За поръчка над 40 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти

За поръчка над 60 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти и БЕЗПЛАТНА ДОСТАВКА ДО ОФИС НА КУРИЕР

📗 Tермини започващи с буквата D в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата D

dab dad dag dap dee del die dig dip dog dom dub duo dado dale dant dash dass dauk davy dawk daze dead deal deck deed delf demy diac dike dint dirt dish dive doab doak dock doff doll dome dook dope dose dote drag dram draw dray drip drop drum duct duke dumb dump dung dust duty dyad dyke dyne dalle damps danby danty daraf darby darcy datum dauby daugh debag debye decay decca decyl degas degum delay delta delve deoil depan deply desyn detar detin devil dewax dicer dilly dimer dinas dirty ditan ditch dobby dobie doped doric doser dough dowel downs draft dress dried drift drill drive drone droop dross drove drown druse druss dryer duant dukey dummy dumpy dwang dwell dabber dabble dacite dampen damper dc arc de-ash deaden deafen debead debris decade decane decant decker decoct defile defoam degald degust delime demand dentil denude deputy derive dermol desalt design desorb dessue detent deuton dezinc diacid diaryl diatol dicing dicyan dienes digest dilute dimmer diogen diplon dipped dipper diptex dished disker dispel disuse divert diving doctor doffer dogger dogleg doming donkey doping dorian dosing douche doughy drachm drawer dredge drench driven drogue dubbin dulcin dumper dunite durain durene durite duster dynode d scope dalapon damming dancing dashpot day eye day man day men db gain deadman debloom decalin decanal decking decline decuple default defiber defibre deflate deflect defocus degrain demerit demount dentate denting depeter dephase deplete deposit derange derated descale descent desired deslime detrial detwist develop dewater dextrin diabase diafilm diagram dialkyl diallyl dialyze diamers diamide diamine diamond dibasic dibbler dibhole dibutyl die bed die fit die lip die pad die set die tap diecast diethyl diffuse diglyph diimide diluent dimenze dimeric dimming dimmish dinging dinking diopter diorite dioxime dip rod dipolar dipping disable discard disjoin display dispose dissect disused ditcher dithiol diverge divinol divinyt doghole domical dopants doublet downcut drag-in dragger drainer draping draught dravage draw up drawbar drawing dredger dresser dribble drifter driller drizzle drop-in dropper drumlin drunken dry box dry gas dry ice dry mix dry oil dubbing ducting dukeway dulcify duprene duriron dusting dynamic dyotron dam face dam site dampener damplete dancette dark red data bus data set dataller datolite davidite day wage daylight dc meter dc metre de-icing dead air dead end dead eye dead oil deadener deadwood deaerate deaf aid deafener deaquate decadent decanter decatize decholin deck lid deckhead declutch decohere decoring decrater dedendum deduster deep cut defences deferent deflavor degasify degating degrease dehuller delicate delinter deliquim deltamax delustre dematron demister demixing dendrite densener dephased depickle depilate depinker depleted depolish derating derelict dermatol deruster designer desilter desizing desk-top deslimer desludge destarch destruct detacord detritus deuteron deviance deviator devilled devonian dextrine dextrose diabasic diacetyl diacetyn diaclase dial key dialling dialysis dialyzer diarsine diascope diaspore diastase diatexis diazamme diazoate diazogen dibenzyl diborane dicalite dichroic die head die land die line die ring die work diffract diformin digester diggings digitise digitose digitron diglycol dihalide dihydric dike dam diketene diketone dilution diluvial diluvian diluvium dimalate diolefin diopside dioptase dioxanfe dioxygen dip pipe dip roll dip tank diplexer dipmeter diprotic dirt bed dirthole disilane disk cam disk saw dislodge dismount dispatch disperse dissolve disthene distored distress divalent diverter dividend dividers do range dockyard dog bolt dog down dog nail dog-iron dolerite dolly-in dollyway dolomite domestic dominant door way doorcase doorstep dotation doughnut dovetail dowelled downcast downfall downlead downside downward drafting drag bar drag bit drag dip drag ore drag rod drag-out dragging dragline draining dramatic draw cut draw hoe draw key draw off draw out drawback drawdown drawhole drawhook draws up dredging drift-in driftpin driftway drilling drip cup drip pan drive in drive-up driveway drooping drop arm drop die drop out dropwise drum cam drumming dry bone dry cell dry dock dry iron dry milk dry pile dry sand dry spot dry wall dry wood dual-arc duckfoot duct run ductwork dug hole dug iron dulcitol dump bin dump box dump car duo mill duo-clad dust bag dust box dustaden dustless dustlike dutchman dynamite dynatron dysodile dystomic dam board damascene damaskeen damourite damp down damp wood danburite daphnetin dark blue dark burn dark heat dark spot dash coat dash line dashboard data bank data flow data name data rate data sink daubreite day level day shift day water deacidify dead area dead axle dead band dead coal dead face dead file dead head dead lift dead lime dead load dead lock dead loss dead melt dead pass dead rock dead room dead slot dead spot dead stop dead time dead turn dead wall dead work dead zone dead-true deadening deaeratqr deamidate deaminate debarring decalcify decastyle decennial deception dechenite deck bolt deck roof deck slab deck span deckboard declivity decoating decoction decoherer decometer decussate dedicated deduction deep beam deep gate deep lead deep note deep plow deep tone defatting defecator defibrize deflasher deflavour deflector defoaming defoliant degassing dejection deleading delessite delimbing delimiter delineate deliquate demisting demulsify demurrage dendritic denitrate denitrify dense bed densifier dentation deodozire deoxidant deoxidate deoxidize departure depilator depleting depletion deposited depressed depressor derby red descaling desiccate desolvate despumate dessicant destinker detailing detarnish detergent detrition detrusion deutoxide devanture deviative dew-point dexterity dextrosal diactinic diadipate diagnosis dial feed dial test dialogite diametric diathermy diatomite diazomium diazotize diazotypy dibenzoyl dichroism dichroite die block die chuck die maker die plate die press die shank die stock diffusate diffusive dihydrate dilatable dilly boy dim light dimaleate dimension dimidiate dimorphic dinaphtyl dinuclear dioxo ion dip angle dip entry dip stick dip stuck dipentene dipolymer diprimary dipyramid diradical directive directory dirigible dirt bail dirt band dirt road dirt trap dirtproof disadjust disburden discharge disembark disk coil disk mill disk pack disk pile disk plow dislocate dismutate dispencer dispermin disperser displacer dissected dissector distyrene dithizone divalency dodecagon dodged-up dog block dog catch dog chuck dog plate dog point dog shore dog-tooth dog-wheel dolly out dolomitic dome drum dome head domeykite door bolt door head door lock door post door rail door stud door-leaf door-nail door-sill doped oil dosimeter dot chart dot cycle dott line dowel pin dowmetall down flow down gate down hill down hole down pipe down time downcomer downthrow downtrend drag boat drag bolt drag flow drag link drain box drain out drain pit drainpipe dramatize draw area draw beam draw bolt draw fine draw gear draw lift draw nail draw rock draw span draw vice draw vise drawn cup drawpoint drift bed drift ice drift map drill hoe drill jig drill man drill men drip pipe drip rail drip ring drip tank drippings driptight drive fit drive off drive out driveboat drivehead drives up drop ball drop bolt drop dook drop feed drop gate drop horn drop shop drop tube drum dial drum gate drum head drum-type dry assay dry basis dry blast dry crank dry joint dry point dry steam dual mode dual-beam dual-feed duct bank duct keel duct loss ductility dufrenite dumb scab dummy car dump bail dump body dump tank dump test dundasite dung salt duodecimo duplicate duralumin durocaine durometer dust cart dust coil dust core dust lung dust seal dust trap dust-free dustiness duty room dye stuff dying-out dynamotor dysprosia dagger pin dam outlet damp steam damp-proof damposcope dark flame dark space data array data chart data field data input data plate data sheet datum axis datum line datum mark day labour dead angle dead earth dead floor dead joint dead level dead light dead plate dead point dead space dead start dead steam dead steel dead water deaeration deal floor deaquation debayegram deblooming debutanize decade box decay heat decay rate decay time decelerate decimating deck floor deck start deck truss deck-brake deck-house decolorant decolorate decolorize decomposer decompound decoupling decremeter decrustate deep-lying defectless defibrator deflection deflective defocusing deformable deformeter defuselate degasifier degenerate degreasing dehumidify dehydrator delaminate delay bias delay bomb delay line delay mine delay time delineator delocalize delta pile delta wing delta-acid deltaplane delustrant delustring demoulding denary log denaturant denaturate densimeter dental gas dentrolite denty coal denudation deodorizer deoxidizer depilation deployment depolarize deposition depot ship depressant depression depth line depuration derivation derivative derricking desalinate desiccator design mix desorption desoxidate desoxidize destructor desulphate detachable detachment detent pin detergency detoxicate devaporate deviometer devolatize dewatering dextrinase dextrinate diacoustic diagenesis dial gauge dial light dial press dial train diamantine diaphanous diathermic diazo salt dichloride dichromate dicyanogen die cavity die chaser die hammer die holder die sinker diecasting dielectric diesel oil diethyline diffusible difluoride digging-in digit grid digit line digit time digression dilatation dimalonate dimethylme diminished diminution dimorphism dimorphous dinitrogen diode gate diolefinic dioxygenyl dip circle dip coater dip dyeing dip polish dip sample diphosgene dipper arm direct dye dirty ship disc black discharger disclaimer dish wheel disjunctor disk anode disk brake disk cable disk drier disk valve disk wheel dislocated dispergate dispersion dispersity dispersive dispersoid disruption disruptive dissection dissipator dissociate distil off disulphide dithioacid dithiolene dithionate dithionite dive angle divergence dizirconyl dock apron dock crane doctor bar dog clutch dog collar dog driver doll buggy dolley way dollies in donkey fan donor atom door check door frame door hinge door latch door panel door stoop doped fuel dopplerite dorsal fin dose field dose meter dose metre dosimetric dot screen double cut double tee double way double-arm double-bed double-ply double-vee doughiness dowel bolt dowel hole down grade down light down slope down spout downstairs downstream downstroke draconitic draftskean drag flask drag force drag power drain cock drain hole drain line drain plug drain sump drain trap drain tube draughting draw bench draw mould draw screw draw shave draw speed draw tongs drawl ring drawn clay dredge ore dregginess drench pit drier drum drift bolt drift clay drift mine drift soil drift tube drill core drill head drill hole drill plow drill ship drill test drill well drillsmith drip mould drip-proof drip-stone drive down drive gear drive line drive pipe drive side drive tube drive unit driven end dromometer drone tank drop inlet drop light drop oiler drop panel drop point drop press drop stamp drop valve drop-proof drosometer drum brake drum drier drum drive drum ladle drum mixer drum shell drum-stuff dry clutch dry colour dry copper dry dredge dry filter dry finish dry liming dry matter dry region dry vapour dry weight dry-mixing dry-rodded drying oil dual drive dual-rated dual-track duck board duct route duct width ducted fan dull sound dummy club dummy fuse dummy load dummy pass dummy plug dummy roll dummy stud dump barge dump plate dump truck dump valve dump-lorry duplicator durathrene dust count dust cover dust guard dust-fired dust-proof dust-tight dutch arch dutch tile duty ratio dwarf star dwarf wall dwell time dye fixing dying-away dyscrasite dysprosium dachiardite damp course damped wave dancer roll dare yellow dark nebula dash shield data format data logger data medium data record data source data symbol dative bond datum error datum level datum plane datum point datum speed day fighter day process dazzle-free de-emphasis de-emulsify de-energize de-ethylate deactivator dead centre dead ending dead engine dead furrow dead ground dead pulley dead sector dead square dead studio dead weight dead window dead-burned dead-smooth debutanizer decantation decarbonize decarburate decationize decay curve decelometer decentering decision go deck bridge deck dormer deck girder declination declutching decolourant decolourate decolourize decorticate decrepitate deep camber deep freeze deep plough defloration degradation delafossite delay compo delay relay deliquation delta brass delta metal delta noise demarcation demodulator demy quarto denitration dense flint denuded oil deoxidation depolarizer depth curve depth gauge depthometer derangement derrick car derthierite descloizite desensitize desiccation design away design data design flow design head design life design load design size design work desired law desoldering desolvation despumation detour road deuterogene deuteroxide development devil water dewar flask diacetylene diacid salt diagnostics dial bridge dial scales dial window diamagnetic diaminoacid diamond bar diamond bit diamond die diamond lap diaphaneity diapositive diary drink diazotation die cutting die forging die orifice die pattern die setting die sinking dielectrine dielectrite diesel fuel diethyllead diffraction diffusivity digit place digit plane dilatometer dilatometry dimenzation dinas brick dining nook dining room diode laser dip coating dip equator dip gumming dip mixture dip of span dip plating dip process dip varnish diphosphine dipp polish direct axis direct code direct fire direct gate direct line direct wave direct-flow directional dirt pocket disassembly discharging discordance dished head disjunction disk barker disk camses disk clutch disk cutter disk feeder disk filter disk harrow disk piston disk plough disk seeder disk sender disk spring dislocation dismutation dispatching dissolution dissymmetry distensible distil over distributor disturbance ditartarate ditch drain dive bomber divide wall diving bell doctor roll doctor test dodecastyle dolorimeter dome-shaped donkey pump donor level door alarms door handle door opener doric order dorsal view dosage rate dosing pump dosing tank dot circuit dot diagram dot formula dot product dotted line dotting pen double bend double bond double dook double line double pole double salt double seam double skin double star double worm double-acid double-beam double-beat double-dial double-drum double-duty double-flow double-pass dough mixer dovetailing dowel joint dowel screw draft angle draft gauge drag magnet drag shovel drag torque drain trunk drain valve drape mould draught fan draughtsman draw a line draw bridge draw collar draw-in box draw-in pit draw-in rod drawing die drawing ink drawing pen drawing pin drawing-off drawn stope dredge pump drier space drift angle drift epoch drift punch drill chuck drill drift drill gauge drill lathe drill point drill press drill shank drill shell drill steel drill stock drill tower drill truck drilled nut drip collar drip groove drive plate drive screw drive shaft drive wheel driven drum driven gear driven link driver tube driving end driving fit driving key driving pin drop bottom drop hammer drop hanger drop weight drop-shaped drossy coal drum barker drum camses drum feeder drum filter drum memory drum screen drum sender drum washer drum winder dry battery dry blowing dry content dry cooling dry copying dry cyanide dry density dry drawing dry masonry dry measure dry packing dry process dry residue dry solvent dry walling dry-batched dry-crushed drying kiln drying loft drying oven drying rack drying roll drying room drying time drying unit dual flight dual system duck fabric duct system ductability dull finish dull luster dull lustre dull polish dummy compo dummy diode dummy index dummy joint dummy rivet dummy shaft dummy shell dumped rock dumpy-level duodynatron duplex mode duplication durionising dust collar dust figure dust filter dust pocket dust shield dust source dust-coated dutch brick dutch metal duty factor dwarf waves dye vatting dyeing drum dynamic lag dynamograph d. c. system daily output dammed water damper diode damper plate damping grid damping term damping time danger board danger light dash circuit dashed curve data carrier data logging data overrun data winding date voltage dating pulse davis bronze day labourer dead burning dead glacier dead melting dead milling dead section dead segment dead storage dead volcano dead-end bay decalcomania decalescence decay factor decay family decay period decay photon decayed atom decayed rock dechlorinate decibel loss decibelmeter decimal base decimal code decision box deck landing deck loading deck scraper declinometer decoloration deep drawing defining bar deflagration deflocculant deflocculate deformed bar defuselation degeneration degree scale dehalogenate deincrustant deionisation del operator delamination delay action delay period delayed call delayed echo delayed fill delivery car delivery end delta bronze demagnetizer demi-relievo demicircular demineralize demodulation denaturation dense charge dense medium dephlegmator depolymerize deposit copy deproteinize depth charge depth finder depth of cut deresination derived fuel derived unit derrick boat desaccharify desalination desamination design chart design cycle design flood design paper design power design sheet desing speed desintcgrate desmid earth desoxidation desquamation desulphation desulphirate desulphonate desulphurize detailed map detectophone determinable detour route devaporation dewar vessel dextrination dextrine gum dextrorotary dialing area dialing disk dialkyl zinc dialled call diamagnetism diaminoethan diamond cone diamond dust diamond spar diamond tool dianol black diathermancy diatomaceous diazocolours diazomethane dicarboxylic dichotomizer die pressing die stamping diene rubber diesel cycle diesel motor diesel plant diet problem differencing differential digging edge digging plow digit period digital code digital disk digital drum digital form dilapidation dilatability diluted acid dilution law dimethylamme dimethylurea dimmed light dinaphtalene dint cutting diode matrix diode switch diode-triode dioptrimeter dioxo cation dip moulding dip transfer dipole array dipole layer dipped brass dipper latch dipper teeth dipping acid dipping form dipping tank direct carry direct compo direct drive direct glare direct metal direct ratio direct route direct steam direct-motor directed ray dirigibility disaccharide disadvantage disalignment discard data disconnector discreteness dish roaster disk antenna disk grinder disk shutter disk turbine disk winding dispergation display case display tube display type display unit disseminated dissociation dissociative distance bar distance rod distance run disulphonate ditcher boom diurnal tide dive bombing dive culvert divided coil divided road divided wing dividing box diving dress docking keel doctor blade doctor table dodecahedral dodecahedron dog coupling dolby system domal cavity domestic gas donor adduct donor ligand door opening doric column dormant bolt dosage meter dosage metre dot-and-dash dotted curve double bevel double block double cloth double crown double diode double image double inlet double lathe double layer double pulse double scale double screw double space double strut double track double wheel double-blade double-braid double-break double-edged double-ender double-entry double-range double-rated double-stage doublet term dovetail key dowlais mill down counter down hobbing down milling down the dip down-cutting down-draught downcast air dozzle metal drag antenna drain collar drain sluice drainage map drained land draught flue draught hood draught loss draught tube draughtboard draughtmeter draw-in bolt drawing desk drawing drum drawing file drawing grid drawing head drawing lift drawing room drawing test drawing-back drawing-down dressing-off drift action drift anchor drift bottle drift chisel drift hammer drifting ice drill blower drill hammer drill holder drill plough drill seeder drill sleeve drill socket drill target drill thrust drillability drilling jig drip chamber drive pinion drive pulley driven shaft driven sweep driven wheel driver chuck driver wheel driving axle driving belt driving bolt driving cone driving drum driving gear driving head driving lane driving link driving pawl driving rope driving side driving slot driving stud driving test drone bomber drop crusher drop forging drop pipette drowned lime drowned pipe drowned pump drowned weir drum furnace drum storage drum tannage dry analysis dry cleaning dry concrete dry drilling dry friction dry grinding dry hardness dry strength drying crack drying plant drying shelf drying space drying stove dual circuit dual control dual highway dual network dual problem dual theorem dual-purpose dual-voltage dubbing tool duct sealing ductile iron ductilometer dull varnish dummy firing dummy piston dummy record dummy window dump trailer dumping body dumping gear dumping site dunnet shale duplex cable duplex metal duplex paper duplex steel durilic acid durrocuinone dust catcher dust chamber dust control dust counter dust disease dust loading dust settler dust suction dwarf galaxy dwarf rafter dye bleeding dye fastness dye leveller dynamic dump dynamic head dynamic lift dynamic load dynamic test dynamo sheet daily storage dam diaphragm damage effect damp proofing damper spring damping curve damping diode damping force damping power damping ratio danger button dark-red heat darkroom lamp data exchange data handling data transfer date of issue datum surface daughter atom day-wage work daylight lamp de-asphaltize de-ethylation deaccentuator dead abutment dead catalyst dead graphite dead roasting dead-end main deal flooring debrun candle debugging aid decade sealer decanoic acid decarboxylate decay chamber decay product decaying wave decibel metre decimal digit decimal gauge decimal place decimal point decimal scale decimal-coded deck stringer decolouration decontaminate decorrelation decortication decrepitation dedendum cone dedendum line deep air cell deep drilling deep-sea lead defect attack defective lot deferrization defervescence deflated tyre deflectometer deformability deformed wave dehydrogenase dehydrogenate deicing fluid delay cascade delay circuit delay element delay network delayed pulse delayed sweep deliquescence delivery date delivery flap delivery head delivery lift delivery line delivery main delivery pipe delivery port delivery pump delivery side delphi method delta current delta voltage delution zone demand factor demultiplexer denivellement dense lignite densification densitorneter density curve density meter density metre density range density ratio denticulation deoxigenation dephlegmation dephosphorize deposit gauge depth of case depth of fill derelict mine derived curve derived group derrick crane desactivation descent angle desensitizing design change design defect design factor design office design patent design stress design survey design valuer design weight desintegrated desintegrator destaticising desuperheater detached pier detector head detector tube detention dam detergent oil detonator box developed ore device number devitrificate dew-drop slot diacetic acid diagonal stay dialogue mode diameter stop diamond black diamond drill diamond wheel diaphanometer diaphragm dam diaphragmless diaso copying diathermanous diazocompound diazotability dicarbazapide die hardening diesel engine diffuse light diffuse sound diffusibility diffusor vane digging force digit winding digital clock diheptal base dihydric salt dimension lum diode circuit diode-heptode diode-pentode diode-tetrode dioxocompound dioxovanadium diphenylamine diphenylether dipole moment dipped fabric dipper dredge direct access direct colour direct dyeing direct feeder direct firing direct impact direct labour direct method direct stress direct-action directed bond dirt arrester dirt arrestor disable pulse discharge end discharge fan discharge gap discharge pan disconformity discontinuous disintegrator disk coupling disk flywheel disk impeller disk recorder disk selector display panel display scale disrupted bed dissolved gum distance bolt distance link distance mark distance ring distance tube distance-type distant water distress call disturb ratio disubstituted ditch erosion ditching plow diuretic salt diversion dam divided wheel dividing dial dividing head dividing wall dividing worm division head division unit division wall dockage sieve docking table docrystalline domain energy domed-cap nut domestic coke domestic load domical vault dominant mode donkey boiler donkey engine dope proofing doppler radar doppler shift dormant compo dormer window dose metering dot frequency dotted record double bottom double bridge double fabric double length double pulley double series double spread double stroke double triode double window double-acting double-decker double-handed double-headed double-header double-hulled double-piston double-t iron doubling test doughnut coil downtake tube downward bias downward flow drafting room drag conveyer drag conveyor drag friction drag-convevor drainage area drainage coil drainage duct drainage hole drainage line drainage pipe drainage pump draining plow drape forming draught angle draught gauge draw to scale draw-bar hook draw-off pipe drawing bench drawing block drawing board drawing brass drawing chute drawing curve drawing paper drawing plate drawing press drawing punch drawing scale drawing slide drawing table dress to meat dressed stone dressing room dressing shop dressing-down drift station drill density drill ejector drill grinder drill speeder drilling head drilling unit drip moulding drive a rivet drive winding driven ground driven pulley driving chain driving crank driving fluid driving force driving light driving pulse driving screw driving shaft driving strap driving wheel drop delivery drop reaction drop stamping dropping worm drum magazine drum membrane drum recorder drum stuffing dry capacitor dry finishing dry objective dry photocell dry placering dry shrinkage dry treatment dry-stone toe dryer furnace drying tunnel dual ignition duchess slate dulcification dummy antenna dummy cathode dummy section dumped riprap dumping apron dumping wagon duplex system durable goods dust arrester dust arrestor dust emission dust nuisance dwelling area dye levelling dye-line copy dynamic aging dynamic error dynamic force dynamic range daily capacity daily forecast dairy industry damped balance damper winding damping device damping effect damping factor damping magnet damping period damping piston damping spring damping torque dangerous area dark discharge dashboard lamp data attribute data delimiter data generator data hierarchy data processor data reduction data retrieval data selection data structure daylight press de-embrittling deacade bridge dead annealing dead-air space dead-time loss deadening felt decal insignia decay constant decay electron decay function decay particle decay property decayed nuclei dechlorination decimal candle decimal number decimal system decimal-binary decision table decoder matrix decorative art dedendum angle deep engraving deep-bar motor deep-bar rotor deep-hardening deep-sea cable deep-well pump defecation pan defect density defective unit deffusing grid deflecting bar deflecting cam deflocculation degasification degassing flux degree of turn dehalogenation dehydrated tar delay operator delayed action delivery chute delivery space delivery track delivery valve delocalization delphinic acid delta function delta-matching demerara sugar dense concrete dense soda ash densified wood density bottle depletion mode depolarization depressed arch depression bar depression box depth capacity depth of field depth of focus depth of shade depth of tooth derivative set derived rubber design drawing design feature design formula desintegration desired signal desizing agent desk telephone desktop copier desoxycompound destroyed atom desulphonation desulphurizing detachable bit detachable cap detached house detail drawing detector diode detector valve detonating gas detonator fuse developed area deviation flag dextrorotation diadic boolean diagonal strut diagonal weave dial indicator dial telephone diamond boring diamond-shaped diaphragm cell diaphragm pump diazonium salt dibromcompound dichromic acid die-away curve differentiable diffractometer diffuse factor diffuse nebula diffused diode diffused front diffusion cell diffusion pump diffusion ring digestion tank digging height digging plough digit absorber digital filter digital output digital signal dihedral angle dihedral plane diluent naphta dimalonic acid dimension line dimethyl oxime dimmer control diode charging diode detector dioxygenyl ion diplex circuit dipole antenna direct analogy direct circuit direct contact direct control direct current direct gearing direct heating direct reading direct tension direct vernier direct viewing direct voltage direct-coupled directed graph directing sign direction cone direction line directionality dirt adherence dirt inclusion disarrangement disbarked wood discernability discharge area discharge belt discharge boom discharge cock discharge dook discharge duct discharge glow discharge hole discharge lamp discharge line discharge pipe discharge rate discharge side discharge tube discolouration discomposition discount meter discount metre discrete state discriminatory disembarkation disequilibrium disilicic acid disintegration disk recording dispatch track dispersionless display access display device distance error distance gauge distance piece distance plate distance relay distance scale distillate wax distortionless distributivity disturbed soil dithiocompound dithionic acid diurnal change divalent state diverging lens diverging wave divided charge divided header dividing plate dividing strip divinyl rubber divisible code division block division plane do-it-yourself dobie blasting doctor process dog-nosed vice dog-nosed vise dolomitization domestic scrap domestic waste domestic water dominating set don't care bit donor impurity donor-acceptor doppler effect dormant scales double bracket double flanged double linkage double pentode double station double vernier double-circuit double-concave double-pickled doubly ionized dough moulding dovetail guide dovetail joint dovetail slide dovetail tenon down hand weld down-flow pipe downcast shaft downcomer tube downtime costs drafting board drag parachute drag-flow pump drag-over mill drainage basin drainage ditch drainage shaft drainage valve draining layer draughting ink draw direction draw-in collet draw-in system drawback chuck drawdown curve drawing number drawing office drawn-out iron drawpoint area draws together dredger bucket dredger shovel dressed timber dressing plate dressing stake dressing stock drift entrance drift klystron drifter hammer drill carriage drill cuttings drill pressure drill stellite drilling depth drilling fluid drilling lathe drinking water drip condenser drivage invert drivage method driven antenna driver's cabin driving chisel driving device driving handle driving medium driving moment driving pinion driving pulley driving signal driving spring driving stroke driving torque drone aircraft drop-frame car dropping board drum electrode drum-type kiln drunken thread drunking pulse dry metallurgy dry properties dry-cargo ship dry-core cable dry-sand mould dry-stone wall drying cabinet drying chamber drying furnace drying machine dual indicator dual operation duct capacitor duct connexion duct thickness dull-hard coal dummy coupling dumping bottom duplex channel duplex circuit duplex control duplex machine duplex process duplicate copy duplicate part duplicate test duplicate work durax pavement durchmustering dust arresting dust avalanche dust explosion dust pollution dust separator dust-core coil dwelling-house dyeing machine dynamic regime dynamic stress dynamic system dynamic theory dynstat tester dyscrystalline dadoing machine daily amplitude daily attention daily reservoir dam crest level damaging action damiens reagent damped sinusoid damping control dardelet thread dark conduction dark substitute dark-trace tube dash-pot piston data comparator data conversion data management data processing data protection data scattering data transducer datum dimension daughter nuclei dawson's bronze day-to-day work daylight factor dc neutral grid deacidification dead smooth cut dead-draw steel dead-end effect dead-end siding dead-hard steel dead-level roof dead-mild steel dead-soft steel decarbonization decarboxylation decarburization decationization decay of nuclei decayed nucleus decimal balance decimal counter decimal readout decision taking deck calculator decoding device decomposing pot decontamination decorated style decorating fire decorative bond decorative slip decrement curve dedendum circle dedicated robot deep absorption deep-hole drill defect detector defective compo defective index deferred-action deflation valve deflecting yoke deflection line deflection test deflection tube deflection wall defoaming agent degenerate term degree of decay degree of order degree of twist dehydrpgenation deionizing grid delay amplifier delay detonator delay equalizer delay flip-flop delay generator delay on a call delayed opening delivered power delivery column delivery nozzle delivery period delivery volume delta connexion delta-connected demolition bomb demolition work demurrage costs dense structure density of fire denumerable set depletion layer deposited metal depositing dock depositing tank deposition rate depository copy depressed sewer depression tube depth indicator depth manometer depth of camber depth of colour depth of fision depth of girder depth of thread depth recording derating factor derived circuit derricking gear descending node descending pipe desensitization design adequacy design analysis design approval design engineer design equation design standard design strength design terminal desing overload desynchronizing detached binary detailed theory detection limit detection width detector window detonating cord detonating fuel detonating fuse detonation wave detrusion ratio deuterium oxide developed power developing butt developing dish developing tank development fog deviation angle deviation ratio devitrification dewatering tank dextro-compound diagnostic test diagonal hybrid diagonal matrix diagonal paving diagonal wrench dial distortion dial instrument dial-feed press diametral pitch diamond bearing diamond circuit diamond lattice diamond winding diaphragm gauge diaphragm motor diaphragm valve diasteroisomers diazotype paper dichert reagent dichlorethylene dichroic mirror die-bolt cutter dielectric lens diesel traction diffracted wave diffuser nozzle difluorodiazine digested sludge digging machine digital control digital display digital machine digital printer digital readout diluted mixture dilution method dimension chart dimension stone diminished arch dimming of star dinitrocompound dinking machine diode detection diode modulator diode voltmeter diphenamic acid dipole radiator dipper capacity dipping lacquer direct coupling direct dialling direct indexing direct lighting direct material direct sighting directing force directing group direction gauge directional aid director dipole dirt extraction discharge blade discharge canal discharge chute discharge curve discharge gauge discharge pulse discharge valve discharging rod discone antenna discrete medium discrete signal discrete system disengaging bar disk coalcutter disk cultivator disk discharger disk-type relay disperse system dispersed phase dispersion area dispersion loss display machine disposable load distance finder distance flight distance of run distance sleeve distant reading distant station distil overhead distilled water distributor box disturbing mass ditch excavator ditching plough dithiocarbamate dithionous acid diurnal heating divergence loss divided bearing divided circuit dividing shears division device doctor solution domestic sewage dominant series donor behaviour donor migration dorr classifier dose-rate meter dose-rate metre dosimetry probe dot interlacing double compound double printing double-coloured double-cut file double-end bolt double-j groove double-lift cam double-u groove double-vee edge doublet antenna doublet impulse doublet turbine doubling effect doubling winder dovetail cutter dovetail groove down-cut shears down-draft kiln downcoming wave downstream face downstream flow downstream side downward motion draft-tube gate drafting device drag classifier drag the anchor dragline bucket drainage factor drainage layout drainage scheme drainage sluice drainage system draining plough draught control draughting room draw-cut shaper draw-in winding drawing machine drawing quality drawing the arc dredging bucket dredging shovel dressed leather dressed masonry dresses to meat drift coalfield drifting method drive mechanism drive pin punch driving circuit driving machine driving synchro driving trailer drop lubricator drop the anchor drop viscometer drop-feed oiler drop-girt frame drop-side truck dropping liquid dross inclusion drumskin action drusy structure dry elutriation dry thermometer dry-batch truck drying cylinder drying schedule duct connection dull cherry-red dummy character dumping station duolateral coil duplex material duplex purchase duplicate lines durability test dust separation dust-collecting dust-loaded air dusting clinker dusting machine dutch-nose tool dwarf partition dwelling period dynamic balance dynamic braking dynamic display dynamic fatigue dynamic loading dynamic pick-up dynamic storage dynatron effect daily inspection damage mechanism damage threshold damped vibration damping capacity damping constant damping material damping resistor dark-orange heat dash pot plunger data acquisition data compression data preparation data propagation data transceiver data transmitter date of issuance datum coordinate daughter element daughter isotope daughter missile daughter neutron daughter nucleus day-rate payment dead load moment dead-drawn steel dead-end chamber dead-front panel dead-load stress dead-smooth file dead-weight load debris clearance decade amplifier decadent volcano decanedioic acid decimal fraction decimal notation decimetric waves decision problem declination axis decoding network decorative glaze decorative sheet deductive theory deface a surface defect detection defence industry defined position deflecting force deflecting plate deflecting wedge deflection angle deflection curve deflection field deflection scale deflection stage deflection valve deflector piston deflector pulley degenerate level degenerate state degraded neutron degree of mixing degree of safety dehumidification delay distortion delayed feedback delayed ignition delayed scanning delete character delivered volume delivery conduit dellinger effect delta connection delta modulation demineralization demoulding force demountable tube density function density in-place dental porcelain denticle cornice department store dependent patent depleted uranium depolished glass depression curve depth of stratum derived quantity derived standard descending grade descent of grade descriptive data descriptive part design assurance design invention design parameter desizing machine despiker circuit dessiflo process destination loss destroyer-escort destructive mode destructive test desulphurization detachable blade detachable joint detailed balance detecting action detention period detonating flame detonation front detrimental soil development time development type development work deviation action deviation factor diadic operation diagnostic check diagnostic study diagonal formula diagonal spacing diagram of gears diagramatic view dial dynamometer dial thermometer dialkyl compound diamond crossing diamond hardness diamond pavement dibutyl phtalate dichlorocompound dichromatic cord diecasting mould dielectric drier dielectric layer diethyl phtalate difference gauge differential gap difficult ground diffraction ring diffuse lighting diffused emitter diffuser chamber diffusing source diffusing tracer diffusion factor diffusion kernel diffusion length difluorocompound digest of thesis digit absorption digital computer digital position digital quantity digital recorder dihydric alcohol diluted solution dimension figure dimension timber dimethylglyoxime diminished fifth diminished image dimorphous metal diode limitation diphenylthiourea diplex generator diplex operation dipolar molecule dipole amplifier dipole resonance dipped electrode dipping compound direct injection direct levelling direct numerical direct operation direct radiation direct recording direct selection direct switching direct-connected direct-spun yarn directed valency direction cosine direction finder direction of cut direction of dip direction of lay directional gain directive effect director antenna disability glare disabling signal disaster damages discharge header discharge hopper discharge liquid discharge nozzle discharge stream discharge stroke discharge trough discharge tunnel discharging arch discharging gear discharging time discomfort glare discrete channel discrete spectra disdodecahedroid disengaging gear dished electrode dishes of wheels disjunctive form disk hinge valve disk-type reamer disking diskette dislocation node disordered state disperser outlet dispersing agent dispersion index displacement box displacement law display know-how display lighting disposable waste disposal of slag disruptive force dissolved carbon dissolving power distance bushing distance control distinctive mark distinctive part distortion power distortional pad distress landing distributed load distributed mass distributing bin distributing net distribution box distribution bus distribution law distributive law distributor gear district heating district railway disturbing force disulphuric acid ditch collecting ditching machine diurnal parallax divalent cathode divariant system divergence ratio divergent series diverging nozzle diversion tunnel divided manifold dividing machine dividing network dividing reactor division of load division of work document copying domain structure dome-shaped roof domed-capped nut donated electron doppler velocity double amplitude double connector double curvature double frequency double objective double patenting double precision double spreading double-arm lever double-arm press double-bank cage double-beam tube double-deck cage double-ended dog double-face wall double-lane lock double-lap joint double-lever jib double-lift lock double-log paper double-over test double-pane sash double-side gate doubling machine dovetailed blade down ward stroke down-cut milling down-flue boiler downhill teeming downstream slope downstream water downstroke press draconitic month drafting machine drag coefficient dragline scraper drainage channel drainage culvert drainage gallery draining blanket draught cupboard draught recorder draughting board draughting paper draw-off culvert drawbar coupling dredging machine dressing machine dribble blending drift transistor drifting current drill press vice drilled diameter drilling machine drip lubrication driver amplifier driving sprocket drop lubrication drop-bottom skip drop-weight test drops the anchor drowned overfall drum-type boiler drum-water meter drum-water metre drummond's light dry distillation dry-sand casting dry-type reactor dry-weather flow drying apparatus dual-field motor dual-motor drive dual-rate spring duct-edge shield dummy resistance duplex amplifier duplex connexion duplex operation duplex reception duplex spot weld duplex telephony duplicating work duration of flow dust arrestement dust-like matter dynamic accuracy dynamic balancer dynamic fidelity dynamic fracture dynamic friction dynamic hardness dynamic pressure dynamic register dynamic relation dynamic response dynamic strength dynamical stress dynamical theory daily consumption damage assessment damage capability damp-proof course damped-wave train damping decrement damping transient dash-and-dot line data flow diagram data organization data transmission datum temperature dead engine start dead-front switch dead-melted steel dead-weight brake dead-weight valve decade inductance decay coefficient decay interaction decaying particle decimal tabulator deckhead building decking equipment decoupling filter dedarking machine deep straw yellow deep-cell machine deep-furrow drill defect in-process defectsin-process defensive grenade deferred reaction defibring machine definite integral definitional test deflecting action deflecting bucket deflecting camses deflecting device deflecting roller deflecting torque deflection factor deflection system defocusing action deforested region degasifying agent degenerate matrix degree of balance degree of freedom degree of novelty degree of quality degree of utility degree of wetness dehydrating agent delay chimney cap delay in claiming delay in delivery delay-line memory delequescent salt delivery exponent delivery of water delivery pipeline demand attachment demanded movement dematerialization demerits per unit dendritic crystal dense binary code density gradation density of donors density of states deoxidizing agent departmental test dependable design dephosphorization depleted material depolyrnerization depth measurement depth of pavement derivative action derived statistic desalinated water descending motion descending stroke design assumption design deficiency design department design philosophy designation strip deslagging hammer destructive shift detachable fixing detecting element detecting grating detection circuit determinate model detonating charge detonator circuit deutron stripping development batch development cycle dial illumination diametral winding diamond hand tool diamond structure diatomic molecule diatonic interval dicarboxylic acid dielectric heater dielectric strain dielectric stress diesel locomotive diethylene glycol difference number differential axle differential case differential gain differential gear differential head differential pump differential sign differential tone difficult country diffraction angle diffraction image diffuse radiation diffuse reflector diffused junction diffused lighting diffused resistor diffusion barrier diffusion battery diffusion brazing diffusion coating diffusion copying diffusion current diffusion welding digital analyiser digital converter digital convertor digital indicator digital recording digital simulator dimension control dimension of term dimensional check dimensional ratio dimethylformamide diminished column dinuclear species dioxygenyl cation diphenylcarbazide diphosphoric acid dipole relaxation dipole transition direct processing direct reflection direct suspension direct-fired mill direct-on starter directed quantity direction finding directional relay directive diagram directive sending directivity index director aircraft directton control dirigible balloon discharge chamber discharge circuit discharge current discharge opening discharge orifice discharge voltage discharging choke discharging valve disconnect signal discrete material discrete solution discrete spectrum disengaging latch disengaging lever dismountable mast dispenser cathode dispersion forces dispersion medium displacement flux displacement line displacement pump displacement work display statement disposable pallet dissimilar nuclei dissipation power dissociation heat dissociative path distance boundary distance function distance recorder distant indicator distorted surface distortion bridge distortion effect distortion factor distributing cock distributing main distributing pipe distribution gear distribution main distributor valve district-call box disturbing action disturbing effect disturbing moment diurnal behaviour diurnal libration divergence factor diversion channel diversity antenna divided developer divided iron core divorced pearlite doherty amplifier domestic building door-to-door time doppler frequency doric entablature dose-rate monitor dot-and-dash code dot-and-dash line double limitation double modulation double plane iron double refraction double toolholder double-action die double-beak anvil double-bond index double-deck block double-decker bus double-drum hoist double-elbow pipe double-end wrench double-ended cord double-grid valve double-hopper bin double-iron plane double-layer belt double-rate meter double-rate metre double-seat valve double-vee groove down-cutting tool downhand position downstream batter downward position downward rounding drainage pipeline drainage receiver draught indicator draught intensity draught regulator draught-tube bend draw a conclusion draw-ahead signal drawing-in roller drawn-shell motor drill chuck arbor drill piston bare drilling capacity driving mechanism drop slide window drop-shaft method drum-type furnace drum-type winding dry concentration dry-bound macadam dry-ice container dry-sand moulding dry-weighed batch dual-element fuse duality principle ductility machine dumb-waiter shaft dummy compartment dummy information dummy instruction dump-bell orbital duplex artificial duplex connection duplex telegraphy duplicating lathe duplicating paper duplication check dust precipitator dynamic balancing dynamic flip-flop dynamic precision dynamic recording dynamic stability dynamic steepness dynamic viscosity dynamometer brake d-model carburator d-model carbureter damage certificate damping resistance data deterioration data handling unit data specification de-inking solution dead-milled rubber dead-roller rubber decatizing machine decelerated motion decelerating field declination circle decompasition rate decompounded motor decoupling network deemphasis circuit deep-drawign press deep-drawing brass deep-drawing steel deep-hole drilling defensive armament deflashing machine deflecting current deflecting surface deflection current deflection of rail deflektor brattice degree of accuracy degree of coverage degree of hardness degree of security dehydrocyclization delay line storage delay-action relay delivery of energy delivery regulator delivery-head lift delta-type antenna demagnetized state demodulation stage denial application densities in-place density modulation dependent variable deposit efficiency deposit inundation deposition of silt depth of bottoming depth of immersion depth of inventory deresinated rubber derivative control desaccharification desalination plant descending current descending gallery descriptive method deseaming blowpipe desiccator cabinet design constraints design engineering desired conditions destribution ratio destructive action destructive effect determinate system determinative test determining factor detrimental effect detuning capacitor deuterium-labelled developing machine developing process development effort development engine development of dye development of gas developmental test deviation detector diagnostic problem diagnostic routine dial telephone set diamagnetic medium diameter clearance diameter increment diamond toolholder diamond-point tool diamond-tool lathe diatomaceous earth diatomic structure diazoaminocompound diazonium compound diazotype printing dichotomy division dick cam mechanism die-making machine die-sinking cutter diecasting machine dielectric antenna dielectric current dielectric fatigue dielectric heating diethylene diamine differential block differential brake differential cross differential drive differential motor differential phase differential relay differential screw differential shaft differential wheel diffraction region diffuse background diffuse reflection diffuse scattering diffusion constant diffusion equation diffusion junction diffusion moulding diffusive transfer digital automation digital integrator dimension of array dimensional change dimensional defect dimensional sketch dimensional theory dimensioned sketch dimethylsulphoxide diminishing tariff dip at high angles dipole association dipole interaction direct advertising direct correlation direct measurement direct reflectance direct translation direct-acting load direct-arc furnace direct-drive motor direction changing direction property directional baffle directional beacon directional effect directional filter directional marker directivity factor disability benefit discharg air shaft discharge arrester discharge arrestor discharge capacity discharge conveyer discharge conveyor discharge diameter discharge pressure discharge resistor discharge velocity discharging loader discharging roller disconnecting gear discordant bedding discrete automaton discrete structure disengaging clutch disk-plough harrow disk-type flywheel dismountable chain dispatcher control dispatcher's chart displacement angle disposal of wastes disproportionation disruptive voltage dissipative effect distant regulation distillation flask distillation still distillation yield distorted dialling distributing frame distributing shaft distribution board distribution cable distribution curve distribution noise distribution panel distribution range distribution valve disturbing current disturbing station diurnal aberration divergence theorem dividing mechanism doctor blade steel document shredding dolomite limestone dome-type arch dam domestic appliance dominant frequency dosage sensitivity double draw-bridge double rivet joint double-acting dook double-acting pump double-armed lever double-beam beacon double-bevel joint double-block brake double-coil spring double-cone clutch double-cone spring double-deck bridge double-deck pallet double-dot display double-ended diode double-face pallet double-flow engine double-furrow plow double-head wrench double-headed nail double-headed rail double-hung window double-j butt weld double-length word double-lift camses double-line binary double-row bearing double-shear rivet double-skin stator double-strap joint double-truss truck double-u butt weld double-v butt weld double-way circuit double-wound relay double-wound rotor doubly-charged ion dragline excavator drain-zone chimney drainage of lining draughting machine draw-in attachment draw-slate holding drawing instrument drawing-off roller dressing operation driverless tractor drop nuclear model drop-frame trailer dropping electrode dry neutralization dry-brick building dry-disk rectifier dry-rubble masonry drying instalation drying temperature dual amplification dual-beam betatron dual-voltage motor duo-muffle furnace duplex spot welder duration of vision dust-proof machine dust-removal plant dying oscillations dynamic deflection dynamic distortion dynamic efficiency dynamic inductance dynamic resistance dynamic similarity dynamic simulation dynamic subroutine dynamical parallax dynamics of solids d-model carburetter d-model carburettor dacade counter tube damped oscillations damping coefficient damping elimination dark-red silver ore data transformation de-aerated concrete dead-beat discharge dead-engine landing dead-soft annealing dead-zone regulator deceptive trademark deci-ampere balance decimal accumulator declarative section declination of star decomposing furnace decomposition water decorative laminate decreasing function decreasing sequence deep potential well deep-seated deposit deflection velocity degeneration factor degree of branching degree of breakdown degree of curvature degree of formation degree of shrinkage degree of stability dehydrohalogenation delay-line register delayed coincidence delayed-action fuse delayed-action mine delocalized orbital demagnetizing field demagnetizing force dendritic structure denominate quantity dependable variable dependent invention depth of engagement depth of impression depth of modulation depth of saturation depth-to-span ratio describing function designed experiment destructive reading destructive readout detailed topography determinate machine determinate problem developable surface development gallery development heading development opening deviation amplitude deviation from mean deviation indicator dew-point indicator diacritical current diagnostic analysis diagnostic check-up diagonal web member diagram of stresses diagrammatic layout diagrammatic sketch dial pattern bridge dial-type indicator diametric rectifier diametrical voltage diaminomaleonitrile diamond-tipped tool die-sinking machine dielectric capacity dielectric constant dielectric strength diesel engine plant diesel engine truck diesel-electric bus diethyl phosphonate difference equation difference quotient differential albedo differential bridge differential device differential engine differential filter differential motion differential pinion differential pulley differential selsyn differential thread diffraction antenna diffraction grating diffuse reflectance diffusion diaphragm diffusion potential digital information digital integration digital-data filter diisocyanate rubber dilatational strain dimensional control dimensional formula dimensioned drawing diminished interval diode rectification dioxouranium cation dipole polarization direct grid current direct illumination direct organization direct spot welding direct transmission direct-acting drive direct-drive engine direct-shipping ore direct-smelting ore direction indicator directional antenna directional circuit directional cooling directional coupler directional diagram directional pattern directivity diagram directly-fired kiln directtonal control discharge connexion discharge flashtube discharge of sparks disclosed invention discolouration heat disconnecting lever disconnecting valve discrete absorption dislocation breccia dispersed structure dispersion of light displacement blower displacement vector displacement volume display sensitivity disruptive distance disruptive gradient disruptive pressure disruptive strength dissipative element dissociation energy dissolving capacity distance indication distance protection distillation column distillatory kettle distinctive feature distorted structure distortio analyiser distributing bucket distributing centre distributing header distribution centre distribution factor distribution feeder distribution pillar distribution piping distribution system disturbing function dithiocarbonic acid dominant wavelength donor-acceptor bond door-closing device double oscillograph double roller chain double u-butt joint double v-butt joint double-acting press double-action press double-action slide double-angle cutter double-bevel groove double-break switch double-buttress dam double-coiled relay double-cone antenna double-double crown double-ended wrench double-face coating double-feed antenna double-flow turbine double-folding dook double-helical gear double-layer screen double-level bridge double-lever shears double-line traffic double-pitched roof double-plate clutch double-row riveting double-start thread double-suction pump double-tapered muff double-tariff meter double-tariff metre doubly ionized atom downward enrichment dpherty transmitter drag-cup alternator drag-cup tachometer draughtsman's scale draw-tube telescope drawing temperature drawing ventilation drilling attachment drop-forging hammer dry saturated steam dryseal pipe thread duplicated negative duplicating machine durax-cube pavement dynamic coefficient dynamic electricity dynamic equilibrium dynamic instability dynamic loudspeaker dynamic meteorology dynamic overvoltage dynamic programming dynamic sensitivity dynamical stability dynamically similar dynatron oscillator daily traffic volume dam spillway channel darlington amplifier data processing rate data-handling system dc-operated receiver dead-head resistance dead-time correction decade counting tube decay characteristic decentralized system decision instruction decomposition method decontamination area decontamination unit decorative porcelain dedicated automation deferred examination deflection amplifier deflection generator deflection indicator deflection vibration deflocculating agent deformation deviator degenerate continuum degenerative circuit degree of confidence degree of dependence degree of dispersion degree of hydrolysis degree of inspection degree of movability degree of polynomial degree of saturation delayed fluorescence delivered horsepower deliveries of energy delivery pipe branch demagnetization loss dendrite segregation denotation of patent density distribution density of electrons density of equipment depolarizing mixture deposition potential depreciation charges depth of penetration derrick-stone riprap descriptive geometry design current value design of experiment desliming classifier detecting instrument deterministic system detonating cartridge detonation indicator detonation inhibitor detrimental compound developer exhaustion development approach diagnostic equipment diagnostic programme diagrammatic drawing diagrammatic section diamond-pointed tool dichlorofluoresceine dichotomizing search dielectric amplifier dielectric waveguide diesel-powered lorry difference amplifier difference frequency differential booster differential carrier differential current differential gearing differential leakage differential machine differential pick-up differential winding difficult-to-machine diffraction analysis diffraction of light diffraction spectrum diffuse transmission diffused-air aerator diffusion admittance diffusion transistor diffusion-controlled diffusor diffusivity digital servo-system digital transmission dimensional accuracy dimensional analysis dimensional variable dinitrophenamic acid dioxovanadium cation dip-coated electrode direct current relay direct memory access direct-current field direct-current motor direct-current shift direct-drive turbine direct-exchange line direct-positive film direct-reading meter direct-reading metre direction instrument direction theodolite directional focusing directional lighting directional traverse directly-fed antenna dirt-extraction gear discard a hypothesis discharge connection disconnecting spring disconnecting switch discontinuity stress discrete mathematics discrete programming discriminating relay discrimination radar disengaging coupling disk-shaped diskette disordered structure dispatch switchboard dispatching priority dispensing apparatus dispensing mechanism displacement current displacement pick-up disrtibuting station disruptive discharge disruptive explosive disruptive oxidation dissipationless line dissipative material dissociation product dissociative capture distance measurement distance thermometer distant-control boat distillation residue distillsation stills distributing channel distribution cabinet distribution diagram distribution network distribution section distributor-splitter disturbed-one output disturbing frequency disturbing influence divergency of series diversion of traffic division of products dodecahedral complex domain magnetization domain of definition domestic consumption dopant concentration double pick-up tongs double word boundary double-aperture lens double-arm semaphore double-bladed cutter double-breadted plow double-ended spanner double-filament bulb double-furrow plough double-header boiler double-helical tooth double-layer winding double-length number double-plate sounder double-refined steel double-shot moulding double-stage turbine double-throw contact double-track heading double-track railway double-way rectifier dough-making machine downstream operation drainage coefficient draw-in collet chuck drawback temperature drift-free amplifier drill grinding gauge drill-layout machine drive characteristic drooping-speed motor drop a perpendicular drop-indicator panel drop-testing machine dry-bulb temperature dry-bulb thermometer dual-frequency motor dual-in-line package duck-foot cultivator duty-cycle operation dynamic compensation dynamic multiplexing dynamometric ammeter damped pressure gauge dashboard gear change daughter radioisotope daylight illumination dead-storage capacity deadbeat galvanometer deadening-paper board decay of luminescence decibel potentiometer decimal number system declarative statement decomposition product decomposition voltage decompression chamber decontamination agent deep-penetration bomb deflection modulation defloculated graphite degenerative feedback degradation of energy degree of association degree of compression degree of convergence degree of correlation degree of reliability delay-action blasting delayed multivibrator delaying gain control delta-winged aircraft demagnetization curve demulsifying compound dense-graded pavement dependent application depletion capacitance deposition efficiency depositional gradient descriptive astronomy descriptive trademark design-storm rainfall desintegrating nuclei desired current value detail-contrast ratio detection sensitivity deterioration failure determinant of matrix determinate automaton diagnostic experiment diagonal-flow turbine diamond-point dresser diaphragm dynamometer dielectric disruption dielectric hysteresis dielectric loss angle dielectric properties diesel-electric drive differential calculus differential detector differential equation differential geometry differential indexing differential operator differential quotient diffuse transmittance diffused illumination diffused-air aeration diffusion capacitance diffusion coefficient diffusion ventilation difraction scattering dimensional stability dimensional tolerance dimethylglyoxime test diminution of quality direct access storage direct control system direct-action circuit direct-axis reactance direct-stress machine direction of scanning directional composite directional indicator directional intensity directional operation directional reception directly proportional discharge by scraping discharge coefficient discharging air shaft discharging of boiler discomposition effect disconnectable clutch discontinuity surface discrepancy detection discrete distribution discrete energy level discriminant analysis disguised electricity disintegration family disjunction operation disk operating system dispersion photometer displacement of track displacement reaction dissemination channel dissociation constant dissociative reaction dissolution potential distinctive trademark distortion inaccuracy distributed amplifier distributing conveyer distributing conveyor distributing manifold distribution function distribution pipeline disturbed zero signal disturbed-zero output disubstituted benzene document reproduction dodecahedral compound dodecahedral symmetry domestic architecture dose of radioactivity double balanced relay double beta-ray decay double-amplitude peak double-angular cutter double-armature relay double-casing machine double-curved surface double-cylinder dobby double-headed capstan double-note amplifier double-nozzled rocket double-pumping action double-reduction gear double-resistance box double-screw extruder double-shear riveting double-shoulder screw double-sided impeller double-standard frame double-threaded screw double-wave detection dovetail-forming tool downward acceleration dressing of electrode drinking water supply drive-pulse generator driving electromagnet dropwise condensation drying by evaporation dual carriageway road dual-rotor helicopter dull-emitting cathode duplicated-level line duplicating amplifier duration of agreement dust-coated electrode dynamometer wattmeter dynatron oscillations data-processing centre data-processing system decelerating electrode deck cantilever bridge decomposition reaction deflocculated graphite deformation properties degenerative amplifier degree of irregularity deionization potential delay-action detonator delineation of orebody demagnetization device denotationa of patents depressed-zero ammeter depth of flood-storage derivative on the left design characteristics design water discharge desintegrating nucleus destructive inspection determinate simulation detonating composition detrimental resistance development department diagonal reinforcement diagrammatical drawing diagrammatical section diametric straightness diamond grinding wheel dielectric coefficient dielectric conductance dielectric loss factor diesel-electric engine diethyldithiocarbamate differential amplifier differential analyiser differential capacitor differential gear unit differential generator differential hardening differential levelling differential manometer differential quenching differential time plan differentiating scheme digit-organized memory digital control system digital gas-field tube dilatation thermometer dipolar polarizability dipping-type generator direct line subscriber direct transit circuit direct-coupled exciter direct-current voltage direct-driven airscrew direct-flow compressor direct-noise amplifier direction of incidence directional derivative directional microphone directional properties discharge of condenser discharging resistance disconnecting coupling discriminating breaker discriminating element disk-spaced type cable disordered orientation dispersion coefficient displacement resonance dissipative attenuator dissociation continuum dissociative mechanism distillation apparatus distortion coefficient distortion elimination distortion transformer distributed parameters distributing eccentric distributing mechanism distribution reservoir district-heating plant diverging oscillations divisional application dodecahedral structure domestic water heating double half-round file double-acting cylinder double-bever butt weld double-breadted plough double-casement window double-cavity klystron double-current sounder double-delta connexion double-diameter piston double-leaf mitre gate double-motion agitator double-mouldboard plow double-phantom circuit double-range voltmeter double-ranked register double-row rivet joint double-strap butt weld double-toggle actuator double-tuned amplifier double-tuned circuitry double-unit alternator double-universal joint double-valued function doublet-casing turbine drill-motor rotor vane dripping cooling plant dry flash-over voltage dual-channel amplifier dust-collecting system dust-exhaust apparatus dynamic characteristic dynamic force analysis dackward-wave amplifier damped periodic element dark-field illumination data processing machine dating by radioactivity decca navigation system decentered aperture gun decimal ring-type adder declarative instruction decomposition inhibitor decomposition potential deep-freezing treatment deflectional instrument degradation of accuracy degree of crystallinity delivery specifications density of distribution derivative on the right descriptive information descriptive meteorology design flood hydrograph desintegration electron desintegration particle destructive examination desulphurizing roasting deviation current value diagonal hybrid orbital diameter of diminuation diamond-pointed dresser dielectric polarization dielectric power-factor dielectric test voltage differential absorption differential attachment differential excitation differential floatation differential modulation differential protection differential screw jack differential surge tank differential-gear train differentiating circuit differentiation network diffraction by aperture diffusion by reflection diffusion cloud chamber dimensional instability dimethyldithiocarbamate dimethylsiloxane rubber dipole debye absorption direct-couple amplifier direct-current balancer direction-indicator arm directional loudspeaker directly-heated cathode discontinuous aggregate dished end-plate boiler disintegration constant disk photoelectric cell displacement compressor displacement modulation displacement-time curve dissociative activation dissociative ionization distillation with steam distortion-factor meter distortion-factor metre distributed capacitance distributed polar rotor distribution trunk line division in proportions division of application document reference edge double commutator motor double gang disk harrow double-balanced suction double-bank superheater double-column manometer double-cone loudspeaker double-continuous curve double-delta connection double-ended substation double-humped resonance double-length operation double-precision number double-pulse modulation double-strap butt joint double-stream amplifier double-suction impeller double-throw crankshaft double-wheel type lathe dovetail milling cutter down hand position weld down-draught carburator down-draught carbureter driving-point impedance drop-valve steam engine dropping characteristic due to transients noise dustborne radioactivity dynamo battery ignition dynamo magneto ignition dalton's atomic theories damages for infringement dark-current conductance deep-well working barrel degree of polymerization denotation of components design margin evaluation destructive distillation detection characteristic deviation from linearity deviation multiplication device control character diametrical straightness diaphragm-type waveguide differential coefficient differential conductance differential crown wheel differential dynamometer differential thermometer differential transformer differential transmitter diffraction spectroscope digit-to-digit operation dimethylbutadiene rubber dipper of connecting-rod direct inernational call direct reflection factor direct-coupled generator direct-current amplifier direct-current generator direct-viewing kinescope direction of propagation directly-excited antenna discharge channel gutter discharge-tube rectifier disruption of insulation disruption of production dissimulated electricity distillations with steam distortion of brightness distribution coefficient distribution transformer district heating station do-it-yourself explosive domestic shipping weight double flange rail wheel double-acting power unit double-barrel carburator double-barrel carbureter double-centre theodolite double-combustion boiler double-current generator double-interruption jack double-mouldboard plough down-draught carburetter down-draught carburettor dressed-ceiling boarding driven radio transmitter dual-track tape recorder duration of power flight dust-removing attachment dye-penetrant inspection damped vibration absorber data transmission channel decay to a stable nucleus decomposition temperature deep-freezing instalation degree of crystallization depreciation expenditures depth of heat penetration described but not claimed desoxyribose nucleic acid destructive hydrogenation determination of position detonation characteristic deuterium-uranium lattice diamond-head buttress dam diamond-pyramide hardness differential distillation differential galvanometer differential-decay method differentially-wound bell differentiating amplifier diffuse reflection factor dimensionless coefficient diplex radio transmission direct resistance furnace direct-current telegraphy direct-injection moulding direct-reading instrument direction of polarization direction-finding station discontinuity capacitance discrete element approach discriminative protection dispersion polymerization displacement-time diagram distance of direct vision distant-action instrument distributed mass absorber double universal coupling double-action disk harrow double-barrel carburetter double-barrel carburettor double-current signalling double-curvature arch dam double-cylindrical boiler double-quantum transition double-resonator klystron double-sideband amplifier double-strut trussed beam double-wave rectification double-winding alternator doubly-terminated crystal downhand position welding drift-corrected amplifier due to temperature thrust dynamic equilibrium ratio dynamic-balancing machine damped alternating current damped periodic instrument decomposition into partial deep-penetration electrode delay-electric chimney cap density of freight traffic depression position finder derivative with respect to descending chain condition diagonal cross cross brace diesel-electric locomotive diferential representation differential neighbourhood diffusion-alloy transistor digital integrated circuit digital-analogue converter digital-analogue convertor digital-integrated package direct transmission factor direct-electromotive force direct-reading thermometer direct-vision spectroscope dislocation multiplication display output peripherals distant-reading instrument distribution reinforcement double squirrel-cage motor double-acting steam engine double-capped tubular lamp double-electron transition double-geared transmission double-insulated conductor double-lip countersink bit dovetail vernier callipers drawn-on-plate lithography dropping-voltage generator dual-sensitivity indicator dust-precipitation chamber dynamic allocation storage dynamic vibration absorber decaying conduction current decimal-to-binary converter decimal-to-binary convertor degree of interrelationship delay differential equation design change authorization design reliability analysis design-capability assurance designated development area diagram of component forces die-sinking milling machine diesel-hydraulic locomotive differential compound motor differential pressure gauge digital-analogue conversion dimensional characteristics direct frequency modulation direct-current distribution direct-current neutral grid direct-current transmission displacement chromatography disproportionation reaction distribution of eigenvalues distribution-free statistic double-precision arithmetic double-sideband transmitter duplicating milling machine dynamic address translation day-in day-out dependability dead-beat response condition decimal-to-binary conversion density-controlled discharge desing-reliability assurance deterioration of environment deviation from specification deviation from stoichiometry direct-connected arrangement direction-finder calibration distance-measuring equipment disturbed zero output signal domestic licensing agreement double-precision computation double-sideband transmission dressed-and-matched flooring dump riprap slope protection degeneracies of energy levels degree of inherent regulation demagnetization by continuous differential pressure pick-up differential thermal analysis diffuse-scattering background diffusion-controlled reaction directional collector control distance-measuring theodolite distanse-measiring theodolite distant-indicating instrument double-beam spectrophotometer double-expansion steam engine drift out of tolerance bounds dynamic-convergence amplifier deprez-d'arsonval galvanometer diamond-pyramide hardness test die-and-mould grinding machine differential-pressure recorder direct-translation reading aid disassembly-and-assembly stand deep space communication centre degree of differential equation degree of voltage rectification delta-matched impedence antenna differential ionization chamber disappearing-filament pyrometer distributed constant delay line double superheterodyne receiver double-crystal x-ray goniometer dependent equatorial coordinates difference-differential equation diffraction of waves by crystals diffraction-type sound analyiser direction-indicator control lamp directional parametric amplifier discharge of condenser capacitor disintegration by alpha emission differential-measuring instrument diffractions of waves by crystals direct interelectrode capacitance dynamic ball-indentation hardness differential concatenation control direct-acting recording instrument disk pack initialization programme double-hung counterbalanced window drill-grinding-and-pointing machine diamagnetism of conduction electrons disintegration by alpha-particle emission
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