За поръчка над 40 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти

За поръчка над 60 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти и БЕЗПЛАТНА ДОСТАВКА ДО ОФИС НА КУРИЕР

📗 Tермини започващи с буквата C в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата C

cal cam can cap cob cod cog col cop cot cue cup cut cake calk calp calx cand cank cant cape card case cash cask cast cauk cave cawk ceil cell chad chap char chip chop cion cisa clad clam claw clay clip clod clog club cock code coil coin coke cold comb cone cook cool coom cope copy cord core corf cork corn cost cove cowl crab crag crat crew crib cron crop crow crut cube cuff cull culm curb curd cure curl cusp cyan cabin cable cache cager calve canch canga capel catch caulk cazin ceria ceric cerin cetyl chafe chaff chaft chair chalk chare chark chart chase cheat cheek chert chews chill china chine chink chock choke chord chuck chump churn chute chyle chyme cilia clamp clasp clean cleap cleat cleet cleft climb cloud clout clump coaly coder coign colas compo conch conge coomb cored corve count cover crack craft cramp crane crash crate crawl craze cream creek creel creep crepe crest crimp crisp crock croft crook cross crowd crown crude crush crust crypt cubic cubit cuddy cupel curie curry curve cusec cutch cycle c ring c scan cabbie caburn caddis cadmia cadmic calgon calico caller callis callow calloy cam in camber camlet camloy cammed candid canker canned cannon canopy capote capryl captax carbyl cardan carder caseic casein caster castor casual caving cavity cerate cermet cerous cetane cetene chafer chamot charge charry chaser cheese cheque cherry cherty chicle chilex chinky chippy chiral chisel choked cholic chroma cinder cineol cipher circle citral citric citrin clayed cleave cledgy clench clevis clinch cloaca clorex closer clotty clunch clutch coagel coarse coated coater cobalt cobber cobble cocker cockle cocoon coddle coding coffer cohade cohere coiled coiler cokery collar collet comber comfit commix concha conche confix conies coniin coning conoid consol convex convey cooker cooled cooler cooper copier coping copper copple corbel corder coring corium corned corner cornue corona cortex cosine cosmic cotter cotton coulee course coving cracky cradle cranny crater craton crayon crease cresol cresyl crisis crocus crotch croudy cruise crutch cubage cuboid cumene cumuli cupola cupped cupric cuprol curdle curing curite curium cursor curved cusped cut in cutter cyclic cymene c scope cabling cacodyl cadence cadmous cafemic caffeol cageway calcene calcite calcium caldron calomel calomic calotte cam box cam out camming canadol candela candied cannery canning cap key cap nut capable capital caplamp cappice capping caprate caprock caprone caproyl capture capwise caracol caravan carcase carcass cardump carenol carking carrier cartful carting cartoon caseate caseous cast-in castrol catalin catcher caulker caunter caustic cavetto ce pack ceiling cellite celotex celsian ceramal ceremal cereous cerosin chaffer chafing chagrin chamber chamfer chaplet charger chariot charred charted chasing chatter checker chelate chevron chip ax chisley chitter chloral choline chromax chromel chromet chromic chromyl chuting cillery cindery circlip circuit cissing cissoid citadel citrate citrene clapper clarain clarity clastic cleaner clicket clinker clipper clobber closely closure cluster clutter coalite coaming coarsen coaster coating coaxial cobbing cocking cockpit cod oil codimer cogging cognate coiling coinage colclad collate collier colloid columns command compact compass complex compose compost compute concave concept concern concoct concure condemn conduit confine conflux conform congeal congest conical connect console consume contact contain content contest contour control contuse convert cooking coolant cooling coppice copying coquina corbond corinth cornice corning coronen correct corrode corrupt corubin costean cottage coulomb coulter counter country coupled coupler couplet covered coverer cowling coxcomb cracker crackle crawler crazing creeper creneie creosol creping crevice cribble crimper crimson crinkle cripple crocket crooked cropped cropper crotine crowbar crowley crucial cruiser crumble crunode crusher crusted cryogen cryosel crystal cubical cubicle cullets culture culvert cuminol cumulus cupping cuprase cuprate cuprite cuprous curling current curtain curving cushion cuspate cut oil cut-off cut-out cutback cutless cutting cyanate cyanide cyanine cyanite cyclane cycling cyclone cylnder cystine c magnet c washer cableway cabotage cageless calamine calcinol calctuff calculus calender call key calliper calotype calutron cam case cam disk cam drum cam feed cam gear cam nose cam pawl cam roll cam shoe cam slot camerate camphane camphene canaries canework canister cannular cap bolt cap gear car axle car body car deck car jack car park car pass car shed carbenes carbinol carbonyl carboxyl card bed card row carhouse carinate carriage carryall carstone cart way cartouch cat dirt catchpot catechin catechol catering cathetus cathrate cauldron caulk in cauprene causeway cavitate cell box cellular celonite cenosite cenotype cenozoic centroid cephalin cera wax cerelose ceresine cerolite chainman chainway chaldron chamotte chapitel charring charting checking checkoff checkout chemical chenille chinking chip axe chipping chiselly chlorate chlorine chlorite chopping chromate chroming chromite chromous chronite chucking churlish chymosin cinchona cincture cinerate cinerite cinerous cinnabar cinnamic cinnamon cinnamyl circular city gas cladding clamping clastate claw bar clay-pan clean-up cleaning cleanout cleanser clearing cleavage cleveite climbers clincher clinkery clinking clipping clipsing clogging cloister clothing clutched cnc unit co-pilot coagulum coal bed coal bin coal gas coal oil coal tar coalesce cob wall cobaltic cobaltyl cockloft code set coeffect coercive cofactor cog belt coherent cohesive coke bed coke bin coke tar colamine colander colasmix colation colature colchium cold set coldbond collagen collator columbic columnar columned comb die comb pin cometary compiler complain compress comprise computer con-flow conchoid concrete condense cone cut conglobe conicity conjunct conodont conserve constant consumer contract contrast converge converse conveyer conveyor conylene cookeite copernic copperas corduroy core bit core box core pin core rod corednll coreless corkwood corneous corniced coronene corridor corundum corvette cosecant coumarin couplant coupling coursing covalent coverage covering coxswain cozymase crabbing cracking cradling cramping creaming creasing creatine creation creepage creeping creneile creosote cresatin crevasse crewless crib bed crib dam crimping crinkled criteria critical croceine crockery crocking crocoite crooking crop end crop-out cropland croppage cropping crosette crowfoot crowning crucible cruising crumbled crutcher crutting cryolite cryostat cryotron cryptone cubature cubiform cull lum culm bar cumulate cup head cup test cupboard cupralum cupreous curative cure bag cuspidal customer cut acid cut gear cut logs cutpoint cutwater cw laser cw maser cyanogen cyanuric cyclelog cycloide cymatium cymidine cymogene cysteine cytidine cytisine cytosine c battery c display c spanner cab floor cable box cable oil cablegram cadaverin cage bail cage deck cage grid cainozoic cairngorn calaveras calc-spar calcinate calculous call bell call sign calmative calodrant calorizer cam angle cam brake cam drive cam plate cam press cam wheel camelback camphanol camses in can anode canal ray cannelure cant file cap board cap piece cap plate cap screw cap sheet cap stone capacious cape hood caprilate capronate caprylate capsulate captation car ferry car frame car radio carbamate carbanion carbazide carbazone carbolate carbonado carbonify carbonous carborane carborund carboxide carburant carburate carburize card face card feed card file card unit card wire cardioide careenage carlength carmatron carnelian carnotite carpitron cart road cartouche cartridge caryinite cascading cask buoy casserole cassonade cast film cast gear cast iron cast unit cat's eye cat-blend catalyzer catch pin catch-all catholyte cationite catlinite cavernous cavestone cedar oil celestine celestite celloline cellomold cellulase cementite cephaline ceraceous ceralumin cerie ion cerimetry cerussite chabasite chain jib chain saw chalk-pit chalybite check bar check bit check nut checkback chelation chill bar china ink chinaware chip area chip curl chirality chiseling chloracid chloracyi chloranil chlorazol choke rod chokedump chord axe chordwise chuck jaw chuck key chute gap cine film cinnamate cinnamoyl cinq foil circle-in circuital circuitry circulate citramide city hall city line cl engine clamp dog clamp lug clamp nut clamshell clapboard clarendon clarifier claroline clasp nut clathrate clav pipe claw stop clay band clay gall clay loam clay mill clay sand clay slip clay soil clean cut clean gas cleanglow cleanness clear air clear cut clear ice clear ore clear-way clearance clearcole cleavable clickwork clip ring clip wood close fit close-cut close-set clustered co-enzyme coagulant coagulate coal cake coal dump coal dust coal face coal hold coal loss coal mine coal plow coal vein coalition coalliery coast ice coat nail cobaltite cobaltous coccolith cock stop cockscomb cocooning code hole code sign code tree code unit code word cofferdam coffering coffinite cog wheel cog-joint cognition coherence coil ends coil form coil pipe coir yarn coke oven cold area cold flow cold roll cold shut cold slug cold tear cold test cold weld cold work collastic collating collation collaurin collector colligate collinear collodion colloidal collotype colluvial colmatage colonnade colourant colouring columbate columbite columbium columbous colza oil commander commingle comminute commoning commotion commutate comonomer compacted compandor comparand composing composite computing concavity concealed concerted concourse concretor condenser condiment condition conductor cone apex cone gate cone gear cone worm confacial confluent conformal conformer confusion congruent congruous conjugate connecter connector connexion conoscope conserver constancy constrict construct contactor container contoured contracid contriver convector converter convertor convexity convolute cool star cooperate cooperite cophasial copigment copolymer coppering coproduct copyright coral ore corbelled cord grip cord tyre core grid core hole core iron core oven core room core sand core tank core tube core wall core wood core-draw coring-up cork slab cork tree corn mill cornering cornhouse corollary corpuscle corrasion corrector corrigent corrodent corroding corronize corrosion corrosive cosletize cosmogony cosmology cosmotron cosolvent cost unit cotangent cotophene cottonade cottonize coumarone countdown countless covalence covalency covelline covellite cover nut crab bolt crane car crane man crane men crank arm crank pin crank web cratering cream-off crenelate crepitate cresylate crib pier criggling crinkling crippling crisp air criterion crocetine crocodile cromansil cross bar crossline crosswise crown bar cruciform crude oil crude ore crude tar crude wax crustated crutching cryoconit cryogenic cryometry cryoscopy cube root cube spar cube-like culm coal cultivate cup rivet cup shell cup valve cup wheel cupferron curb ring curb roof curcumine cure time cushioned customary customize cut fibre cut meter cut metre cut tooth cyamelide cyanamide cyanation cyanilide cyanoform cyclamate cycle car cyclogram cyclothem cyclotomy cyclotron cylindric cystamine cab signal cabin lift cable bent cable bond cable buoy cable code cable drum cable duct cable fill cable gear cable grip cable head cable line cable link cable rack cable shoe cable wire cage hoist cage rotor calaverite calcereous calcflinta calciclase calciferol calcimeter calcinator calcitrant calefactor calicheras call annex call meter call metre calling-up calorifics cam cutter cam ground cam hammer cam roller cam sleeve camel hair camel yarn camera man camera men camgrinder camptonite camsellite can oiling can opener canal lock cancel out cancerogen cancrinite candescent cane chair caoutchoid cap copper cap filler capped end car change car safety car spring carbamlide carbocycle carbogenes carbolites carbon arc carbonator carboxylic carburized carclazite card field card guide cargo boat cargo boom cargo deck cargo gear cargo hold cargo ship cargo tank cargocaire carnallite carry-over cartometry case steel case study cased beam cash joint casing-off cast alloy cast anode cast glass cast ingot cast metal cast resin cast sheet cast steel cast tooth casting-up castle nut castor oil cataclinal catalysate catch bolt catch cams catch pawl catch tank causticity causticize cavability caved area cavitation ceilometer celestrial celloidine cellomould cellosolve cement gun centesimal centigrade centralite centre bit centre dot centre key centre pin centre-fad centrifuge cerapatite cerimetric cervantite ceyssatite chain axle chain belt chain bolt chain brow chain case chain code chain feed chain gate chain gear chain grab chain iron chain jack chain line chain link chain load chain pump chain rule chain yarn chair lift chalcedony chalcocide chalconide chambering chamfering chamoisite channeller charge off charnokite chaser die chaul tube check copy check dook check line check list check mark check rail check ring check test cheminosis chemolysis chemometry cherry-red chessilite chill test chillagite china clay chip board chip guard chip space chiprupter chisel bit chisel cut chisel off chisel out chloralide chloramide chloramine chlorating chloration chlorazide chlorazine chlorinity choke damp choke dike choke dyke choke tube chondrilla chromating chrome dye chrome kid chromizing chromosorb chronopher chrysolite chrysotile chuck bare chuck hole chuck work chucn ring chute gate cinchophen cineration cipher key circle-out circuitron circulator circumcise circumvent cis effect city limit city water civil year clad metal clad steel clamp bolt clamp ring clamp roll clap valve clasp nail classifier clay brick clay mixer clay slate clay stone clean core clean flow clear area clear bulb clear lamp clear span cleiophane clerestory climatizer clinch ear clinkering clinkstone clock card clock face clock rate clockstars close copy close shot close view close weld closed die cloth loom cloth mill cloud bank cloud yarn cloudiness clout nail clustering clutch arm clutch rod co-deposit coacervate coach bolt coach-yard coagulable coagulator coal auger coal brass coal brick coal burst coal depot coal field coal slack coal stone coal yield coalescent coarse cut coarse fit coarseness coarsening coast line coast side coated rod cobalamine cobaltosic cocatalyst cock wheel code digit code group code light code pulse code sheet code track code wheel coercivity coeruleine cohobation coil pitch coil power coil stand coir fibre cokability coke ratio coke yield colatitude cold crack cold front cold start cold store cold waste cold-drawn cold-short colemanite collar nut collar-tie collateral collecting collergang collimator colophonic colourless column arm column box comb gauge combat arm combustion commercial commingler comminutor commission commitment commixture common bit common bus common log commutator compacting compaction comparable comparator compendium complexing compliance compositor compressed compressor compulsory computable concentric conception concession conchoidal concoction concreting concretion concurrent concussion condensate conduction cone angle cone brake cone point confection confidence confluence conformity congestion coniferous connection consistent consonance constantan constitute constraint consumable contacting contention contexture contiguous continuity continuous contortion contouring contractor contraflow contre-die controlled controller convection convention convergent conversion convex set conveyance cooperable coordinate coping saw copper ash copper bar copper bit copper mat copper ore copy paper corbelling cord drive cordianine cordierite core arbor core dress core drier core drill core plate core print core screw core sheet corebarrel cored beam cored hole cored slab coring-out corinthian cork board cork brick corn drill corn mower corner cut correction correlator corrugated corticadet cosine law cosinusoid cosmogenic cosmometry cost value cotter pin coulometer coulometry count rate counteract cover bead cover core cowcatcher cp control crab winch crack-free cramp iron crane base crane beam crane boom crane crab crane hook crane load crane rail crane ship crank axle crank bore crank case crank gear crankcheek crash test creatinine creep feed creep rate creep test crenelated crenellate crepe yarn cresol red crest line crest tile cretaceous crimp seal crimp yarn crispening crop easer cross adit cross belt cross bond cross edge cross feed cross file cross flux cross head cross pipe cross slab cross stay cross tube cross wall cross-beam cross-buck cross-link cross-sill cross-talk cross-wire crown gear crown gold crown iron crude iron crumblings cryohalite cryohydrat cryohydric cryoscopic cultivator cumic acid cumulative cup grease cup washer cup-headed cup-shaped cupola gas cupra silk cupric ion curb joint curb stone curriculum curtaining curve line curved bar curved jib curvimeter cushioning cut veneer cutter bar cutter jib cutter oil cutting-up cyanogenic cycle life cyclograph cymophenol cytochrome cable chain cable chute cable clamp cable clips cable crane cable fault cable hoist cable inlet cable joint cable shaft cable shelf cable sling cable stock cable wheel cable winch cabled yarn cactus grab cadmium red cage bonnet cage dipole cage screen caged valve caking coal calciferous calcinatory calculagrap calefacient californium call button call letter call number call office call signal call switch calorigenic cam contour cam gearing cam journal cam profile cam spindle camber arch camber beam camber line camera hood camera lens camera tube canal route cancellable candescence candle-foot canned food cannel coal cant column canted shot canvas belt capacitance cape chisel capric acid caprolactam capstan nut car changer car coupler carbamidine carbide tip carbocyclic carbon cell carbon copy carbon dust carbon test carbon-free carbonation carbonilate carborundum carboxylase carboxylate carburation carburizing carbylamine carcinotron card format card hopper card reader card sorter card system cardan axle carded yarn cardiograph cargo hatch cargo truck caro's acid carpet coat cartridging cascade set case-bonded casein glue casing bowl casing pipe casing ring casing shoe cassiterite cast basalt cast bullet castability casting arm casting bed casting box casting die casting lap casting pig casting pit cat-cracker cataclasite cataracting catch basin catch drain catch short caterpillar cathode cup cathode hum cathode-ray caustic dip caustlcizer caving bank cavity grid cavity wall ceiling fan celery salt cell liquid cellocotton cement kiln cement mill cement shoe cement skin cement slag cement wash cementation central cut central ion central ray central tap centre boss centre feed centre hole centre line centre mark centre rest centre weft centrepunch centriclone centrifiner ceramic tip cerargyrite cerie oxide chadacrysts chaff cloud chain anion chain brake chain cable chain cager chain decay chain drive chain grate chain guard chain hoist chain joint chain sling chain tongs chain track chain wheel chain winch chalk stone chalky clay chamfer cut change gear change over channel bar channel bed charge book charge hand charge life charge pipe charge pump chart scale chaser mill chasing bar check arbor check digit check meter check metre check order check piece check point check screw check study check valve cheek brake cheese head chemicalize chemometric chemosphere cherry coal chiastolite chile nitre chill block chill depth chill mould chill point chimney cap chimney gas chimney lid chimney pot chimney top china-metal chip former chippy cage chisel edge chloanthite chloralkali chlorimeter chlorinator chloroplast chloroprene chock block choke joint choke valve cholic acid chop feeder chromic ion chromometer chromophore chromoscope chromotrope chronograph chronometry chronoscope chrysoberyl chrysocolla chrysoidine chuck arbor chuck lathe chuck plate chuck swing cinching-up cinder bank cinder dump cinder mill cinder wool cinefaction cinnamamide cinque foil cipher code circulation cistern car citric acid clack valve clamp block clamp check clamp cheek clamp frame clamp plate clamp screw clapper box clasp brake clasp joint claw clutch claw wrench claw-hammer clay mortar clay-loaded clayey sand clayey soil cleanerette cleaning-up clear juice clear state clear water clear width clevis bolt clickspring climb angle clinch nail clinochlore clinton ore clip sector clock brass clock cycle clock drive clock glass clock meter clock metre clock pulse clock relay clock track clock train close check close joint closed cell closed core closed hole closed loop closed pair closed pass closed path closed slot closed stub closed weld closure dam cloth press cloth wheel cloud cover cloud layer cloud track club hammer clutch case clutch cone clutch disk clutch gear clutch gold clutch slip cnc machine coach screw coagulation coal cutter coal firing coal hammer coal mining coal naphta coal plough coal supply coalescence coalite tar coarse file coarse rock coarse sand coated wire cobalt blue cobblestone cock handle code beacon code colour code length code letter code signal code symbol code system coded order coding form coefficient coelosphere coffee mill cogged belt cogged rail coil puller coil-loaded coiled coil coin chisel coke breeze coke filter cokeability cokey resin coking test cold curing cold cutter cold drying cold dyeing cold repair cold-rolled cold-worked collapsible collar beam collar bush collar roof collar step collarhouse colligation colligative collimation colorimeter colorimetry colour code colour film colour tone colour-fast colouration column foot column form column load column pile comb filter combat ship combed wool combed yarn combustible commingling comminution commodities common area common base common iron common salt commutation commutative compact car compactness compendency compensator compilation complex gas complex ion composition compostable compounding compression compressive comptroller computation concamerate concealment concentrate concomitant condensable condensance conditioned conditioner conductance conduit box conduit run cone clutch cone pulley cone sheave cone winder cone-driven cone-headed cone-shaped configurate conformable conformance congelation conglaciate conical fit conjugation conjugative conjunction consecutive conservator consignment consistence consistency consolidate conspicuity conspicuous constituent constrained constructor consumption contact bar contact gap contact jaw contact pin contact tab contactless containment contaminant continuance contour map contractile contraction contracture contrivance control arm control box control cam control dam control jet control key control rod convenience convergence convertible convex bead convex game convex lens convex side convex weld convolution cooling air cooling bed cooling fan cooling fin cooling oil cooling rib cooperation cooperative coordinator coped joint coping wall copper bolt copper bond copper salt copper scum copper seal copper-clad copronigrin corbel arch cord fabric cord pulley core binder core blower core losses core puller core region core sample corecatcher cored screw cork filler cork gasket corner bead corner iron corner knot corner pole corner weld cornish bit coronavisor corporation correlation correlogram corrugation cortlandite cosine line cosine term cosine wave cosmic body cosmic dust cosmic iron cosmography cost centre cotter bolt cotter file cotton belt cotton felt cotton mill cotton rope cotton wool cotton yarn couch board couch press coulier cam coulometric counter die counter ion counterbore counterbuff counterdraw counteretch counterflow counterfort counterlode counterpart countersink countersunk countervein course data court house cover glass cover paper cover plate cover sheet coyote hole crab bucket crack-proof cramp frame crane cable crane chain crane radii crane track crank angle crank block crank brace crank drive crank guide crank lever crank press crank radii crank shaft crash truck creed relay creep limit cremaillere crenelation crenellated crepe crepe crepe paper crepe weave crepitation crest shape crest value crisp image crisp track criticality crocidolite crook tongs crookedness crop shears cross brace cross crack cross field cross joint cross piece cross shaft cross slope cross speed cross-point crowded art crown angle crown drill crown glass crown joint crown wheel cruch burst cruciferous crude error crude metal crude model crude steel crumly soil crush board crusher jaw cryptalline cryptometer crystal set crystalline crystallite crystallize crystalloid crystobalit cubic field cubic meter cubic metre culled wood culmination cultivation cumaldehyde cup leather cup packing cupellation cupola iron cupola slag cupping die cuprocupric cupropyrite curb girder cured resin curing core curing time curl method curling cut curling die current tap curve gauge curve point curve-piece curved head curved line curved link curved roof curved vane curvilinear cushion ply custom-made cut to size cut-off die cut-off key cut-off saw cutoff dike cutoff dyke cutout base cutter body cutter drum cutter gang cutter head cutting bit cutting cam cutting die cutting end cutting jet cutting lip cutting oil cutting tip cutting-off cutting-out cyan colour cyananilide cyanic acid cyanidation cyanide ion cyanine dye cybernetics cycle index cycle-check cyclic bond cyclic code cyclic load cyclization cyclography cyclohexane cyclohexene cylindrical c-e analysis cab-operated cabinet rasp cabinet wood cable bridge cable filler cable hanger cable length cable pulley cable sheath cable shield cable sleeve cable splice cable subway cable system cache memory cage antenna cake of alum calcaphanite calcined ore calcium lime calcium salt calef action calender run call circuit call on-hand calling jack calling lamp calorescence calorization cam follower camber angle camber board camera angle camera crane camera dolly cancerogenic candle power canned goods canned motor cant of rail cant scraper cantsaw file capaciformer capacitivity capacity box capacity lag capahyba oil capital ship capped steel capping mass capstan head capstan rest capture area capture rate capture spot car arrester car arrestor car coupling car receiver car retarder car unloader carbide slag carbide tool carbodiimide carbomethene carbon balls carbon black carbon brush carbon chain carbon cycle carbon fibre carbon noise carbon oxide carbon paper carbon steel carbonitrile carboxyethyl carboyloxine card cabinet card cleaner card control card feeding card puncher card sorting card stacker cardan drive cardan joint cardan shaft cargo vessel carnauba wax carrier ring carrier roll carrier slot carrier wave carrier-born carrry digit carry signal carryng area cascade tube case bindery case leather case-chilled cased column casing shell castellation casting head casting line casting seam casting shop casting slip castor wheel cat-cracking catalyst bed cataphoresis cataphoretic catch a cage catch button catch thread catcher grid catharometer cathetometer cathode beam cathode bias cathode glow cathode grid cathode lens cathode load cathode spot cationotropy cattle lorry cattle truck caulking die caustic lime caustic soda caution area caved ground cavity brick cavity maser cavity meter cavity metre ceiling form ceiling jack ceiling rose celadongreen cellular dam cement flour cement mixer cement paste cement steel cementitious center drill center point central atom central core central gate central hair central rope central zero centre chuck centre drill centre gauge centre lathe centre point centre shaft centre wheel centrifugate centroclinal ceramic bond ceramic tile ceramic tool ceramic tube cerenkov ray cetane index chain bridge chain dotted chain dredge chain feeder chain harrow chain pulley chain roller chain sheave chain-driven chained list chaining pin chalcanthite chalcopyrite chamber acid chamber kiln chamber oven chamber wall chamfer edge chance error change wheel channel iron channel oven channel rail channel spin channel tile charge cloud charge gauge charge image charge shell charged call charging set charred coal chasing tool chatter mark check number check sample check spring checker work cheek washer chelate ring chemical fog chemotherapy cheviot yarn chilled iron chilled roll chimney flue chimney foot chimney hole chimney hood chimney neck chimney raft chip breaker chisiey soil chloracetate chlorapatite chlorate ion chloric acid chloride ion chlorite ion chloroaurate chlorocarbon choke filter choke flange choking coil chopped mode chopping bit chord splice chord stress christophite chromaticity chromatizing chromatogram chrome brick chrome green chrome steel chrome-regia chromic acid chromosphere chromotropic chuck collet chuck wrench chucked work chute bottom chute feeder chymotrypsin cindery coal circle about circular arc circular die circular jib circular jig circular key circular mil circular nut circular rim circular saw circumcentre circumcircle circumcision circumfluent circumjacent circumradius circumscribe circumsphere cirrocumulus cirrostratus cis-addition cis-position cited patent cities limit clamp bucket clamping bar clamping dog clamping ear clamping jaw clamping lug clamping nut clasp handle clay tamping clay-bearing cleaner cell cleaning-off cleaning-out clear height clear octane clear signal cleavability cleft timber climb flight clipper tube clock spring close binary close-coiled close-meshed closed angle closed chain closed curve closed cycle closed frame closed joint closed orbit closed route closed shell closed slide closing cock closing head closing ring closing time closure test cloth filter cloth roller clpgged file cluster bomb cluster gear cluster mill clutch bevel clutch pedal clutch plate clutch shaft clutch tooth co-extrusion coacervation coal breaker coal crusher coal grading coal jigging coal storage coal washery coal washing coal-bearing coal-tar oil coarse grind coarse sieve coarse-pored coastal dune coating head coaxial horn coaxial plug coaxial stub cobalt bloom cobalt green cobalt steel cocoon fibre code element code rewrite coded signal coding relay cog building cogged wheel cogging mill cogging roll cohesiveness coil of wire coil spacing coil surface coil winding coiling drum coin changer coining mill coke furnace coke residue coking index coking plant coking space cold cathode cold chamber cold drawing cold forging cold forming cold neutron cold peening cold reserve cold rolling cold setting cold shaping cold storage cold welding cold working cold-pressed cold-punched cold-riveted coleseed oil collar brace collar swage collar swell collect call collet chuck colloid mill colorimetric colour error colour field colour frame colour glass colour image colour index colour level colour scale colour shade colour strip coloured fog column clamp column crane column drill column mixer column split combat plane comber board comet nuclei cometary gas command code command word common block common chord common drive common point common resin communicator compact disk compactivity complete set complex root complex salt complex tone complex unit complex wave complexation compound arc compound box compound cam compound die compressible computerized concave lens concave side concave weld concentrated concentrator concert hall concrete dam concrete gun concrete mix concrete pit condensation conditioning conductivity cone imprint coned cutter confined jet confirmation conformality conformation conglobation conglomerate conglutinate conical bolt conical buoy conical drum conical dune conical gear conical grip conical mill conical roof conical scan conservation conservatism constitution constriction construction constructive contact acid contact area contact base contact clip contact fuse contact loss contact mask contact mine contact rail contact ring contact time continuation contour line contour plan contractible contrast hue contribution control area control cock control code control desk control dial control gate control gear control grid control knob control lamp control line control lock control loop control path control post control rack control roll control room control rope control time control unit control word controllable convectional conventional conveyor jib conveyor pan cooking soda coolant pump cooled maser cooling coil cooling pipe cooling pond cooling tank cooling time cooling trap cooling tube cooling unit cooling wing cooling worm cooling zone coordination coordinative coping stone copper matte copper sheet copper smith coproduction copy spindle corbel-block corbie-steps cord circuit core breaker core lattice cored carbon cork stopper corn cleaner corn sheller corner brace corner drill corner joint coronal glow cosine curve cosmic noise cosmoiogical cost control cotter drill cotter joint cotton balls cotton fibre cotton waste coulombmeter counter mure counter stop counter tube counterchute counterforce counterlever counterpoise countershaft counterstain counterweigh country road country rock coupling bar coupling pin coupling rod course angle course meter course metre cove ceiling cover caving cover gasket covered pipe cowling clip cowper stove coyote blast crack growth crackability cracked fuel cracking gas cracking tar craigtontite cranck drill crane bridge crane driver crane girder crane magnet crane pillar crane pulley crane radius crane rating crane runway crank circle crank effort crank hammer crank handle crank radius crank shaper crank-driven crank-up pin cranked slot cranked tool cranking bar crash helmet crawler belt crease-proof creened room creep strain creep stress crenellation cresol resin crest factor crest length crimp fabric crimping die cristobalite croceic acid crocein salt cronstedtite cropper coal cropper hole cropping die crose bedded cross timber cross tunnel cross-bedded cross-cutter cross-dyeing cross-strike crossbolster crossed belt crown quarto crt graphics crude method crude naphta crude rubber crude sewage crude spirit crude theory crushed sand crusher head crusher roll crusher size cryochemical crystal edge crystal face crystal site crystallizer cubic strain cup fracture cup nib bolt cupping test cupping tool cupric oxide curing agent curly schist current coil current cost current flow current gain current load current mode current node current rush current wave curtain dook curtain wall curve sheave curved frame curved plate curved scale cushion disk cushion tyre custom-built cut-and-fill cut-in relay cut-off bias cut-off gate cut-off rest cut-out cock cutler arbor cuts to size cutter block cutter chain cutter slide cutting disk cutting edge cutting face cutting feed cutting ring cutting time cutting tool cutting tray cutting-down cyanide case cyanobutyric cyanohydride cyclic group cyclic shift cyclogenesis cyclohexanol cyclohexanon cyclopentane cyclopropane cyclosulphur cylinder cam cylinder cut cylinder end cylinder oil cysteic acid cabinet drier cable railway cable scraper cable shackle cacodyl oxide cadastral map caesium oxide cage compound cainosoic era cake of nitre calcium oxide calendar year calender felt calling relay calliper rule cam mechanism cam steel bar camber height cambered head camera signal camshaft case camshaft gear canopy window canting table capacitor box capacity area capacity test capital costs capronic acid caprylic acid capstan lathe capstan screw capstan slide capstan winch capsule stack captive nappe capture width carbamic acid carbazic acid carbide black carbocoal tar carbodynamite carbolic acid carbon laying carbon tracer carbonic acid carbonilation carbonium ion carbonyl bond carboxylation carboxymethyl carboyl oxime carburization carbuxyphenyl card capacity card clothing card magazine card position card receiver cardinal wind cargo steamer cargo tractor cargo vehicle carriage jack carriage rope carrier noise carrier power carry circuit carrying axle carrying case carrying rail carrying ring carrying wall cartrige belt cascade carry cascade motor cascade stage case-hardened cashmere wool casing barrel casing column cassette head cast concrete casting alloy casting brass casting crane casting house casting ladle casting mould catalyst unit catenary arch catenary line catenasulphur cathead chuck cathode clamp cationotropic caulked joint caulking iron caulking seam caulking tool caution board caved chamber caving method cavity effect ceased patent ceiling level celestial map cell computer cell mounting cellular core cement blower cement cooper cement copper cement mortar cement needle center square center washer centering jaw centering lug central force central panel central pivot central sprue centre reamer centre socket ceramic metal ceri-compound cero-compound certain event cetane number cetene number cetyl alcohol chafing strip chain fission chain printer chain reactor chain shackle chain spanner chain tension chain working chamber drier chamber plant chamfer angle chamfered key chance effect change pulley changes gears changing face changing load channel black channel frame channel group character set charcoal iron charge factor charge losses charge number charge parity charging dook charging hole charging pump charging rate charging skip charging tank charging time charging tray chart matcher chased thread chasing lathe check battery check circuit check problem check reading check station check stopper checker board checker brick chemical bond chemical shim chemical test chemisorption chenille yarn chert surface cherty ground chevron wheel chill casting chilled steel chimney shaft chimney stack chimney valve chip clearing chipped stone chlorobenzene chlorophyllic chlorous acid choked screen choked stream choked throat chord winding chromaticness chromatograph chrome colour chrome dyeing chrome pickle chromium alum chromospheric chromotropism chromous acid chrysophenine chuck bushing chuck changer chucking tool chucking work chute blaster chute tapping cindy antenna cinnamic acid circling mark circuit error circuit guard circuit noise circular bead circular bell circular comb circular feed circular file circular flow circular gate circular kiln circular loom circular rack circular tool circular weld circumambient circumference circumflexion citridic acid city planning civil defence cladding rail claisen flask clamp-on vice clamp-on vise clamping bolt clamping ring clamping slot clamping stop clamping stud clamping tool clamping unit clapper block clapper valve clarification claw coupling clay moulding clayey ground clean burning cleaning chip cleaning drum cleaning room cleaning shop clear display clear lacquer clear opening clear spacing clearance fit clearing hole clearing lamp clearing time clearinghouse cleating ring cleavage test clerical work climatic zone climb hobbing climb milling climb-cutting clinker brick clinker floor clinker-built clip-on gauge clipping room clock diagram clock reading close control close packing close spacing close texture close-toothed closed column closed planer closed system closed volume closing angle closing error closing force closing screw closing speed closing valve closure error cloud chamber clouded glass cluster plate clutch magnet clutch sleeve clutch spring cnc machining co-deposition coagulability coal conveyer coal conveyor coal dressing coal industry coalification coarse copper coarse fabric coarse gravel coarse screen coarse sizing coarse solder coarse thread coarse tuning coastal radar coastal water coaster brake coated fabric coating cover coating resin coaxial cable cobalt glance cobalt yellow cobaltammines cocarboxylase coconut fibre cocoonization cod-liver oil code alphabet coded current coded feature coded message coding system coding theory cog timbering coil adjuster coil capacity coil gradient coil ignition coiled spring coilsed coils coinage metal coining press coining punch coke-oven gas coking retort coking stoker cold emission cold junction cold moulding cold pressing cold riveting cold-calender cold-workable collapse area collapse load collar burner collar flange collar swedge colloid state colour camera colour centre colour change colour filter colour fringe colour purity colour screen colour signal coloured body coloured lamp column casing column shaper column sleeve column vector column washer combat rocket combined head combined lamp combined load combing beach comet nucleus cometary head command pulse commensurable commercialize common branch common factor common labour common rafter common return common solder commutativity comparability complementary complete code complete fill complex plane complex sound complexometry component job composite bed composite set composite tie compound gear compound mast compound term compound wall compound wire compound-rest comprehensive compton meter compton metre computer code concameration concatenation concave crown concentration concrete arch concrete beam concrete form concrete pole concrete prop concrete pump concrete road concrete sand concrete skip concrete slab concrete work condensed gas condensed oil condenser box condenser oil conductometry conduit joint cone coupling cone distance cone of gears configuration confining bed conflagration conic section conical pivot conical screw connectedness connector bar conning tower consistometer consolidation constant area constant bias constant duty constant flow constant load constant term constellation consumed work contact angle contact black contact blade contact brush contact force contact joint contact locus contact noise contact plate contact point contact print contact ratio contact resin container car contamination contour graph contoured map contractility contraflexure contrary wind control bench control block control board control cabin control cable control chain control chart control check control crank control drive control error control field control gauge control holes control lever control limit control motor control panel control point control pulse control range control ratio control relay control stick control strip control stuck control timer control tooth control tower control track control valve control wheel convert valve converter mat converter pig convex buffer convex camber convex cutter convex fillet convex washer conveyer band conveyor belt conveyor pipe conveyor tube conveyor worm conweigh belt coolant guard cooling blast cooling crack cooling mixer cooling plant cooling plate cooling power cooling spray cooling stack cooling tower cooling water copal varnish coplasticizer copper glance copper number copper sheath copper sponge copper-plated copper-tipped coprecipitate copunctuality copying easel copying lathe copying paper cord adjuster cord fastener cord terminal core diameter core drilling core material core moulding corned powder corner chisel corner pillar correlatogram corresponding cosmic x-rays cotter driver cotterpinning cotton fabric cottonization coumaric acid count of yarn counter entry counter floor counter locus counter yield counter-brace counteraction counterboring counterspring counting loss counting rate counting time country house coupled wheel coupling band coupling bolt coupling cock coupling fork coupling gear coupling head coupling hook coupling link coupling loop coupling tube course rubble covalent bond cover coating coverage area covered berth covered drain covering flag covering tree covulcanizate cowl air vent cracking load cradle centre cradle feeder craftsmanship crane support crane trolley crank diagram crank slotter crankcase oil cranking test crash barrier crated weight crawler crane creasing test creasing tool creep failure creep modulus creeper track crescent wing crest voltage cresylic acid crimped rayon cristallinity critical area critical duty critical load critical mass critical part critical rate critical size croceine salt cropper easer cross cutting cross flexure cross measure cross-bearing cross-country cross-cut end cross-cut saw cross-heading cross-licence cross-linking crossing file crossing gate crotchet file crucial compo crucible wash crude alcohol crude storage crude-ore bin crushed brick crushed juice crushed stone crushing bowl crushing load crushing mill crushing roll crushing test crust leather cryochemistry cryptomorphic crystal diode crystal field crystal glass crystal grain crystal habit crystal mixer crystal mount crystal phase crystal plate crystallogram cubic content cubic lattice cubic measure cubic-centred cuboctahedron cumulo-nimbus cup head bolt cupel furnace cupola blower cupping press cupping punch cupping value cupricompound cuprocompound curcuma paper cure retarder curly bracket current check current drain current meter current metre current noise current probe current pulse current ratio current stock current value current yield curtain array curve bracket curve fitting cushion layer cut off wheel cut to length cut-away view cut-off angle cut-off blade cut-off drain cut-off grade cut-off plate cut-off point cut-off relay cut-off slide cut-off stope cut-off valve cut-out board cut-out frame cut-out relay cut-out stope cutter holder cutter loader cuttind press cutting agent cutting alloy cutting angle cutting blade cutting block cutting depth cutting flame cutting fluid cutting force cutting metal cutting plane cutting power cutting punch cutting slide cutting speed cutting table cutting torch cutting waste cutting width cyano complex cyanoethylene cyanuric acid cycle control cycle counter cyclic stress cycloinverter cyclosymmetry cylinder bore cylinder face cylinder head cab signalling cab-tyre cable cabinet switch cable compound cable drilling cable fittings cable splicing cable terminal cable traction cacodylic acid cadmium blende cadmium-plated cadmiun yellow cage parachute caging machine calcining kiln call frequency call indicator call statement calling device calling-on arm calliper gauge caloric engine caloric theory calorific loss cam-ring chuck camber of arch cambered frame cambering gear camera monitor camera rolling camera-obscura camouflage dye camp equipment camshaft chain camshaft drive camshaft lathe canonical form canopy trailer cantilever arm cantilever bar cantilever fin capacitatively capacity chart capacity earth capacity relay capillary tube capital letter capital repair capped opening capstan saddle capstan-turned capsule copper captive pallet capture length car safety dog carbide carbon carbide sludge carbon breaker carbon deposit carbon granule carbon pick-up carbon reactor carbon replica carbon scraper carbon sulfide carbon-bearing carbonitriding carbonyl group carboxyl group carburetor jet cardboard roof cargo aircraft cargo capacity carnaubic acid carnot theorem carriage apron carriage arbor carriage clamp carrier bucket carrying cable carrying idler carrying power carrying shaft carrying strap carrying tongs cartoon camera cartridge case cartridge drum cartridge fuse cartridge tray cartrige brass cascade length cascade method cascade system cascade theory case-hardening cased borehole casing of pile cast structure casting strain casting stress castor leather catalogue card catalyst gauze catapult start catcher's side catchment area catenary curve cathode border cathode copper cathode liquid cathode region cathode screen cathode stream cathode-loaded cathode-pulsed caustic alkali caustic fusion caustic liquid causticization caustobioliths cavernous vein ceiling height celestial body celestial pole cell connector cement carbide cement clinker cement setting cemented joint cemented steel centering coil centering ring central impact central motion centre bearing centre console centre of mass centre reaming centrifugation centring chuck centring diode ceramic filter ceramic spacer ceramic veneer ceric compound cermet coating certified copy chaff dropping chain breaking chain compound chain conveyer chain conveyor chain coupling chain dragline chain elevator chain of gears chain reaction chain riveting chain sprocket chaining error chalconide ion chamber of fre chambered load chamfered edge chamfered side chamfering bit chamfering hob change of size channel column channel lining channel status channel wiring chaotic motion charge density charge doublet charged rubber charging crane charging floor charging panel charging valve charpy machine chasing saddle check analysis checker finish checkered iron checkered work checking gauge checking table cheese antenna chelate effect chelate ligand chemical agent chemical brick chemical glass chemical plant chemical power chemical shift chief engineer chill moulding chimney damper chimney effect chinese bronze chip deflector chlor-knallgas chloranisidine chloride anion chlorine oxide chlorine still chlorine water choking effect choking factor chopper switch chromatography chromax bronze chrome leather chrome plating chrome tanning chromium steel chromme spinel chucking drill chucking lathe chucking power chucking table churn drilling chute blasting chute spillway cinematography cinnamaldehyde cipher message circle diagram circuit closer circuit module circular chart circular field circular graph circular guide circular orbit circular pitch circular plane circular scale circular shift circular sweep circular table circular tooth circular trace circutal field cirque glacier cislunar space civil aircraft civil aviation civil engineer clamp coupling clamp-tip tool clamping diode clamping force clamping lever clamping plate clamping screw clamping strap clay ironstone cleaning agent cleansing drum clear diameter clear distance clear gasolene clear gasoline clearance area clearance gate clearance hole clearance loss cleared region clearing relay cleavage plane clerical error clinching iron clinoenstatite clipping level clipping tools close coupling close riveting closed antenna closed circuit closed conduit closed cornice closed polygon closed surface closing device cluster spring clustered pier clutch control clutch locking clutch shifter cnain moulding cnc production coal tempering coal-tar pitch coarse balance coarse control coarse crusher coarse grading coarse setting coarse-fibered coarse-grained coarse-ore bin coated macadam coated surface coating doctor coating roller coaxial feeder cockpit canopy cocoon packing code character code converter code convertor code reception codimerization coding theorem codistillation coercive force coffee grinder cogging hammer coherent waves cohesive force coiling length coin collector coking quality cold bleaching cold electrode cold endurance cold extrusion cold hammering cold quenching cold shortness cold treatment cold-drawn rod cold-patch mix colinear array collapsed tyre collapsing tap collar bearing collar journal collared shaft collecting box collector grid collector ring collector shoe collet adapter collet adaptor collier's lung collision loss collision rate collodion silk collodion wool color reaction colour balance colour breakup colour buffing colour display colour flicker colour masking colour matcher colour mixture colour picture colour process colouring drum column diagram column filling column footing column-mounted comb collector combine forces combined block combined drill combined plate combined sewer combined water combustibility combustion air command signal commercial bed common antenna common control common divisor common emitter common measure common tangent commutator bar compact camera compact design compact gypsum compacted soil comparing rule complete carry complete chill complete cycle complete graph complex number complex stress complex system complex-valued compo of force component base composite boss composite foil composite fuel composite gang composite pile composite rail composite roof composite vein composite wall composite wave composite weld composite wire compound cable compound ether compound glass compound latex compound table compounded oil compressed air compressometer compton length computing time concave camber concave cutter concave fillet concavo-convex concrete brick concrete cover concrete floor concrete frame concrete layer concrete mixer concrete sewer concrete-lined concurrent axe concurrent use condensed milk condensed type condensed yarn condenser coil condenser pump condenser yarn condenser-type condition code condition name conductometric conductor bond conductor pipe conductor rail cone diaphragm cone headstock cone thickener congested area conglomeration conglutination conic cleavage conical beaker conical motion conical reamer conical sleeve conical spring conical thread conjugate axis conjugate root connected load connecting dam connecting nut connecting rod connection box consistent fat constant delay constant error constant field constant force constitutional constructional consumed power consumer goods contact binary contact device contact drying contact effect contact follow contact member contact roller contact screen contact series contact spring contact travel container ship content colour continuous run contour method contrast range contrast ratio control action control button control camses control device control domain control factor control figure control magnet control memory control number control office control pillar control record control scheme control signal control survey control switch control system control theory control weight controlled axe conversion kit converted clay converter iron converter slag converter tube convex arsenic convex surface conveying belt conveying pipe conveying rope conveying worm conveyor chain conveyor screw conveyor table cool-down rate coolant jacket coolant nozzle coolant system cooling action cooling device cooling jacket cooling liquid cooling medium cooling strain cooling stress cooling system coordinate axe coping machine copper acetate copper coating copper coinage copper plating copper pyrites copper sulfate copper sulfide copper uranite copper-bearing copper-complex coproporphyrin copying camera copying device copying roller cord shortener cord-test jack cordless board cordonnet yarn core induction core knock-out corkscrew rule corn harvester corn raw paper corner antenna corner bracing cornering tool corporate body corrected gear correction lag correlatograph correspondence corrosion rate corrosion test corrosive wear corrugated bar corticosterone cosmic-ray jet cotton machine cotton-covered cottonseed oil coulier camses coulomb energy count detector counter doctor counter flange counter motion counter weight counter window counter-recoil counterbalance countermissile countersinking countess slate counting board counting relay counting stage counting yield coupler socket coupling cable coupling chain coupling compo coupling lever coupling piece coupling screw course bearing course diagram covalent radii covalent solid covering plate covering power covering slate crack detector cracked spirit cracking level cramping frame cramping table crane carriage crane operator crane trollies crank starting crankcase sump cranking lever crawler loader crawler shovel cream of latex creep strength creeping waste crescent truss cresolphtalein crib cofferdam crimping press crippling load crippling test critical angle critical compo critical force critical piece critical point critical range critical slope critical speed critical state critical twist critical value crocein orange crocodile skin crooked timber cropping punch cross bulkhead cross hatching cross-cut file crosse bedding crossing angle crozzling coal crucible assay crucible steel crude sampling cruise missile cruising range crushed gravel crushed sample crushing stage crustification cryolite glass crystal defect crystal filter crystal growth crystal liquid crystal nuclei crystal optics crystal system crystal triode crystallizable cube of number cubic capacity cubic equation cubic symmetry culture medium cup anemometer cup-head screw cupola furnace cupric nitrate cupshaped base curative agent curing blister curly pearlite current moment current supply curtain coater curve follower curve-plotting curved cutting curved profile curved surface cushion course cushion effect cushion rubber cut-off region cut-off shears cut-off switch cut-out spring cut-up milling cuts to length cutter spindle cutting action cutting camses cutting effort cutting height cutting motion cutting needle cutting nozzle cutting pliers cuttings shoot cyanotype copy cyclic process cyclic storage cyclical field cyclobutadiene cycloconverter cycloidal gear cyclone collar cyclone washer cyclorectifier cylinder block cylinder gauge cylinder liner cylinder press cylinder ratio cylinder stock cylinder truck cylindre cover cylindric mill cabbaging press cable amplifier cable sheathing cable suspender cableway bucket cabling diagram cadmic compound cadmium cut-off cadmium plating cadmium sulfide caisson disease calcareous soil calcium acetate calcium carbide calcium oxalate calcium sulfate calibrating cut calico printing call on-waiting calling battery calorific power calorific value calorized steel cambered spring camera coverage camera shooting camshaft casing canadian window cannibalization canonical state cantilever beam cantilever wing capacitor paper capacitor plate capacity bridge capacity factor capacity rating captive balloon captive foundry capturing state car-repair shop carbene complex carbon monoxide carbon resistor carbon rheostat carbon skeleton carbon suboxide carbon sulphide carbon-arc lamp carbonatization carbonification carbonyl halide carborane anion carboxylate ion carboxylic acid carburetted gas carburettor jet carburized fuel carburizing pot carbutizing box card programmed card reproducer cargo transport carriage by sea carriage handle carriage return carriage saddle carrier channel carrier current carry flip-flop carrying roller cartridge shell cascade circuit cascade control cascade machine cascade process cascade starter caseless bullet casement window cast stereotype castellated nut casting machine casting pattern catalyst poison catalytic cycle catch a failure catch a trouble catenary bridge catherine-wheel cathode current cathode flicker cation exchange cationic ligand caulking chisel caulking hammer caustic ammonia caustic bottoms cautery battery cavitation test cavity mounting cavity retainer ceiling balloon celestial chart celestial globe cellular girder cement concrete cement grouting cement retarder cement-chipping centering board centering wedge central contact central heating central station centre distance centre of range centre of twist centrifugal fan centring device centroidal axis ceramic package ceramic trimmer cerie hydroxide cerium compound cermet resistor cerous compound cesium chloride chain branching chain connexion chain insulator chain of events chain splitting chain structure chain tensioner chain tightener chain-wheel hob chaining search chamber process chambering tool chamfering tool chamois leather chance variable change of speed change of state channel adapter channel adaptor channel command channel deposit channel erosion channel process channeled plate channellization character check charge capacity charge engineer charge transfer chargeable time charged complex charging hopper charging period charging stroke charging trough check character check programme checkered sheet checking device chelating agent chemical attack chemical change chemical energy chemical stress chemical symbol chemical weapon chemicalization cherry-red heat chief inspector chilled casting chilling system chimney draught chimney suction chip production chipping hammer chisel scarting chloral hydrate chlorobutadiene chopped strands chopping action chordal adendum christie bridge chromatographic chrome iron ore chromium-plated chucking device chucking effect chucking reamer churn-drill bit churning losses chute discharge chuted concrete cigarette paper cinder concrete cinder pig iron circling flight circling motion circuit breaker circuit changer circuit diagram circuit element circuit network circular burner circular cutter circular groove circular motion circular rammer circular recess circular shears circular stairs circular vortex circulator pump circumferential circumplanetary cited reference civil architect clamp apparatus clamp excavator clamper circuit clamping collar clamping device clamping length clamping stroke clarifying tank classifier rake classifier tank clean annealing clean-cut lines cleaning liquid cleaning screen clearance angle clearance chart clearance gauge clearance limit clearance space clearing device clearing signal cleaving timber climatic regime climatic region climb indicator clinker breaker clinker masonry clip mercerizer clipper circuit clock frequency clock mechanism clock-type dial clockwise twist close annealing close numbering close structure close tolerance closed coupling closed drainage closed position closed traverse closed universe closely pitched clpgged-up file cluster lattice clutch coupling clutch spreader co-acting force coal equivalent coal-dust brick coal-gas engine coarse breaking coarse fracture coarse granular coarse scanning coast artillery coastal traffic coasting flight coasting period coasting vessel coated abrasive coating machine coating mixture coaxial antenna cobalt compound cobalticompound cobaltocompound cobmined carbon cockle cylinder cocoon filament code conversion code translator coded programme codehydrogenase cogged flywheel coherent signal coil comparator coil inductance coiled molecule coiled radiator coiling machine cold resistance cold strip mill cold-drawn wire cold-start lamp collapsible tap collapsible top collect a train collecting main collecting pipe collecting tank colour absorber colour contrast colour fastness colour fidelity colour fringing colour negative colour printing colour reaction colour receiver colour receptor colour response colour sampling colour standard colour strength colour triangle colouring agent colouring power column blasting column-and-beam combat aircraft combat aviation combination bar combination die combination dye combination gas combination set combined action combined effect combined method combined parity combined stress combing machine combustion bomb combustion heat combustion lamp combustion line combustion rate combustion time combustion tube combustion zone common fraction common multiple commutative law commutator bush commutator face compact battery compact-grained companion cabin comparison base comparison data comparison lamp comparison tube compartment car complementarity complete fusion complete safety completed shell complex cathode complex deposit complex display component force composite cable composite error composite floor composite joint composite metal composite mould composite order composite solid composite style composite train composition axe compound action compound camses compound dyeing compound girder compound magnet compound motion compound nuclei compound pulley compound signal compound stress compressed wood compressibility compression rib compression set computed output computer coding computer memory computer system computing block computing scale concave arsenic concave surface concavo-concave concealed joint concise display concrete bottom concrete collar concrete column concrete cradle concrete curing concrete design concrete jacket concrete lining concrete pillar concrete placer concrete saddle concrete shield concurrent work condensate pump condensate tank condensed fluid condensed state condensed water condensing lens condensing unit condensive load conduction band conductive body cone classifier cone rivet head cone-clamp bolt cone-head rivet conference call confidence band confidence belt confusing track conical antenna conical bearing conical journal conjugated base connected graph connecting bolt connecting cord connecting gear connecting line connecting link connecting pipe connection clip connection rail constant factor constant magnet constant source contact aerator contact breaker contact breccia contact copying contact element contact furnace contact printer contact surface contact voltage contact welding contactor panel container barge container crane container truck continental air continuity bond continuity test continuous chip continuous mass continuous weld contour drawing contour grinder contour milling contour turning contoured anode contraction fit contrast factor control battery control circuit control command control console control density control diagram control element control section control spectra control spindle control station control synchro control voltage control winding controllability controlled bomb convection loss converging lens converging wave conversion gain conversion line conversion loss conversion rate conversion time conversion zone converted steel converter matte converter steel convex meniscus convexo-concave conveyer bridge conveyer bucket conveying screw conveying speed conveying water conveyor spiral conveyor stoker conveyor trough coolant channel cooling circuit cooling draught cooling mixture cooling section cooling surface coordinate bond coordinate grid copious cooling coplanar vector copper refinery copper sulphate copper sulphide coprecipitation coprime numbers copying coating copying machine cordeaux thread core-disk paper cored electrode corner diameter cornflower blue cornice glacier corrected tooth correcting coil correcting lens correction card corrosion index corrugated pipe corrugated roll corrugated tube cosmic velocity cosmic-ray flux cost accounting cotton sleeving cotton stripper coulogravimetry coulomb barrier coumarinic acid coumarone resin counter current counter gangway counter voltage counter-ceiling countermeasures countersink bit countersink nut counting device counting volume couple of force coupling effect coupling factor coupling flange coupling losses coupling scheme coupling sleeve course computer course detector covalent radius covered conduit covulcanization crack branching crack-sensitive cracked asphalt crackling noise cradle scaffold cradle-type set craftsman craft crane attendant crank fly wheel crank mechanism crankcase crank cranked portion cranked spanner crankshaft gear crankshaft neck crash equipment crash programme crawler scraper crawler tractor cream formation cream of tartar creasing hammer creep mechanism creep-resisting creeper derrick creeping motion creeping rafter crescent wrench crescentic dune crest clearance crest elevation crest voltmeter critical damage critical stress critical volume critically safe crocking tester croning process cross induction cross-connected cross-head shoe cross-over bend cross-over road crossbar switch crossed antenna crossing signal crossover point crown rail bond crucible holder cruciform frame cruciform joint crushing energy crushing roller crushing stress cryogenic steel crystal grating crystal hydrate crystal lattice crystal nucleus crystal physics crystal pick-up crystal spectra crystal-checked crystallization crystallography cubic expansion cubic structure cubical content cultivated area cup-headed nail cupola receiver cupola-arch dam cupping machine cuprian vitriol cupric compound curb-ring crane curing pressure curling machine current bedding current circuit current control current cut-off current density current divider current winding curtain coating curve analyiser curved-cut file curved-up tongs customer number cut-off grinder cut-off voltage cutback asphalt cutter carriage cutter grinding cutter sprocket cutting ability cutting machine cutting nippers cutting quality cyanoethylation cyanogen halide cycle frequency cycle generator cyclic compound cyclic register cycloidal curve cycloidal tooth cyclone furnace cyclopean block cyclopentadiene cyclophosphazen cyclopolymerize cylinder camses cylinder flange cylinder gasket cylinder jacket cylinder sleeve cylinder volume cylinder washer cylindric drier cylindrical fit cylindrical key c-a thermocouple cable television cable-rope drive cadastral survey cadmium chloride cadmium selenate cadmium sulphide cadmous compound cage compartment cageless bearing calcium chloride calcium fluorine calcium silicate calcium sulphate calculated assay calender coating calendered sheet calibrated chain calibrated shunt calibrating plot calibration test call distributor called programme calliper compass calorific effect calorific energy cam-type dresser camber of spring cambered flatter camel-back truck camera alignment camera alinement camera amplifier camouflage paint camshaft housing cancel character cancelled patent canning industry canning material cantilever crane cantilever truss capacitive compo capacitor filter capacity antenna capacity current capacity of body capacity of road capacity pick-up capsular chamber capsular element capture reaction car-repair track carbon diaphragm carbon electrode carbon formation carbonyl hydride carborundum disk carbothioic acid carburettor muff carburized steel card programming cardboard matrix cardioid diagram carheap capacity carriage by rail carrier aircraft carrier interval carrier material carrier mobility carrying element carrying surface cartridge filter cartridge heater cartridge holder cascade aeration cascade breakers cascade particle cascading method catalogue memory catalyst carrier caterpillar band caterpillar tube cathode emission cathode follower cathode-ray tube cationic vacancy cavitation noise cavity magnetron cavity resonance cavity resonator ceiling mountain celestial object celestial sphere celling boarding cellular crystal cellular texture cement injection cementation pile cemented carbide cementing powder centering magnet centering spigot centering spring centering square centigrade scale central symmetry centre frequency centre of motion centre of sample centrifugal pump centring control cepheid variable certainity index chain attachment chain coalcutter chain connection chain cotter bar chain dependence chain initiation chain of buckets chain regression chain terminator chain-gear winch chain-type table chamber blasting chamfered groove chamfered washer chaneel capacity change gear case change of stroke change-over gear change-over time changeover panel channel dredging channel selector charge amplifier charge indicator charged particle charging circuit charging current charging machine charging station check experiment checking routine checking station cheese-head bolt chelate compound chemical barking chemical bonding chemical coating chemical console chemical element chemical etching chemical formula chemical milling chemical physics chemical process chemical welding chief dispatcher chift dispatcher chill cast ingot chipless process chloranilic acid chlorazotic acid chloroauric acid choke modulation chromate coating chromatic colour chrome bleaching chromic chloride chromic compound chromic trioxide chromium coating chromium plating chromyi chloride chuck face-plate chucking fixture chucking machine cine-micrography cinnamic alcohol cinnamyi acetate circle-arc tooth circular antenna circular furnace circular grating circular grinder circular hot saw circular milling circular planing circular railway circular shaping circulating flow circulating loss circulating pump circulation oven circulation pipe circulation pump circulation rate circulation tube circumterraneous clamping circuit clamping stirrup clamshell bucket cleaner's naphta cleaning mixture cleansing blower clearance height clearance volume cleaving machine clerical machine clerk's compound climbing ability close up a rivet closed diaphragm closed foliation closed-cell foam closest approach closing of point cluster analysis cluster compound cluster of flame clustered pillar clutch mechanism clutch referring coal-dust engine coal-supply ship coarse aggregate coarse structure coarse-pitch tap coarse-wire rope coated electrode coating extruder coating material code combination code translation code word weight coefficient unit coercitive force coil-end leakage coiled-coil lamp coiling diameter coincidence gate coincidence loss cold brittleness cold capacitance cold compression cold galvanizing cold-air machine cold-drawn steel cold-mix asphalt cold-short steel colinear antenna collapsible form collapsible mast collapsing force collecting agent collecting spool collection ditch collective model collector region collimated light collimating mark collision active collision beacon collision number collision theory collodion cotton colloid solution colour amplifier colour converter colour convertor colour corrector colour developer colour deviation colour gradation colour indicator colour kinescope colour rendering colour sensation colour stability colour threshold colour-blindness colour-hue error columbian spirit columnar crystal combination burn combination lock combination oven combination rate combination tone combination tool combing cylinder combining nozzle combusion period combustion curve combustion limit combustion motor combustion space come-along tongs command chaining command language command movement command position command register commercial scale commercial steel commercial value common reactance common statement common-base gain community centre commutator brush commutator motor commutator noise commutator pitch commutator shell commuted current compact cassette compacted powder companion flange company standard comparative test compartment kiln compass adjuster compelling relay compensating jet compiler routine complete stowing complex argument complex compound complex quantity complex variable complexing agent component bridge composite signal composite stress compound exciter compound nucleus compound turbine compound winding compounded latex compression area compression flow compression link compression load compression pump compression ring compression test compressive face compressive side compressor plant compressor stall computer control computer network computer sorting computer storage computing centre computing matrix concave meniscus concealed damage concealed motion concentric cable concentric chuck concentric float concrete breaker concrete ceiling concrete coating concrete footing concrete masonry concrete setting concrete sprayer concyclic points condensed medium condensed scheme condensing space conditional code conditional jump conducting guide conducting layer conducting power conduction holes conductive earth cone claw clutch cone loudspeaker cone-point screw confidence bound confidence curve confidence index confidence level confidence limit confusion region congealing point conical cleavage conical scanning conjugate angles conjugate nuclei conjugated bonds connecting clamp connecting curve connecting piece connecting relay connecting track connection block connection plate connection shaft connection strap connective cloud consolidated oil constant network constant section constituent part construction man construction men consumption rate consumption test contact adhesive contact aeration contact blasting contact detector contact friction contact junction contact moulding contact pressure contact printing contact to earth contactor switch container loader containerization containment wall contaminated air contiguous angle continuous curve continuous mixer continuous phase continuous state contour boundary contour integral contoured nozzle contrast control control accuracy control assembly control computer control engineer control interval control location control plotting control position control register control resistor control response control spectrum control transfer controllable lip controlled plant controller notch converse theorem conversion board conversion chart conversion level conversion ratio conversion scale conversion table converted timber convertible tank converting plant conveying trough conveyor belting conwergent angle cooling capacity coordinate paper coordinate plane coordinate space coordination gap copolymerisation copper carbonate copper conductor copper imidazole copperspun rotor copying accuracy copyright office corbel back slab core transformer core withdrawing core-baking oven corinthian order corner accessory corner condition corner frequency corner reflector cornice boarding corona discharge corona voltmeter correcting pulse correction chart correction index correction table corrective pulse correlation code corrosion attack corrosion couple corrosion losses corrosive action corrosive medium corrugated board corrugated plate corrugated sheet corrugated steel cosmic abundance cosmic radiation cottering cotter cotton finishing cotton harvester cotton-tree silk coulomb friction coulomb integral coumarillic acid counter flashing counter pressure counter reaction counter-negative countersunk bolt countersunk head couple corrosion coupling circuit coupling element coursed pavement covalent carbide covalent crystal covalent hydride coverage diagram covering machine cowl ventilation crabbing machine cracking process cracks formation crane helicopter crankshaft lathe crater-type wear craze resistance crease-resistant creasing machine created function creeping failure crescent scraper crimp-set staple crimping machine cripple scaffold crippling strain crippling stress critical damping critical density critical voltage crock resistance crocodile shears crocodile wrench cross connection cross roller bit cross-connecting cross-feed screw cross-over block cross-over track cross-over valve cross-staff head crossover spiral crosstalk losses crucible furnace crucible melting crude instrument crude-oil engine crushing circuit crushing station crushing surface cryohydric point crystal boundary crystal detector crystal momentum crystal receiver crystal spectrum crystaline grain crystalline salt crystallizer pan crystallographic cubic dilatation cumulative error cupric hydroxide cuprous chloride current capacity current feedback current reverser current strength curtain grouting curve of pursuit curved structure curved top chord cushion cylinder cushion mounting cut-down milling cut-out coupling cutoff operation cutting blowpipe cutting compound cutting emulsion cutting fly tool cutting pressure cutting property cutting-off tool cyanoacetic acid cyanoformic acid cycle inspection cyclic annealing cyclic frequency cyclic operation cyclic variation cyclohexasulphur cyclonic cyclone cyclooctasulphur cyclopean riprap cyclopean rubble cyclopentadienyl cyclosynchrotron cylinder furnace cylinder grinder cylinder lagging cylindrical mill cylindrical wave cylindrical worm cabinet furniture cable sheath bond cable termination cabledrag scraper cadmium hydroxide cadmium telluride calcium carbonate calcium hydroxide calibrating cable calibration curve calibration error calibration pulse call-off quantity called subscriber calling character calling programme calomel electrode calomel half-cell calorific balance calorimetric bomb calorimetric test cam-turning lathe cambering machine canning machinery cantilever bridge cantilever girder cantilever holder cantilever spring capacitance meter capacitance metre capacitor storage capacity reaction capacity starting capillary pyrites capping thickness capstan tool rest capstan-head bolt capsuling machine car-handling time carbon deposition carbon dichloride carbon disulphide carbon microphone carbon-tool steel carbonyl compound carbonylate anion carbothiolic acid carbothionic acid carburising agent carburizing flame carcinogenic dose card leading edge cardboard bindery cargo compartment carousel conveyor carpenter's bench carrier amplifier carrier amplitude carrier deviation carrier frequency carrier generator carrier tap choke carrier technique carry propagation carrying capacity cascade amplifier cascade connexion cascade converter cascade convertor cascade generator cascade rectifier case-reducing die cassette recorder cast iron thermit castellated shaft casual inspection catalyst activity catalyzed lacquer catcher resonator caterpillar chain caterpillar crane caterpillar drive caterpillar track causal dependence cavitation number celestial compass celestial equator cellular concrete cellular material cellular plastics cellular radiator cellulose acetate cellulose nitrate cement-bound road cementating power cementation agent cementation cover cementic material cementing furnace center zero relay centering control centering journal centering machine centimetric waves central conductor central discharge central processor centre of cluster centre of gravity centre pin socket centre-zero scale centrifugal brake centrifugal drill centrifugal force centrifugal relay centripetal force ceramic capacitor ceramic insulator cession of patent cession of rights chaffee spark gap chain of commands chain pipe wrench chaining overflow chambered deposit chamfer red joint chamfered section change-gear lever change-gear train change-over lever change-over valve channel programme channel roof slab character display charge compressor charge invariance charge of rupture check measurement checking traverse chemical analysis chemical compound chemical findings chemical impurity chemical industry chemical kinetics chemical printing chemical reaction chemical sorption chemiluminescence chessboard manner chicago rail bond chief draughtsman chimney aspirator chip-enable input chisel tool steel chisel-shaped bit chloroacetic acid chloroprene latex chromium compound chromium monoxide chromolithography chucking capacity cinnamic aldehyde circuit analyiser circuit impedance circuital current circular cold saw circular function circular grinding circular scanning circular slotting circular symmetry circular velocity circular vortices circular-cut file circulating water circulation valve circulation water circumscribe halo circumstellar gas cited publication civil engineering clamped amplifier clamping pressure clasp-headed nail class a amplifier class d amplifier class of accuracy classical analogy classical complex clean circulation cleaning compound cleaning solution clear of fraction clearance diagram clearance drawing clearance of span cleavage fracture cleavage strength clenching machine climbing capacity close examination close-running fit close-sliding fit closed butt joint closed subroutine closed water duct closed-end harrow closed-link drive closed-loop cycle closed-shell atom closing of tongue clothing industry cluster of points coal distillation coal ignitability coal-dust furnace coal-storage yard coalcutter-loader coarse-aggregated coaxial waveguide cobaltic compound cog-wheel railway cogging-down roll coherent detector coherent rotation cohesive material cohesive strength coil magnetometer coil-loaded cable coil-turn counter coincidence pulse coke-oven furnace cold flow turning cold-and-hot test cold-blast cupola cold-cathode glow cold-cathode lamp cold-cathode tube cold-heading wire cold-rolled steel cold-storage room collapsible mould collapsible stilt collapsing length collecting header collecting trough collector circuit collector current collector voltage colliding neutron colliery-screened collimation error collision damping colloidon replica colour aberration colour adaptation colour saturation colour subcarrier colour television combination chuck combination drill combination lathe combination scale combined nitrogen combined strength combustible value combustion energy combustion engine combustion heater combustion stroke command processor comment statement commercial bronze commercial centre common bevel gear commpression work communication map community antenna commutator losses commutator ripple commutator spider compact structure compacting factor comparative check comparison method compartmentalized compatible events compensated motor compensating gear compensating pipe compensating tube compensating wire compensation unit compensator alloy compilation sheet complement of set complementary hue complete analysis complete overhaul completed circuit complex amplitude complex formation complex radiation complex-conjugate compo of variance component element composed fraction composing machine composite casting composite circuit composite etching composite pattern composition brass composition metal compound eyepiece compound indexing compound interest compregnated wood compressible soil compression chord compression curve compression fibre compression gland compression mould compression plate compression ratio compression shock compression space compression strut compressive force compressor stator computer analysis computer graphics computer operator computerized data computerized shop computing machine concealed deposit concentrated acid concentrated load concentrating ore concentration cup concentric candle concentric feeder concentric groove concordant strata concrete pavement concrete skeleton concrete vibrator concreting outfit concurrent forces condensation zone condenser coating condenser leather condenser spindle condition diagram conditional train conditioning tank conducting medium conductive rubber conductive target conductivity cell conductor element conductor loading cone of influence cone penetrometer cone-pulley drive cone-type crusher conflicting route conformal mapping congested traffic congruous numbers coniferous forest coning of contact conjugate current connecting branch connection layout conservation area consistency check consistency meter consistency metre consolidated soil consolute console constant gradient constant sum game constituent atoms construction bolt construction camp construction load construction site construction work consumption curve contact amplifier contact condenser contact conductor contact corrosion contact electrode contact potential contact recording contact rectifier contact regulator contact treatment contactor starter contacts to earth container carrier container chassis container traffic container trailer continuation line continuous dyeing contour machining contracting chuck contraction crack contraction joint contraction ratio contrast gradient control algorithm control automaton control character control eccentric control electrode control equipment control generator control mechanism control operation control processor control programme control stability control statement controlled caving controlled flight controlled member controlled mosaic controlled switch controller action controlling means conventional sign conventional tool convergence anode convergence gauge convergent bundle convergent nozzle convergent series conversion factor convertible drive conveyor carriage coordinate system copper efficiency cord-circuit cord core-drying plate core-drying stove corinthian column corkscrew antenna correctable error corrected adendum correcting device correcting filter correcting signal correction factor corrective action correlation table corrosion erosion corrosion fatigue cosinusoidal wave cosmic-ray shield cosmic-ray shower cotton insulation coulomb potential countdown control counter condition counter potential counter telescope counter-clockwise countershaft axle countersunk screw counterweight pit counting property coupled circuitry coupled equations coupling aperture coupling resistor course correction coverage of radar covered electrode covering material coveying capacity crack propagation crack sensitivity cracking activity crankshaft casing crankshafts necks crawling traction creative activity crest of a thread crevice corrosion critical diameter critical gradient critical material critical pressure critical velocity cross-blade mixer cross-country car cross-jet breaker cross-line screen cross-peen hammer cross-talk factor crossover network crown chimney cap crown-head piston crtelation effect crucible graphite crushed aggregate crushing capacity crushing concaves crushing cylinder crushing strength cryptocrystalline crystal amplifier crystal carbonate crystal converter crystal convertor crystal frequency crystal parameter crystal rectifier crystal structure crystalline index crystalline state crystallizer tank cubical expansion cumulative effect curie temperature current amplifier current collector current converter current convertor current generator current intensity current rectifier current regulator current resonance curvilinear angle cushionfedl drive cushioning action cushioning spring customer engineer cut-off condition cut-off frequency cuttind-out press cutting clearance cutting electrode cutting lubricant cutting-off lathe cutting-off wheel cyancarbonic acid cyanide hardening cyanidine cyanide cyaniding cyanide cyaniding furnace cyanogen chloride cybernetic system cycle distributor cycle of stresses cycloidal gearing cyclone separator cylinder operator cylindric roaster cylindrical plate cylindrical screw cylindrical shell calcium dichloride calcium difluoride calculating device calibrated orifice calibrating device calibration circle calling subscriber calorific capacity calorimeter method cam-folower roller cameras alignments can-making machine cantilever bracket cantilever support cap spinning frame capacitance sensor capacitance tuning capacities of body capacitive divider capacity deviation capacity regulator cape blue asbestos capillary detector capillary friction capillary pressure