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📗 Tермини започващи с буквата G в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата G

gab gad gae gag gap gas gaw gel gib gig gin git glo gob gum gun guy gaff gage gain gall game gang gape gate gear giga gill gilt girt give glow glue glut goaf goal gold gome gost gowl grab gram grey grid grip grit grog grub guhr gulf gush gwag gyro gable gamma gamut garde gauge gauss genus geoid ghost giant gipsy girth gland glare glass glaze gleam glebe glide glint globe gloom gloss glove glyph goave goods gouge grade graft grail grain grant graph grasp grass grave green griff grill grime grind grist groin gross group grout grove grunt guard guess guide gulch gully gummy guyed gabber gabbro gabion gabled gablet gadder gadget gagger gaging galena galley gallic gallon ganged ganger ganguo gantry garage garden garder gargle garner garnet garret gasify gather gating gauged gazebo geared gelate gentle geyser gibbet gilled gimlet girder girdle glacis glance glassy glazed glazer glesum glider global glower gluten glycol gneiss goffan goffer gopfer gothic govern graben graded grader grainy gramme grange grater gravel grease greasy griffe grille grison gritty groove grouan ground groyne guaiac guided gullet gum-up gummed gummer gunite gunner gusher gusset gutter gypsum gyrate g scope gabarit gagging gallate gallery galling gallium gallous ganging gangway gap bed gapping garbage garlana garment gassing gateway gauffer gauging gearbox gearing gearset gelatin gemmate general genesis genlock genuine geodesy geoidal geology geordie getting gib arm gibbons gilbert gimbals gingham ginning giraffe glacial glacier gliding glimmer glisten glitter globule glottis glowing glucase glucose glueing gluside glycide glycine go side gob bin goggles goliath gondola gouging grading grained grampus granary granite granule grapher grapnel grapple grating graving gravity gravure greaser grecian grenade greying griddle griffon grilled grinder gripper gristle gritter grizzle grizzly grommet grooved grouser grouter growler grubber grummet gryphon guanine guantol guayule gudgeon guiding gumming gummite gun arc gun oil gun tap gunnery gunwale gypsine gyrator g factor gab lock gainless galactic galvanic gang die ganister gap less gap roll gargoyle gas duct gas fuel gas hole gas lime gas oven gas pipe gas tank gas trap gas tube gasiform gasolene gasoline gate arm gate pin gatehead gauntlet gaussage gavelock gazogene gear rim gearless gelatine generant generate geodesic geodetic geometry geophone geoscope geranial germanic gill box gin-pole glaciate glassine glaucous globular globulin gloriole glow gap gluciate glycerol glycidol glycocol glycogen glyphtal go gauge goatskin gob area gob edge gob fire goethite good fit gorgerin governor grab jaw grabbing gradient graduate grafting graining gram-rad granular graphite graphser grappler gravelly graviton greasing grid cap grid hum grid pin gridiron gridless grillage grind up grindery grinding grinuing grip car grip nut grooving grounded grouping grouting grubbing guidance guideway gullying gum wood gun boat gun fire gun lock gunsight gunstock guy rope gwythyen gyration gyratory g-m meter g-m metre gabardine gable end gadolinia gag press galactose gallonage galvanise galvanism galvanize game tree gamma ray gang boss gang mill gang tool gangplank gap block gap choke gap lathe gapfiller gardening garreting gas laser gas phase gas valve gas-proof gasometer gasometry gate belt gate lock gate mark gate seat gate tube gate-post gathering gauge box gauge rod gauge tap gaugeable gause cap gear body gear case gear cone gear pump gear rack gear ring gear stud geared-up gearmotor gehlenite gemmation generator geodesist geography geologist geometric geosystem germ-free germanate germanite germanium germanous germinate gettering gib screw gig angle gilsonite gin block girderage girthwise glacieret gland box glandless glass rod gloss oil glove box gluconate glucoside glue film glycerate glyceride glycerine glycerose glycoside goaf edge gold dust gold vein goldsmith good side gophering goslarite goutwater governing grab iron gradation grade rod graduated graduator gram-atom gram-mole granulate granulous graphical graphitic grappling grate bar graticule graveyard gravitate gravitino gray code gray slag green gun green lum green oil green ore green run grey body grey tone grid bias grid clip grid leak grid line grid zone grid-like grip gear grip iron grip pawl grip ring gritstone gros salt ground-in grounding groundsed grout mix guanidine guanosine guard bar guard net guard pin guard rod guardrail guide gib guide key guide rod guide-bar guilloche gum level gum resin gum water gum-brine gummy oil gun drill gun lathe gun metal gun mount gun steel gun stick gun stuck gunniting gunpowder guttering gymnasium gyrometer gyropilot gyroplane gyroscope gyrotrope gable wall gable-roof gadolinium galvanized gamma acid gamma-iron gang drill gang mould gang punch ganging-up gangmaster gant chart gap bridge gap effect gap length garigboard garnierite gas cooler gas firing gas hammer gas stream gas-cooled gas-filled gas-filter gasometric gate pivot gate pulse gate stick gate stuck gate valve gate width gauge arch gauge mark gauge stop gauge tube gauge work gaussmeter gear blank gear drive gear guard gear range gear shaft gear shift gear tooth gear train gear wheel gearing-up gelatinize gelatinous generalize generating generation generatrix gentle dip geocentric geodimeter geographic geophysics geospheres geothermal ghost line giant star ging angle girth rail girth seam git cutter give twist glaciation glaciology gland bolt gland bush gland stud glarimeter glass bead glass gall glass melt glass tile glassworks glauberite glauconite glaze kiln glaze slip globe mill gloss kiln glow-proof glucometer glued wood glycolysis glycolytic gob caving gob stower going bord going rate goniometer goniometry goods lift goose-neck goubo line grab crane grab spade grade grid grade line gradienter gradometer graduation grain mill grain roll grain side grain size gram-scale gramme-rad gramophone grandy car granulated granulator graph data graphitize gravel car gravelling gravimeter gravimetry grease box grease cup grease gun grease oil green belt green clay green fire green gold green hand green mica green sand greenhouse greenstone grey scale grid sheet grid swing grid tower grindstone grip block grit blast grit catch grog brick gross lift ground bed ground ice ground map ground ray ground rod ground tap group mark grout pump grub screw guard band guard boat guard gate guard grid guard ring guard tube guard wall guide bolt guide edge guide face guide gate guide hole guide line guide mark guide path guide pile guide post guide rail guide sign guide slot guide tube guide vane guillotine gully head gully-hole gully-trap gum loader gun action gun bronze gun camera gun tackle gun welder gutter way guyed mast gyrosystem gyrotiller gyrotropic gain factor galactoside gallic acid galvanising galvanizing game system game theory gammagraphy gang cutter gang reamer gang shears gang switch gantry post gap section garbage can gas heating gas hydrate gas pipette gas-filling gas-kinetic gasificator gasket ring gasket seat gate change gate length gate runner gate shears gate signal gate sluice gauge block gauge board gauge datum gauge depth gauge glass gauge stuff gauss metre gear change gear clutch gear cutter gear driven gear grease gear hobber gear honing gear pinion gear planer gear shaper gear system geared feed geared head geared ring geared unit geared-down gearing oil gel polymer geneva stop gentle bank gentle fold geoelectric geomagnetic geometrical geophysical geosyncline germination ghost image ghost pulse gill needle gilled pipe gilled tube girder stay girth joint glacial dye glance coal glare index glass fibre glass joint glass-house glaucophane glazed roof glazed tile glide plane glider bomb globe joint globe valve glover acid glucid acid glucosamine glucosazone glycogenase gob stowing gold bronze gondola car gopher hole gothic arch gothic roof grab bucket grab dredge grab handle graded area graded coal graded size graded slot graderooter gradiometer grain drier grain drill grain layer grain noise gramme atom gramme-mole granodizing granularity granulation graph paper graphometer grass mower grasskopper gravel road gravel sand gravimetric gravitation gravity dam gray cobalt gray copper grease pump grease spot grease tube greasy clay green brick green earth green ingot green stock green wares greenockite grenade gun grid keying grid length grid method grid origin grid square grid survey grid system grip roller grip socket gripper arm grizzly bar groin vault groove face groove wall groove weld grotto-work ground coat ground echo ground fire ground gear ground lead ground leak ground line ground plot ground test ground wave ground wood ground work ground-sill groundmeter group carry group drive guard latch guard plate guard valve gudgeon pin guide blade guide block guide curve guide lever guide plate guide prism guide screw guide strip guide track guide wheel guided bomb guinea gold gully-drain gum content gum elastic gun welding gunite slab gunite work gutter plow gutter-tile gypsum road gyrocompass gyrostatics gable window gabled frame gain control galley press gallic oxide galvanometer galvanoscope galvanostegy galvanotaxis gambrel roof gamma factor gamma isomer gamma shield gamma-active gang mandrel gang milling gang planing gangboarding gantry crane gantry robot gap arrester gap arrestor garnet black garnet paper garnet white gas additive gas ignition gas purifier gasification gasoline bus gasoline can gate sealing gating pulse gauge chisel gauge strips gauged brick gauging tank gauze filter gear control gear cutting gear grinder gear hobbing gear housing gear lapping gear milling gear on stud gear on worm gear shaping geared hoist geared valve gearing-down general plan general term general-duty generic term geneva wheel gentle curve gentle slope genuine wood geoacoustics geobotanical geochemistry geographical geomagnetism geometrician geopotential ghost effect ghost signal giant galaxy giant planet gib-head key gill cooling gimp machine gipsum earth girder frame girder tongs girder truss glacial acid gland spacer glass blower glass rabbet glass vessel glassy state glauber salt glazed brick glazed wheel glazier salt glucoprotein going barrel going metric gold coinage gold cyanide gold plating grade change grade marker grade signal gradebuilder grader blade grading work grain binder grain grader grain growth grain header gramme-scale granodiorite granosealing granular ash granulometry graph theory graphite oil graphitizing grate bearer grate stoker graving dock graving tool gravity feed gravity flow gravity head grease-proof green copper green timber greenlandite grid antenna grid battery grid bearing grid circuit grid control grid current grid stopper grid voltage grid winding grindability grinder belt grinder rest grinding oil gripper loom gripping die gripping jaw gritty scale gritty water groove pitch groove plate groove shape grooved drum grooved pile grooved rail grooved ring grooved roll grooved tile grooved weld grooving saw ground abort ground clamp ground fault ground flare ground floor ground forms ground glass ground joint ground layer ground level ground paper ground plane ground plate ground radar ground state ground table ground water ground-based group centre group layout group theory grout filler growth curve growth shake guaiac resin guard cradle guard shield guarde relay guide finger guide pulley guide roller guiding axle guiding rule guiding shoe gullet tooth gully access gun armament gun carriage gusset sheet gutta-percha gypsum floor gyro bearing gyromagnetic gaining twist galactic dust galactic halo galactic zone gallows frame galvanic cell galvanization galvannealing galvanoplasty gamma quantum gamma-induced gamow barrier gap clearance garbage truck garmet needle garnetiferous garret window garter spring gas batteries gas separator gas sintering gaseous phase gathering arm gating system gauche gating gauge network gear grinding gear shifting gear starting gear stocking geared engine geared shaper gearing chain gearing shaft geisler alloy gen-tac latex general drive general reset general trend generator gas geneva motion gentisic acid geodetic line geodetic star geoid contour geomorphology georgian arch geotectocline germanic acid getter action gilding metal ginned cotton girder bridge gland housing gland packing gland plunger gland sealing glassing jack glazed finish glazing wheel gleason tooth gliding angle gliding range glove cabinet gluconic acid glutamic acid glutaric acid glyceric acid glycidic acid glycolic acid go-no-go data goal function going headway gold compound goliath crane good geometry gooseneck die governor ball governor ring governor term grab sampling grade measure grading curve graduated arc graft polymer grain alcohol grain carrier grain leather grain spacing grain storage granite block granulometric grape crusher graph printer graphic panel graphic scale graphited oil graphostatics grass cutting grate opening grate surface grating floor gravel filter gravel ground gravitational gravity force gravity idler gravity meter gravity metre gravity mixer gravity plane grease pocket grease squirt green verdian green vitriol grey antimony grey pig iron grid detector grid limiting grinding dust grinding face grinding head grinding mill grinding rate grinding rest grinding roll grinding test grit blasting grizzly drift groin ceiling groined vault grooved glass grooving iron grooving tool ground beacon ground finish ground object ground return ground sluice ground survey ground-to-air grounded base grounded grid grounds-based group casting group channel grout curtain grouting hole guanylic acid guard circuit guard grating guidance beam guide bearing guide spindle guided bomber guided rocket guided weapon guignet green gully erosion gunk moulding gutter plough gypsum mortar gyrating mass gain amplifier gain-frequency galactic noise galactocentric galvanocautery galvanoplastic galvanotropism game situation gamma radiator gamma-emitting gamma-function gap admittance gap reluctance garbled signal garden tractor gas dispersoid gas efficiency gas filtration gas gravimeter gas sweetening gas-filled gap gasoline torch gate amplifier gate apparatus gate generator gathering belt gathering head gathering tank gating circuit gauge pressure gauging trowel gaussian noise gauze strainer gear generator gear reduction gear-type pump gearbox casing geared turbine geiger plateau gelatinization general layout general survey generating set generator tube generator unit geodetic level geoidal height geologic study geometric mean germanous acid get the offing gib-and-cotter gib-headed key girder lattice girdle railway gland follower glassine paper gliding flight global climate glossy varnish glycerol ester glyoxalic acid go-no-go gauge golden section gooch crucible governor shaft governor valve grab excavator grabbing crane grade analysis grade climbing grade crossing grade division grade strength graded bedding graded braking gradient board gradual change graduation end graetz circuit grain boundary grain conveyer grain conveyor grain elevator grain recovery granted patent graphical form graphical unit graphite block graphite fibre graphite metal graphitic iron graphitiferous graphitization graticule line gravel ballast gravity bottle gravity filter gravity hammer gravity stress gravity weight gray manganese grease forming grease remover greaseproofing green concrete green feldspar green function green iron ore green lead ore green strength grey cast iron grid capacitor grid conductor grid connexion grid detection grid electrode grid structure grid-leak bias grief stellite grinder doctor grinding arbor grinding balls grinding resin grinding stand grinding stock grinding stone grinding swamp grinding wheel gripping chuck gripping tongs groove spacing grooved bullet grooved pulley grooved roller ground antenna ground bailiff ground circuit ground clutter ground coating ground control ground moraine ground scatter ground stopper ground support ground surface group assembly group reaction group selector group transfer group velocity growing season grubbing winch guarantee load guarantee test guidance radar guide post die guide stellite guided missile guided torpedo guiding groove gunite coating gunn altimeter gutta-jelutong gypsum plaster gyro frequency gyrostabilizer gain controller galactic circle galactic nebula galactic nuclei galactic system galactic window galena detector gallic compound galvanized iron galvanomagnetic gamma oxidation gamma-radiation gamma-sensitive gang cultivator gardner crusher gas-filled lamp gas-filled tube gas-phase maser gas-tight motor gaseous ammonia gasoline burner gasoline engine gassing machine gathering scram gauffer machine gauffered board gauge callipers gauge tolerance gauging fixture gauging machine gauging station gauze electrode gear burnishing gear chamfering gear-shift fork geared airscrew gearing diagram geiger plateaux general average general collaps general drawing general foreman general foremen general manager general routine general-purpose general-service general-utility generated teeth generating cone generating line generating tube generating unit geodetic length geodetic survey geographic line geographic pole geologic column geometric model germanicompound germanium diode germanocompound gets the offing gib-headed bolt gimbal friction ginning machine glacial deposit glacial erosion glass electrode glass-fiber mat glass-line slag glazed pig iron glazing machine globe callipers globular powder glow resistance glowing cathode goose-neck tool goudron highway governing screw governing valve gradation curve grade elevation graded multiple gradient method grading machine graduated flask graduated scale graduating mark graduation line graduation mark grain direction grain structure gram-equivalent gramme-roentgen granular carbon granular carder granular gypsum granulated flux granulated slag graph invariant graphical chart graphite carbon graphite grease graphitic oxide graphitized fat grating spectra gravel concrete gravelly ground gravity ammeter gravity casting gravity closing gravity feeding gravity heating gravity incline gravity loading gravity welding gray absorption gray atmosphere green amplifier green sand core grenade thrower grey plastering grid connection grid correction grid modulation grid resistance grid-drip meter grid-drip metre grinding charge grinding finish grindstone dust gripping device grizzly station groove cracking grooved gearing ground detector ground distance ground features ground pressure grounding plate grounding point group contactor group machining group of trunks group operation group separator grouped columns guidance system guide apparatus guiding surface guillotine gate guillotine sash gumming machine gunite covering gunlaying radar gypsum concrete gabbart scaffold gable-bottom car gadolinium oxide gain coefficient gain measurement galactic nucleus gallery entrance galloping motion gallous compound galvanic battery galvanic circuit galvanic current gamma absorption gamma activation gamma background gamma correction gamma monitoring gamma photometer gamma transition gamma-ray photon gangway conveyer gangway conveyor gantry traveller gap-mill forging gas-control tube gas-filled diode gas-filled valve gas-turbine unit gasoline storage gathering ground gating generator gear-shift lever gear-swing frame gear-testing jig general labourer general lighting general overhaul general register general solution generating angle generating plant geneva mechanism gentle oxidation geodetic equator geodetic network geodetic station geologic section geomagnetic axis geomagnetic pole geometric isomer geometric object geometric series geometrical axis geometrical mean girder structure girderless floor girth of a graph glass-hard steel glazing calender global pollution globe photometer globe rivet head globe-head rivet globular cluster gold-toning bath good penetration good workability governing system grab-type dredge grade resistance graded colouring graded hardening grading analysis graduated collar graduation tower graetz connexion grain coarsening grain refinement graining process granite pavement graphical method grassland harrow grating constant grating spectrum gravitating mass gravity bulkhead gravity conveyer gravity conveyor gravity orienter gravity pipeline gravity position grazing distance grease lubricant green copper ore green properties green-sand mould grenade launcher grid capacitance grid conductance grignard reagent grinding chamber grinding circuit grinding element grinding machine grinding segment grinding surface grooving machine ground behaviour ground clearance ground connexion ground elevation ground indicator ground inversion ground potential ground wood mill ground-to-ground grounded circuit grounded emitter grounded neutral grounding outlet grounding switch group technology grouting gallery guantum-chemical guaranted output guarded crossing gudgeaon bearing gudgeon expander guide wavelength guided parachute guiding accuracy guillotine blade guillotine knife gun welding head gun-barrel drill gun-boring drill gustening luster gustening lustre gyratory breaker gyratory crusher galactic variable galvanic coupling gamma irradiation gamma-insensitive gamma-radiography gamma-ray logging gamma-ray quantum gas-driven hammer gas-fired furnace gathering machine gear transmission geared-down motor gelatine printing general acoustics generated voltage generating circle generating method generating motion gentle-grade roof geocentric zenith geodetic distance geodetic latitude geodetic meridian geographical line geomagnetic field geometric average geometric surface geometrical model geothermic degree germanic compound gimbal suspension gland seal system glass water gauge glass-fiber matte glazier's diamond glide-path beacon global monitoring globular pearlite globular transfer glove compartment glowing discharge go-no-go decision gob loading chute gold-bonded diode grade correlation grade elimination grade measurement grade of a matrix graduated pipette graetz connection grain composition grain orientation gramme-equivalent gramophone record granular fracture granular material granular pearlite graphes invariant graphic-arts film graphite absorber graphite resistor grappling of arch grasshoper spring grating reflector grating structure gravity discharge gravity feed tank gravity potential gravity regulator gravity separator gravity-type pawl gray antimony ore gray back gravure grease lubricator grease thickening green tacky state greenhouse effect grid transparency grignard compound grinding carriage grinding compound grinding cylinder grinding material gritting material ground absorption ground connection ground controller ground depression ground reflection ground resistance ground-coat paint ground-state term ground-water line group of contacts group precipitant growing amplitude guide-beam system guillotine shears guillotine window gunniting machine gutter-wound coil gyroscopic effect gain automatically galactic deuterium galactic longitude galactic radiation galvanic corrosion galvannealed sheet galvanometer shunt gamma spectroscopy gamma-ray activity gamma-ray emission gamma-type antenna gang automatically garnetting machine gas-actuated relay gas-cooled reactor gas-discharge lamp gas-kinetic theory gas-storage holder gate-trigger diode gate-type spillway gate-width control gathering conveyer gathering conveyor gear less electric gear tooth vernier gear-reductor unit gear-shaped cutter gear-train diagram gear-type coupling generalized theory generating process generating station generating surface generic descriptor geodesic astronomy geodetic equipment geodetic levelling geodetic surveying geographic azimuth geological compass geological erosion geological mapping geometric capacity geometrical albedo geometrical isomer geometrical object geophysical rocket germanium compound giromagnetic ratio giroscopic inertia glass fibre thread globular lightning goaf-pack building goal normalization graduating machine gramophone adapter gramophone adaptor granular cementite granulating hammer granulation screen graphic instrument graphical solution graphite electrode graphite moderator graphite structure graphite-moderated graphite-reflected grating front beam gratuitous service gravimetric method gravimetric survey gravitation theory gravitational wave gravity diecasting gravity irrigation gravity oil system gravity separation gravity voltameter grease lubrication green-sand casting grid rectification grindability index grinding allowance gripping appliance gripping mechanism ground coordinates ground cross brace ground glass joint ground instalation ground of decision ground temperature ground-state orbit ground-water table grounding terminal group with grading guantum-mechanical guaranted warranty guide blade sector guided propagation gun-boring machine gymnospermous wood gyrator classifier gyrorudder control gadolinium compound gain in performance galvanoluminescence gamma cross-section gamma flaw detector gamma-ray projector gantry-type machine gas-discharge valve gate-impeller mixer gate-operating gear gauche conformation gauging arrangement gear-head attendant gear-reduction rate gear-reduction unit general arrangement general engineering general enunciation general probability generalized routine generation grinding geocentric attitude geodetic gravimetry geodetic theodolite geological boundary geomagnetic equator geometric isomerism geometric levelling geometrical horizon geotectonic geology germanium rectifier gill spinning frame glacial acetic acid glass-block masonry glide slope capture glow-discharge lamp glow-discharge tube golden flow process grade certification graduation of shade grain-size analysis grain-sorting plant granulating machine granulometric curve grass-lined channel gravimetric anomaly gravitation settler gravitational field gravitational force gravitational orbit gravity circulation gravity distributor gravity feed system gravity lubrication gravity measurement gravity segregation gravity water wheel great american file green-sand moulding greenwich mean time gregorian telescope grid-like structure grinding attachment grinding-wheel head ground-water supply grounding conductor grounding electrode group of conductors guantum-statistical gudgeon-pin bushing guided-missile ship gun-rifling machine gun-welding machine gain of an amplifier galactic coordinates galaxies of galaxies galvanic electricity gamma flaw detection gang-slitting shears gas-discharge plasma gas-filled rectifier gathering-arm loader gauche configuration gauge glass fittings gear reduction ratio gear-cutting machine gear-hobbing machine gear-lapping machine gear-milling machine gear-shaping machine gear-shaving machine geared-spindle drive gelatinous explosive general illumination general-utility tool generalized criteria generalized function generalized variance generating mechanism generation frequency generation of nuclei geodetic engineering geographic graticule geographical azimuth geological formation geological reasoning geological structure geomagnetic activity geomagnetic meridian geometric distortion geometrical latitude geometrical ornament geometry of counting germanium transistor glacial-valey debris goniometric eyepiece gopher hole blasting gradular concentrate graft polymerization grain-cleaning plant granulating die head graphical statistics graphite lubrication grasshopper conveyer grasshopper conveyor gratimg spectroscope grating spectrograph grating spectrometer gravimetric analysis gravimetrical method gravitational binary gravitational energy gravity accumulation gravity distribution gravity roll carrier greatest-lower bound grecian type antenna grid cut-off voltage grid-bias modulation grid-controlled tube grid-winding machine grinding-wheel slide ground relay station ground triangulation ground-mapping radar grounded capacitance grounded-grid triode guahtity measurement gudgeon-pin retainer guillotine-type gate gypsum-plaster board gain of amplification galactic star cluster galvanometer constant gamma-ray interaction gamma-ray irradiation gamma-ray radiography gang-drilling machine gasoline-proof grease gaussian distribution gear-grinding machine gear-tooth micrometer geiger-muller counter gelatin-coated roller general effectiveness general system theory general use programme general-purpose diode general-purpose radar generalized criterion generalized parameter geographical latitude geological conditions geometrical acoustics geometrical isomerism geometrical magnitude geometrical reasoning geometrically similar giroscopic integrator glazed grinding wheel governor piston valve gradation composition graded time-lag relay graded-colour tinting gramophone audiometer graphical calculation graphical integration graphics capabilities grating monochromator gravel-topped macadam gravitational anomaly gravity concentration gravity-aspirator bit groove-wall stiffness ground for opposition ground-reflected wave ground-return circuit ground-support bomber groundwater inventory groundwater resources group control station gyratory cone breaker gyroscopic stabilizer gallium-arsenide diode galvanomagnetic effect gamma-emitting isotope gas-conversion process gas-discharge arrestor gas-feed automatically gas-filled thermometer gear testing apparatus gear-chamfering cutter gear-finishing machine general-utility wrench geocentric coordinates geographical longitude geological correlation geometric distribution geometry of experiment glass-fiber insulation global variable symbol goods-carrying ropeway gradient of a function gradually-applied load graft copolymerisation graphic multiplication gravitation conditions gravitational constant grease spot photometer greatest common factor green copper carbonate grinding-wheel dresser groove-cutting machine grooved friction wheel ground-attack aircraft ground-water elevation grtd-plate capacitance guaranteed probability guided-chain excavator gunite concrete lining galvanometer-type relay gamma control amplifier gas-discharge rectifier gas-turbine power plant gasoline-electronic bus gear-burnishing machine gear-cutting attachment general-purpose balance general-purpose machine general-purpose tractor general-purpose vehicle geomagnetic coordinates geometrical progression globotdal worm toothing graduated-scale royalty grain-oriented graining grain-size distribution graphical extrapolation graphical triangulation graphite thermal column gravitation transporter gravitational astronomy gravitational darkening gravitational potential gravitational stability gravity bucket elevator greatest common divisor greatest common measure grid-blocking capacitor grid-leak rectification ground observation post ground repeater station ground-control approach ground-course convertor grounded-base amplifier grounded-gate amplifier grounded-grid amplifier group-transfer reaction guided wave propagation guided-missile dynamics gamma counting apparatus gamma-induced ionization gasoline filling station gato twin-pair amplifier gauss divergence theorem gaussian probability law general-diffuse lighting general-purpose aircraft general-purpose computer generalized displacement generation gear grinding generator line contactor geographical coordinates global monitoring system goliath edison screw cap grain boundary diffusion gravitational attraction gravitational luminosity gravity-rolling conveyer gravity-rolling conveyor grid-cathode capacitance ground-fault neutralizer ground-noise elimination grounded-anode amplifier grounded-drain amplifier guantitative measurement gain programmed amplifier gain-phase characteristic general relativity theory general-diffused lighting geometrical cross-section graduated hopper charging granulometric composition graphic character display grid-controlled rectifier grid-filament capacitance grinding in-feed grinding ground surveillance radar ground-position indicator grounded-source amplifier group with trivial center galactic parallactic angle galactocentric coordinates gear shaper cutter adendum geared electric locomotive geomagnetic polar distance glow-discharge stabilitron grade separation structure graphite-moderated lattice gravitational acceleration grinding-and-buffing lathe ground state configuration ground-target-search radar grounded-cathode amplifier gear shaper-cutter dedendum general arrangement drawing general-purpose manipulator generating-station capacity graphical numerical control grid-current characteristic grindings in-feed grindings ground-to-air communication grouting of rock foundation gear-tooth vernier callipers gibbs canonical distribution glass-transition temperature gravity-chute ore collecting gravity-system water cooling grounded-collector amplifier gain-frequency characteristic galvanometer mirror modulator grain-size distribution curve group with multiple operators glass-fibre reinforced plastics grid-focused linear accelerator give clearence to the cutting edge grade-crossing-elimination structure
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