate ambient air amenable to amido group amine oxide amino group ammonia ash ammoniation ammonolysis amphibolite amphichroic amphiprotic amylopectin anaesthetic anagalactic anaphe silk anaphoresis anastigmate anchor bolt anchor buoy anchor jack anchor pier anchor pile anchor pole anchor span anchor stay anchor wall anchor well angle brace angle crane angle drift angle drive angle error angle gauge angle joint angle lever angle meter angle metre angle valve anglebender angled deck angledozing angora wool angular mil anhydration aniline dye aniline oil aniline red animal glue animal hide animal wool anionic dye anionophile anionotropy aniseed oil anisic acid anisomerism annabergite annular die annular gap anode choke anode clamp anode strip antenna rod anthracides anthraxylon anti-dazzle antibalance antibouncer anticathode antichutter anticreeper antidumping antifouling antigravity antihyperon antimycotic antineutron antioxidant antipyretic antiquarian antirattler antiseismic antitangent antivalence anvil beads anvil block anvil scale anvil smith anvil stake anvil stand anvil stock anvil swage apophyllite appertizing application appreciable appropriate approximate apron lathe aqua-fortis aquaculture aquiculture arbitration arbor block arborescent arc brazing arc cutting arc furnace arc heating arc lighter arc measure arc spectra arc voltage arc welding arc-damping arch bridge arch stress arched dome arched roof arched wall arcing ring arctic pole area sketch arid region arm spacing arm stirrer arm support armour grip aromaticity around bolt arrangement arrestement arrow drill arrowheaded art casting art gallery articulated asat system ascensional ash content ash removal ashing test ashlar pier ashlar wall asme thread asphalt tar asphaltwork assault gun assured ore astringency astrography astrometric athermanous atlas paper atom sorter atomic beam atomic bomb atomic bond atomic core atomic fuel atomic heat atomic mass atomic pile atomic ship atomic size atomic unit attic floor attic joist audibleness audio cable audio mixer audiovision audiovisual aural range auto-manual autoclastic autocontrol autopolymer autostacker autostarter autotripper auxiliaries avalanching avant-corps avoirdupois axial angle axial compo axial force axial pitch axial plane axle casing axle collar axle sleeve axonometric azocompound a-type frame abc analysis abc standard abietic acid abnormal dip abort ground about sledge above-ground abradability abrupt curve absorb power absorptivity abut against abutment bay abutting end abyssal rock acceleration accelerogram accentuation accept as is accomodation accumulation acetaldehyde acetate dope acetate film acetate wire acetate yarn acetin value acetoacetate acetophenone acid furnace acid hydrate acid process acid setting acoustextile acoustic ohm acoustomcter acrylic acid actinide ion action wheel active compo active force active group active power active radar active state actual angle actual costs actual power actual speed actual value adaptability adapter plug adding relay address file adhesiveness adit opening adjacent arc adulteration advance copy advance rate advance sale adverse wind adzing gauge aerated weir aerator tank aerial cable aerial craft aerial print aerodonetics aeroembolism aeronautical affine field aflriculture after bridge after firing after-effect afterbay dam afterburning aftercurrent afterservice afterteeming agalmatolite agate mortar age resistor agricultural aiming error aiming point aiming stake air blasting air brattice air cleaning air cylinder air delivery air distance air drilling air friction air manifold air mechanic air operated air pressure air reaction air receiver air stopping air strainer air sweeping air throttle air-actuated air-dump car air-gap flux air-gap pull air-launched airport site airscrew fan ajour fabric alarm device alarm signal alarm system albumin glue alcohol fuel alginic acid aligning bar aligning pin aliquot part alkalescence alkalescency alkali glass alkali metal alkali-proof alkaliferous alkaline lye alkalization alkoxylation all-electric allelotropic alligatoring allochtonous allomorphous alloyed gold allspice oil alpha bronze alpha-active alpha-rubber alto-cumulus alto-stratus alum tanning am reception amalgamation amateur band ambursen dam amelioration ameliorative aminoalcohol ammonia soda ampere gauge ampere meter ampere metre ampere's law amyl acetate amylogenesis anaesthetize anastigmatic anastomosing anchoic acid anchor chain anchor davit anchor mixer anchor plate anchor screw and function and operator angelic acid angelica oil angle branch angle cutter angle flange angle of lag angle of yaw angle pulley angle shears angle sheave angle washer angle wrench angle-rafter angular feed angular file angular gear angular hole angular rate angular sand angular slip angular stop angular test anhydro ring anionotropic annular gate annular gear annular wing anode bridge anode copper anode effect anode keying antenna coil antenna fair antenna feed antenna fuse antenna gain antenna head antenna jack antenna lead antenna lens antenna loss antenna mast antenna post antenna wire anthraxolite anti t-r box anti-jamming anticipation antifriction antineutrino antiparticle antisoftener antisticking anvil chisel anvil cinder anvil swedge apex of arch apex of cave aphengescope apical angle appraisement approach aid approach cut apron feeder apyrous clay aquocompound aquolization arc cracking arc ignition arc spectrum arc tracking arch culvert arch viaduct arched floor arcing earth arcing fault arcing horns arcuate path arcwall head area monitor area of beam argentic ion argentometry argillaceous argon method arm elevator arm of angle arm of crane arm of force armour gland armour plate armoured car aromatic tar arrester rod arsenic acid arsenopyrite arsine oxide arsinic acid articulation asat missile ash analysis ashlar brick ashlar vault aspect ratio asphalt felt asphalt flux asphialtenes assembly jig assist strap assumed load atmospherics atom physics atom smasher atomic blast atomic clock atomic field atomic group atomic orbit atomic power atomic radii atomic ratio atomic state atomic waste atomizer tip attemperator audible call audible test audible tone audio signal auger effect auricompound aurocompound auscultation austempering auto reverse autocoupling autoignition autoleveller autophoresis autotitrator average life average size average time axial magnet axial spring axial stress axial thrust axial vector axial vortex axis control axle journal axle spindle azel display azimuth beam azimuth disk azimuth gear azimuth mark abrased glass abrasion test abrasive belt abrasive disk abrasive dust abrasive wear abrupt change absblute path absolute term absolute time absolute unit absolute zero absorbability abundant year abutment pier abutment wall academic rank acaroid resin accelerometer accendibility accented term accept a call acceptor atom acceptor-type accepts as is accident-free accompaniment accuracy rate acetate fibre acetate rayon acetification acetone yeast acetonitrilic acetonylidene acetyl number acetylization acid capacity acid chloride acid fastness acid hydrogen acid leaching acid pickling acid reaction acid solution acid strength acidification acidity index acknowledging aconitic acid acoustic buoy acoustic dial acoustic fuse acoustic horn acoustic lens acoustic line acoustic mass acoustic pipe acoustic wave acoustic wind acrylic fibre acrylic resin acrylonitrile actinouranium active centre active dipole active filler active homing active module active nuclei active oxygen active volume actual output actual stress actual volume actuating air actuating arm actuating cam acyclic graph adapting pipe adaptive unit addendum cone addendum line address order adduct rubber adherend slag adhesive film adit entrance adjustability adjuster bolt adjusting ear adjusting key adjusting nut adjusting pin adjusting rod admeasurement admission cam admit a claim advance angle advance pulse adverse grade aerated rayon aerated water aerial camera aerial survey aeroacoustics aerodynamical aeromechanics aerosoloscope affected zone afforestation after-working agarophoresis agate bearing age hardening age of fishes age of patent agglomeration agglutination agogic accent ahead running ahead turbine aim corrector aiming circle aiming device air ambulance air capacitor air collector air connexion air contactor air deflector air discharge air equipment air extractor air formation air hardening air oxidation air partition air quenching air regulator air seasoning air splitting air strangler air tempering air transport air-repellent airborne dust airborne tank aircraft fuel airway beacon albany grease albuminolysis alcohol ester alcohol ether alcohol gauge alcoholometry alert circuit alert message algebraic sum aligning stud alive circuit alizarine dye alizarol ruby alizol colour alkali halide alkali liquid alkaline land alkaline soil all-automatic all-in tariff all-rag paper all-up weight allelotropism alloisomerism alloyed diode alloyed steel alluvial gold alluvial soil allyl complex alpha chamber alpha counter alpha uranium alphabet size alumina brick alumina cloth aluminic acid aluminography aluminothermy ambient light ambient noise amended claim american bond amidocyanogen amino complex aminoplastics ammeter shunt ammonia water ampere-minute ampere-second amphibian car amplification amplitude lag analogue form analytic form anchor column and operation anechoic room angle adendum angle bearing angle bracket angle diagram angle of bank angle of beam angle of boom angle of fall angle of lead angle of root angle of tilt angle of view angular error angular pitch angular point angular speed angular tooth angular wheel aniline black animal coniin animal starch anise camphor annealing box annealing oil annealing pot annular borer annular float annular space annular vault annular wheel anode battery anode current anode divider anode stopper anode voltage answer signal answering key antenna array antenna cable antenna choke antenna field antenna frame antenna input antenna noise antenna power antenna tower anthophyllite anthracolours anthroic acid anthropogenic antibacterial anticlinorium anticoagulant anticrostator antimonyl ion antique brick antiradiation antiresonance antirust coat antisatellite antiset agent antiskid tyre antistripping antivibration anvil cushion anvil fitting anviled anvil aperture lens aperture mask aperture stop apex distance apparent noon apparent time applied force applied power apply a force apply voltage apportionment approach ramp approach road approach span approval test approximately approximation approximative appurtenances arabian style arabonic acid arbor support arc converter arc convertor arc discharge arc of action arc of motion arc rectifier arch abutment arch covering arch keystone arched bridge arched girder arched window archless kiln arcing ground arctic circle area of turns areal geology argentometric arm of couple armature coil armoured deck armoured dook armoured hose aromatic ring aromatization array segment arrival curve arsenic bloom arsenic glass arsenic white arsenic-cured arsenous acid arterial road aryl compound asbestos wool ash-free fuel ashlar facing asphalt block asphalt grout asphalt paper asphalt plant asphalt sheet asphaltogenic asphaltum oil aspiring pump assault plane assault rifle assay of feed assembly belt assembly line assembly room assembly shop assembly time assembly unit asteroid zone astrobotanics astrodynamics astroemulsion at full speed atom smashing atom transfer atomic boiler atomic charge atomic dipole atomic engine atomic kernel atomic nuclei atomic number atomic radius atomic rocket atomic volume atomic weapon atomic weight atomized fuel atomizer cone atomizing tip atoxylic acid attached atom attached pier attack bomber attemperation attention key attested copy audible sound auger machine auriform file auroral storm auscultoscope autocatalysis autochthonous autoconnected autooxidation autopollution autoresonance autumn timber auxiliary cam auxiliary fan auxiliary jet average depth average noise average power average speed average stock aviation fuel axial bearing axial eddyies axial section axial tension axial turbine axle bearings azimuth angle azimuth scale abandoned call abandoned mine abel's reagent abhesive layer ability rating abode blasting above-critical abrasion waste abrasion wheel abrasive brick abrasive cloth abrasive grain abrasive paper abrasive stick abrasive stuck abrasive wheel absolute error absolute index absolute pitch absolute scale absolute value absorb voltage absorbing trap absorptiometer absorptiometry absorptiveness abutment joint abutment piece abutment stone abutments arch abutting joint ac-dc receiver acceelerograph acceptor level access railway accidents-free accomplishment accordion dook accuracy check accuracy error accuracy table acetate fabric acetylene lamp acid behaviour acid carbonate acid catalysis acid treatment acoustic board acoustic cloud acoustic delay acoustic field acoustic noise acoustic panel acoustic power acoustic vault acoustics felt acting surface action turbine active antenna active current active element active lattice active nucleus active product active profile active solvent active station active surface active turbine active volcano active voltage activity cycle actual acidity actual cut-off actual monitor actual reserve actuating path actuating roll acute triangle adapter sleeve adapting piece adcock antenna addendum angle adding element adding network addition agent additive error additive noise adhesion wheel adhesive force adhesive joint adhesive layer adhesive power adiabatic line adjacent angle adjust to zero adjustable cam adjustable dog adjustable jet adjustable jib adjustable lip adjustable tap adjusting gear adjusting head adjusting mark adjusting ring adjusting shim adjusting shop adjusting unit admiralty mile admission lead admission line admission pipe admission port admitting pipe admixture heat adsorbed layer advance signal advanced print advanced spark adventive cone adverse effect adverse impact aerial mapping aerial network aerial picture aerial ropeway aerial tramway aeroballistics aeroplane shed after bulkhead aftershrinkage aftertreatment ageing process aging of valve agitating vane agitation cone agitator truck agnotozoic era aided tracking ail-season oil air classifier air compressor air connection air economizer air eliminator air elutriator air floatation air horsepower air humidifier air insulation air monitoring air photograph air suspension air-blown core air-controlled air-core cable air-dried size air-dried wood air-dry weight air-flow meter air-flow metre air-speed tube air-sweetening air-tight seal airborne radar airport beacon airscrew blade airscrew speed airway horizon ajour fabricss albino asphalt alcohol engine alcohol ketone alcoholic acid alcoholization algebraic sign alginate fibre aligned nuclei alkali element alkali-soluble alkaline earth alkaline water alkene complex alkyl compound alkyne complex all-hypersonic all-metal body all-steel vice all-steel vise all-transistor all-watt motor allelomorphism allelomorphous alligator clip alligator skin allomucic acid allowable load alloying metal alpha absorber alpha particle alpha radiator alpha-emitting alpha-position alternate mode alternate tool altitude gauge altitude meter altitude metre aluminium alum aluminium foil aluminium soap aluminothermic amateur camera american meson ammino complex ammonia liquid ampere density amphibian tank amphoteric ion amplifier gain amplitude code amplitude gain analog display analogous pole analogue adder analogue input analytic grade anchor by jack anchor capstan anchorage pier anchors davits ancillary jack anechoic space angering bench angle cutterss angle diameter angle of bevel angle of climb angle of flare angle of shift angle of shock angle of sight angle of slide angle of slope angle of stall angle of sweep angle of taper angle of twist angle one-half angle stripper angle tracking angular minute angular motion angular offset angular strain angular thread aniline colour anion exchange anionic ligand annealing oven annual mileage annual payment annual traffic annular magnet annular nozzle annular recess anode detector anode follower anode-site cap anodic coating antarctic pole antenna effect antenna feeder antenna filter antenna strand antenna switch antenna system anthracene dye anthracography anti-clockwise antiderivative antifoam agent antihunt field antiknock fuel antimonic acid antimony black antimony bloom antimony glass antimony white antiplug relay antisensitizer antiskid chain antislip agent aperture angle aperture ratio aperture sight apertured disk apexes of arch aplanatic lens apparent aster apparent focus apparent heave apparent orbit apparent power apparent throw appleseed file appliance load applied optics appraisal cost apprenticeship approach angle approach speed approved cable apron conveyer apron conveyor apron elevator arabic numeral arbitrary unit arbor-type hob arc discharger arc extinction arc of contact arc protection arc resistance arch anticline arch timbering arched culvert archeozoic era arduous duties armature bands armature shaft armoured cable armoured glass armoured train arrehenic acid arresting stop arrival signal arsanilic acid arsenic yellow arsenocompound article patent artificial ear artificial gas artificial gum artillery site asbestos board ascending node ascending pipe ascension pipe aseptic cotton ashlar masonry asphalt cement asphalt cooker asphalt filler asphalt heater asphalt kettle asphalt mortar assault glider assembled view assembling die assembling pin assembly clamp assembly dolly assembly floor assembly plant assembly robot assembly stand assignment key assorted sizes astatic needle astatic system astern running astern turbine astromechanics atomic battery atomic bindery atomic defence atomic lattice atomic nucleus atomic orbital atomic physics atomic reactor atomic shelter atomic species attack display attribute data attrition mill attrition test audible region audible signal auger stellite aural detector autoconduction autoconnection autocovariance autoexcitation autoheterodyne automatic bias automatic feed automatic grip automatic lift automatic stop automatic test automatic weld autoprotolysis autoregulation auxiliary bond auxiliary grid auxiliary ship auxiliary view auxuliary coil available head available time average method average number average sample average sewage averaged curve axial armature axial pressure axial response axial rotation axial symmetry axial vortices axial-flow fan azimuth circle azimuth effect azimuth method azimuth spread azimuth system a-type calender a-type constant abonnement call abort condition above the level abrasion tester abrasive action abrupt junction absolute coding absolute maxima absolute motion absolute number absolute symbol absolute system absolute weight absorbed energy absorbent paper absorption band absorption bulb absorption edge absorption loss absorption peak absorption rate absorption test abstract number abyssal deposit abyssinian gold academic degree accelerator rod acceptance test acceptor adduct accessory drive accessory shaft acclimatization accumulator box accumulator car accumulator jar accuracy rating acetacetic acid acetilenic acid acetyl chloride acetylene black acetylenic bond achromatic lens acid hydrolysis acid ionization acid pulsometer acid shock bath acid-resistance acid-solubility acinose texture acknowledgement acoustic alarms acoustic baffle acoustic branch acoustic damper acoustic dazzle acoustic dipole acoustic energy acoustic filter acoustic homing acoustic memory acoustic mirror acoustic screen acoustic signal acoustic system acoustical load activated stock activated water activation heat active additive active material active repeater active terminal actual-use test actuated button actuating lever actuating motor actuating shaft adamant clinker adamantine spar adapter bearing adaptive system add together up added pollution addend register addendum circle addition record additional load additive method additive mixing adequate supply adhesion factor adhesive-backed adiabatic curve adjacent vortex adjust for wear adjust the tool adjust to value adjustable dial adjustable jack adjustable port adjustable seat adjustable stop adjuster cotter adjusting piece adjusting range adjusting screw adjusting strip adjusting valve adjusting wedge adjusting wheel adjustment coil adjustment knob adjustment mark adjustment ring admiralty brass admiralty metal admission space admission valve adsorption film adulterated oil advance control advance heading advance payment advanced flying advective model aeolian deposit aerial cableway aerial conveyer aerial conveyor affected zoness after hardening after-expansion aftercombustion age of concrete ageing of valve aggregate error agitair machine agitating lorry ahead eccentric ahead of centre aid maintenance aiming aperture air circulation air compartment air conditioner air humidifying air interchange air photography air-conditioned air-cooled tube air-cooling fan air-core magnet air-dried brick air-ejector fan air-escape cock air-filled tyre air-float table air-foam rubber air-gap leakage air-gap trimmer air-relief cock air-sand blower air-slaked lime air-space cable air-suction box air-supply pipe air-tight joint air-vent window airborne beacon aircraft camera aircraft engine airfoil section airscrew thrust alarm manometer alarm-type fuse aldehyde acetal aldehyde ketone algaroth powder alien frequency alighting speed aligning reamer alignment chart aliquot portion alkacid process alkali fastness alkaline fusion alkaline rubber alkuprint plate all-flying tail all-pass filter all-wheel drive allomaleic acid allotriomorphic allowable error allowable level alloy cast iron alpha oxidation alpha radiation alphabetic code alphabetic word alternate bonds alternate route alternate track altitude flight altogether coal aluminia cement aluminium brass aluminium flake aluminium plate am demodulation amateur station ambulance train ampere constant amphibian lorry amphibian truck ample dimension amplidyne drive amplifier stage amplifying lamp amplifying tube amplitude delay amyriotic field analog computer analogue memory analogue method analogue signal analytic factor analytic method analytical form anchored bridge anchoring screw anderson bridge aneroid chamber angle at centre angle electrode angle jaw tongs angle of action angle of ascent angle of aspect angle of attack angle of centre angle of groove angle of leeway angle of repose angle of spiral angle of thread angle of vision angle tolerance angle-measuring angular capital angular density angular measure angular milling angular planing angular setting animal charcoal anionic vacancy annual rainfall annular plunger anode converter anode convertor anode detection anode selection anodic reaction antenna bearing antenna booster antenna circuit antenna current antenna damping antenna feeding antenna halyard antenna housing antenna lead-in antenna pattern anthropocentric anthropochorous anticlinal limb anticlinal turn antidazzle lamp antiferromagnet antiferromagnon antihunt action antileak cement antimonoue acid antimony crocus antimony glance antimony yellow antioxygenation antirust grease antiskid device antiskid factor apartment house apparatus claim apparent albedo apparent length apparent motion apparent output apparent stress apparent volume applicator roll applied physics applied science applied voltage applies a force apply a tension appreciable mat approach beacon approved design aqueous ammonia arc transmitter arc-lamp carbon arc-through arc arc-welding set arcaded cornice arcatom welding arch of a vault arched buttress arcing distance arcless welding arcwall machine area integrator area monitoring area of bearing area of passage area of section arenaceous rock argon discharge argon glow lamp arithmetic mean arm-type holder armature copper armature spider array processor arresting lever articulated arm articulated bus articulated rod artificial gold artificial horn artificial lake artificial load artificial silk artificial wool artificial year artillery range aryloxy radical ascending grade ascorbinic acid ash constituent ash-pan scraper asparagus stone asphalt coating asphalt cutback asphalt macadam asphalt topping aspirating tube assembling bolt assembly pulley assigned patent associated line associated mass associated wave associative law astatic element asteroid zoness astigmatic lens astroballistics astronavigation astrophotometry atactic polymer atmospheric air atmospheric ion atom population atomic analysis atomic diameter atomic g factor atomic ordering atomic particle atomic spectrum atomic subshell attached bubble attaching clamp attachment bolt attachment clip attack a design attack a patent attack aircraft attack aviation attack validity attacked patent attenuating pad attraction zone attribute gauge audibility zone audible spectra audio indicator audio-frequency auditory acuity augmented fifth aural detection aural reception autoclave press autocollimation autocorrelogram autolithography automate engine automatic block automatic brake automatic check automatic cycle automatic grate automatic lathe automatic pilot automatic point automatic radar automatic radio automatic reset automatic start automatic steel automatic valve automobile fuel automotive fuel autoradiography autoscreen film autotransformer auxilary bridge auxiliary angle auxiliary anode auxiliary relay auxiliary shaft auxiliary steam auxiliary track auxiliary valve available power avalanche diode average current average grading average voltage aviation engine aviation spirit avoidable delay axe out of line axial admission axial amplitude axial clearance axial-flow pump azimuth bearing azimuth compass azimuth control azimuthal angle abandoned patent abnormal contact abort from orbit above-grade wall abrasive cutting abrasive enforce abrasive surface absolute alcohol absolute ceiling absolute maximum absolute novelty absorbing filter absorbing medium absorbing screen absorption paper absorption power absorption water absorptive power accelerated flow accelerated test acceleration jet acceptance angle acceptance gauge acceptance stamp acceptor circuit accidental count accidental error accidental event accordant valley accretion by gas accrued interest accumulator cell accumulator grid accuracy landing accuracy to size acetic anhydride acicular crystal acid brittleness acid-fixing bath acid-proof brick acid-proof paint acidity constant acidity function ackrington brick acoustic heating acoustic impulse acoustic matcher acoustic opacity acoustic pick-up acoustic plaster acoustic spectra acoustic storage acoustic torpedo acousto-electric acrobatic flight actinide hydride actinodielectric action of merits action principle action programme activated carbon active electrode active operation active programme active reflector active trademark active vibration activity cycless actual operation actual parameter actuating camses actuating device actuating medium ad hoc programme adapter coupling adaptive antenna adaptive circuit adaptive control adder-subtractor addition cascade additional noise additional twist additive measure additive mixture addressed memory adduct formation adhesive ability adhesive bonding adhesive plaster adjacency matrix adjacent-channel adjoint operator adjust a bearing adjustable blade adjustable crank adjustable frame adjustable guide adjustable lever adjustable shore adjustable speed adjusting collar adjusting cotter adjusting device adjusting spring adjustment curve adjustment notch adjustment plate adjusts to value admiralty bronze admissible error admissible value admission camses admission period admission stroke admit a solution advance ignition advance solenoid advance sparking advance to speed advanced by hand advanced opening advancing mining advancing system adventive crater advisory service aerated concrete aerial conductor aerodynamic body aerodynamic form aeronautic chart affine connexion afterglow screen ageing apparatus aggregated compo agitating blower air conditioning air interchanger air permeability air pillot valve air search radar air-cell battery air-cell chamber air-cooled motor air-floated dust air-fuel mixture air-gauge tracer air-inlet screen air-knife coater air-lift machine air-raid shelter air-shaft tipple air-volume meter air-volume metre airborne battery airborne scanner aircraft bonding aircraft carrier airscrew flutter akins classifier alcohol aldehyde aldehyde hydrate aldehyde leather alexandria paper algebra of logic algebraic number alicyclic series alignment marker alizarine colour alkali-insoluble alkali-resistant alkaline battery alkylate bottoms all-electric set all-geared drive all-in aggregate all-welded frame alligator shears alligator wrench allot a junction alloy transistor alloying element alluvial deposit alternate joints alternate layout alternate motion alternate stress alternating load alternative tool altitude chamber altitude tinting alumetized steel aluminium beaten aluminium bridge aluminium bronze aluminium solder aluminium-backed aluminized steel ambient pressure aminoformic acid ammonia soda ash ammonium sulfate ammonium sulfide amorphous region amphoteric oxide amplifying valve amplitude factor amplitude filter amplitude method anacamptic sound analogue channel analogue circuit analogue machine analogue voltage analysing magnet analytical grade anechoic chamber angle modulation angle of advance angle of bending angle of chamfer angle of descent angle of rifling angle of setting angle of torsion angle projection angle toolholder angle-iron frame angular accuracy angular aperture angular distance angular function angular momentum angular parallax angular position angular velocity animated cartoon anisotropy ratio annealing colour anniversary wind annual amplitude annual variation anode dark space anode modulation anode resistance anode sputtering anodic oxidation anodized coating anomalistic year antarctic circle antenna aperture antenna coupling antenna earthing antenna extender antenna mounting antenna position antenna scanning antenna terminal anti-noise paint antiaircraft gun anticaking agent anticrash device antifreezing oil antihunt circuit antiknock rating antimony regulus antimony sulfide antipinking fuel antipodal points antiradar device antirust coating antisidetone set antitank grenade antitank missile aperiodic motion aperiodic regime aperture of beam aperture of door apparent acidity apparent contact apparent density apparent horizon applied research approach control approach section arbitrary access arbitrary origin arc-welding head arch-shaped roof arched falsework arched principal area of adhesion area of fracture area restriction argenic compound argental mercury arithmetic check arithmetic paper aritificial bars armature winding armoured carrier array identifier arrested sloping arresting device arsenic compound arterial traffic artifical magnet artificial aging artificial light artificial meson artillery rocket ascending stroke ascensional rate ash-bearing fuel asphalt grouting asphalt pavement asphalt-free oil aspheric arsenic assay laboratory assay of tailing assembling press assembly drawing assembly machine assisted control assisted draught associative path assumed function assurance factor asterism of mica aston dark space astrometeorology astrophotography asymmetric graph asymmetric joint asymmetrict atom at-rest position atmospheric duct atomic amplifier atomic collision atomic magnetism atomic parameter atomic resonance atomic resonator atomic structure atomizing nozzle attachment chain attachment screw attended station attention signal attenuated layer attenuation line attenuation time attitude control attractive force attractive power audible spectrum audio attenuator audio modulation audio oscillator auger transition aural perception austenitic steel authorized speed automated system automatic alarms automatic coding automatic feeder automatic firing automatic scales automatic sizing automatic stoker automatic switch automatic system automatic washer automatic weapon automatic welder automaton coding automaton memory automobile wagon autooscillations autumnal equinox auxiliary beacon auxiliary blower auxiliary boiler auxiliary camses auxiliary device auxiliary labour auxiliary memory auxiliary worker available output avalanche baffle average forecast average velocity axe of reference axial lead compo axonometric view ayrton's ammeter azimuth accuracy azimuth coverage azimuth equation azimuthal motion above the average abrasion hardness abrasive cleaning abrasive hardness abridged notation abrupt transition absolute accuracy absolute altitude absolute constant absolute humidity absolute pressure absolute velocity absorb the damage absorbing ability absorption dyeing absorption factor absorption method absorption screen absorptive lining abutment pressure accelerated aging accelerated speed accelerated stock accelerating grid accelerating pump accelerating unit acceleration pump acceleration test accelerator pedal acceptance number acceptor impurity accessory charges accessory mineral accumulated error accumulated value accumulator drive accumulator metal accumulator plant accumulator plate accurate grinding accurate scanning accurate to gauge acetamidochloride acetate cellulose acetate dye-stuff acetic acid dimer acetimidochloride acetylene complex acetylene welding achromatic colour acid-proof lining acid-sprayed clay acoustic absorber acoustic feedback acoustic fidelity acoustic interval acoustic material acoustic pressure acoustic radiator acoustic spectrum acoustic velocity acoustical damper acoustical ranger acoustical signal acoustical system acoustooptic cell actinoelectricity action correction activated cathode activated complex activated lacquer activating signal activation energy activation method activation volume active experiment active page queue active prominence active prominency active transducer active voltampere actual cord break actual efficiency acyclic generator addition compound addition reaction additional charge additional patent additive function additive property additive reaction additive-type oil addressed storage adds term by term adequate accuracy adhesive capacity adiabatic cooling adiabatic heating adiabatic process adjacent vortices adjoint functions adjust vertically adjustable camses adjustable clutch adjustable nozzle adjustable pulley adjustable reamer adjustable throat adjustable wrench adjusting element adjustment needle admission chamber admission opening admission section advance of a tool advanced ignition advanced research advances to speed advertising costs aeoline vibration aerial absorption aerial navigation aerial photograph aerodynamic range aeroplane flutter affected equation affine connection after contraction ageing properties aggregate grading agraphitic carbon ahead of schedule air section break air vent of mould air-blast breaker air-cooled engine air-earth current air-floating head air-line distance air-operated gate air-pressure duct air-pressure test air-riding pallet air-seasoned wood air-steam mixture air-supply system air-survey camera air-swept surface air-tight machine air-tight packing air-tyred tractor air-wall material aircraft industry alarm annunciator alcoholic ammonia aleatory variable alignment of road alignment optical alimentation area alinement of road alinement optical alkali-metal salt alkaline reaction alkaline silicate alkaline solution alkyl-substituted all-wave receiver all-wing aircraft allosteric effect allotropic change allowable voltage allowed increment alloying addition alpha bombardment alpha-radioactive alpha-ray isotope alphabetic string alphanumeric code alternating compo alternating field alternating force alternating-phase aluminium furnace aluminized screen amalgamated plate ammonium compound ammonium sulphate ammonium sulphide ammonium vanadate amount of royalty ampere-hour meter ampere-hour metre amphibian vehicle amplitude sampler amplitude spectra analytic function analytic geometry analytic reaction analytical factor analytical method analytical scales anchorage bearing anchoring fascine ancillary circuit angle of altitude angle of crossing angle of friction angle of gradient angle of parallax angle of rotation angle of sideslip angle of tapering angle of underlay angling downwards angular deviation angular dimension angular frequency angular surveying anhydrous alcohol anionic collector annealing furnace annual aberration annular extrusion annunciator panel anode capacitance anode compartment anode conductance anode-ray current anomalistic month antenna amplifier antenna capacitor antenna condenser antenna connexion antenna decrement antenna impedance antenna insulator antenna reactance antenna reflector antenna waveguide anthraquinone dye antiaircraft tank antibaryon charge antifatigue agent antiferroelectric antiferromagnetic antifouling paint antigum inhibitor antihum capacitor antimony sulphide antiparallelogram antirot substance antirusting agent antirusting paint antitarnish agent antithetic events antivibration pad aperiodic antenna aperiodic circuit aperiodic damping aperiodic element aperiodic network apparent altitude apparent variable application point applicator system applied acoustics applied chemistry applied mechanics appreciable error appreciable matte approach lighting approximate model arc extinguishing arc-fur electrode arch-buttress dam arches of a vault area of pile head area of structure area of the hands areal deformation argon-arc welding arithmetic series arithmetical mean arithmetical unit arm-support stand armature of cable armature of relay armature reaction armour protection armour-plate mill armoured bulkhead armoured carriage armoured concrete aromatic compound arrow-shaped knob artesian fountain articulated joint articulated robot articulated shaft articulation loss artificial ageing artificial caving artificial cotton artificial rubber artillery caisson ascending current ascentional power asphaltic bitumen aspirating stroke assembled battery assembling fitter assembly language astatic governing astronomical time astronomical unit astronomical year astrospectroscopy asymptotic series at a uniform rate at infinity point athwartship plane atmosphere attack atmospheric front atmospheric noise atmospheric rerun atmospheric riser atmospheric valve atmospheric water atomic absorption atomic adsorption atomic dispersion atomic energetics atomic ionization atomic propulsion atomic refraction atomic scattering attachment flange attenuation ratio attraction zoness audibility zoness audible frequency audio engineering audio transformer audio-noise meter audio-noise metre aural transmitter auriferous gravel australian window autodecomposition automatic braking automatic cut-out automatic logging automatic machine automatic reading automatic release automatic ringing automatic sealing automatic setting automatic starter automatic station automatic tipping automatic welding automobile engine autopositive film autostabilization auxiliary element auxiliary station auxiliary storage auxiliary support auxiliary turbine auxiliary winding auxilliary rocket avalanche defence average amplitude average deviation averaged function aviation gasolene aviation gasoline aviation kerosene avoirdupois pound axial compression axial-flow blower abandoned workings ability to do work abnormal discharge abnormal operation abrasion-resistant absence of current absolute altimeter absolute apparatus absolute deviation absolute elevation absolute potential absolute programme absolute variation absolute viscosity absolutely neutral absorbing capacity absorbing material absorbing property absorption balance absorption current absorption machine absorption of heat absorption pipette absorption spectra absorption surface abuse of invention accelerated ageing accelerated motion accelerating agent accelerating anode accelerating field accelerating force accelerating relay accept a challenge acceptor behaviour accessory material accomodation train accounting machine accumulating adder accumulator system acicular cast iron acid concentration acid-base reaction acid-proof varnish ackermann steering acoustic altimeter acoustic amplifier acoustic frequency acoustic generator acoustic impedance acoustic labyrinth acoustic reflector acoustic resonance acoustic resonator acoustic stiffness acoustic vibration acoustic waveguide acoustical logging acoustical network action for damages action for renewal activated molecule activation process active-power relay active-return loss activity in series actual measurement actual reliability actuating pressure actuating quantity acuity for defocus additive oxidation addressing machine addressless format adjacent of window adjustable bearing adjustable bracket adjustable orifice adjustable shutter adjustable spanner admission pressure admission velocity adverse conditions aerial observation aeronautical chart aerophotogrammetry aerospace industry aerospace standard affected quadratic aging of solutions air classification air impermeability air supported hall air transportation air-cooled turbine air-cored betatron air-driven turbine air-dry sand mould air-drying machine air-hardened steel air-hardening lime air-leg attachment air-operated brake air-operated chuck air-operated valve air-setting mortar air-to-air missile air-vapour mixture airborne equipment aldol condensation algebraic function aligned-grid valve alignment accuracy alkali-earth metal alkaline cellulose alkaline developer alkaline treatment alkylating reagent all-brick building all-concrete frame all-mains receiver all-union standard alledged invention alligator squeezer allocation problem allowable exposure allowable pressure allowed transition alpha luminescence alpha spectroscopy alpha-decay energy alpha-survey meter alpha-survey metre alternate solution alternating series alternative design altitude converter altitude convertor altitude indicator aluminium compound aluminium jacketed aluminium silicate ambidentate ligand ambient conditions ambiguous function ambulance aircraft american vermilion ammonium tungstate ampere-hour effect amplifier-invertor amplifying circuit amplifying winding amplitude increase amplitude response amplitude selector amplitude spectrum anaerobic adhesive analog computation analogue converter analogue convertor analogue simulator analytical balance anastatic printing anchorage capacity ancillary activity angle at periphery angle cutting tool angle of curvature angle of deviation angle of elevation angle of obliquity angle of phase lag angle of radiation angle-lever shears angular deflection angular dependence angular instrument angular resolution anisotropic liquid anisotropic medium annealed cast iron annular classifier annular micrometer anode rest current answer-back signal antenna attenuator antenna connection antenna cross-talk antenna discharger antenna efficiency antenna excitation antenna inductance antenna resistance antenna-scan motor anthracolitization anti-rotation lock antiblushing agent anticlinal flexure anticreaming agent antiferromagnetism antifreezing agent antifriction alloy antifriction metal antiknock gasolene antiknock gasoline antimissile rocket antimony skimmings antirocket defence antiskinning agent antistatic antenna antistatic coating antisticking agent antisymmetric load antitank artillery apartment building aperiodical regime aperture diaphragm aperture of bridge apothecaries pound apparent lunar day apparent magnitude apparent solar day applied geophysics approach of bridge approximate method approximate number arbitrary constant arbitrary function arbitrary sequence arc-discharge lamp arched gravity dam archimedean spiral architect-surveyor architrave cornice argentous compound arithmetic average armature clearance armature reactance armoured formation armouring for cord articulation index artificial antenna artificial asphalt artificial camphor artificial channel artificial climate artificial crystal artificial draught artificial horizon artificial retting artificial support ascendable chimney ascensional motion asphaltic concrete aspherical arsenic assembling machine assistant engineer associative memory astatic instrument astatic microphone astrographic chart astronomical clock asymmetrictal atom asynchronous adder asyrnmetric carbon athmospheric layer atmospheric engine atmospheric oxygen atmospheric window atomic accelerator atomic irradiation atomic power plant atomic-beam source attachment of cars attenuation factor attenuation length attenuation period audibility current audible indication audible inspection augerbrick machine aurial-type beacon auroral absorption auto control lever auto-manual switch autoclave moulding autogenous cutting automatic assembly automatic coupling automatic exchange automatic guidance automatic recorder automatic steering automatic tracking automatic traverse automobile trailer autothermic piston auxiliary function auxiliary variable available accuracy available capacity avalanche cadastre average brightness average efficiency average expression average regression awning-type window axial-flow turbine azeotropic mixture azimuth commutator azimuth instrument abandoned invention abatement of patent aberration of tight abnormal indication above-the-sea level abrasion resistance abrasive resistance absence of contrast absolute chronology absolute continuity absolute efficiency absolute expression absolute inequality absorption analysis absorption capacity absorption gasolene absorption gasoline absorption spectrum absorption strength abstraction of heat accelerated erosion accelerated service accelerating nozzle acceleration damper acceleration nozzle accept a hypothesis acceptance criteria acceptance of batch accepted by channel accessible terminal accessory equipment accident prevention accidental exposure accidental printing accidental variance accomodation ladder according to sample accordion partition accumulating device accumulating effect accumulator battery accumulator by-pass accumulator counter accurasy of reading acetosalicylic acid acetylation process acetylene generator acicular martensite acid bessemer steel acid saponification acid shock fixation acid-base indicator acid-base mechanism acoustic absorption acoustic cavitation acoustic delay line acoustic dispersion acoustic distortion acoustic properties acoustic radiometer acoustic refraction acoustic relaxation acoustic resistance acoustic scattering acoustical adhesive acoustical constant acrylonitrile fibre activated diffusion activation analysis activation enthalpy active-energy meter active-energy metre actuating mechanism adaptive correction additional building additivity of means adhesion-preventing adhesive properties adiabatic expansion adjustable inductor adjustable resistor adjusting condenser adjustment controls adjustment function admixture to cement adoptive metallurgy adsorption analysis adverse environment advertising formula aerodynamic balance aerodynamic quality aerodynamic surface aerodynamic turbine aeronautical beacon after-sales service against nature game age coating of lamp ageing of solutions agglomerating index aggregate thickness air-control breaker air-cooled ignitron air-core inductance air-cushion vehicle air-defence missile air-filtering plant air-flow controller air-flow resistance air-gap transformer air-hardening steel air-hydraulic press air-operated system air-placed concrete air-pressure switch air-traffic control air-water interface alcohol phosphatase alcohol thermometer alignment of wheels alinement of wheels alkali-earth halide alkali-metal cation alkaline degreasing alkaline hydrolysis alkaline resistance alkylation gasolene alkylation gasoline all-metal tube base all-purpose tractor all-rocket armament all-weather fighter all-weather landing allowable variation allowance of credit alpha-meric display alphabetic notation alphabetic telegram alternating current alternating voltage altitude conversion altitude transducer alum-tanned leather ambient temperature amidoxylacetic acid ammonia carburizing amount of looseness amplidyne generator amplification relay amplifier-rectifier amplifying klystron amplitude modulator amplitude of stress amplitude resonance amplitude separator amplitude variation amplitude-modulated analises elementary analogue comparator analogue multiplier analogue simulation analysis elementary analytic regression analytical geometry ancillary equipment ancillary statistic and logical element angle light fitting angle of abberation angle of alteration angle of connecting angle of depression angle of divergence angle of reflection angle of refraction angle of resistance anglo-classic style angular coefficient angular coordinates angular deformation angular discrepancy angular measurement angular observation anisotropic crystal annihilation photon annular slide valve annunciatior system anode rectification antagonistic spring antenna tilt switch anti-fading antenna anti-felt finishing anti-paralax mirror anti-slip finishing anti-submarine bomb antibonding orbital anticipator circuit anticlockwise twist anticollision radar anticorrosive paint antidazzling device antifreeze solution antifriction grease antimagnetic shield antireaction device antisidetone device antisludge additive antistatic additive antisymmetric state aperiodic discharge aperture admittance aperture correction aperture distortion aperture for window aplanatic objective apparent brightness apparent efficiency apparent inductance apparent resistance application of load application of tool applied mathematics approach embankment approach navigation approximate contour approximate formula approximate reading apriory probability arbitrary parameter arc of belt contact arched concrete dam architectural order area identification area of evaporation area of indentation argillaceous bottom arithmetic register arithmetic relation arm support bracket armature projection articulated support artificial cinnabar artificial daylight artificial language artificial lighting artificial variable assembled programme assembling pressure assessment criteria assign an invention assigned addressing associative element associative storage astigmatism control astronomic latitude asymmetric sideband asymmetrical dipole asymmetrical effect asymmetrical system asymmetrical thread asynchronic control atmospheric braking atmospheric topping atomic energy level atomic energy plant atomic polarization attainable accuracy attended substation attending personnel attitude controller audible busy signal audiovisual message auto-retract switch automatic balancing automatic following automatic generator automatic operation automatic parachute automatic regulator automatic sprinkler automatic telephony automobile engineer automobile industry automotive engineer automotive industry automotive mechanic autoreclose breaker auxiliary discharge auxiliary electrode auxiliary equipment auxiliary headlight auxiliary operation auxiliary reservoir available equipment avalanche breakdown avalanche discharge average annual flow average temperature average uncertainty averaging operation axial-flow turbojet axle-pivot steering azimuth observation a priori information a priori uncertainty above-critical state abrasive wheel grade absolute convergence absolute coordinates absolute measurement absolute probability absolute programming absolute reliability absolute sensitivity absolute temperature absorbent insulation absorption condenser absorption continuum absorption of shocks absorption pyrometer absorption wavemeter ac-operated receiver accelerating chamber accelerating voltage acceleration diagram acceptable deviation acceptance criterion accepted application accidental invention accidental pollution accumulation of data accumulator register accurate measurement acetate staple fibre achromatic objective acid developing bath acid-resistant metal acid-resistant steel acoustic attenuation acoustic capacitance acoustic disturbance acoustic engineering acoustic oscillation acoustic perspective acoustical absorbent acoustical altimeter acoustical frequency acoustical radiation acoustical reactance acoustical resonator acoustically matched across corners width actinic fluorescence actinide contraction activation of homing active retransmitter activity in parallel acyclic hydrocarbons addition to building additional equipment additional treatment additive probability adequate information adhesion coefficient adiabatic transition adjustable clearance adjustable eccentric admissible deviation adopted actual value adsorption indicator advanced development adversing of load up advertising campaign advertising research aerial triangulation aftercrystallization air dehumidification air injection engine air pollution survey air-atomizing burner air-cooled condenser air-cored instrument air-entraining agent air-induction system air-inflated antenna air-launched torpedo air-mineral adhesion airways intersection airy stress function algebraic complement algebraic expression algorithmic language alkali concentration alkali-earth element alkaline accumulator alkaline phosphatase alkaline-earth metal all-geared headstock allocation programme allowance for wastes allowances for waste alloying constituent alpha disintegration alphameric indicator alphanumeric printer alternating quantity ambient light filter american brass alloy amount of inspection amplification factor amplitude distortion amplitude indication amplitude limitation amplitude modulation amplitude separation anallactic telescope analogic programming analogue accelerator analogue computation analogue information analytical chemistry ancient architecture angle of convergence angle of inclination angle-measuring grid angular acceleration angular displacement angular misalignment angular oscillations angular unconformity anion-exchange resin anisotropic universe annual precipitation annular ball bearing anode characteristic anode desintegration anode-protecting cap anomalous dispersion antiaircraft battery antibonding electron anticipating control anticipatory circuit antifriction bearing antigravity conveyer antigravity conveyor antihalation backing antimony oxysulphide antioxidant additive antiparallel feeding antisputtering agent antistatic finishing antisubmarine rocket antisymmetric tensor antitarnishing agent antivibration device aperiodic amplifiers aperiodic instrument application of force application priority approaches of bridge approximate analysis approximate solution approximation method arbor spacing collar arborbearing support arch-and-pier system architectural design architectural survey area of ball imprint arithmetic operation armour-piercing bomb armour-piercing head armoured thermometer armstrong oscillator arr-heating radiator arrangement of holes articulated coupling artificial capacitor artificial satellite artificial seasoning artillery ammunition ascending trajectory ashless filter paper asphalt-mastic floor asphalt-mixing plant assay of concentrate assembling workplace assessment criterion assistant locomotive association reaction astatic galvanometer astatic magnetometer astigmatic objective astronomical azimuth astronomical equator asymmetric conductor asymptotic behaviour athwartship bulkhead atmospheric cracking atmospheric dynamics atmospheric emission atmospheric exposure atmospheric humidity atmospheric moisture atmospheric pressure atomic energy factor atomic power station atomic rearrangement atomic recombination atomic transmutation atomized lubrication atomizing carburator atomizing carbureter atriculated-roof bar attack patentability attenuation constant attitude of workings attractive potential attribute acceptance attrition resistance audio-frequency band audio-frequency wave auditory perspective aural warning device automata composition automatic controller automatic correction automatic protection automatic regulation automatic signalling automatic subroutine automatic substation automatic-feed grate automatic-stop block autonomous automaton autotransfomer start auxiliary power unit available horsepower avalanche transistor average actual value average illumination aviation electronics axial-armature relay azimuthal projection abandoned application above high water mark above-thermal neutron above-threshold level abrasive-belt grinder absolute electrometer absolute galvanometer absolute permittivity absolutely convergent absorption capability absorption modulation absorptive attenuator abstraction of pillar accelerating particle acceleration feedback acceptance inspection accessibility in-situ accumulating cylinder accumulator container accumulator rectifier accumulator separator accurate to dimension acid-base equilibrium acknowledge character acoustic delay device acoustic power factor acoustic spectrometer acoustic transmission acoustic-type antenna acoustical admittance acoustical compliance acoustical efficiency acquisition of patent active antenna height actual-parameter list acute-angled triangle additions to building additivities of means adhesive-bonded joint adiabatic compression adjustable for height adjustable guide vane adjustable resistance advancing by spilling aelf-balancing bridge aerobic decomposition aeronautical engineer aeronautical standard affine transformation agricultural aircraft air pollution control air-blast transformer air-conditioning unit air-injection starter air-measuring station air-operated chucking air-water blast spray airport danger beacon airport hazard beacon alkali-metal silicate allocation of charges allocations of charge allotement of storage alpha-numeric display alphabetic telegraphy altazimuth instrument alternate-stress test alternating discharge aluminium trichloride amalgamation of firms amount of expenditure amount of information ampere-turn per meter amphibious helicopter amplification control amplitude of pressure amplitude selectivity analytic continuation anamorphic television angle bracket support angle of current flow angle of displacement angle of intersection angle of natural slip angle-bending machine angular overlap model annealing temperature anode-cathode spacing anode-current density antenna amplification antenna-control board antenna-feeder system antenna-turning motor anthropogenic erosion anthropogenous factor anti-aircraft defence anti-collision device anti-crease finishing anti-satellite system anticorrosion coating antifreezing compound antimissiles missiles antipathy of minerals antiresonance circuit antishrinking process antisubmarine torpedo aperture compensation apparent actual value apparent radar centre apparent-energy meter apparent-energy metre application programme arborescent structure arc-welding electrode arc-welding generator arcuated architecture arcwise connectedness area of investigation area of reinforcement argue from the sample arithmetic expression arithmetical accuracy armature of condenser armoured galvanometer aromatic hydrocarbons aromatic substitution articulated roof beam articulated trapezium artificial atmosphere ascending development asphalt-bearing stock assembling department assignement statement associative mechanism assurance coefficient astable multivibrator astronomical altitude astronomical latitude asymptotic expression atmospheric acoustics atmospheric condenser atmospheric condition atmospheric corrosion atmospheric discharge atmospheric pollution atmospheric waveguide atomic disintegration atomic polarizability atomic-size magnitude atomizing carburettor attached ground water attenuation equalizer audio-frequency meter audio-frequency metre audio-power amplifier auditory localization autographic pyrometer automatic development automatic lubrication automatic programming automatic transmitter autostabilizer system autosynchronous motor autovulcanizing stock average anual run-off axial-flow compressor axial-flow jet engine axle-driven generator azimuth-sweep circuit above sea level height abrasive cut-off wheel abrasive hardness test abrasive-belt grinding absorption coefficient absorption dynamometer absorption instalation abstract of disclosure accelerated weathering accelerating electrode acceleration generator acceptability criteria acceptance certificate accident of the ground accommodation capacity accordant unconformity accumulator locomotive accuracies of analysis achievable reliability acknowledgement signal acoustic concentration acoustic depth finding acoustics of buildings acquisition of licence activation temperature active cooling surface additional application additional loudspeaker adjustable area nozzle adjustable transformer adjustable-speed motor advanced flame welding aerodynamic laboratory afterglow of discharge agricultural machinery air position indicator air-braking tachometer air-classifying system air-conditioning plant air-entrained concrete air-interchange system air-lubricated bearing air-monitoring station air-operated regulator air-quality monitoring air-to-surface missile airborne radioactivity alicyclic hydrocarbons alignment of telescope alinement of telescope aliphatic hydrocarbons all-glass construction all-position electrode all-purpose instrument alphanumeric character alphanumeric tabulator alternate hydrocarbons altitude-layer tinting aluminium-clad uranium aluminium-coated paper aluminothermic process aluminothermic welding ampere-hour efficiency amperometric titration amphoteric electrolyte amplification constant amplification of gauge amplitude equalization amplitude of vibration amplitude quantization analogue-data recorder analyiser of harmonics anastigmatic objective angle lighting fitting angle of back of tooth angle-pedestal bearing angular discrimination angular transformation anionic polymerization anisotropic absorption anisotropic scattering annihilation radiation anti-satellite missile antiaircraft artillery anticlockwise rotation antiflocculating agent antifluorite structure antifreezing lubricant antiknock actual value antimicrophonic holder apochromatic objective apparent elastic limit apparent spot diameter applicant of invention application programmer application regulation appraised actual value approach-control radar approximate prediction approximating function approximation approach arc-welding alternator arch-girder stabilizer architectural concrete architectural lighting area of well influence arithmetic progression armoured-concrete slab articulated suspension articulated-link chain artificial mustard oil artificial ventilation artwork layout drawing ash-handling equipment asphalt-block pavement assembly-holding block assisted take-off unit associative activation associative descriptor astro-geodetic network astrometric instrument astronomic coordinates astronomical telescope atmospheric absorption atmospheric monitoring atmospheric scattering atmospheric turbulence atnnospheric agitation atom-like energy level atomic magnetic moment attention interruption attenuation distortion audio control engineer audio-frequency triode autocatalytic reaction autoinductive coupling automatic calling unit automatic interlocking automatic platen press automatic synchronizer automatic transmission automatic-block system automatic-gain control automatically ajusting automatically for wear automobile engineering automotive engineering autooscillation system auxiliary transmission average antenna height axisymmetrical antenna abrasive-flow machining absorption spectrograph absorption spectrometer absorption spectroscopy abundance of an element abutment braced-in rock acceptabele reliability acceptability appraisal acceptability criterion accommodate the traffic acid-resisting concrete acoustic interferometer acoustic shock absorber acoustic transmittivity acoustic wave amplifier acoustical reflectivity acoustical transmission acoustical well logging active storage capacity actuating electromagnet adiabatic approximation adjustable loading dock administrative building advertising publication aerophotogrammetric map aerophotographic sketch against buckling safety agitation-froth machine agricultural production air-entraining concrete air-operated controller air-permitted explosive alkaline saponification all-round looking radar allotropic modification allowable concentration alpha cut-off frequency alpha-numeric indicator alpha-particle detector alphanumeric perforator alternate-line scanning alternating-current hum alternating-impact test amplitude discriminator anaerobic decomposition analogue multiplication analogue representation analyiser optical sound analytical continuation angle of countersinking antenna earthing switch antenna transmit switch antenna-tuning inductor anti-combustion chamber anti-indication network anti-submarine aircraft anticoincidence circuit anticoincidence counter antiferromagnetic alloy antiinduction conductor antivibratiort mounting approximate calculation arc-welding transformer architectural acoustics area of heating surface argentometric titration armour-piercing ability armoured-concrete floor articulation equivalent artificial intelligence ash-forming constituent asphaltic concrete road aspiration psychrometer assembly-line balancing associative programming astronomical aberration astronomical navigation asymetrical composition asymmetric intermediate asymmetrical transistor asymptotic distribution at right angle pressure atmospheric disturbance atmospheric electricity atmospheric temperature atomic orbital momentum atomic structure factor atomic-hidrogen welding attack aircraft carrier attendant-operated lift attenuation coefficient attitude control device auto-monitoring routine autoelectronic emission automatic bobbin doffer automatic pallet loader automatic stabilization automatic taught system automatic telephone set automaton decomposition autotransformer starter auxiliary generator set average-value indicator averaged characteristic abatement of patent suit abrasion-resistant steel abrasion-testing machine abrasive cutting machine acceptable quality range acceptance quality level accessible for servicing accomodation coefficient accumulation coefficient accumulation of stresses acid-catalysed oxidation acoustic absorption unit acoustic radiation meter acoustic radiation metre acoustic resonant cavity activated sludge process activation cross-section active slope active area adjust work for position administration technique affinely connected space after-running inspection age-embrittlement strain agricultural engineering agricultural meteorology air-conditioning chamber air-friction dynamometer air-to-air communication aircraft detection radar aircraft-warning service airection finding beacon aldol dehydrocyclization alert information system algebraic transformation all-ellectric signalling almost-periodic function alpha-radioactive nuclei alphanumeric information alternating current line alternating-bending test aluminium-cell rectifier american national thread amount of author's bonus amplitude characteristic amplitude discrimination amplitude of fluctuation amplitude-response curve anemo-electric generator angle of crease recovery angled-reflector antenna angular phase difference anisotropic conductivity antenna grounding switch antenna series capacitor antenna-tuning condenser anti-clockwise direction anti-microbial finishing anti-resonance frequency anti-scaling composition antiperovskite structure antiresonance admittance approximate actual value arch-hyperbolic function architectural appearance arcing ground suppressor arithmetical progression artificial birefringence artificial precipitation artificial radioactivity artificial reverberation artificial transmutation artificially radioactive asphaltic cardboard roof asphaltic concrete mixer astronomical coordinates atmospheric assimilation atmospheric distillation atomic-power engineering auto-assisted inspection autocollimating eyepiece autocorrelation function automatic control system automatic control theory automatic power traverse automatic transfer press automatic-sizing grinder avalanche multiplication average outgoing quality axially-symmetrical part absolute zero temperature accelerated precipitation acceleration by induction acceptabilities appraisal accessible for inspection acetylene-carboxylic acid acoustic resonance device acoustical doppler effect adhere to assigned limits adhesion-preventing agent adsorption chromatography aerophotographical sketch agglomerate-foam concrete air-operated pillot valve air-propeller dynamometer alpha-particle scattering alpha-radioactive nucleus alternating current relay alternating electromagnet alternating magnetization alternating-current field alternating-current motor amounts of author's bonus amplification coefficient amplitude limiter circuit amplitude of oscillations analogue-digital computer anchoring of trilley line antenna transmission line anthropocentric ecosystem anthropogenic environment anti-clockwise revolution anti-interference antenna anti-saturation technique anticipation of invention anticoincidence analyiser application of fertilizer approach of stabilization approach spillway channel approximative integration architectural composition armature-controlled motor armstrong-orling detector artificial disintegration ascending chain condition assembly-overhaul package association of attributes asymmetrical conductivity asymmetrical distribution atmospheric transmittance atmospheric-cooling tower atomic frequency standard audible signalling device audio tone-operated relay audio-frequency amplifier audio-frequency generator authorized-loss allowance auto-ignition temperature autoconnected transformer automatic data processing automatic drop-bottom car automatic filling machine automatic milling machine automatic reclosing relay automatic starting device automation of programming automobile transportation average excitation energy azimuth circle instrument absolute-type magnetometer absolutely summable series absorption frequency meter absorption frequency metre accelerated test programme acoustic-absorption factor activating bleaching agent advancement of examination advertisement illumination aerophotogrammetric survey aggregate of simple events aggregate-processing plant agrometeorological network air-conditioning equipment air-cushion shock absorber air-ground radio frequency air-traffic control system alternating-impact machine amplitude-modulated signal amplitude-modulation noise analogue-digital converter analogue-digital convertor anchored suspension bridge annunciator electric clock antenna coupling capacitor antenna-coupling condenser antiinterference capacitor antiparallel magnetization antitrigonometric function assurance of compatibility assurance of no-defectives asymmetric reversed stress asymmetrical non-linearity attenuation characteristic audio-frequency oscillator austenitic manganese steel authorization for purchase autographic printing paper automatic chucking machine automatic switch equipment automatically for altitude automobile gear-type drive average quality protection ayrton-mather galvanometer acoustic depth localization acoustic-wave amplification acoustical-reduction factor adherence to specifications adjustable-potential system affected quadratic equation air pollution concentration air-wall ionization chamber aircraft tail warning radar alignment of optical system alinement of optical system amateur radio communication amplitude-suppression ratio analogue-digital conversion anchorage testing apparatus angular movement transducer antenna electromotive force antiferromagnetic resonance antiferromagnetic structure antifriction bearing grease as in a first approximation asymmetric transition state atmospheric-braking ability attenuated total reflection attracted-disc electrometer audio-frequency transformer automatic frequency matcher automobile engineers thread aberration of optical system abrasive cutting-off machine absorption spectrophotometer accelerated development test acoustic diffraction grating acoustical-reflection factor active four-terminal network adjacent-channel selectivity aerodynamic sound generation air pollutants concentration air-conditioning instalation air-operated hydraulic brake algebraic stability criteria allowance above nominal size allowance below nominal size alternating-current balancer alternating-current detector alternator radio transmitter amplitude-modulation monitor amplitude-separation circuit angular-contact ball bearing antenna-radiation resistance anti-missile countermeasures antichamber system injection arbitrary-proportions method as for a first approximation automated engineering design absolute reaction rate theory acoustoelectric amplification additive complementary colour adjacent-channel interference aerodynamically induced noise algebraic stability criterion alpha-particle disintegration alternating-current amplifier alternating-current generator amplitude of a complex number amplitude of radial excursion amplitude-modulated amplifier anti-ballistic missile system approved shotfiring apparatus assessment of product quality automata logical set language automatic arc-welding machine automatic control engineering automatic gas-cutting machine automatic gas-welding machine automatic-control instalation availability-cost arrangement azimuth-indicating goniometer above the atmospheric pressure abrasive-belt grinding machine absorption of fission products acceptable environmental range acoustic-labyrinth loudspeaker acoustical-reciprocity theorem acoustical-transmission factor active communication satellite algorithmic computer structure altitude of maximum ionization amendment by way of disclaimer amplitude-phase characteristic application allowed to proceed approached from the left limit automatic address substitution average outgoing quality limit abruptness of flux perturbation acceleration due to the gravity acoustic-absorption coefficient acoustic-reflection coefficient acoustical attenuation constant acoustical propagation constant amendment by way of explanation amplitude-modulated transmitter angle of attack of maximum lift angle of half-tone screen tines approached from the right limit artificially-radioactive nuclei astronomo-geodetic observations automatic load sustaining brake accretion of interstellar matter accurate to three decimal places admissible solutions active area alternating-current distribution alternating-current transmission alternating-gradient accelerator alternating-torsion fatigue test amplitude-modulated oscillations artificially-radioactive nucleus asymmetric sideband transmission automatic interplanetary station automatically of focusing system auxiliary-transformer regulation acoustic-transmission coefficient ammonia refrigerating instalation angle of incidence below stalling application establishing priority asymetrical four-terminal network asymptotically-efficient estimate atomic-hydrogen arc-welding torch automatically of rooms acoustical adjustable-blade propeller turbine airfield suface movement indicator amplitude-frequency characteristic angle of incidence beyond stalling asymptotically efficient statistic abridgement of patent specification ambiguities of relay characteristic auto-compounded current transformer adhere to the conditions of contract adjacent-channel crosstalk attenuation acoustic interfacial transmission layer authorization for material substitution accelerator with additional control beam admit a patent application to examination alternating tension-and-compression stress adjustable multiple-spindle drilling machine american society of mechanical engineers thread amplitude of a symmetrical alternating quantity
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