За поръчка над 40 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти

За поръчка над 60 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти и БЕЗПЛАТНА ДОСТАВКА ДО ОФИС НА КУРИЕР

📗 Tермини започващи с буквата E в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата E

em ear eat ell eon erf erg eye easy echo ecru eddy edge ends enol etch even e tee eared early earth easer ebony echin edger educe elbow elvan embay embed enter entry eosin epoch epoxy epure erbia erode erose essay ester eston ether ettle event exert exude e scan earthy egress elexir eluate eluent embank emerge empire enamic encase end-on end-up engage engine engobe enimic enrich ensign ensure entail entity entrap enzyme eocene eolian eozoic epidot eroded erosed escape estate ethane ethene ethide ethoxy exedra expand expend expose extend extent eyebar eyelet e scope e-h tee ear nut earthed earthen ebonite echelon echoing economy eddying edetate eductor effuser egg end elastic elbowed elinvar eloxate elution eluvial emanate emitron emperor emulsor end bay end cap end cut end pin end rib endwise enediol enforce engrain engrave enlarge enneode entasis entatic entrain entropy enzymic epeiric epitaxy epoxide equiped erector ergodic erosive erratic essence estuary etchant etching ethanol ethenyl ethylal ethylin ethylol eucaine eugalol eugenol euresol europia evening evolute ex-work exciter exciton exhaust exploit explore exposed express extinct extract extreme extrude eye nut eyebolt eyeslit earphone earthing easement ebullate echo box eddystat edge cam edge fog eduction effluent effusion egg coke eggshell elaedite electret electrit electrum elionics eliquate eluation embedded emphasis emulator emulsify enargite enclosed end bell end bond end dook end face end mill end play end post end ring end sill end slot end view end wall enduring energize engraver enlarger enneagon ensemble ensilage ensiling enthalpy entrance entrefer entrench entresol envelope eolation episcope epistyle epsomite erection eruption eryptive erythrol esculent esterify ethanoic ethanoyl ethenoid ethereal etherify ethoxide ethylate ethylene ethylize ethyloic eutectic eutomous evection even dye evidence evolvent examiner exchange excitant excitron existent exo-ring exoergic explicit exploder exponent exposure extender extrados extruder eye hook eye lens eye ring eyeframe eyeglass eared nut earth dam earth mat earth oil earth rod earth wax easy bend ebullient eccentric echo room echo trap ecobiotic ecologist eddy wind edge tool edgestone effluence effluvium effluxion eigentone elastance elaterite electrics electrize electrons elemental elevatory eloxation elutriate emanation embayment embedding embochure embrittle emergence emergency emery off emittance emollesce emollient empennage empty set emulation emulgator encounter end block end cleat end lathe end paper end plane end plate end point end stage end stope end-frame endo-post endoergic engineman engraving enol form enstatite entrained ephedrine ephemeris epicenter epihydrin epitaxial equal-arm equations equiaxial equipment equipoise ergonomic erichrome eriometer escapeway ester gum ester oil estimated estimator ethylenic eupittone eurythmic eutectoid evel gear even load even mass evolution exact fit exchanger excipient excretion excursion execution exit flue exit pipe exit side exocyclic expansion expedient explosive exsiccant extension extra cap extractor extremals extrinsic extrudate extrusion extrusive exuberant exudation eye flash eye joint eye piece eye screw eye sight eye split early slag earth axis earth bank earth bore earth coal earth fall earth fill earth flax earth lead earth line earth load earth road earth work earth-free earthmover easer rail easy curve easy grade eboulement ebullience ebullition echo board echo check echo image echo meter echo metre echo pulse ecoclimate economancy economizer eddy space edge angle edge flare edge joint edulcorant edulcorate effervesce efficiency effloresce egg-shaped eigen mode eigenstate eigenvalue elasticity elastivity elbow bend elbow pipe elbow rest electivity electrizer electrobus electrojet electrosol eliminator eliquation elutriator embankment embodiment embossment emery disk emery dust emissivity empty trap emulsifier enantiomer end effect end girder end motion end pulley end roller end shears end shield end thrust end-to-end endocyclic energetics energy gap engagement engine bed engine men engine oil englishite enrichment enrockment enterclose enterprise entrapment entry side enumerable enveloping enzymology epicycloid epigenetic epihydrine epithermal epsom salt equalizing equilibria erase head ergodicity ergosterol erie-black error band error rate erubescite erythritol escapement escarpment estate car ester acid etch angle ether acid ether bond ethylation ethylidene euchlorine eudiometer eudiometry evacuation evaporator even blend even pitch excavation excess air exchanging excitation exhalation exhaustion exit angle exoenergic exogenetic exothermal exothermic expendable experience exsiccator extensible extinction extinguish extra duty extra load extra-hard extraction extractive extraneous eye bender eye needle eye shield eye sketch eye survey eared screw early spark earned rate earth basin earth board earth borer earth creep earth fault earth matte earth orbit earth plate earthenware earthometer eau-de-luce echo effect echo signal eddy losses eddy motion edetic acid edge acuity edge camses edge of rim edge runner edge stress edge tracer edging roll effect yarn egg grenade eigenperiod eigenvector einsteinium ejaculation ejector die ejector pin ejector rod elastic lag elastomeric elbow board elbow joint elbow piece electrolyze ellipsoidal elutriation emery cloth emery flour emery paper emery paste emery stick emery stone emery stuck emery wheel emplacement empty space empty track enamel bead enamel blue enamic form encapsulate end bearing end journal end milling end product end ratchet end sealing end station end-centred endogenetic endothermal endothermic energy band energy flow energy flux energy gain energy loss engine base engine case engine fuel engine hood engine room engine shed engine sump engineering enimization enjay butyl enlargement ennoic acid enolisation entablature entablement entrainment entry point enunciation environment ephemerical epidiascope epiethyline epigranular epinephrine epoxy group epoxy resin equal angle equal-sized equated ion equibalance equidistant equilateral equilibrant equilibrate equilibrium erdman salt erect image erosion map erratic arc error bound error burst error check error limit error meter error metre error range erythrosine escape dook escape hole escape pipe estate road ethanolysis ethyl ester ethyl ether ethyl fluid evaporative even ground even moment even number even parity even-bedded exaggerated examination excess load excited ion exciter set exhaust box exhaust cam exhaust end exhaust fan exhaust gas exhaust jet exit branch expansivity expectation export duty extra wheel extra-heavy extravasate eye-legible ear defender early timing earth albedo earth mantle earth moving earth rammer earth return earth's core earthed grid earthy water ease the gas easing lever easing valve easy control easy running eau-de-javel ebb of flood ebb-and-flow ebullioscope ebullioscopy echo chamber echo sounder eclips comet eclipse year economic lot economy coil eddy current eddying flow edge welding edison screw edulcoration effervescing efflorescent egg-and-dart egress hatch ejector pump elapsed time elastic axis elastic line elastic ring elastic stop elastic wave electric cap electric car electric eye electric net electric pad electric set electrograph electrolyser electromeson electrometer electromotor electron gas electron gun electron jet electron ray electrophile electrophone electrophore electroplate electropolar electroscope electrotherm electrotonus elevator tab embattlement emery cutter emery powder emitter lead emollescence empire style empiric data empty weight enamel paint enantiomorph enantiotropy encased gear enclosed arc encrustation end capacity end effector end movement end of chain end position end pressure end reaction endocompound energy compo energy input energy level energy range energy waste engaged gear engaged pier engaging dog engine frame engine house engine lathe engine mount engine plant engine power engine shaft english bond english mile enriched oil entanglement entrenchment entropy unit entry bottom entry pillar entry symbol envelope gas envenomation epi-position equal-spaced equifrequent equigranular equivocation equiweighted equlibration erasing head erecting bed erection sag erosion scab error matrix error method error signal escape canal escape hatch escape shaft escape steam escape valve ester rubber ethyl halide ethylacetate ethylbenzene eucrystaline even integer even isotope even running even surface even-grained exact method excentricity excess phase excited atom excited mode exclusive or exhaust duct exhaust flap exhaust lead exhaust line exhaust pipe exhaust port exhaust tube exhaust unit exit surface explosimeter exposed wall extended oil extensometer extinguisher extra charge extra length extra-bright extra-strong extreme path extreme size earth antenna earth blanket earth capture earth circuit earth current earth gravity earth's crust earthing clip earthing grip ease anengine easy gradient easy-push fit easy-to-start eccentric rod echo sounding echo strength edging device edison effect edison thread eduction port eduction-pipe effect thread effective age effervescence efflorescence effusive rock egg insulator egyptian blue eigenfunction ejection seat ejector valve ejulek thread elastic force elastic limit elastic wheel elastin fibre electric flux electric fuse electric iron electric lens electric lift electric mass electric test electric wave electrifiable electrion oil electroarcing electrocement electrocortin electrode end electrode jaw electrode jib electrode tip electrofacing electrography electromerism electrometric electromobile electromotive electron beam electron flow electron hole electron jump electron mass electron pair electron spin electron term electron trap electron tube electron-like electron-volt electronified electrooptics electrophilic electrostatic electrotyping electrovalent elevated road elevated tank elevating arc elevator boom elevator rope elliptic arch embedded part embossed work embossing die embrittlement emerald green emergency set emission band emission cell emission rate emission test emitting area empty leather emulsion star enamel colour enantiotropic enclosed dock enclosed fuse end elevation end launching end of thread endurance run energy budget energy charge energy crisis energy method energy output energy supply energy system engine bonnet engine cinder engine cradle engine driver engine firing engine nozzle engine output engine rating engine timing engine torque engine wobble english truss eniminic form enlarger lamp enriched fuel ensiform file entatic state entering edge entering file entrance dook entrance hall entrance lock entrant sound environmental ephemeris day epoxide resin equilux curve equipartition equipment bay equipment box equiponderate equipotential erasing speed erecting shop erecting work erection bolt erection work errection bay error in line error message error of tilt eruptive rock erythric acid essential oil establishment ethane diacid ethanoic acid ether alcohol ethyl alcohol ethylxanthate even fracture even function even harmonic even multiple even-tempered exact science excess weight exchange area exchange rate excited state exciting bank exciting lamp exciting loop exclusive use exhaust curve exhaust space exhaust stack exhaust steam exhaust valve exhausted lye exit pressure expanded clay expanded film expanded view expanding die expansibility expansion end expansion fit expansion gap expansion pad expansion tap expert worker explicit data exploded view explosibility explosion ram explosive box explosive oil exposure dose exposure rate exposure time extended type extension arm extension rod exterior load exterior wall external gear external ring external unit external wall external work extinguishing extra current extragalactic extreme value extruded film extruded tube extruder head extruder slit extrusion die eyepiece mark early ignition earth capacity earth detector earth moisture earth pressure earth terminal earth-fill dam earthed switch earthed system earthing plate ease of access easily soluble easy-slide fit easy-to-get-at eccentric disk eccentric feed eccentric gear eccentric load eccentric pump echo altimeter echo technique ecological age ecological map economizer jet eddy diffusion eddy viscosity eddying effect eddying motion edge steepness edging machine eduction valve effective area effective call effective head effective mass effective span effective work effluent water efflux gallery effort current eggshell china Einstein's law ejector nozzle ejector spring elaidinization elastic clutch elastic impact elastic memory elastic region elastic strain elastic stress elastic washer electric angle electric blast electric clock electric drill electric drive electric field electric force electric fryer electric hoist electric light electric meter electric metre electric model electric motor electric noise electric plate electric power electric shaft electric shock electric spark electric squib electric steel electric storm electric torch electrobiology electrocautery electrode bias electrode body electrode core electrode face electrodeposit electrodynamic electroetching electroforming electrogolding electron drift electron fluid electron level electron orbit electron probe electron shell electron space electron state electronogenic electronuclear electrooptical electroosmosis electroplating electrosurgery electrothermal electrovection elephant trunk elevated track elevating belt elevating gear elevating rest elevating stop elevation head elevation view elevator scoop elevator shaft elevator tower elliptic comet elliptic orbit elliptic vault eloxal process embankment dam embossed sheet emerald copper emerald nickel emergency call emergency dook emergency exit emergency feed emergency gate emergency pump emergency trip emergency work emission layer emission steam emissive power emitron camera emitter region emitting layer empirical data emptying valve emulsification emulsion layer emulsion paint enabling pulse enamel coating enameled sheet enamelled bulb enamelled lamp enclosure wall encoder matrix end conditions end distortion end instrument end-fire array endgate seeder endurance life endurance test energy balance energy barrier energy density energy product energy quantum energy release energy spectra energy storage engaged signal engaging lever engaging screw engaging shaft engaging tooth engine cut-off engine gondola engine nacelle english powder english thread engraving tool enlarged image enlarged scale enriched blast entrance angle entrapped slag envelope curve epitaxial film equal-tempered equalizing bar equalling file equiphase zone equisetic acid erecting stage erecting tools erection joint ergddic theory erichsen value erosive attack erratic arcing error analysis error detector error equation error function error in depth error triangle error variance escape orifice esterification ethyl chloride ethyl gasolene ethyl gasoline ethylcellulose ethylene oxide ethylized fuel ethylpotassium eutectic point evasee chimney even-a isotope even-even line exact division excess voltage exciting stage execution time exhaust blower exhaust camses exhaust collar exhaust flange exhaust nozzle exhaust stream exhaust stroke exhaust system exhaust vessel exit potential expanded joist expanded scale expanded scope expanded sweep expanding pipe expanding ring expanding test expanding wave expansion bend expansion cock expansion loop expansion rate expansion tank expansion work expected level expired patent exploring disk explosive rock explosive wave exponent curve export licence export license exposed to air exposed wiring exposure chart exposure meter exposure metre extended plane extensible arm extension bell extension cord extension lamp extension line extension ring extension shoe extension tube extension-type exterior check external angle external cable external delay external error external force external gauge external label external teeth extinct patent extra-fine fit extract a root extrahazardous extruded brass extruded shape extruded sheet eye protection earth connexion earth magnetism earth potential earth satellite earthed circuit earthed neutral earthing switch earthquake test earthquake wave ease of control eastward motion eccentric angle eccentric chuck eccentric clamp eccentric drive eccentric lathe eccentric press eccentric shaft eccentric strap eccentric wheel echelon antenna echo distortion echo suppressor economic rating edge absorption edge joint weld edge triggering edition bindery effect of holes effective point effective power effective radii effective range effective value efficiency plan efficiency test efflux of water ejection stroke elastic bitumen elastic channel elastic failure elastic fatigue elastic loading elastic packing elastic support elbow-bend pipe electric beacon electric charge electric clutch electric coring electric dipole electric firing electric length electric moment electric reamer electric stress electric supply electrical duct electrical leak electrical mass electrical yarn electroacoustic electroanalysis electrode fluid electrode force electrode paste electrode shank electrode wheel electrodialysis electrokinetics electron camera electron charge electron energy electron escape electron length electron mirror electron optics electron plasma electron source electron stream electron switch electron-excess electronegative electronic spin electronic tube electrons donor electropainting electrophoresis electroplatinol electropositive electrorefining electrosparking electrothermics elementary cell elementary work elevating force elevating power elevating screw elevating shaft elevating speed elevation angle elevator bucket elite structure elliptic galaxy elliptic mirror elliptic spring elongation test embankment wall embossing press embossing punch embroidery loom emergency brake emergency hatch emergency light emergency metal emergency route emergency stock emergency store emergency valve emery sharpener emission factor emission nebula emittance value emitter current emitter voltage empiric formula emptying device enabling signal enamelled brick enamelled cable enantiomorphism enantiomorphous enclosed medium end-fed antenna endocyclic bond endurance crack endurance limit endurance ratio energetic state energy absorber energy approach energy exchange energy spectrum energy transfer engine building engine capacity engine controls engine mechanic engine mounting engine oil tank engine operator engine test bed engineering map english crystal ensilage cutter entire function entrained water entrance sleeve entrance switch enzyme reaction epichlorhydrine epicyclic train epitaxial layer equal to sample equalizing beam equalizing gear equalizing pipe equation solver equatorial bond equatorial zone equidimensional equipment compo equipotent sets equisignal line equisignal zone equivalent lead equivalent load equivalent mass erasable memory erase character erasing ability erection stress ergodic process ergodic theorem erosion control erratic valuers errecting crane error amplifier error detection error indicator estimated value estimation unit etherif ication ethylene glycol euclidean space eulerian motion eutectic arrest eutectic system eutectoid steel evacuated space evaluation test evanescent mode evaporated film evaporator coil exact integrand excavating pump excavating work excentric force excessive stock exchange effect exchange pallet excitation band excitation flow excitation time excited nucleon excluded middle exhaust advance exhaust chamber exhaust muffler exhausted space exhausted steam exhibition hall existing design exocondensation expanded centre expanded flange expanded rubber expanding arbor expanding brake expanding chuck expanding drill expansion crack expansion curve expansion gland expansion meter expansion metre expansion piece expansion ratio expansion screw expansion shell expansion valve expansive force explosion motor explosion rivet explosion-proof explosive rivet exponential law exposed surface exposure effect exposure sample extended length extended memory extended patent extended rubber extension piece extension shaft extent of tests exterior planet external action external broach external device external effect external energy external galaxy external saltus external symbol external thread extra thickness extraction pump extractor plant extremal system extremity piece extrusion press extrusion ratio early prediction earning capacity earth atmosphere earth connection earth resistance earthenware duct earthenware pipe earthquake shock earthquake-proof ease of handling easy-running fit eccentric impact eccentric motion eccentric sheave echo attenuation eclipsing binary ecological aging ecological compo economic quality economical range eddy-current lag edge of pavement edge preparation edge-runner mill edison screw cap editorial office effective height effective length effective radius effective stress effective torque efficiency curve efficiency diode efficiency ratio effluent control egg hand grenade egg-shaped sewer elaborate method elastic buckling elastic constant elastic coupling elastic feedback elastic reaction electrbmechanics electric amalgam electric balance electric battery electric blanket electric braking electric circuit electric current electric doublet electric furnace electric heating electric loading electric logging electric machine electric network electric residue electric riveter electric starter electric station electric telpher electric tension electric tractor electric vehicle electric welding electrical delay electrical image electrical meter electrical metre electrical noise electrical plant electrical relay electrocollargol electrocoppering electrocorrosion electrode holder electrode travel electroendosmose electromagnetics electromegnetism electron carrier electron current electron inertia electron pairing electron physics electron vacancy electronic compo electronic grade electronic image electronic model electronic probe electronic relay electronic valve electrophilicity electropolishing electrostriction electrotechnical elemental sulfur elementary fibre elevated antenna elevated railway elevating centre elevating grader elevator machine eliptoid shaving elliptical vault elongation meter elongation metre embankment angle embedding method embossed leather emergency bridge emergency button emergency decree emergency escape emergency repair emergency supply emergency switch emergency system emission ability emission current emission spectra emitter follower emitter junction emitting station empirical design emulsion carrier enclosing strata end cutting edge end-around carry end-bearing pile end-suction pump energy dose unit energy resources energy transport engine attendant engine sump well engine telegraph engineer's level engineering data engineering shop engineering test engineering time engineering unit engines nacelles engravers' brass engraving needle enhancement mode enlarged drawing enriched mixture enriched uranium enter conditions entrance bushing entrance surface environmentalist enzyme catalysis enzyme inhibitor enzymic activity epitaxial growth epitaxial region equal heterodyne equal in quality equal-angle iron equal-arm bridge equalizing pulse equalizing valve equation of time equilibrium code equilibrium flow equilibrium time equinoctial year equipment ground equivalent diode equivalent force equivalent point equivalent table equivalent width erection drawing erection welding erlenmeyer flask error correction error of reading essence-flavored estimated weight etched amplifier ethoxyline resin eutectic mixture evacuated vessel evaporating dish evaporating tube evaporation heat evaporation loss evaporation rate evaporation test evaporation zone evaporative duty evaporative test even permutation everlasting lamp exact prediction exaggerated test excavator bucket excessive burden exchange process excitation anode excitation drive excitation level exciting winding executive device exhaust manifold exhaust pressure exhaust silencer exhaust velocity exoergic process expanding nozzle expanding reamer expansion clutch expansion factor expansion nozzle expansion period expansion reamer expansion stroke expansion thrust expansion vessel expansion washer experimental use exploration coil explored reserve explosion engine explosion spread explosion stroke explosive attack explosive bullet explosive charge explosive column exponential horn export marketing exposed concrete exposure counter exposure station express analises extension spring extension strain exterior antenna external circuit external control external gearing external phasing external storage external turning external voltage extra-soft steel extraction chute extraction order extraction shell extraterrestrial extremal control extreme position extreme-pressure extremum problem extruded coating extruded section eyeball-readable early backfilling earth-return line earthen structure earthing resistor earthquake hazard easement approach eastern amplitude eccentric loading eccentric tension eccentric turning echo cancellation echo-box actuator ecological ageing ecological crisis ecological factor ecological impact ecological stress ecological system economic criteria eddy conductivity edge interference edge-runner mixer editor subroutine effective section effective surface efficient working efflux viscometer effluxes of water ejector condenser elaborate ejector elastic breakdown elastic stability elastic stiffness elasticity theory elecrton transfer electric actuator electric capacity electric coupling electric elevator electric operator electric pressure electric quantity electric radiator electric recorder electric riveting electric traction electrical charge electrical curing electrical filter electrical heater electrical signal electrode coating electrode current electrode furnace electrode spacing electrodeposition electroextraction electrogoniometer electrogravimetry electrolytic bath electrolytic cell electrolytic lead electrolytic tank electrolytic zinc electrometallurgy electron acceptor electron affinity electron analogue electron coupling electron emission electron injector electron mobility electron neutrino electron pressure electron subshell electron velocity electroneutrality electronic effect electronic keying electronic scales electronic switch electronic tuning electrophysiology electrostenolysis element abundance element breakdown element of a cone elemental sulphur elementary thread elevated approach elevated motorway elevating control elevating spindle elevation drawing elevation tinting eliptical antenna eluation analysis embossing machine embryonic volcano emergency battery emergency braking emergency cut-off emergency opening emergency service emergency warning emission analysis emission spectrum empirical formula emulsifying agent emulsion cleaning en masse conveyer en masse conveyor enamelled leather encircling groove enclosed-arc lamp end-point control endless formation endoergic process endurance failure energy absorption energy deficiency energy efficiency energy generation energy relaxation engagement factor engine-test stand engine-type motor engineering brick engineering level engineering steam engineering works englacial moraine enhance engraving enquiry character enriched material enrichment factor entrance friction entrance velocity entry information entry instruction envelope velocity epicyclic gearing equal probability equalizing filter equalizing spring equalizing washer equation of state equiareal mapping equilibrant force equilibrium curve equilibrium level equilibrium state equilibrium valve equilibrium xenon equipment capsule equisignal sector equivalent action equivalent weight erio-chrome black errection support error coefficient error of sighting essence-flavoured established order etching treatment ethylacetoacetate ethylidene halide evacuated capsule evacuated chamber evaporation basin evaporative power evaporator system evolute connexion exact positioning excavation volume excess absorption excessive heating exchange coupling exchange integral exchange operator exchange reaction excitation energy excitation signal exclusive licence exclusive license executive routine exhaustive events existence theorem expanded material expanded plastics expanding chimney expanding mandrel expansion bearing expansion bushing expendable pallet expendable rocket experiment length experimental data experimental work expert evaluation explicit function explosive forming explosive mixture explosive storage explosive trolley exponent overflow exponent quantity exponential bound exponential curve exponential decay extended forecast extended warranty external diameter external feedback external friction external pressure external standard external toothing external variable external vibrator extra fine thread extra-low-voltage extraordinary ray extreme amplitude extreme deviation extreme dimension extrusion coating extrusion machine extrusion-blowing earned period rate earth conductivity earth's attraction earth-based camera eccentric rotation eccentricity metre echo-sounding gear eclipsing variable ecological balance ecological changes ecological damages ecological effects economic appraisal economic criterion economical running eddy-current brake edge of polyhedron edge of saturation effective capacity effective diameter effective duration effective pressure efflux coefficient eigenvalue problem elastic hysteresis elastic properties elastic relaxation elastic resilience elastic scattering elastic suspension elasticity of bulk electric bolt lock electric detonator electric discharge electric fuse head electric generator electric induction electric intensity electric interlock electric load cell electric machinery electric phenomena electric potential electric repulsion electric separator electric soldering electrical balance electrical brazing electrical control electrical haulage electrical logging electrical machine electrical melting electrically-fired electrobrightening electrode compound electrode pressure electrode radiator electrode reaction electrode-tip area electrodynamometer electrogalvanizing electrogranodizing electrolytic metal electrolytic meter electrolytic metre electrometer valve electron agitation electron avalanche electron injection electron migration electron occupancy electron projector electron radiation electron rest mass electron telescope electron-beam tube electronic circuit electronic control electronic formula electronic heating electronic orbital electronic spectra electrostatic bond electrovalent bond elementary antenna elevating capacity elevating conveyer elevating conveyor elevation accuracy elevation antihunt elevation coverage elizabethian style emergency lighting emergency shifting emergency shut-off emergency spillway emergency starting emission inventory emission regulator emitter admittance empirical approach empirical equation empirical function empirical relation emulsified bitumen emulsion technique enclosure compound end milling cutter end-cutting reamer end-discharge type end-of-file marker end-point analysis end-shield bearing end-thrust bearing endurance strength energizing circuit energy consumption energy dissipation energy level width energy propagation energy sensitivity energy-flux vector engine compartment engine lubrication engineering design engineering office engineering report engineering survey ensilage harvester environment effect environmental test epicycloidal curve epicycloidal tooth epihydrine alcohol epitaxial junction epithermal neutron equal-signal white equalising network equalizing current equation of motion equatorial current equilibrated valve equilibrium energy equipotential lens equipotential line equipotential plot equivalent circuit equivalent current equivalent damping equivalent network erecting equipment erecting mechanism ergodic hypothesis error in direction error of avertance essential variable euclidean geometry evaluate a deposit evaluation problem evaporating column even-charge nuclei evolute connection ewing-permeability excavated diameter excavating machine excessive gradient excessive pressure exchange collision exchange operation exchange potential excitation circuit excitation voltage excitation winding excited-state term exciton absorption exclusive segments exhaust resistance exhaust-steam main exocyclic compound exogenous variable exothermic process expanding universe expansion coupling experimental check experimental error experimental model experimental stage explicit programme exploratory boring exploratory survey exploratory trench exponential series extended bar rotor extended-time test extension coupling external conductor external connexion external dimension external heat loss external impedance external influence external statement externally tangent extinction voltage extra expenditures extra-high voltage extra-strong paper extraction gallery extraction of root extraction process extranuclear field extrapolated range extrapolated value extruded electrode extrusion moulding extrusions-blowing eye-pointed needle early-warning radar earthing resistance eccentric governing ecological analysis ecological approach ecological backlash ecological disaster ecological planning economic batch size economic carburator economic carbureter economic efficiency economic evaluation ecosystem stability edison-screw holder effective amplitude effective bandwidth effective valuation efficient statistic elastic deformation elastic equilibrium elastic instability elastic interaction elasticity of shape electric appliances electric attraction electric deep fryer electric deflection electric elasticity electric horsepower electric hysteresis electric locomotive electric signal box electric tachometer electric typewriter electrical engineer electrical exploder electrical feedback electrical fixtures electrical ignition electrical industry electrical mobility electrically driven electrode potential electrode reactance electrographic copy electroless plating electroluminescence electrolytic copper electromagnetic pan electromagnetic ray electromotive force electron detachment electron excitation electron micrograph electron microscope electron multiplier electron scattering electron trajectory electron transition electron-beam valve electron-deficiency electronic balancer electronic checking electronic computer electronic emission electronic engineer electronic industry electronic invertor electronic recorder electronic spectrum electroplated block electrosherardizing electroslag welding electrostatic field electrostatic force electrostatic motor electrostatic relay electrotellurograph electrotherapeutics elementary filament elementary function elementary operator elementary particle elementary radiator elevation indicator elliptic trajectory embankment shoulder emergency apparatus emergency equipment emergency frequency emergency operation emergency shut-down emergency stop cock emergent properties emission monitoring emission transition emitter capacitance emulsified pearlite enantiomorphic form end-cutting nippers end-journal bearing end-of-block marker endocyclic compound endogenous variable endothermic process energy accumulation energy conservation energy distribution engine displacement engineering casting engineering channel engineering drawing engineering factors engineering reactor engineering science engineering service environmental assay environmental range epicycloidal cutter epitaxial thickness equatorial parallax equatorial position equilibrium mixture equilibrium process equipotential plane equipotential space errecting personnel eruptive prominence eruptive prominency estimating equation ethylidene chloride evaporating section evaporating surface evaporation cathode evaporation coating evaporative cooling evaporative surface even-charge nucleus excess-oxygen flame exchange degeneracy exchange scattering excitation of relay excitation rheostat excitation transfer executive programme exhaust ventilation exhaust-heat boiler exhibition priority exothermic reaction expansion in series expansion lock ring expansion of solids experimental layout experimental set-up explicit definition exponential damping expose to radiation exsplosion riveting extended resolution extension telephone extent of the error extermal appearance external connection external resistance extra-high pressure extract instruction extractive industry extraneous material extremum conditions extruder-pelletizer earth-free situation earth-moving machine earth-return circuit earthing transformer earthquake-resistant eccentricity of load ecological amplitude ecological modelling ecological stability economic carburetter economic carburettor eddy-current heating edit-facility button effective efficiency effective elongation effective gap length effective horsepower effective resistance effective-call meter effective-call metre effervescent bubbles ejection-seat escape elastic after-effect elastically mountain electric arc welding electric baking oven electric dynamometer electric grade sheet electric switch lock electric thermometer electric-lamp thread electric-motor drive electrical analogies electrical analyiser electrical equipment electrical impedance electrical interlock electrical machinery electrical manometer electrical porcelain electrical resonance electrically neutral electrically-powered electrician's solder electrode admittance electrode discharger electrode economizer electrode efficiency electrode separation electrodialysis cell electrodynamic force electrodynamic meter electrodynamic metre electrodynamic relay electrographic plate electrokinetic force electrolytic etching electrolytic furnace electromagnetic gear electromagnetic horn electromagnetic lens electromagnetic mass electromagnetic pump electromagnetic wave electron anihilation electron bombardment electron diffraction electron radiography electron spin moment electron-donor group electron-energy band electronegative atom electronic amplifier electronic contactor electronic equipment electronic generator electronic rectifier electronic regulator electronic structure electronic voltmeter electrophilic attack electropositive atom electrostatic charge electrostatic copier electrostatic hazard electrostatic memory electrostatic screen electrostatic shield electrostatic stress electrothermal relay electrothermic meter electrothermic metre elephant-trunk spout elevation difference elliptical reflector embroidering machine emergency conditions emergency protection emergency trip speed emergency-alarm bell emery grinding wheel employee's invention endothermic reaction engeneering building engine-driven engine engineeing education engineering activity engineering material engineering oriented engineering plastics engineering research engineering strength enharmonic vibration environmental action environmental attack environmental design environmental effect environmental hazard environmental impact environmental safety epitaxial transistor equal-velocity curve equalization circuit equalization passage equalizing capacitor equalizing connexion equalizing reservoir equatorial telescope equilateral triangle equilibrium constant equilibrium position equipment acceptance equipressure surface equivalence relation equivalent reactance error in observation error of measurement error-detecting code evaporative capacity evenly-divided scale excavating machinery exchange interaction excitation frequency excitation potential excited oscillations excited-atom density executable statement exhaust pot silencer existence conditions exit-gas temperature expansion-shell bolt expendable equipment experimental missile experimental station exploration drilling exponential equation exponential function exponential notation exponential quantity exponential relation extension elongation extension of a robot extent of correction external disturbance external lock washer external photoeffect external temperature extinction potential extragalactic nebula extrapolation length extrapolation method extreme-pressure oil extruders-pelletizer eye-piece micrometer early-strength cement earthquake resistance eastern european time ebulioscopic constant eccentric compression eccentric-driven pump eclipsed conformation ecological conditions ecological efficiency ecological evaluation economical carburator economical carbureter economical combustion economical efficiency eddy-current detector effective attenuation effective conductance effective temperature efficiency of control elastic after-working elastic strain energy elasticity of flexure elasticity of torsion elasto-plastic strain electric blasting cap electric conductivity electric cooking oven electric displacement electric interlocking electric power supply electric-power system electrical absorption electrical attraction electrical efficiency electrical laboratory electrical resistance electrical technology electrically-actuated electroacoustic index electroarcing process electrocolour process electrode capacitance electrode conductance electrode dissipation electrographic copier electrokinetic energy electrolytic cleaning electrolytic grinding electrolytic refining electromagnetic drive electromagnetic field electromagnetic force electromagnetic meter electromagnetic metre electromagnetic relay electron accumulation electron beam cutting electron beam welding electron energy level electron polarization electron spectroscopy electron-beam storage electron-pair bonding electronic calculator electronic commutator electronic controller electronic efficiency electronic flash lamp electronic gauge head electronic instrument electronic ionization electronic regulation electronic television electronic transition electronic typewriter electronic viewfinder electrooptical effect electropositive metal electrostatic analogy electrostatic machine electrostatic pick-up electrostatic printer electrostatic sprayer electrostatic storage elliptic polarization elongation at rupture elongation of rupture emerald embrittlement emergency supply tank emission spectroscopy empirical probability end-discharge tippler end-of-boost altitude end-of-filp indicator end-of-text character energetic recoil atom energy transformation energy transportation energy-impulse matrix engine-cut conditions engineering acoustics engineering chemistry engineering mechanics engineering structure enharmonic oscillator entering-group effect entry-driving machine environmental cabinet environmental chamber environmental changes environmental control environmental damages environmental factors environmental failure environmental profile ephemerical astronomy epithermal absorption equalizing connection equation of condition equilateral hyperbola equilateral trapezium equilibrium condition equilibrium of forces equilibrium potential equipment maintenance equipotential surface equiprobability curve equivalence statement equivalent absorption equivalent admittance equivalent resistance equivalent separation erect a perpendicular erichsen cupping test error of calculations error-correcting code estimation of quality evacuated-die casting evaporative condenser excessive indentation excitation conditions exhaust-steam heating expanding-ring clutch expansion sleeve bolt explosion gas turbine explosion-proof motor exponential decay law extension coefficient extension loudspeaker extensional vibration external interruption external-contact base externally-heated arc extinction photometer extractive metallurgy extreme-pressure dope e-shaped electromagnet early warning aircraft earth-fault protection earth-moving equipment earth-resistance meter earth-resistance metre earthed neutral system earthquake engineering eccentricities of load echoing characteristic ecliptical coordinates ecoclimatic adaptation ecological catastrophe ecological engineering ecological environment ecological equilibrium economical carburetter economical carburettor eddy-current detection effectiveness criteria elastic-wave amplifier elasticity of shearing electric boiling plate electric-driven welder electrical compartment electrical engineering electrical grade sheet electrical repair shop electrical resistivity electro-viscous effect electrochemical series electrode polarization electrode-travel speed electrodynamic analogy electrodynamic balance electrodynamic pick-up electroencephalography electrolytic anodizing electrolytic capacitor electrolytic conductor electrolytic generator electrolytic oxidation electrolytic polishing electrolytic rectifier electromagnetic clutch electromagnetic energy electromagnetic screen electromagnetic stress electromagnetic switch electromagnetic theory electron configuration electron recombination electron transfer band electron tube detector electronic compensator electronic dynamometer electronic engineering electronic measurement electronic radiography electrooptic machining electrostatic adhesion electrostatic focusing electrostatic painting electrostatic pressure electrostatic printing electrotype stereotype element of integration ellipsoids of elasticy emulsion cloud chamber end-of-block character end-of-tape subroutine endurance tension test endurance torsion test energy-level splitting energy-storing braking engine-support cushion engine-type alternator engineering background engineering confidence engineering deficiency engineering department engineering evaluation engineering inspection engineering kinematics engineering management engineering philosophy engineering psychology engineering speciality engineering statistics enumerative statistics environmental activity environmental analysis environmental approach environmental cracking environmental disaster environmental exposure environmental planning epitomized translation equal-pressure turbine equation of continuity equation of telegraphy error of approximation error on the safe side error-corrector device error-status indicator evaporation carburator evaporation carbureter evaporative efficiency exhaust-steam injector exoatmospheric control expandable polystirene expansion stuffing box experimental acoustics experimental operation experimental prototype experimental technique exponential regression export shipping weight extinction coefficient extra-low carbon steel early-strength concrete earth-core rockfill dam earth-pointing attitude echo-strength indicator economic-order quantity effective atomic number effective cross section effective current range effluents reutilization elasticity of extension electric coupler socket electric street railway electric susceptibility electric-charge density electric-driven vehicle electric-field strength electrical conductivity electrical interference electrical precipitator electro-mechanical bell electrodeless discharge electrodynamic receiver electrodynamice ammeter electrokinetic momentum electrolytic ionization electromagnetic ammeter electromagnetic analogy electromagnetic control electromagnetic package electromagnetic pick-up electromagnetic spectra electromagnetic welding electromechanic analogy electromechanical relay electrometric amplifier electrometric titration electron delocalization electron interferometer electron spin resonance electron-acceptor group electron-beam generator electron-beam machining electron-beam recording electron-beam treatment electron-donating group electron-optical system electronic polarization electronic-tining range electrophilicity series electropneumatic switch electropositive element electrostatic adherence electrostatic altimeter electrostatic generator electrostatic induction electrostatic potential electrostatic screening electrostatic shielding electrostatic wattmeter element with time delay elevator-discharge boom ellipsoidal coordinates embodiment of invention emergency communication emulsion polymerization end-of-medium character energy-analysing magnet energy-storage capacity engine-driven generator engineering cybernetics engineering development engineering electronics engineering feasibility engineering information engineering measurement engineering photography engineering supervision engineering terminology english standard thread enharmonic oscillations environment temperature environmental parameter environmental pollution epicycloidal trajectory equation of equilibrium equilibrium temperature equipment compatibility equipment deterioration equipment qualification equisignal radio beacon escort aircraft carrier estimation of stability evaporation carburetter evaporation carburettor evaporation temperature excitation of generator exclusive exchange line exhaust steam separator exhausted steam turbine expansion cloud chamber experimental conditions experimental statistics exploratory development explosion-proof machine extensive manufacturing external characteristic external-broaching tool external-honing machine extra-slack running fit extractive distillation extravehicular activity extreme pressure grease extrinsic semiconductor eccentric balance weight economical effectiveness edge-triggered flip-flop effective bunching angle effective quantum number effective radium content effluent treatment plant electric-ignition engine electric-network voltage electric-spark machining electrical control panel electrical zero adjuster electrode adjusting gear electroerosion machining electrohydraulic control electroluminescent diode electromagnetic coupling electromagnetic receiver electromagnetic spectrum electromechanical filter electron-capture process electron-excess compound electron-hole production electron-releasing group electronic bohr magneton electronic magnification electronic paramagnetism electronic potentiometer electronic reverberation electronic-ray indicator electropneumatic control electropneumatic machine electrostatic attraction electrostatic instrument electrostatic microphone electrostsatic voltmeter electrothermal recording elevating platform truck end-connection reactance end-on directional array end-to-end communication enriched nuclear reactor enriched oxygen aeration environmental conditions environmental evaluation environmental management environmental monitoring environmental protection environmental resistance equation in two unknowns equivalent concentration erect a perpendicular to excitation cross-section experimental reliability experimental uncertainty external-cavity klystron extra-high tensile steel extranuclear interaction extraterrestrial effects effective acoustic centre effective gap capacitance effective tractive effort efficency-testing machine elasticity of compression electric industrial truck electrical superintendent electrical-analogy method electrically-heated drier electro-chemical grinding electro-magnetic recorder electrochemical amplifier electrochemical corrosion electrochemical machining electrochemical potential electrodynamic instrument electrodynamic microphone electrolytic conductivity electrolytic dissociation electromagnetic generator electromagnetic induction electromagnetic potential electromagnetic radiation electromechanical control electron-attracting group electron-beam propagation electron-exchange process electron-phonon amplifier electronic gap admittance electronically-controlled electrostatic accumulator electrostatic capacitance electrostatic interaction electrostatic loudspeaker emergency warning circuit emission-measuring device endurance testing machine energy-distribution curve engineering approximation engineering recultivation environmental constraints environmental engineering environmental feasibility environmental improvement equalizing self-induction equidistant antenna array equilibrium concentration equivalent radium content excited-field loudspeaker exhaust connecting branch exhaust-steam feed heater explosion-proof luminaire external-grinding machine extraterrestrail material extreme pressure compound extruder for wire coating earlike-response amplifier earth-continuity conductor effective input admittance effective throat thickness elastic scattering channel elasto-plastic deformation electric quadrupole moment electrical-insulating shim electroacoustic transducer electrochemical activation electrochemical deposition electrochemical equivalent electrodynamic loudspeaker electrohydraulic governing electroluminescent display electromagnetic absorption electromagnetic attraction electromagnetic deflection electromagnetic instrument electromagnetic microphone electromagnetic scattering electron-charge mass ratio electron-diffraction study electron-exchange reaction electronic countermeasures electronic data processing electrostatic electron gun electrostatic precipitator elimination of the unknown elongation per unit length emission spectrophotometer emission-spectrum analysis emitter-follower amplifier emulsion polyvinylchloride end-anchored reinforcement end-on directional antenna endurance bending strength engineering characteristic engineering specifications engineering thermodynamics entrance-exit interlocking environmental conservation epihydrine carboxylic acid equivalent field luminance error correction procedure error detection subroutine error processing programme exchange of kinetic energy exerted by masses pressure exhaust turbo supercharger exhaust-gas driven turbine external contracting brake external-broaching machine eccentric iron-disk ammeter eccles-jordan multivibrator effective output admittance efficiency of rectification efficiency of subgrade soil elastic restraint generator electric resistance furnace electric resistance welding electric-coupler receptacle electrically-driven torpedo electro-mechanical recorder electrodynamic galvanometer electrohydraulic controller electroluminescent lighting electromechanical recording electron linear accelerator electron repulsion integral electron-beam microanalyser electron-coupled oscillator electron-deficient compound electronic marker generator electronic photocomposition electronic structure factor electropneumatic signal box electropneumatic signalling elementary-particle physics energy-dispersion end block engineering change approval environmental compatibility environmental contamination environmental qualification environmental radioactivity environmental specification equation of a straight line error correction subroutine estimate standard deviation events of equal probability exact differential equation excited state configuration extra-low-voltage lightings eddy-current speed indicator electrically heated clothing electro-pneumatic controller electromagnetic magnetometer electromagnetic oscillations electromagnetic oscillograph electromechanical controller electromechanical signal box electromechanical transducer electronic engraving machine electronic-tuning hysteresis emergency transmitter beacon energy-conversion efficiency engine-operating temperature equivalent veiling luminance exhausted-type steam turbine expanded centre plan display extendend mean value theorem external-armature alternator eddy-current defect detection electric-potential difference electrical-capacity altimeter electromagnetic compatibility electron avalanche ionization electron-hole pair generation electron-positron anihilation electronic-tuning sensitivity embedded temperature detector emitter-coupled multivibrator end-of-transmission character energy-conservation principle external complement principle electrical-discharge machining electrolytic potential mapping electromagnetic crack detector electromagnetic flaw detection electron-beam plasma amplifier electron-diffraction technique electronic blockmaking machine element with lumped parameters emergency throw-over equipment engine-driven industrial truck envelope of a family of curves environmental stress indicator eutectic-point crystallization electric strain-gauge load cell electrical measuring instrument electromagnetic wave dispersion electron-paramagnetic resonance electron-spin resonance spectra environmental monitoring system equality-of-contrast photometer electrically-heated thermocouple electron-spin resonance spectrum environmentally sound technology extrapolation ionization chamber effective collision cross-section electrically-measuring instrument electrostatic electron microscope enlarge the scope of an invention equality-of-luminosity photometer exponentially decreasing function exponentially increasing function earth satellite communication line electroerosion metalworking process emitter-junction leakage admittance entrance-exit free level signal box environmental assimilative capacity extandable-and-retractable conveyer extandable-and-retractable conveyor extravehicular propulsion apparatus elements with distributed parameters electrically driven direction indicator electron-beam plasma interaction amplifier
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