За поръчка над 40 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти

За поръчка над 60 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти и БЕЗПЛАТНА ДОСТАВКА ДО ОФИС НА КУРИЕР

📗 Tермини започващи с буквата B в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата B

bal bam bar bat bay bed bel ben bin bit bob bod bow bun bus baby back bail bait bake bald balk ball band bank barb bark bash bass batt baud bauk bead beam bear beat beck bede beer beet bega bell bend bent bias biax bick bill bind bing bitt blae bleb blot blow blue blur boat body boke bold bole bolt bomb bond bone bont boom boon boot bord bore bort boss bott bout bowk bowl brad brae bran brat brea brob brow buck buff buhr bulb bulk bull bump buna bund buoy bure burk burl burn burr bury busy butt buzz byat byte badge baker balde baler bandy bangs banjo bargh basil bauge baulk bavin beach beans beard beech beele belly bemul bench berro berth beton bevel bewon bezel biche bight bilge billy biose bipod bitch blade blank blast blatt blaze bleed blend blind block bloom blown blued bluff blunt board boast bocca bogey boggs bogie bonze boose boost booze boral boran borax borer boryl boson bossy bound bouse boxed brace braid brail brait brake brand braze bresk brine bring brisk broad brood brown brush buddy budge buggy build bulge bunch burgy burnt burry burst butyl buzzy byway b scan babbit babble baclor badger baffle bagger bailer baling banana banked banker barbed barion barite barium barken barker barney barque barras baryon baryta baryte basing baston batice bating batten batter beacon beaded beader bearer beaten beater beaver becket beckol bedded beeper beetle belfry belled belted bender benign bentol benvar benzal benzil benzyl bezant biddix bigram billet billon billot binary binder binful binode biogas biotin bioxyl birdie bishop bister bistre biting bitter biurea biuret blacks bladed blader blaize blanch blower blunge bobbin bolted bolter bomber bonder boning bonnet bontle borate boreal boride borine borrow borsal borsyi bossed bottle bottom boughy bounce bowels boxcar boxing braced braize braker brazil breach breast breaze breeze bridge bridle broach broken brolly bromal bt bar bucker bucket buckle buffer bumper bunchy bunder bunker bunton burden burial buried burlap burron bushel busway butane butene butted butter button buzzer by-lay by-pit bywork b scope back-up backlog bad top baffing baffler bagging baglike bailing bainite balking ball-up balland ballast balloon bandage bannock bar tin barilla barkery barrack barrens barrier barring bastite batcher bathyal battery batting bauxite bay-bar bayonet bayshon bazooka beading beaming bearing beckern bed die bed top bedding bedroom bee wax beehive beeswax belland bellied bellman bellows belting benched bencher benefit benowax bent in benthos benzoin benzoyl betaine betonac bianode bibcock bickern bifilar big end bigging bimetal bimorph bioctyl bioherm biolith biomass bionomy biotite biotron biphase biphone biplane biprism birchen biscuit bismite bittern bitumen bityite bivinyl bladder blading blanket blasted blaster blaugas bleeder blemish blender blinker blister bloater blocked blocker blondin blooper blossom blow up blow-by blowing blowout blueing blumder blunger boaster bobbing body up bogging boghead boleite bollard bolster bolt on bolt up bolting bombard bombing bonanza bonstay booking boom up booming booster bootleg boracic bord-up borneol bornite boulder bounder boustay bow pen bow rib box bed box end box jig box key box nut boxfold boxhole bracing bracket braider brances branchy brasque brazing breaker breakup breccia breeder brewage bricked brining brinish briquet brisket bristle bristol brocade bromate bromite brucite brushit buckram buffing bugdust bulging bulgood bulgram bulldog bulling bullion bulwork bumping bunarex bunched buncher buoying burn on burring bus bar bus hub bushing butanol butment buttock buzzard buzzing by-pass by-path by-road baby car bacillar back end back gap back hoe back leg back lye back nut back run back-off back-out backbone backfall backfill backflow backiron backlash backover backstay backwall backwash backwind bad shot badenite badigeon bag hose baguette bail out bake-out bakelite bakerite balayage ball cup ball end ball pen ball pin baluster banakite banatite band saw bandsman bankette bankseat banksman bar code bar feed bar iron bar keel bar mesh bar mill bar work baralime barbator barbette barbital bare rod barffing barostat barreter barthite bartizan barylite basanite base map base pay base pin basement basining basophil basylous bat wool batchbox battered bavenite bay bolt bay salt bayerite beaching beaconry bean oil bean ore bed coke bed load bed rock bed-type bedstone beeswing beetling bell-out bellying belt saw benching benchlor bendable bent gun benzmeal benzoate beryllia best bar beta ray betatron bevatron beverage bezantee biaffine biatomic bichrome biconvex bicurved bicyclic bilberry bilinear bilinite bimatron bimirror bin gate binaural binnacle bioassay biogenic biolysis biolytic biometer biometry biphenyl biphilic biquartz bisecant bit iron bit rate bixbyite blacktop blancher blanking blankite blastasy blasting blastula bleeding blockage blocking bloedite bloomery blooming blow dry blow fan blow off blow-gas blow-gum blowhole blowpipe blue dip blue gun blue oil blurring blushing boasting boat pan body axe bodyless boehmite bog peat boil off boilings bolt die bolt pin bolthead bolthole bomb bay bombonne bone dry bone oil bookwork boom guy boom-out boot lid boot nut boracite borazine borazole borazone bore pit borehole borewear borghese borizing bose gas bottomer bouldery boutgate bow area bow rope bowenite bowsprit box beam box bill box dock box horn box iron box loop box-like box-type brachial brackish bragitte braksman brattish braunite break-in breather breeding bricking bridging briefing brighten brisance brocated brocatel bromlite brookite brow bin brow box brushing buck saw buckskin buckstay bug-free build-up built-up bulkhead bull bit bullclam bulldoze bullnose bunching buramjne burn-off burn-out burst up butoxide butt cap butt end butyrate by-level byerlyte b battery b display b-h curve ba thread back axle back belt back coat back deal back echo back fire back gear back head back lath back lobe back play back rake back rest back shop back slab back spar back view back yarn back-blow back-step back-stop backboard backflash backflush backhouse backshunt backswept backwater bag mould baikalite baikerite bakelaque bald tyre ball cage ball clay ball cock ball iron ball load ball lock ball mill ball race ball seat ball stud ballasted ballaster balsamous baly tube banalsite band clay band head band iron band rope band tyre band-pass bank head bank sand bank sill bank work banked-up bankswork banquette bar anode bar chart bar frame bar graph bar lathe bar steel bar stock barb bolt barbering barbitone barbotage bare foot bare pipe bare tube bare wire barograph barreling base band base cone base flow base fuse base iron base lead base line base load base mark base page base ring base rock base shoe base time base unit base vice base vise base wall baseboard basic dye basic law basic pig bassanite bassetite bast silk bastonite batardeau batchwise batholite batholith battering beaconage bead core bead post bead test beak-head beam form beam grid beam span beam trap beam tube beat note beat tone beaverite beck iron beckelite beckophen bed frame bed guard bed plane bed plate beefed-up beegerite beet pulp behaviour bell call bell wire bell-trap bell-type belt cone belt drum belt fork belt hook belt pull belt rail belt slip belt span belt tyre belvedere bench-cut bend test benitoite benne oil bent iron bent pipe bent tile bent tool bent tube bentonite benzamide benzazide benzidine benzoline benzylate berkelium best iron betatopic bethanize bevel tie bevelling bias cell biconcave biconical bidentate bieberite bilirubin billeteer bineutron bing hole binocular binuclear bionomics biosphere biphenine bipyramid bipyridyl birchwood bismalith bismuthic bismuthyl bit brace bit plane bit shank bituminic bivacancy black ash black bat black bog black box black cat black oil black ore black-hot blackdamp blacklead blackwork blade rim blade rod blanc fix blank map blank off blank run blanketed blast box blast fan blind nut blind pit block tin blow head blow lamp blow test blow time blow-back blow-case blow-down blow-well blue lead board saw boat deck body acid body size body type body-plan boil away boil down boil over boilproof bold type boleg oil bolometer bolt lock bolt wire bomb cell bomb load bond clay bond room bond test bonderite bone band bone coal bone dust bone glue bonus job book mark boom seat boominess bootstrap bord-down border in border up borickite bornylene boss eddy bostonite botryogen bottoming boundless bowmanite box chuck box frame box joint box plane boxed-off brace tap brad nail brake arm brake bar brake cam brake rod brass bar break-off breakdown breaks up breasting briar saw brick bat brick pit brickwork brickyard brightray brilliant brimstone bring out briquette broadside broadwall brocading bromation brominate bromoacid bromofume brush dam buck-shot buffeting bugduster buhrstone buib tube bulb pile bulb rail bulk yarn bull pump bump test bung bord buoy ring buoy rope burdening burned-up burnrsher burnt bit burnt gas burr pump burrstone busy hour busy road busy tone busy-back butadiene butaprene butt trap butt weld buttstrap by-effect by-street b operator back angle back brace back entry back focus back front back gauge back hatch back pitch back plate back porch back shift back shock back slope back stope back strap back strip back swing back valve back-river back-sight backdigger backfiller backwasher bag filter bag of ore bag packer bag sealer bag welder bain-marin baked clay baked core baldaufite ball check ball chuck ball float ball joint ball latch ball pivot ball screw ball stone ball valve ballistite banana pin band brake band chain band model band wheel band width bank angle bank index bank slope banker-off bar bender bar coater bar copper bar cutter bar feeder bar magnet bar screen bar shears bare cable bare meson bared turn baricentre barkometer barleycorn baroswitch barotropic barrandite barrel cam barroisite barrow pit barysilite barysphere base angle base metal base pitch base plate base sheet basic bore basic code basic data basic hole basic load basic rock basic salt basic size basic slag basic time basin lock bast fibre bastnasite batch bath batch size batch-like bath house bath ratio bathyscaph bathyseism battlement bay window beach sand beak beads beam angle beam drill beam rider beam valve beam width bear punch bed bottom bed charge bed course bedding in befanamite beidellite bell chuck bell metal bell-mouth belt brake belt creep belt dress belt drive belt guard belt guide belt idler belt joint belt power belt punch belt rivet beltstower bench mark bench test bench vice bench vise bench work bench-land bend angle bend point bent frame bent lever bent shaft bent spoke benzachlor benzedrine benzhydrol benzoylate berm ditch besprinkle beta decay bevel edge bevel face bevel tool bevel weld bichromate bicoloured bidematron big repair bilge keel bilineurin bimagmatic bimetallic bin feeder binary row bio filter bioclastic bioclimate biocolloid bioecology biophysics biopolymer biphyletic bipyridine biquadrate bismuthate bismuthide bismuthine bismuthous bit reamer bite angle bitumastic bituminize bituminous black acid black alum black body black bolt black coal black dirt black gold black iron black jack black peak black pipe black salt black sand black spot black type black-wash blackstrap blade area blade edge blade face blade grip blade ring blade root blank arch blank bolt blank dook blank form blank heat blank plug blank test blank wall blank wire blanketing blast area blast bomb blast cock blast data blast hole blast lamp blast main blast pipe blast room blast tank blast tube blast wave blast wind bleed hole blenometer blind arch blind area blind coal blind hole blind lead blind plug blind scab blind spot blind test blind vein blind wall blistering bloch band bloch wave block file block lock block plan block rail block size block test block tyre blockhouse blood rain bloodstone bloom roll blow mould blow torch blow valve blower fan blue flame blue print blue steel blunt file board room boarded-up boat hoist bob-weight bobierrite bodied oil body brick body force body frame body space body stock bogging-up bohr model bohr radii boiled oil boiled tar boiler oil bolt joint bolt press bolt stock bolt tongs bolt tooth bomb-proof bomb-sight bond angle bond order bond paper bone black bone china bone earth book mould boom angle boom brace boom hoist boom point boost test boot floor borax bead bord cleat bored cork bored pile boric acid boring arm boring bar boring bit boring rig born block borrow pit bosphorite bottom bar bottom cut bottom die bottom ice bottomland bound atom bournonite bow girder bow member bow pencil bow spring bow-string bowl paper box bridge box column box girder box groove box gutter box pallet box piston box switch box wrench box-patern brace tube braces arm brainpower brake axle brake band brake beam brake cone brake disk brake drum brake gear brake head brake hoop brake load brake pipe brake shoe brake test branch box branchless brand mark brannerite bratticing break away break jack break line break time break-even breakstone breakwater brecciated brick arch brick clay brick kiln brick-ware bridge arm bridge key bright dip brightener brilliance bring down brocatelle brocatello broken end broken ore bromellite bromoprene brought-in brown acid brown coal brown coat brown soil brown spar brush down brush gear brush plow bucket lip buff wheel bugdusting build into built pile bulging-in bulk cargo bull block bull press bull's eye bullgrader bumper arm bumper bag bumper bar burner tip burnt iron burnt lime burnt weld burst disk burst mode bush plate busy relay butt cleat butt entry butt plate butt strip butt-joint button die buttonhead by product by-passage back arcing back casing back centre back firing back impact back motion back of dam back poppet back roller back signal back spring back square back stairs back stroke back tender back timber back-action backheating backing bar backing-off backing-out backlighted backplaster backup weld bactericide bad hanging baddeleyite baffle wall bag machine bag process bag sealing bag tanning baggage car bagged tyre baking coal baking oven baking soda balance box balance pan balance pit bald timber bale opener bale picker ball charge ball cutter ball hammer ball handle ball header ball holder ball rammer ball reamer ball socket ball thread ballast bed ballast car banana jack band filter band heater band pulley band sender band spread band theory bandsreader bank gravel bank groyne bank of oil bank of ore banking pin bantam tube bar coupler bar cropper bar machine bar pattern bar remnant bar section bar spacing bar support bar tracery bar winding barbed hook barbed nail barbed wire bare carbon bare wiring barium salt bark rubber bark-tanned barked wood barkevikite barley coal barrel pump barrel roll barrel roof barren rock barren spot base charge base circle base colour base course base flange base length base region basic metal basic noise basic oxide basic shaft basic steel basic stock basiophitic basis brass basket mast basset edge batch drier batch meter batch metre batch mixer bath filter bathroclase bathysphere batten dook batten down batten loom batten wall batter pile batter post battery box battery bus battery jar battery mud battle ship baudot code baume scale bayonet cap beaded edge beaded vein beading die beam bender beam bridge beam effect beam finder beam weapon beam-sizing bean huller bearing box bearing cup bearing oil bearing rib bearing rod beat method beaten gold beater drum beater test beck dyeing bedded vein beerbachite beet digger beet lifter bekinkinite beldongrite belief line bell centre bell signal bell socket bell-shaped belt cement belt course belt driven belt feeder belt loader belt pulley belt roller belt scales belt screen belt sender belt sheave belt stress bench anvil bench board bench clamp bench crest bench drill bench lathe bench plane bench plate bench press bench screw bending die bending jaw benjaminite bent washer bent wrench bent-up bar benzilation benzilidene benzinilide benzohydrol benzohydryl benzylidene berlin blue bessemerize beta-active beta-carbon beta-rubber beta-stable bevel angle bevel scale bevel wheel bias source bichel bomb bifurcation bilge water billet mill billet roll bimolecular bin hang-up binary acid binary code binary fuel binary salt binary star binary unit binder bolt binder soil bioaeration biocatalyst biodynamics bioelectric biomedicine biorheology biorisation biphilicity bit grinder bitelephone bitter acid bitter salt bitter spar black cable black chalk black level black light black pitch black plate black print black scrap black shape black sheet black stock blackmaster blade angle blade mixer blade pitch blade shank blade stall blade wheel blank assay blank curve blank space blank stock blankholder blast gauge blast meter blast metre blast-proof blasted-out blaster cap blazed iron bleed screw bleed valve bleed water blended oil blind crack blind creek blind drain blind inlet blind locus blind riser block brake block chain block curve block field block gauge block stamp block tongs block truck blocked-out bloom steel blow nozzle blow stress blowed fill blowing-out blown glass blown ingot blown joint blue copper blue powder blueprinter blunt angle body effect body matter body of dam bogie frame bogie truck bogus paper bohr radius bohr theory boiler dome boiler drum boiler duty boiler feed boiler flue boiler head boiler iron boiler pass boiler room boiler seat boiler shop boiler tube boiler unit boilersmith boiling bed bollow spar bolt chisel bolt circle bolt cutter bolt header bolt staple bolt timber bolting lug bombardment bond energy bond length bond region bond stress bonderizing bonnet tile book blocks book jacket book sewing boolean add boom tackle borax glass bore hammer bored shaft boring head boring mill boring pump boring stay boring test boring tool borneo dead boryslavite bottle neck bottled gas bottom belt bottom draw bottom dump bottom flap bottom gate bottom gear bottom hair bottom lift bottom rake bottom side bottom soil bottom tool botton view boucle yarn boundedness bow trolley bowden wire bowl feeder box antenna box bearing box casting box compass box cornice box furnace box scraper box section box spanner box-grooved braced pier brae pulley bragg angle brake cable brake crank brake lever brake pedal brake power brake screw brake shaft brake strap brake valve brake wheel brammallite branch jack branch jump branch line branch pipe branch tube branch-work brass drill bratticeman brazed seam breadslicer break angle break-point breaker arm breaking-in breast beam breast wall breislakite brewsterite briar tooth brick field brick joint brick layer brick mason brick vault brick-lined bridge beam bridge bond bridge deck bridge fuse bridge rail bridge road bridge seat bridge span bridge test bridge tile bridge wall bridle roll brier tooth brigg's log bright blue bright bolt bright rope bright work brightstock briquetting brittleness broach file broach roof broad gauge broad knife broad-nosed brochantite broken line broken rock broken-down bromate ion bromic acid bromide ion bromination bromite ion brought-out brow caving brown sugar bruch angle brunsvigite brush clamp brush shift brush wheel bubble cell bubble tube bucket seat bucket trap bucking-out bucklandite buffer beam buffer bolt buffer disk buffer gear buffer head buffer pool buffer salt buffer tube building-up bulging die bulk caving bulk cement bulk eraser bulk factor bulk memory bulk mining bulk motion bulk volume bulk weight bulkheading bull donkey bull engine bull quartz bullen nail bump stroke bumper beam bumper stop bunch light bunker gate bunton hole buret clamp burned spot burner head burning oil burning-off burning-out burnt brick burnt paper burnt steel bus support bust hammer busy signal butt splice butt welder butt-welded butyl oxide buzz planer buzzer call buzzer ring by-reaction byte switch babbit metal babbit-lined babingtonite back balance back bearing back bolting back coating back current back draught back heading back of arch back of weir back of weld back rolling back running back sloping back suction back turbine back voltage back-up lamp back-washing backflushing backing deal backing lamp backing ring backing roll backing sand backing yarn backstopping backstromite backward run bacteriostat baffle board baffle plate baffle tower bag conveyer bag conveyor bag elevator bag moulding baggage hold baggage rack baked carbon balance beam balance brow balance coil balance mass balance tank balanced bob balanced dog balancer set balcony slab bale breaker baling press ball adapter ball adaptor ball bearing ball crusher ball grinder ball imprint ball journal ball winding ballast road ballistraria banach space bandsow file banjo signal bank erosion bank loading bank measure bank of oven bank winding banked relay bar capacity bare nucleon bare reactor bargain work barge course barium crown barium flint barium glass barium white barrage cell barrel mixer barrel shell barrel stave barrel vault barrel winch barrier film barrier grid barrier wall barring gear barrow truck baryta water basalt fibre bascule pier base bearing base bullion base channel base current base diagram base leakage base network base of rail base of road base station base tie rod basic bottom basic dyeing basic format basic lining basic tunnel basic vector basket weave batch drying batch hopper batch mixing bathochromic bathypelagic battery acid battery bell battery cell baumhauerite bayonet base bayonet lock beach gravel bead flipper bead forming bead welding beaded cable beaded glass beading weld beaker flask beam antenna beam blanker beam capture beam cathode beam current beam pentode beam therapy beam voltage beam warping bearer cable bearer frame bearer plate bearing area bearing base bearing beam bearing body bearing bush bearing cage bearing cone bearing data bearing disk bearing edge bearing life bearing line bearing load bearing race bearing seat bearing wall beating wing becquerelite bed material bedding sand bedding yard beetle resin behaved wood bell capital bell ringing bell-mouthed belt carrier belt contact belt gearing belt grinder belt heading belt leakage belt railway belt shifter belt slipper belt tension belt tripper belted cable bench bottom bench chisel bench hammer bench mining bench shears bending iron bending line bending mode bending roll bending test benefication bent cathode bent spanner benzal green benzaldehyde benzaldoxime benzene ring benzine soap benzocolours benzole acid benzophenone benzoquinone benzoylation beta counter beta-emitter betatron bar bevel clutch bevel pinion bevel siding bevel washer beveled edge bias network biased relay bicycle tyre bifilar bulb bill of sale binary adder binary alloy binary digit binary place binary point binary scale binder layer binder lever binder screw binding band binding clip binding coal binding face binding post binding warp binding weft binding wire bioacoustics biocatalysis biocorrosion biomechanics biontization biooxidation biosatellite biosynthesis biotelemetry bipropellant birefringent biscuit fire bismuth salt bismuthinite bitter earth black copper black finish black liquid black powder black silver black sulfur blade coater blade grader blade holder blade spring blade thrust blank arcade blank firing blank flange blank groove blank weapon blank window blanked beam blanket unit blanket vein blanking die blast burner blast effect blast engine blast shield blast tuyere blastability blasting cap blasting oil blazing fire bleed feeder bleeder cock bleeder pipe bleeding-off blended fuel blended lamp blended sand blended yarn blending bin blind firing blind flange blind flight blind flying blind sector blind window blister cone block caving block clutch block facing block hammer block length block mining block rubber block scheme block shears block sheave block signal block slicer block system block-making blocking nut blocking-out blocks locks bloom shears blossom rock blow forming blow-up tyre blower motor blowing tube blowing-over blowpipe set blue shoring blue verdian blue vitriol blueing salt board lining boardsailing boat derrick boat's crane body ceiling body leakage body of axle body-centred bog-iron ore bogey sample boiler brace boiler grate boiler house boiler plant boiler plate boiler rivet boiler shell boiler steel boiler water boiling heat boiling test boiling time boilsed oils boilser oils boletic acid bolt clipper bolted joint bolting silk bomb furnace bond rupture bonding clip book-keeping boracic acid boral shield borane anion borate flint boring depth boring lathe boring slide boring tower borohydrides boronic acid borosilicate bottle chock bottle glass bottom anvil bottom bench bottom board bottom brick bottom chord bottom flask bottom plate bottom slide bottom sprag bottom stamp bottom stope bottom swage bottom valve boulangerite boulder clay bound energy bow dividers bow trollies box coupling box moulding box-type cut boxed weight boxer engine braced frame bracing beam bracing boom bracing jack bracket pole brackishness braided wire brake action brake camses brake piston brake pulley brake rocket brake scotch brake spring brake tester brake torque braking time branch canal branch chuck branch joint branch point branch sewer branch track brazed joint brazing seam break squeak break-in key break-in oil breaker core breaking pin breast auger breast borer breast brace breast drill breast plate breech block brick girder brick lining brick rubble brick trowel brick veneer bridge crane bridge floor bridge joint bridge stone bridging set bridle chain briefing aid bright steel broad patent broken brick broken curve broken stone bromobenzene bromous acid brush coater brush holder brush lifter brush plough brush roller brush spring brushes down bubble model bubble point bubble track buck a rivet buck leather bucket chain bucket crane bucket valve bucking coil buff leather buffer block buffer stock buffing cone buggy breast build-up box built-in end bulb pipette bulged blade bulging test bulk article bulk cutting bulk density bulk modulus bulky cation bull riveter bulldog grip bullet valve bullet-proof bullion lead bullnose bit bunched beam buncher grid bunsen flask buoyant mine buried cable burning area burning kiln burning rate burning test burning time burning zone burnt blende burr crusher burst length bush bearing butt heading butt welding butt-to-butt buttress dam butyl rubber butyric acid buying power back coupling back pressure back reaction back-up brick back-up compo back-up light backbone road backed fabric backing block backing board backing brick backing layer backing metal backing plank backing screw backing strap backup device backward flow backward gain backward wave bacteria free badische acid baffle heater baffling wind bag of cement baggage train baking enamel baking powder balance cable balance check balance crane balance crank balance level balance pivot balance point balance staff balance wheel balanced gate balanced load balancing arm ball coupling ball grinding ball hardness banbury mixer band conveyer band conveyor band coupling band elevator bank blasting bank of gears bank of tubes bar automatic barbed needle barchant yarn bare particle bare radiator bares camphor barge derrick barita yellow barked timber barrel boiler barrel camses barrel roller barrel switch barrel-shaped barrier layer baryon charge barytophylite base cylinder base diameter base equation base material base mounting base of slope base pressure base register base strength basement sash basic circuit basic coating basic element basic formula basic furnace basic process bass boosting bastard title batch furnace batch process batch-weighed bateau bridge batten holder batter boards battered pier battering out battery gauge battery meter battery metre battery stull bauxite brick bay of joists bayonet joint beam agitator beam aperture beam dividers beam emission beam focusing beam grillage beam splitter bearable load bearing alloy bearing angle bearing block bearing brass bearing error bearing force bearing metal bearing meter bearing metre bearing power bearing shell bearing strip bed extension bed-metal ore bedding angle bedding plane bedding plate beehive grate belgian truss bell's tackle belt conveyer belt conveyor belt elevator belt fastener belt grinding belt reverser belt-conveyed ben dine tool bench grinder bench machine bench working benched slope benching bank bending angle bending bench bending block bending crack bending force bending horse bending press bending radii bent-tail dog benzylic acid bessemer iron beta absorber beta particle beta radiator beta-unstable betatron core betonite clay bevel gearing bevelled slot beyond repair biconvex lens bilinear form billet shears bimetal plate binary format binary number binary output binary sealer binary search binched cable binder course binding agent binding chain binding force binding piece binding power binding rivet binding screw bioconversion bioenergetics biogenic rock biometallurgy biomonitoring biostabilizer bipolar field birch camphor bisected coil bismuth ochre bismuth oxide bismuth white bismuthyl ion bistable mode bit brace tap bit sharpener bitumen cable bitumen sheet black diamond black furnace black mixture black pigment black printer black spotter black sulphur black topping blacksmithing blade bearing blade crusher blade footing blade machine blade section blade setting blade spacing blade stirrer blaking punch blast cooling blast furnace blast heating blasting boss blasting dust blasting fume blastopelitic bleach liquid bleachability bleaching lye bleeder entry bleeder screw bleeder valve bleeding coil blind chimney blind deposit blind gallery blind headway blind landing blind opening blind roaster blinding ring blinker light blister anode block antenna block bearing block brazing block cabinet block diagram block letters block of data block polymer block section block slicing blocked group blocking pawl blomstrandine bloomery iron blooming mill blotter press blow moulding blow strength blow-off cock blow-off grid blow-off pipe blow-off tank blowback bolt blowing agent blowing flame blowing mould blowing plant blown asphalt blown casting blue asbestos blue copperas blue corundum blue printing blue-finished blunt scraper blurred image blurred track blurring zone board measure boat scaffold bobbin winder body of crank body of screw bodying agent bodying speed bohr magneton boiler barrel boiler feeder boiler header boiler jacket boiler output boiler rating boiler survey boiling flask boiling point boiling range boiling stone bolster plate bolt together bolting cloth bond polarity bond scission bond strength bonding space bonding strip boolean logic booster diode boosting coil bore diameter bored spindle boring casing boring cutter boronous acid bottle method bottle packer bottles necks bottom camber bottom flange bottom gating bottom pillar bottom swedge bottoming die bottoming tap boundary film boundary zone bow collector bow compasses box hardening box timbering bracing strut bracket crane bracket winch braided cable braiding loom brainstorming brake ratchet brake slipper brake spindle brake surface braking clamp braking fluid braking force braking ratio branch office branch sleeve branch switch branched work braze welding brazing alloy brazing tongs break contact breaking load breaking test breaking wave breast mining breather loss breathing bag bred material breeches pipe breeding fire breeding gain brick chimney brick furnace brick masonry brick setting bridge branch bridge hanger bridge method bridge reamer bridge refuge bridging atom bridging bond bridging coil bright finish bright sulfur bringing-back bringing-down british meson brittle state broach reamer broaching bit broche fabric broken colour broken ground broken number bromide anion bromine water brongniardite broth culture brush bedding brush coating brush contact brush spindle brush-applied brushing mill bubble memory bucket dredge buckle folder buckling load buckling test buckshot sand buckskin loom buffer piston buffer spring buffer stroke buffing wheel buggy gangway build-up time building code building plot building ring building site building slip building tile building unit building wood building yard built-in edge built-up area built-up edge built-up mica built-up roof bulb-bar iron bulging lathe bulk handling bulk material bulk oil tank bulk plastics bulkhead deck bulkhead gate bulkhead wall bulking agent bult-in shunt bumpy running bunker feeder bunsen beaker bunsen burner buoyant force burette clamp burette stand burial ground buried wiring burn-off rate burner nozzle burning point burnout angle burnt pyrites burst effects bursting disk bursting test bushed sheave bushing press busy crossing butane diacid butanoic acid butenoic acid butter of tin butterfly nut button shears button switch buttres brace buttress head butyl acetate butyl alcohol butynoic acid buzzer signal by bit serial by definition back elevation back finishing back induction back of fabric back radiation back splinting back titration back-and-forth back-diffusion back-off angle back-up engine background job backswept wing backtay anchor backward diode backwash water backwater area bacteriostatic baffle blanket baffle chamber baffled piston bail-out hatch baking lacquer baking varnish balance factor balance method balance piston balance weight balanced cable balanced force balanced hoist balanced ingot balanced mixer balanced relay balanced valve balancing coil balancing flux balancing hole balancing load balarrced line baling machine ball cartridge ball governing ball lightning ball-point pen ballast boxing ballast gravel ballast hammer ballast tamper ballistic data band electrode band intensity band saw steel band separator band structure banded spectra bandsaw setter bank of sieves banked battery banked winding banknote paper banner machine bar photometer bar suspension bar the engine bar-iron crane bare conductor bare electrode baric gradient barium dioxide barium ferrite barium sulfate barrel of pipe barrel plating barrel spanner barren mineral barrier height barring engine basal cleavage bascule bridge base catalysis base connexion base direction base electrode base explosion base frequency base levelling base of column base thickness base-wage rate basement floor basement house basic capacity basic equation basic industry basic material basic meridian basic research basic sequence basic solution basket capital batching plant batter of face battering wall battery alarms battery switch battery triode battery-driven bayonet clutch bayonet holder bayonet socket beacon service bead electrode beaded ceiling beading fillet beam alignment beam alinement beam callipers beam compasses beam impedance beam reception bearded needle bearing flange bearing length bearing lining bearing member bearing roller bearing sleeve bearing socket bearing spacer bearing spring bearing strain bearing stress bearing thrust beat amplitude beat frequency beat indicator beat into leaf beat reception beater chamber beaufort scale bed succession bedded deposit bedding a face beet harvester bell character belt discharge belt lubricant belt polishing belt reversing belt stretcher belt tensioner belt tightener belt transport bench drilling bend-over test bending moment bending pliers bending radius bending spring bending strain bending stress bentone grease benzene series benzoin colour benzsulphamide beta radiation bevel grinding bevel-wall bit bevelled brick bevelled joint biconcave lens biconical horn bidecimal code bill of credit binary counter binary density binary element binary mixture binder of dust binding energy binding handle binding rafter binding thread binocular coil biocybernetics biodegradation biodestruction bioelectronics bioengineering biometeorology biomethanation biotic complex biquinary code bismuth barley bismuth blende bismuth spiral bismuth yellow bitumen-coated bituminiferous bituminization bivinyl rubber black hematite black iron ore black pickling black-extended black-out lamp blade-tip eddy blank gasolene blank gasoline blank solution blanket of gas blanking level blanking press blanking pulse blast cleaning blast pressure blast-hole bit blasting agent blasting cable bleaching clay blended fabric blending agent blending stock blind approach blinding glare blister copper block bridging block pavement block printing block radiator block sequence block transfer blocking group blocking layer blocking lever blocking order blocking relay blotting paper blow-in system blow-off valve blow-out valve blower machine blowing engine blue amplifier blue annealing blue magnetism blue malachite blurring width bodenbenderite body size hole boiler furnace boiler loading boiler section boiler setting boiler stoking boiler surface bolt mechanism bolt retention bomb oxidation bond splitting boolean matrix boom absorbing boost pressure booster charge booster rocket bordering tool bore-hole pump boring fixture boring for oil boring machine boring pattern boring spindle bottle battery bottom boiling bottom bracing bottom casting bottom current bottom gangway bottom heading bottom leather bottom lifting bottom of band bottom of rail bottom pouring bottom product bottom squeeze bound of error bound vortices boundary curve boundary layer boundary light boundary mount boundary phase boundary point bounding agent bowden control box chromizing box-end wrench brake assembly brake cylinder brake drum hub brake expander brake pressure brake push rod brake-rod yoke braking action braking effect braking effort braking energy braking hammer braking length braking liquid braking magnet braking stress braking torque branch circuit branch conduit branch current branched chain brattice linen brazing burner brazing solder breakdown path breaker beater breakfast nook breaking force breaking point breathing mask breeding ratio breeze furnace bridge circuit bridge network bridge opening bridge railing bridge sleeper bridge voltage bridge welding bridging group bridle leather bright dipping bright leather bright plating bright sulphur brine leaching brinell figure bring to shape broad thrasher broken circuit broken working bromine number bronze plating bronze welding brown asbestos brown hematite brown iron ore brown lead ore brownmillerite brrck pavement brush pressure bubble chamber bubble through buchner funnel bucking effect buckling force buckwheat coal buffer battery buffer storage build-up curve building basin building berth building block building crane building frame building paper building stone built-in check built-up frame built-up mould built-up shaft buket capacity bulge of curve bulk viscosity bull-head pass bull-nose tool bulldog wrench bumper missile bumping hammer bunch blasting bunch filament bunch together bunching angle bundled cables burden of hole burglar alarms buried antenna burn-up factor burnishing die burring chisel burring reamer bush a bearing bushelled iron busy condition busy-back jack butt of needle butter of zinc butterfly bolt butterfly gate button welding by word serial back extraction back signalling back-haul cable back-scattering background area background salt backing storage backing turbine backlog of work backward motion backward stroke backwater curve bagging machine bailey bridging balance of debt balanced bridge balanced feeder balanced rudder balanced system balancing force balancing lever balancing stand ball attachment ball burnishing ball impression ball plug gauge ballard process ballasted floor balling furnace ballistic curve balloon barrage balloon framing balloon gondola band microphone banded spectrum banging support bank locomotive bar-stock lathe barbituric acid barium sulphate barking machine barn implements barometer gauge barometric fuse barrage jamming barrel tumbling barrel-roof rib barren solution barrier process barytocelestite base connection base hydrolysis base ionization base resistance baseband signal basement storey basic carbonate basic converter basic convertor basic electrode basic frequency basic nc system basic structure basic tolerance bastard masonry batch annealing batch-type kiln batch-type mill batching device batter drainage baume areometer bead insulation bead thermistor beading machine beam deflection beaming machine bearing bracket bearing bushing bearing compass bearing housing bearing journal bearing scraper bearing stratum bearing surface bearing-up stop beat oscillator beavertail beam beckman mixture bed load debris bedding of land bedding of wire bedding surface bell-and-spigot belt flimsiness benchmark model bending failure bending fatigue bending fixture bending flexure bending machine bending mandrel bending modulus bending trestle bernamont noise bessemer copper beta background beta monitoring beta transition bevel-fit valve bevelgear train biased sampling biaxial crystal bicable ropeway bichromate cell bicolour dyeing bifilar helices bifilar winding bifurcate image bifurcated pipe bifurcating box bilateral drive bill of loading bimetal release bimetallic wire bimorph crystal binary compound binary computer binary function binary notation binary variable binaural effect binding machine binomial series bioastronautics biological test bioproductivity biostratigraphy biotuminescence bipartite graph bipolar machine birotary engine biscuit furnace bismuth amalgam bistable device bitumen sprayer bituminous coal biuret reaction black annealing black manganese black-lead spar black-out level black-out pulse blade clearance blade electrode blank cartridge blank character blanket deposit blanking period blanking signal blast equipment blast indicator blast intensity blasting charge blasting method blazed pig iron bleaching agent bleeder turbine blending hopper blister coating block finishing block structure blocked out ore blocking device blocking effect blocking factor blocking filter blocking medium blotch printing blow-down valve blow-off nozzle blowing machine blowing of hole blowing through blueprint paper blurring zoness boarded leather bobbinet fabric bobbing machine body of masonry boiler breather boiler capacity boiler fittings boiler mounting boiler pressure boiling reactor boiling section bolometer mount bolting machine bonding orbital boolean algebra booster station bord-and-pillar bordeaux liquid borehole charge boring diameter borrow material bottle sampling bottom covering bottom diameter bottom sediment bottom-dump car bottom-type bit bound electrons bound resources boundary effect boundary marker boundary member boundary survey box carburizing box loader loom box-frame motor box-shaped part box-type holder brachistochrone brachy syncline bracket bearing bracket support brake governing brake parachute braking incline braking surface branch of curve branching point brazed-tip tool brazil resistor brazing spelter break frequency break-down pass break-down test break-in keying breakdown bench breakdown cable breakdown diode breakdown point breakdown speed breakdown stand breakdown train breakeven point breaking moment breaking strain breaking stress breakwater head breather of job breeder blanket breeder reactor breeze concrete bridge abutment bridge feedback bridge invertor bridge rheostat bridge the cell bridging ligand bridging losses brilliant green brilliant white briquette press britannia metal brittle failure brittle lacquer broaching press broad leaf wood broad-nose tool broadcast sower broadcast waves broadside array broadway course brocken country broken concrete brownian motion brush collector brust frequency bubbling washer bucket conveyer bucket conveyor bucket elevator bucking winding buckling strain buckling stress buffer register buffer solution buffer stellite buffing machine building ground building member building mortar building office building timber built-in stress built-up magnet bulk floatation bulk properties bulk-cargo ship bulldozer blade bunching theory bundle of wires burglary alarms buried concrete buried out-crop buried pipeline burning mixture burning surface burnishing roll burried shelter burring machine burst amplifier burst diaphragm bursting stress butadiene latex butterfly screw butterfly valve back conductance back rest roller back-pack camera back-wired panel backed-off teeth backfire antenna background count background level background noise background sound background track backing material backing-up screw backup astronaut backward feeding backward running backward scatter backward welding backwards spring backwater length baggage elevator bakelite-dilecto balanced antenna balanced circuit balanced network balanced running balancer-booster balancing action balancing device balancing spring ball-headed bolt ballast concrete ballast covering ballast resistor ballistic effect ballistic factor ballistic rocket baluster railing band-stop filter banded structure bandwidth switch barium carbonate barium hydroxide barkhousen noise barrel finishing barrel polishing baryta-othoclase barytes concrete basin irrigation bass frequencies batch processing batch production batch-coke still batching counter bath carburizing bath lubrication batter leg tower battery crrarger battery cupboard battery ignition battery receiver battery terminal battery traction bayonet fastener beaded lightning beam-rider radar beams alignments bearing accuracy bearing capacity bearing friction bearing pressure bearing reaction bearing standard bearing strength bedded structure bedding sequence bell-crank lever belt dynamometer belt transporter belt-shifter cam bending of vault bending strength bent-tube boiler beryllium bronze best performance beta interaction beta-ray emitter beta-ray isotope bevel rivet head bevel-gear drive bevel-head rivet bicarbonate salt bicomponent yarn bidentate ligand bidifferentiable bilateral system bimetallic relay bimetallic strip binary character binary operation binary recording binding fraction binding material binding property birdcage antenna bistable element black saturation black separation black sheet iron black substitute black-ash liquid black-out signal blackseed cotton blade efficiency bladed structure blank ammunition blank-casing bit blanket grouting blanking voltage blast-hole drill blasting chamber blasting machine bleeder resistor blended gasolene blended gasoline blending machine blind balustrade blind navigation block signalling block-and-taskle block-caved area block-stone road blocked position blocking element bloomery process blotter pressing blowing of smoke blue brittleness blue nickel salt blunt-round file bobbinet machine body capacitance body of railroad boiler-feed pump boiling constant bomb calorimeter bonding electron booking of calls boolean function boolean multiply boolean operator boolean variable boring of shafts both-way circuit bottom discharge bottoming reamer boundary surface bow-string truss bowel classifier bowstring girder box lead chamber brachy anticline bracket scaffold braiding machine brake horsepower brake resistance brake-field tube brakeman's cabin braking distance breadth of claim break-down crane break-down lorry break-even chart break-make ratio breakdown signal breakdown sleeve breakdown switch breaking machine breakup altitude breathing stress breech mechanism breeder material brick arch floor brickwork casing bridge amplifier bridge connexion bridge excavator bridge rectifier bridge seam weld bridge spot weld bright anodizing brilliant indigo brilliant luster brilliant lustre brilliant polish brinell hardness bring up to data briquettabillity brittle fracture brittle material broad irrigation brocated in gold broken hardening broken top chord brown wood board brushing lacquer brushing machine bucket discharge bucket excavator bucket-type seat buffer amplifier buffer inventory building density building process building-up time built-in antenna built-up welding bulk concentrate bulk distributor bulk resistivity bulk temperature bulk-oil breaker bull-clam shovel bull-headed rail burden of charge burning capacity burning kerosene burnishing lathe burnishing wheel burried position burst into flame bushes a bearing button capacitor button-head bolt butylacetic acid buzzer wavemeter by volume weight back-geared motor back-hand welding back-step welding backed-off cutter background signal backing-out punch backjng-off lathe backward movement backward position backward sequence bactericidal lamp badly graded sand balance converter balance convertor balance indicator balance of forces balanced currents balanced erection balanced gasolene balanced gasoline balanced reaction balancing battery balancing machine balancing network ball check nozzle ball-forming rest ball-turning rest ballistic breaker ballistic density ballistic descent ballistic missile ballooned tractor balun transformer band-width factor bandwidth control bar electromagnet bar reinforcement bar-turnirtg tool barbed-wire fence barchant spinning barometric effect barometric height barrage photocell barrel distortion barrel-type crank barrier-film cell base-load station basic load rating basic-hole system basket of capital batching solution bathimetric chart battered pilaster battery cartridge battery container battery manganese battery-cell plug beaded insulation beam trussing rod beam-rider system bearing clearance bearing indicator bearing partition bearing structure beat interference bell-shaped curve bell-shaped valve bell-type furnace belleville spring bellows manometer belt transmission bender-and-cutter bending vibration beneficial impact bessel's function best actual value beta spectroscopy bevel-gear cutter bevel-gear planer bevelling machine beverage industry beveridge antenna biconical antenna bilateral antenna bilateral network bin-level control binary arithmetic biological filter biological growth biological shield biological system biotransformation biphase rectifier bipolar amplifier bipolar electrode bisection theorem bit cutting angle bitter-almond oil bitumastic enamel black compression black harness oil black-after-white black-mineral oil black-out voltage blade-tip eddyies blanket-type cell blankholder slide blast-furnace gas blasting compound blasting gelatine bleaching machine blend composition block programming blocked impedance blotting capacity blow-bending test blueprint drawing blunt-square file board drop hammer boiler horsepower boiler inspection boiler steam rate bookbinding cloth boolean operation boolean secondary booster amplifier bootstrap routine borderline patent bore-stroke ratio boring toolholder boring-bar sleeve borrow excavation both-way junction bottom half crank bottom of conduit bottom-dump wagon bottomoutlet gate botton pour ladle boulder frequency boundary friction box-header boiler box-type rheostat braided conductor braided electrode brake application brake dynamometer brake-band clevis branch resistance branched molecule brass pipe thread breakdown voltage breaker timbering breaking capacity breaking strength breast microphone breast-and-pillar brickwork chimney brickwork setting bridge connection bridge foundation bridging position bright cherry-red brightening pulse brilliant crimson bring into action broaching fixture broaching machine broad-gauge track broadband channel broken-line graph broken-stone road bromohydrocarbons brush-holder stud bubble attachment bubble distortion bucket latch cord buckling strength buffer attenuator buffer capacities buffer resistance buffered computer build-up sequence building engineer building estimate building material built-in armament bulk-carrier ship bumping collision bunched conductor buncher resonator bunsen photometer burnishing barrel burnishing broach bursting pressure bursting strength business analises butter of arsenic button-head rivet button-head screw by-pass capacitor by-pass governing byte multiplexing back-acting shovel back-moving spring back-step sequence back-up protection background control background monitor backward eccentric bad-bearing sector baking temperature balance of account balance of payment balanced condition balanced modulator balancing accuracy ball-distance ring ball-retainer ring ball-turning lathe ballast resistance ballasting machine ballistic pendulum ballistic velocity band automatically bandgap absorption bank of condensers barometric chamber barometric equator barrel vault shell barrier-layer cell basic-shaft system basket-handle arch batch distillation batching by volume batching by weight bathochromic group bathochromic shift battened partition batter-curved wall battery locomotive battery of studies beacon base course beak-head ornament beam automatically bearing indication bearing resistance bedding of bearing belows framed dook belt automatically belt of weathering belted motor drive benching of slopes bending deflection bending resistance bending shear test bessemer convertor best approximation best-economy speed beta-active isobar beta-stable isobar betatron radiation betterment of land bevel pinion shaft bevel-seated valve biaxial anisotropy bidirectional gate bifilar gravimeter bifilar suspension binary accumulator binary electrolyte binder distributor bioinstrumentation biological defence biological physics bipolar transistor biquinary notation bit reconditioning black shunt keying black-ash revolver blacksmith's anvil blast-furnace coke blast-furnace slag blasting accessory blasting cartridge blasting equipment blasting explosive blind-end cylinder blockhole blasting blocking capacitor blocking generator blocking mechanism blockwood pavement blow-through valve board of directors boiler compartment boiler steam space boiler superheater boiler-feed header boiler-feed system bombarding voltage book-back rounding book-binding paper book-edge trimming boolean expression boom swinging gear booster locomotive bottom blast forge bottom dead center bottom-contact cap bottom-dump tipper bottom-dumping car boundary condition boundary dimension boundary frequency box drying machine box-sounding relay boxing stop motion brake holder block branched structure break-in operation breakdown strength breaking-down pass breaking-down tool breaking-in period breathing breather bridge equilibrium bridge measurement bridge-laying tank bridging capacitor bright-drawn steel brightness channel brilliant croceine bring into service british horsepower broadband absorber broken-down rubber brush displacement bubble overvoltage buckling stability buffered developer buffing attachment building equipment building in series building structure building technique building-up period built-up connexion bulk caving system bulk cross-section bulk of a building bulk semiconductor bulk-caving method burnishing machine burst of radiation bursting diaphragm butter of antimony butterfly throttle button-headed bolt buttonhole machine back pressure steam back stripping comb back-filling system back-pressure valve back-type parachute backspace character backward derivative backward signalling backwashing machine bag-closing machine bag-flattener press balance attenuation balanced modulation balanced oscillator balanced quadripole balancing capacitor balancing of grades balancing reservoir ball thrust bearing ball-bearing grease ball-head governing ball-socket bearing band of entrainment band of frequencies band pressure level band-pass amplifier bandspread receiver bar-bending machine bar-cutting machine barbed-wire machine barometric pressure barrier capacitance barrierless process basic access method basic surface chart batch fractionation battery spot welder battery supply loss bayes decision rule bead polymerization beam antenna system beam interferometer beam-bending magnet beam-rider guidance beam-type amplifier bearing base course bell-mouth breather belly-grain leather belt-shifter camses bench automatically benchmark programme bendant superheater bending yield point bernoulli's theorem beta disintegration beta-decay electron beta-stable isotope biased gain control bidirectional drive biharmonic equation bilateral recording bilateral statistic bilateral tolerance bimetal thermometer bimetalic conductor bin-level indicator binomial expression biological activity biperiodical regime bisecting compasses bits per centimeter bitulithic pavement bitumen-impregnated blanketing with gas blasting concussion bleeder-type filter block caving system block-caving method block-testing stand blocking-layer cell blocking-off patent blockstone pavement blowing ventilation boiler-feeding pump boiling temperature bolt-locking device bolted-on connexion bonded strain gauge bookbinding machine booster transformer bootom moulding box bootstrap amplifier both-way signalling brake electromagnet breakdown potential brick-lined masonry bridge-type contact broad-leaved forest broadband amplifier bromosulphuric acid brush friction loss brush-lifting motor bucket-wheel blower buckling resistance building implements built-up addressing built-up connection built-up crankshaft bulk polymerization burr-crusher roller burst of ionization bussing arrangement butterfly governing button-type control by character serial by stadia measuring back-of-board wiring back-pedalling brake background pollution background programme background radiation background-corrected backing-space method backscattering angle backward-curved vane bad-weather approach baggage-and-mail car balanced cable crane balanced steel ratio balancing of circuit balancing resistance ball winding machine ball-and-lever valve ball-forming machine ball-hardness number ball-point set screw ballasting equipment balling up of cement ballistic deflection ballistic trajectory balloonless twisting banded precipitation bandwidth of antenna bar-longwall machine bar-type transformer barometric altimeter barometric condenser barometric levelling barren intercalation batch-weighing plant batery-supply bridge battery power supply beam-deflection tube bed of precipitation bedding of a bearing behaviour in service belt-pulley flywheel bench mark elevation bending fatigue test beryllium dichloride beryllium difluoride bevel-gear generator bevelled-claw clutch bifilar oscillograph bilateral transducer bimolecular reaction binary location cell binary number system binocular microscope binomial probability biochemical activity bioelectric activity biological amplifier biological chemistry biological half-life biological indicator biological modelling biological pollution biological resources biquadratic equation black band ironstone black-body radiation black-lead lubricant blanketing frequency blast characteristic blast-furnace cement blistered copper ore blueprinting machine body-centred lattice body-forming machine bold-grained leather bolted-on connection bombarding direction boosting capacitance bootstrap integrator bottom of foundation bottoming resistance botton pouring ladle boundary lubrication bracketed-board gate brancher distributor break up of catalyst bridge duplex system british thermal unit broadcasting service broken-stone ballast broken-tone negative brush-shifting motor buck-boost generator build-up of pressure building engineering building-out network bulb-blowing machine bulb-cutting machine bulb-washing machine bunching accelerator buoyancy coefficient butt-welding machine butterfly chute dook back-connected switch back-pressure turbine background absorption background brightness background processing background projection backward acceleration backward-curved blade balancing transformer ball-and-socket hinge ball-and-socket joint ball-indentation test ball-socketed bearing ballistic coefficient band-gap laser action band-rejection filter bandwidth compression bar-mat reinforcement bare wire arc welding base-width modulation basic circuit diagram basic geodetic survey bathymetrical contour battery-terminal clip bayonet-type fastener beam-plasma amplifier beam-switching device bearing automatically bell-and-spigot joint bell-mouthed breather bell-shaped insulator belt grinding machine bend around a mandrel beryllium subaccetate beta-ray electroscope beta-unstable isotope betatron oscillations between axes distance bidirectional antenna bidirectional counter binaural reproduction binomial distribution biological adaptation biological monitoring bismuth-spiral method black base foundation black-sulphite liquid blade folding machine blowing in free space blowing into the open blowing-line brattice boiler scaling hammer boiling-water reactor bolometric instrument bolt-screwing machine book-block processing boron-carbon resistor bottom slicing method bottom-slicing system boundary actual value boundary caving drift box-container feeding branched polyethylene break-induced current breakdown maintenance bricklayer's scaffold bridge-type structure bright-finished steel brilliance modulation broadcasting repeater broadcastings relayng builder's certificate building construction building-block system bulk magnetostriction bulk specific gravity burning of microphone burring of taper prop button sewing machine back-coupled generator back-elevation drawing back-geared-type motor back-of-panel mounting back-to-back connexion backward recall signal bacteriological weapon balanced amplification balanced discriminator balanced multivibrator balancing illumination ballistic galvanometer band-width shape ratio bank-protection forest bare-electrode welding barometric coefficient baryta phosphate crown battery-driven vehicle battery-supply circuit beam-and-column system beaver-type timber dam bell-type centre drill below chassis mounting belt polishing machine belt-stretching roller belt-tensioning pulley belt-tightening pulley bench drilling machine bending resistant post bending-moment diagram beta cut-off frequency beta-decay interaction beta-gamma coincidence between stops distance between-coil connexion bimetallic thermometer binary algebraic adder binary chemical weapon binary relations graph biological cybernetics biological degradation biological electronics biological engineering biosphere productivity bird's eye perspective bistable multivibrator bivariate distribution black-body temperature black-lead lubrication bleed-resistant grease block sequence welding board-and-stoop mining board-pressing machine body of connecting rod bolt-threading machine boswell classification bottle-capping machine bottle-filling machine bottle-rinsing machine boundary-value problem bracket arm suspension bracket-type structure brake-shoe pin bushing branched macromolecule breaking-down breaking breather of microphone brick-moulding machine bridge-type gravimeter broadcasting programme broche weaving machine brush-shifting control bucket-wheel excavator building-block machine back-coupling connexion back-to-back connection background illumination background of invention balancing automatically ball-and-socket bearing band-elimination filter band-width shape factor barrier-layer photocell baseline marker circuit basic open-hearth steel beam addressable memory beam splitting accuracy beam-and-slab structure beam-positioning magnet behind the signal noise benzidine rearrangement beta-radiation detector beta-radioactive nuclei bevel-gear differential biological productivity biological purification bituminous macadam road black-and-white picture blast-furnace slag sand block-in-course masonry board-and-pillar method board-and-pillar mining boring-and-turning mill bottle-cleaning machine boundary-layer friction brachistochrone problem branch-and-bound method breaking-up of boulders breast-plate microphone brinell-hardness number british standard thread brittleness temperature brushwood-and-stone dam bulk-oil-volume breaker butter moulding machine butter wrapping machine back electromotive force back-and-forth amplitude back-coupling connection back-scattered electrons background concentration bacteriological analysis balanced type carburator balanced type carbureter balanced-valve amplifier balancing bridge network barrel-shaped-head rivet battery-charging booster beamless plate structure bearing counter-pressure bed-type milling machine belt-lifting arrangement bendant-type superheater beta-radioactive nucleus bidirectional microphone bidirectional transducer bidirectional transistor biological recultivation black-and-white receiver blastability coefficient blocking-layer photocell bounding characteristics bracket drilling machine brick-and-concrete paint broad-band amplification buck-and-boost regulator bucket trenching machine backward-acting regulator bag of the side-told type balanced type carburetter balanced type carburettor balanced welding sequence barrier-layer capacitance beach-sand placer deposit bearing-distance computer bender-type accelerometer bevel grinding attachment biconditional implication bidirectional transmitter binary coded decimal code binary nonalgebraic adder binary signaling alphabet biological mineralization bitter-almond oil camphor blacker-than-black region bonding molecular orbital breadth of spectral lines brillovin light amplifier brush-and-spray discharge bubble-mineral attachment back-pressure steam engine backplastered construction ball-and-socket joint vice ball-and-socket joint vise Barkhausen-Kurz oscillator beginnirtg-tof-tape marker belt-tension automatically bending-and-unbending test beta-desintegration energy betatron-acceleration duty binary-coded decimal digit bipropellant rocket engine black-and-white television blind-approach beam system boltzmann distribution law bore-sight servo amplifier british association thread brown-red antimony sulfide built-in radiation heating bag of the bottom-fold type balanced condition of flame ball-and-socket gear change beam-type support structure binary codesd decimal codes binary internal number base binary-coded decimal system bituminous concrete placing black screen television set black-and-white photography borrow-pit moisture content brown-red antimony sulphide backward-transfer admittance bandwidth-limiting amplifier Barkhausen-Kurz oscillations bellman optimality principle beta-particle disintegration bi-directional communication binary-to-decimal conversion black-and-white transmission body-centred cubic structure bore-hole electric load cell bridge four-terminal network broadening of spectral lines background monitoring station barium titanate accelerometer binary-coded decimal notation boiler-turbine control system broadband channel capacitance broadside directional antenna brush contact-resistance loss binomial distribution function biological roentgen equivalent black-and-white cinematography blanket-type pneumatic machine basic partitioned access method beginning-of-information marker body-centred cubic modification bonding of a chip to the header brake specific fuel consumption branches of a network conjugate bombardment-induced conductivity backward-and-forward bending test binary incremental representation balanced two-terminal pair network basic telecommunication access method basic indexed sequential access method
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