За поръчка над 40 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти

За поръчка над 60 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти и БЕЗПЛАТНА ДОСТАВКА ДО ОФИС НА КУРИЕР

📗 Tермини започващи с буквата H в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата H

ham hat hay hem hew hip hit hob hod hoe hop hot hub hue hug hum hyp hack hade haft hail hair half hall halo halt hand hang hank hard hash hasp haul head heap heat heck heel hemi hemp hide high hill hilt hint hiss hock hold hole home homo hone hood hook hoop horn hose host hour howl hulk hull hump hurt hypo h bar h tee h-ray habit halve handy hardy harsh hatch hawse heald heave heavy hedge helix helve hemit hence henry hertz hexad hexyl hi-fi hilly hinge hirst hitch hoick hoist homer honer horse horst house hovel humid humky humus hurly hurst hutch h beam h bomb h iron hackle hackly hading hadron hafnia hafnyl halate halide haloid handle hangar hanger harbor harden hardie hasher hauler haunch hawser hazard header health hearth heated heater heaver heddle height helion helium helmet helper heptyl heveen hewing hexane hexene hexode hexose hidden high-a high-z hiller hinged hipped hodman hogger hoggin holder holing hollow homing honing hooter hopper hosing hostel howler huckle hugger huller humite hummer hunter hurdle hurter husker hybrid hydric hytron hyzone h scope h-steel habitat habitus hachure hacksaw hafnium hairpin hallway halogen halooxo halting halvans halving halyard handler handsaw hang-up hanging harbour hardpan hardtop harmony harness harvest hatched haulage haulier haydite heading headset headway healing hearing heat up heating hectare heeling helical helices helvite hematin heptane heptene heptode heptose hessite hex nut hexagon hexalin hexanon hexosan high-mu history hitched hob tap hobbing hobbock hobnail hog box hog-out hogging hoghorn hoister hold up holding holiday holmium holster hook-up hooping horizon hormone horning hosiery hot end hot pot hot-dip housing howling hubbing hummock hurtful hyalite hydrant hydrate hydride hydrous hydroxo hydroxy hyperis hyperol h-girder hairness halation halbform half bat half cut half log half-sum half-way halfpace hammered hand arm hand die hand nut hand set hand tap handbook handhole handicap handling handrail handwarm handwork hangfire hanksite hard fat hard oil hard ray hard tin hard-set hardened hardener hardface hardness hardware hatchery hatching hatchway hauerite haymaker haziness head cup head end head gap headband headfast headgear headlamp headline headrace headroom headtree hearting heat gun heat ray heat run heats up hedgehog hellenic helmsman helmsmen hematite hemisine hemitron hemolyze heptagon heptamer hermetic hex bolt hex head hexaline hexarner hexoxide high dip high key high-ash hip roof hipernik hipersil hipertin hoarding hoe bail hoe rake hog back hogshead hoisting hoistman hold-all holdfast hologram holoside hook tap horn gap horology hospital hot area hot body hot cave hot dump hot face hot feed hot roll hot shut hot spot hot tear hot test hot well hot work hotching howitzer hub bolt hub seat hub stud hub-type humidify hummocky hurtless hydrated hydrator hydrogel hydrogen hydrosol hydroxyl hypersil habitable hack file hack iron haematite hair line hair salt hair seam haircloth half balk half life half yoke half-cell half-done half-hard half-size half-time half-tone half-turn half-wave half-wool half-word halfplane hall shed hallotron haloamine hammer in hammering hand feed hand file hand gear hand grip hand hold hand jack hand lamp hand loom hand rest hand tool hand vice hand vise hand weld hand-knob hand-made handiwork handspike hang-nail haphasard hard acid hard base hard copy hard core hard data hard flow hard head hard lead hard spot hard wood hard-coal hardboard hardening hardenite hardfaced harrowing harsh mix harvester haxastile hay drier hay mower hay press hazardous haze hood head acid head beam head cell head coal head file head gate head lock head loss head rest head wall head wave head work headphone headpiece headstock heap sand heart cam heart cut heat coil heat flow heat flux heat loss heat pump heat rate heat sink heat test heat tint heat unit heat wave heat-fast heave out heavy air heavy cut heavy end heavy ice heavy oil heed rope heel ring helictite helm roof hemolysis hemolytic hemotoxin hemp belt hemp cord hemp rope hendecane heptoxide heptylene herbicide hercolite hercynite herderite heuristic hewettite hexadiene hexagonal hexuronic hide glue hierarchy high beam high flow high gear high tide high-gain high-heat high-land high-roof high-spin high-test highlight hill gear hindrance hinge pin hinge rod histamine histidine histogram hitch bar hodograph hodometer hodoscope hog still hogbacked hoick-off hoist men hold down hold-back holder-up hole back hole trap hollander holystone home-made homocycle homolysis homolytic homopolar honeycomb hook bolt hoop iron horn buoy horn gate horn lead horsehair horseshoe hose pipe hose tube host rock hot blast hot crack hot frame hot house hot plate hot start hot waste hot-drawn hot-press hot-short hour zone hum level hum noise humectant hunch pit hundredth hurricane hybridize hydramine hydraulic hydrazide hydrazine hydrazone hydrobowl hydrofoil hydrology hydrolyse hydrolyze hydromica hydronium hydroxide hygrogram hygrology hyperbola hypercone hyperfine hypocaust hypsogram hystogram h particle habitation hackmanite hackmatack hair crack hair cross halate ion half cycle half decay half track half width half-adder half-baked half-blank half-carry half-space half-stuff halic acid halide ion halite ion halloysite halocarbon halogenate halohydrin halophylic hambergite hammer die hammer lap hammer man hammer men hammer off hammer out hammer ram hammer tup hand anvil hand bench hand crane hand crank hand drill hand drive hand frame hand ladle hand lathe hand level hand lever hand punch hand screw hand snips hand torch hand truck hand weave hand wheel hand winch hand-radar handicraft handle bar handy ship hard check hard error hard glass hard image hard metal hard pitch hard scale hard steel hard stock hard valve hard water hard-crown hard-cured hard-drawn hardenable hardometer hardy hole haul chain hauling-up hausmanite head block head board head frame head front head plate head shaft head water headcircle heads work headscreen heap cloud heat aging heat check heat index heat input heat power heat shock heat value heat-proof heave down heavy atom heavy case heavy fuel heavy line heavy rain heavy road heavy soda heavy spar heavy tank heavy type heavy-duty hectograph heddle eye helicopter heliograph helioscope heliotrope helium age helldriver hemiformal hemisphere hemocyanin hemoglobin hemp fibre hemp twist henrymeter heptagonal hermetical heterodyne heulandite hexacosane hexacyclic hexadecene hexahedral hexangular hexavalent hidden use high alloy high boost high level high sound high speed high water high-class high-cycle high-grade high-power highf note hill shape hind wheel hinge bolt hinge clip hinge prop hinged arm hip rafter hob cutter hoist hook hold range hole basis hole drift hole gauge hollow dam holmes box holoenzyme holography holohedral home scrap homoatomic homocyclic homologous hook screw hook tooth hoop tongs hopper car horizontal horn block horn mouth hornblende horned nut horse back horse road hose union hose-proof hot chisel hot jacket hot plasma hot runner hot source hot vapour hot-rolled hot-tinned hour angle hovercraft huebnerite hum filter humic acid humidifier humidistat hurlbarrow hybrid set hydraucone hydrazoate hydro test hydroblast hydrogenic hydrograph hydrologic hydrolysis hydrolytic hydrometer hydrometry hydrophone hydroplane hydropress hydroxylic hyetograph hygrograph hygrometer hygrometry hygroscope hypabyssal hypaethral hyperbolic hypergolic hyperplane hypersonic hypersound hypoborate hypohalous hypoiodide hypoiodous hypotenuse hypothesis hypothetic hypsograph hypsometer hypsometry hysteresis hysteretic hack hammer hair mortar hair spring hairbreadth half dipole half duplex half period half timber half-bright half-circle halide lamp hall effect halo effect halogencyan halohydrine halous acid halved belt hamiltonian hammer beam hammer blow hammer down hammer head hammer less hammer mill hammer shop hammer slag hammersmith hand chisel hand finish hand firing hand hammer hand hewing hand labour hand mixing hand raking hand reamer hand shield hand switch hand-driven handpicking hang shears hangar deck hanger bolt hard bottom hard facing hard finish hard mortar hard rubber hard solder hard spring hard x-rays hard-burned hard-rolled harmonicity harsh image haulage box haulage-man haulage-men haulage-way haze factor he-ne laser headed bolt header bond heading set heaft shake heald frame health work hearing aid heart wheel heat ageing heat alarms heat budget heat colour heat curing heat energy heat engine heat output heat rating heat return heat screen heat source heat stress heat supply heat-shield heat-stable heater bias heater head heater plug heating pin heave ahead heavy anode heavy chips heavy earth heavy joist heavy meson heavy track heavy water heavy-gauge hectography height mark helicometer heliography helix angle hellinistic helmet crew hemeralopia hemi-acetal hemichelate hemihidrate hemiterpene hemseed oil heptahedron heptavalent herbigation herringbone hetero atom heteroauxin heteroaxial heterocycle heterolysis heterolytic heteropolar hexabromide hexagon bit hexagon die hexoic acid hi-cap fuse hidden flaw hidden heat hidden line high finish high output high vacuum high-angled high-carbon high-energy high-octane high-purity highway map hindley hob hinge joint hinge pivot hinge strap hinged arch hinged bolt hinged clip hinged flap hinged pier hob adendum hoe scraper hole firing holespacing hollow axle hollow mill hollow rope hollow tile hollow-ware home market homogeneity homogeneous homogenizer homopolymer honing head hooked bolt hoop stress horn silver horn socket horse power hose thread hose wrench hot dipping hot drawing hot forging hot forming hot logging hot peening hot reserve hot rolling hot shaping hot working hour circle hourly wage house sewer house style huffed buff hum pick-up human error humectation humidifying hundredfold hurdled ore hybrid coil hydrazinium hydrazonium hydride ion hydro metal hydro-shift hydroborate hydroboride hydrofining hydrogenate hydrogenize hydrogenous hydroglider hydrography hydrohalide hydrologist hydrolyzate hydromining hydronalium hydrophilic hydrophobic hydrorubber hydrosphere hydrostable hydrostatic hydroxo ion hydroxylate hygroscopic hyperboloid hypergalaxy hyperstatic hypersthene hypobromite hypobromous hyponitrite hyponitrous hypothermia hypothesize hypsochrome hypsography hypsometric h-type cable hairpin bend hairpin tube half bearing half breadth half-section halide anion halide torch halocompound halogen acid halogen lamp halogenation halotrichite halving line hammer anvil hammer block hammer-scale hamming code hand barking hand control hand forging hand furnace hand grenade hand ramming hand riveter hand scraper hand setting hand sorting hand starter hand stoking hand stowing hand turning hangar apron hanging ring hanging sash hanging test hanging wall hard braking hard casting hard plating hard running hard spelter hard-service hard-wearing hard-wrought hardystonite harp antenna hartley band haulages-way hauling drum hauling rope hauling-away head bearing head changer head circuit head conduit head erosion head foreman head foremen header label headhear bin heading tool heading work hearing loss heart camses heart driver heat balance heat bodying heat booster heat carrier heat content heat copying heat current heat erosion heat leakage heat pick-up heat polymer heat reclaim heat release heat setting heat storage heat-treated heating bath heating coil heating flue heating main heating rate heating tube heating unit heavy bomber heavy burden heavy charge heavy damped heavy liquid heavy nuclei heavy repair heavy-bodied heavy-walled height index height scale helical gear helical grid helical line helical rack heliocentric heliophysics helper drive heltcai coil hemimorphite hemp packing hepatoflavin heptoic acid hertz dipole heteroatomic heterocyclic heterodyning heterosphere hexachloride hexagon head hexagon iron hexagon tool hexane-hexol hexonic acid hexylic acid hexynic acid hiding power high furnace high voltage high-dipping high-gravity high-powered high-quality high-tensile high-tension high-wearing higher level hinged flash hinged frame hinged guard hinged plate hinged valve hoist bridge hoisting box hoisting eye hold control hold current holding tank holding time holding tool hole lapping holing blast hollow anode hollow arbor hollow block hollow fibre hollow floor hollow newel hollow punch hollow shaft hollow spoke hollow stone homogenizing homomorphism honed finish hooded anode hook bracket hook scraper hook spanner hooked tommy hop dedendum hopper drier hopper space hopper wagon horn antenna hornblendite horning tool horticulture hosiery yarn host crystal hot catchpot hot elevator hot junction hot material hot moulding hot pressing hot riveting hot stand-by hot strength house sewage housing area hover ground howling tone human factor humification hung ceiling hybrid metal hydraulicity hydrobromate hydrocarbons hydrodynamic hydroforming hydrogen ion hydrogeology hydrographer hydrographic hydrohalogen hydroquinone hydrous salt hydroxy-acid hydroxyl ion hydrozincite hyperforming hypernucleus hypochlorite hypochlorous hypoid wheel hyposulphate hyposulphite hypothetical hypsochromic hypsographic hain molecule half-aldehyde half-and-half half-finished half-timbered halite halide hammer finish hand blowpipe hand cleaning hand moulding hand receiver hand riveting hand sampling hand traverse hand-operated hand-set type handling time hanging brace hanging stage hangover time harbour craft harbour crane hard lighting hard negative hard-magnetic hard-surfaced hard-tempered hard-to-reach hardenability hardened face hardening oil harmfull flaw harmonic echo harmonic mean harsh mixture harsh running hatchet stake haulage entry haulage truck hauling cable hauling chain hauling entry hauling power hauling winch hazard beacon head chainman head fraction head gradient head lighting head of water head pressure head receiver head sampling heading blast heading press headlamp bulb headless nail health centre health hazard heap leaching heart scraper heat absorber heat apoplexy heat capacity heat emission heat equation heat exchange heat radiator heat recovery heat refining heat retainer heat run test heat transfer heater ribbon heating curve heating error heating flame heating plant heating plate heating power heating steam heating torch heating value heavenly body heavy asphalt heavy current heavy forging heavy isotope heavy nucleus heavy quantum heavy section heavy statics heavy traffic heddle ribbon heeling angle height finder height of bed height of eye helical curve helical tooth hemicellulose hemispherical heptylic acid hermetic seal heterogeneity heterogeneous heteronucleus heteronuelear heteropolymer hexagonal bar hexagonal nut hexamethylene hexanoic acid hibrid matrix hidden buffer high fidelity high pressure high strength high-activity high-altitude high-capacity high-head dam high-polished high-volatile hillside road hinged hopper hinged rudder hippuric acid hitting force hobber hobber hoilow piston hoist control hoisting cage hoisting crab hoisting drum hoisting duty hoisting gear hoisting jack hoisting rope hoisting unit hold-off card holding brake holding clamp holding ladle holding relay holding screw hole armature hole spotting hollow billet home position homing action homing device homing system homochromatic homoscedastic hopper loader hopper scales hopper throat horizon inset horizon range horizont line horn arrester horn arrestor horning press hose coupling hosiery frame hospital ship hot ductility hot electrode hot machining hot operation hot shortness hot-air drier hot-air stove hot-line tool hotocellulose hourly output housing screw human ceiling human control human element human failure human torpedo hundredweight hybridization hydrargillite hydrated base hydrated lime hydraulic ram hydride anion hydro-solvent hydroaromatic hydroblasting hydroboration hydrocamphene hydrochlorate hydrochloride hydrocracking hydroelectric hydrogasoline hydrogen acid hydrogen bomb hydrogen bond hydrogen lamp hydrogenation hydromagnetic hydronium ion hydroperoxide hydrosilation hydrostatical hydrosulphate hydrosulphide hydroxo group hydroxy ester hydroxy ether hydroxylamine hydroxylation hyperacoustic hyperelliptic hypereutectic hypermetropia hypoeutectoid hack-saw blade hack-saw frame hairline crack half-rough nut half-track car hall generator hammer breaker hammer crusher hammer forging hammer peening hammer welding hammering test hand magnifier hand operation hand spreading hand-fed drill hand-generator handicraftsman handling error handling radii hanging bridge hanging stairs hanging window hard cast iron hard porcelain hard radiation hard soldering hard surfacing hard-metal bit hard-to-get-at hardened paper hardened resin hardened steel hardening bath hardening time harmonic compo harmonic curve harris process haulage tunnel hauling output haze formation head amplifier head reservoir heading course health physics hearth furnace heat conductor heat endurance heat evolution heat exchanger heat expansion heat extractor heat of fusion heat radiation heat regulator heat rejection heat reservoir heat shrinkage heat stability heat stripping heat transport heat treatment heat-consuming heat-insulated heat-radiating heat-resistant heat-resisting heat-retaining heat-sensitive heated cathode heater battery heater circuit heater current heater voltage heating boiler heating effect heating jacket heating jumper heating medium heating period heating rating heating system heaving action heaving bottom heavy concrete heavy fraction heavy gradient heavy hydrogen heavy industry heavy particle heavy pressure heavy rainfall heavy-duty oil height control height of lift helical blower helical broach helical motion helical reamer helical spring helicoid screw helmholtz coil hendecoic acid heptinoic acid hermetic motor hermitian form hertzian waves heteromorphism hexagon wrench high explosive high frequency high potential high stability high-class fit high-head lock high-lift boom high-lift pump high-low chart high-molecular high-polymeric high-speed cut highway system hinged support hingeless arch hobbing cutter hoisting block hoisting cable hoisting chain hoisting crane hoisting motor hoisting shaft hoisting sling hoisting tongs hoisting winch hold-up alarms holding device holding hearth holding magnet holding tackle holding thread hole callipers hole migration hole tolerance hollerith code hollow cathode hollow chamfer hollow drawing hollow forging hollow journal hollow mandrel hollow plunger hollow spindle hollowing file homing adapter homing adaptor homing control homing missile homing torpedo homopolar bond hone finishing honeycomb coil honeycomb core honing fixture honing machine hopper opening hopper station horizon mining horning beacon horning hammer horse latitude horse scaffold horse traction horseshoe arch hose connexion hosiery seamer hot laboratory hot properties hot-air drying hot-air engine hot-air heater hot-blast main hot-start lamp hot-work steel hourly payment housing design housing estate howard process hum modulation human activity humidification humidity meter humidity metre hunter's screw hunting system hutchins alloy hybrid orbital hydraulic feed hydraulic fill hydraulic gate hydraulic gear hydraulic head hydraulic jack hydraulic jump hydraulic lift hydraulic lime hydraulic loss hydraulic pipe hydraulic prop hydraulic seal hydraulic slip hydraulic tool hydraulic unit hydrazoic acid hydrido halide hydroacoustics hydrobromation hydrocarbonate hydrocellulose hydrodynamical hydroextractor hydroformilate hydrogen orbit hydrogenolysis hydromagnesite hydrophosphate hydropneumatic hydrosandblast hydroseparator hydroxyapatite hydroxybenzene hydroxyl anion hyperbolic log hyperconductor hyperconjugate hypereutectoid hypoid gearing hypoxanthosine h-beam haziness half-bright nut half-hard steel half-lock cable half-pitch roof half-round file half-size scale half-tide level half-time value half-tone block half-tone image half-tone plate half-way-around hall multiplier halogen cyanide halogen element halohydrocarbon hammering press hammet equation hand feed wheel hand-controlled hand-slide rest handling device handling radius hanging gallery harbour tugboat hard automation hard-glass bulb hard-to-machine hardening agent hardening alloy hardening plant hardening tongs hardness number harmonic action harmonic filter harmonic series harness leather haulage heading haulage horizon hauling roadway haunched member head resistance heading machine headlamp socket headwater level heaped concrete hearth moulding heat absorption heat conduction heat convection heat efficiency heat equivalent heat generation heat insulation heat of fission heat of setting heat regulation heat resistance heat-conducting heat-flow gauge heat-flow meter heat-flow metre heat-insulating heat-sensitized heating chamber heating element heating furnace heating section heating surface heating-up time heavy aggregate heavy-chuck jaw heavy-drive fit heavy-duty tool heavy-wall pipe heliarc welding helical antenna helical milling helical surface helically-wound helix waveguide hemicrystalline hemispheric end hemming machine hercules bronze heterochromatic heteropoly acid heteropoly blue heteroscedastic hexacosihedroid hexadecahedroid hexadienic acid hexagon die nut hexagon voltage hidden response hidrazinium ion high efficiency high resistance high water mark high-flow graph high-grade fuel high-level work high-lift truck high-ratio gear high-resolution high-speed line high-spin state high-vacuum jar high-water flow high-water line high-way bridge higher harmonic highway carrier highway network highway service hinged armature hobbing fixture hodograph plane hogging machine hoisting bucket hoisting device hoisting engine hoisting sheave hoisting tackle hoisting tongue hold-down plate hold-off device holding circuit holding control holding furnace holding-on coil holding-up tool hole conduction hole deflection hollow buttress hollow concrete hollow mill die holocrystalline homing guidance homogeneization honeycomb weave hooped concrete horizontal axis horizontal hair horizontal line horizontal plan horizontal tail horizontal weld horseshoe gauge hose connection hot brittleness hot galvanizing hot-air heating hot-air turbine hot-air welding hot-blast stove hot-blast valve hot-gas erosion hot-melt coater hot-runner gate hot-wall method hot-water stove hotcathode lamp hourly capacity house extension housing density housing element houso generator hub dynamometer hulling machine human resources humidity effect hybrid computer hydration water hydraulic brake hydraulic chock hydraulic crane hydraulic drive hydraulic gland hydraulic hoist hydraulic index hydraulic levee hydraulic model hydraulic motor hydraulic power hydraulic press hydraulic radii hydraulic shock hydraulic strut hydraulic valve hydraulic water hydraulic works hydrocarbon gas hydrocarbon oil hydroclassifier hydrofluorinate hydrofoil craft hydrogen iodide hydrogen weapon hydrohalogenate hydrohalous ion hydrometallurgy hydrosilylation hydroxamic acid hydroxocompound hydroxycompound hyperbolic gear hyperbolic line hypermicroscope hypohalous acid hypophosphorous hackling machine half-bright bolt half-countersunk half-life period half-normal bend half-shade angle half-value layer half-wave dipole halogen compound halogeno complex hand-capacitance hand-lever brake hand-power crane hand-power press hand-worked lift hanging buttress harbour approach hard-gas breaker hardcopy printer hardening babbit hardening carbon hardening liquid hardening medium hardening strain hardening stress hardening trough harmonic antenna harmonic balance harmonic content hauling capacity haydite concrete head of a tripod head positioning health injurious health physicist heat accumulator heat conductance heat consumption heat development heat dissipation heat dynamometer heat elimination heat engineering heat interchange heat penetration heat reclamation heated container heating blowpipe heating capacity heating fittings heating radiator heating resistor heave off a ship heavy-bodied oil heavy-duty drive heavy-duty truck heavy-forced fit heavy-keying fit heavy-oil engine heavy-plate mill height indicator height of beacon helical conveyer helical conveyor helical scanning helicopter screw hendecanoic acid hendecenoic acid hendecynoic acid hermitian matrix herringbone gear hessian crucible heteropolar bond hexacyanoferrate hexadecylic acid hexagon lock nut hexylacetic acid hibernating pond hidden conductor high angle joint high order digit high sheet cloud high-carbon coke high-energy fuel high-level spill high-lying level high-note buzzer high-octane fuel high-pass filter high-pitch screw high-speed carry high-speed lathe high-speed motor high-speed relay high-speed steel high-vacuum tube high-water level highly compacted highly disturbed highway crossing highway engineer hindered isotope hindrance factor hinged-jaw tongs hinged-leaf gate histeretic angle hoe-type scraper hogbacked bottom hoisting machine holding capacity holding position holding strength holding-up lever hole cementation hole-forming pin hollow conductor hollow electrode home office fuse home-atomic ring homogeneous line homonuclear bond hooke's coupling hopkinson rubber hopped-up engine hopper clearance horizontal borer horizontal compo horizontal drill horizontal force horizontal grate horizontal plane horizontal pulse horse cultivator horsepower curve horseshoe magnet horseshoe washer hot-blast cupola hot-cathode tube hot-water boiler hot-water supply hot-wire ammeter hot-wire welding household sewage human capability humidifying unit humidity cabinet humidity chamber humidity control hybrid amplifier hydrated species hydration number hydraulic barker hydraulic bronze hydraulic buffer hydraulic cement hydraulic clutch hydraulic dredge hydraulic energy hydraulic hammer hydraulic impact hydraulic mining hydraulic mortar hydraulic piston hydraulic radius hydraulic shears hydraulic supply hydraulic system hydraulic tunnel hydrobromic acid hydrobromite ion hydrocarbon fuel hydrocyanic acid hydrofoil rudder hydroformilation hydrogen bonding hydrogen bromide hydrogen cyanide hydrogen sulfate hydrogen sulfide hydrogen sulfite hydrogenated oil hydrological map hydrometeorology hydrometric tube hydronitric acid hydrostatic head hydrostatic test hydrox cartridge hydroxil radical hydroxyquinoline hyperbolic comet hyperconjugation hypersynchronous hypochloric acid hyponitrous acid half-crossed belt half-round reamer half-tone picture half-value period half-wave circuit half-wave doubler halfword boundary halogenoaliphatic hamiltonian cycle hammer refinement hammer-head crane hand bending tool hand diamond tool hard sphere model hard-burned brick hard-facing alloy hard-wall plaster hardening failure hardening furnace harmonic analises harmonic function harmonic quantity hauling apparatus hauling equipment head lamp diffuse head-on collision heading indicator health-monitoring hearing mechanism heat conductivity heat dissociation heat distribution heat interchanger heat of hardening heat of hydration heat transmission heat-rupture test heat-transfer oil heating appliance heating cartridge heating-up period heavy-duty runway heavy-duty thread heeling deviation helium-neon laser helix accelerator hematite pig iron herringbone tooth herringbone wheel heteroatomic ring heterocyclic ring hexagon-head bolt hexagonal pattern high-capacity car high-carbon steel high-crowner arch high-grade cement high-permeability high-pitched roof high-power engine high-pressure end high-speed camera high-speed cement high-speed engine high-speed reamer high-temper steel high-tenryerature highest elevation highway transport hindered rotation hinged toolholder hite-iron pyrites hoisting capacity holding apparatus holding mechanism holding-down bolt hollow boring bit homopolar valency homothetic centre honeycomb clinker hopper-bottom bin hopping transport horizont distance horizontal stress horizontal survey horizorrtal angle horsepower rating horseshoe riveter host crystal atom hot sterilization hot-blast furnace hot-melt adhesive hot-runner system hot-sprue bushing hot-water heating hot-wire ignition hour-glass effect hourly efficiency housing standards hum automatically human engineering human reliability humidity recorder hunkel's function hybrid technology hydraulic booster hydraulic capsule hydraulic control hydraulic forging hydraulic forming hydraulic riveter hydraulic stowing hydraulic turbine hydraulic working hydro jet torpedo hydroblast barrel hydrocarbon black hydrocarbonaceous hydrochloric acid hydrochlorination hydrochlorite ion hydrocyanic ester hydrodesulphurize hydrofluoric acid hydrofluorination hydrogen chloride hydrogen sulphate hydrogen sulphide hydrogen sulphite hydrogenated fuel hydrogeneous coal hydrohalogenation hydrometamorphism hydrophilic group hydrophobic group hyperbolic mirror hyperbolic spiral hyperbolical gear hyperconductivity hypochlorous acid half as much again half-tone negative half-track tractor hand screwing tool hand-fired furnace hand-lever shifter hand-placed riprap hand-power trolley hand-sorting table handling equipment handling operation hanging theodolite hard-and-fast rule hard-rock concrete hardenability band hardenability test hardening capacity hardening compound harmless substance harmonic amplifier harmonic expansion harmonic frequency harmonic generator harmonic resonance harvester-thrasher harvey grip thread head-end treatment headlamp-glass rim health measurement heat of transition heat-affected zone heat-loss recovery heat-transfer loop heat-transfer rate heating controller heavy-duty machine heavy-duty service height measurement height restriction heising modulation helical-fluted tap helicoidal surface helicopter carrier heliographic paper helmholz resonator hemispherical dome heptadecanoic acid heptadecynoic acid hereditary process heterogalvanometer heuristic approach hexachlorodisilane hexagon castle nut hexagon-head screw hidden-arc welding high capacity bomb high heating value high-capacity head high-energy hammer high-energy proton high-pitched sound high-power reactor high-pressure area high-pressure tyre high-speed bearing high-speed breaker high-speed storage high-speed turbine high-tensile steel high-voltage cable higher mathematics highest efficiency highf-pitched note highly radioactive highly-viscous oil highway relocation higt-intensity arc hoilow-cast piston hoisting apparatus hoisting mechanism hollow-gravity dam holographic camera holographic record homing-type switch homolytic reaction homopoiar compound honeycomb laminate honeycomb sandwich horizontal breadth horizontal hunting horizontal slotter horizontal turbine horizontal welding horn-type radiator hospital transport hot-roll annealing hot-rolled asphalt hot-water radiator hot-wire wattmeter housing facilities hue in colorimetry humidity indicator humidity inversion hybrid programming hybrid transformer hydraulic actuator hydraulic conveyer hydraulic conveyor hydraulic coupling hydraulic cylinder hydraulic drilling hydraulic engineer hydraulic friction hydraulic gradient hydraulic pressure hydraulic riveting hydraulic steering hydraulic throttle hydraulic-fill dam hydrazinium halide hydric environment hydrochloric ester hydrocinnamic acid hydrodynamic shock hydrogen annealing hydrogen carbonate hydrogen electrode hydrogen half-cell hydrogen phosphide hydrogen thyratron hydrogen-like atom hydrological cycle hydrophobic cement hydrostatic uplift hydroxyacetic acid hyperbolic gearing hypergolic mixture hyperstatic system hyposulphuric acid hack-sawing machine half disintegration half-amplitude beam half-duplex channel half-engaged column half-lock coil rope half-round moulding half-timbered house half-wave rectifier hamilton's operator hammered sheet iron hand-power trollies handling facilities handling of results handling of traffic hard grinding wheel hard-magnetic alloy hard-rubber mixture hardening mechanism hardware redundancy hardwired nc system harmonic distortion harmonic excitation harmonic oscillator harsh-blowing flame harvesters-thrasher head-lighted button headstone headstock heat of evaporation heat-exchanger loop heat-transfer fluid heated-tool welding heating instalation heating temperature heavy water reactor heavy-gauge welding heavy-starting duty heavy-textured soil helical accelerator herringbone gearing herringbone masonry heterodyne detector heterodyne receiver heuristic programme hexachlorobutadiene hexacyclic compound hexagon slotted nut hexagon-headed bolt hierarchical system high-beam indicator high-boiling liquid high-contrast image high-energy fission high-energy forging high-energy forming high-heat treatment high-level language high-pressure stage high-pressure torch high-run production high-sided open car high-slump concrete high-speed electron high-speed response high-wing monoplane highly permeability highway engineering hob-arbour carriage hoisting gear brake hole-and-slot anode hollow buttress dam hollow-slug lattice holographic storage homoatomic molecule homologous compound homopolar generator homopolar induction honeycomb corrosion honeycomb structure horizontal blanking horizontal distance horizontal drainage horizontal invertor horizontal position horizontal pressure horizontal scanning horizontal selector hot manifold system hot runner manifold hot-dip galvanizing hot-face insulation hot-runner moulding hot-wire anemometer hot-wire instrument hot-work tool steel housing development hull return circuit hydraulic amplifier hydraulic excavator hydraulic fill core hydraulic machinery hydraulic operation hydraulic regulator hydraulic structure hydrocarbon solvent hydrodesulphuration hydroelectric plant hydrogen absorption hydrogen-live orbit hydrographic survey hydrohalogenic acid hydrological regime hydrolysis constant hydrolytic reaction hydropolymerization hyperbolic function hyperfine structure hypophosphoric acid hyposulphurous acid hackle drawing frame hair-washing machine half-latticed girder half-tracked vehicle hamiltonian operator hand-milling machine hand-operated stoker harmonic coefficient harmonic disturbance harmonic progression hazardous conditions heat of condensation heat of vaporization heat-curing adhesive heat-exchange system heat-resistance test heat-resistant paint heat-resisting alloy heat-resisting cable heat-transfer factor heat-transfer liquid heat-transfer medium heat-treatment crack heated-wedge welding heating of buildings heavy-travelled line helical-tooth cutter heptacyclic compound herringbone struting heterodyne amplifier heterodyne frequency heterodyne reception heterodyne wavemeter heterolytic reaction heteropolar compound heterropolar valency hexamethylenediamine hierarchical control high frequency cable high-accuracy survey high-altitude engine high-altitude flying high-altitude rocket high-aluminia cement high-frequency choke high-frequency drier high-frequency gauge high-frequency power high-frequency waves high-impedance relay high-level detection high-level radiation high-power objective high-pressure boiler high-pressure intake high-pressure system high-speed stability high-speed transport high-speed vibration high-voltage circuit high-voltage winding higher heating value highway overcrossing hoisting compartment hollow-bored spindle hollow-mandrel lathe holographic analysis holomorphic function homonuclear molecule homopolar alternator hook-and-handle rule hooped reinforcement horizontal amplifier horizontal beamwidth horizontal clearance horizontal frequency hornless loudspeaker hose-coupling thread hot-setting adhesive human-error accident humidities inversion hydraulic classifier hydraulic excavation hydraulic resistance hydraulic separation hydraulic servomotor hydraulic stabilizer hydrogen phosphatase hydrogen thermometer hydrologic inventory hydromagnetic effect hydropower structure hydrostatic pressure hygroscopic moisture hyperbolical gearing hypersonic analyiser hypo-eutectoid steel hypophosphorous acid half-duplex connexion half-finished product half-interval contour half-tone photography hammer-scales varnish hard-chromium plating hardening temperature harmonic oscillations hatched soldering bit headgear construction headward acceleration hearing-aid amplifier heat-exchange surface heat-indicating paint heat-insulation layer heat-resisiting steel heat-resisting gasket heat-seeking guidance heat-treating furnace heating-flame orifice heavy-section casting heavy-water moderator hectographic printing helical-blade stirrer heliographic latitude helium bubble chamber hemispherical average hemp breaking machine heteroatomic molecule heterodyne oscillator heteropolar generator heuristic programming hexagon-socket wrench high-altitude balloon high-altitude chamber high-capture material high-frequency bridge high-frequency drying high-frequency filter high-impedance triode high-light brightness high-molecular weight high-ohmic resistance high-polymer fraction high-power microscope high-pressure turbine high-speed excitation high-tension ignition high-vacuum technique high-viscosity liquid higher-order reaction highest common factor highly-branched chain hinged-armature relay hold-up electromagnet homogeneous catalysis hood-and-tender stock horizon of instrument horizontal admittance horizontal deflection horizontal distortion horizontal projection horizontal resolution hot-cathode rectifier hot-wire galvanometer hot-working die steel hourly traffic volume hybrid-type amplifier hydraulic accumulator hydraulic backfilling hydraulic dynamometer hydraulic engineering hydraulic fill method hydraulic manipulator hydraulic measurement hydro-electric scheme hydrodynamic equation hydroelectric station hydrogen-helium cycle hydrogen-like orbital hydrogenous moderator hydrologic monitoring hydrological forecast hyper-eutectoid steel hyperbolic paraboloid hypersonic absorption hyperstatic structure hypothetic population hypsometric levelling half-duplex connection half-finished material half-shade polarimeter half-tone transparency hall-effect transducer hand-cranked generator hard-magnetic material harmonic linearization heat of solidification heat-absorbing surface heat-extraction system heat-transfer material heat-variable resistor heavier-than-air craft heavily-damped circuit heavily-travelled road heavy-coated electrode heterochromatic x-rays heteronuclear molecule heteropolar alternator hexamethylenetetramine high-density recording high-energy scattering high-frequency channel high-frequency circuit high-frequency current high-frequency furnace high-frequency heating high-molecular polymer high-pressure cylinder high-pressure moulding high-speed development high-speed photography high-strength concrete high-temperature alloy high-temperature blast high-temperature steel high-tension porcelain high-voltage rectifier high-volume production higher boolean algebra higher-order functions higher-valent compound hill-and-date recorder hindered precipitation homogenous carburizing homolytic dissociation horizontal-flash mould horn-parabolic antenna horn-reflector antenna horseshoe-shaped sewer hot penetration method hot-working tool steel household water heater hydraulic transmission hydrazinium difluoride hydroaromatic compound hydrochloric acid salt hydrogen embrittlement hydrogenation reaction hydrolytic equilibrium hydroquinone developer hydroxycarboxylic acid hyperelliptic function hyperharmonic function h-section four-terminal half-stable limit cycle half-wave rectification hand ground cross brace hardening by sprinkling heat of crystallisation heat-activated adhesive heat-exchange apparatus heat-liberating process heavy-covered electrode heterodyne interference heterogeneous catalysis high-compression engine high-conductivity alloy high-definition picture high-expansion material high-fidelity amplifier high-frequency drilling high-frequency moulding high-impact polystirene high-permeability alloy high-speed machine tool high-temperature drying high-temperature source high-vacuum guard valve high-variety production high-volume manufacture higher-order transition hinged-at-the-ends arch hoffman continuous kiln hole-basis limit system homopolar electromagnet horizontal displacement horizontal organization horizontal polarization horizontal yoke current horizontal-grate stoker horizontal-hold control horizontal-pivoted sash horseshoe electromagnet humidity-proof humidity hunterrkiller submarine hydraulic pressure head hydraulic-driven shears hydraulic-pressure test hydrodynamic cavitation hydrofluorosilicic acid hydrogen bubble chamber hydrolytic dissociation hydrosilicofluoric acid hypothetical population half-round blunt scraper half-side milling cutter half-track tape recorder hammett acidity function hand-restoring indicator hard-surfacing electrode heading-and-bench method heat-insulating material heat-transfer resistance heliocentric coordinates heterodyne amplification heterolytic dissociation high-altitude laboratory high-coercivity material high-frequency amplifier high-frequency generator high-frequency hardening high-frequency titration high-light automatically high-pressure compressor high-temperature erosion high-voltage engineering highly-damped instrument hinged cantilever girder hinged roll-over machine hollow-charge projectile horizontal scanning unit horizontal-shaft turbine hydraulic classification hydraulic multiplication hydraulic pressure gauge hydraulic shock absorber hydraulic-setting mortar hydrodynamic impact load hyperboloid of one sheet head-to-seat acceleration heat-transfer coefficient heating-and-cooling chart heavy-current engineering height-finding instrument heliocentric-type reducer heterodyning of frequency high-density polyethylene high-frequancy alternator high-frequency distortion high-frequency telegraphy high-pressure duct system high-voltage holding test higher partial derivative homothetic transformation horizontal-boring machine hot matrix moulding press hybrid integrated circuit hydroformylation reaction hydrogen-peroxide torpedo hyperboloid of revolution hyperboloid of two sheets hyperfine structure level hysteresis characteristic harmonic distortion factor helix parametric amplifier hemispherical cupping tool heterodyne frequency meter heterodyne frequency metre heteronuclear substitution high-definition television high-frequency transformer high-pressure polyethylene high-pressure steam engine high-slip indication motor hollow ground circular saw holographic interferometer horizontal blanking period horizontal control network horizontal milling machine horizontal synchronization hot-runner injection mould hydraulic torque converter hydraulic torque convertor hydraulic turbo alternator hydrologic monitoring area half-period average current hand-control stand-on truck heat-distortion temperature hierarchical classification high-frequency interference homomorphous transformation horizontal graduated circle horizontal microprogramming horizontal-position welding horizontally-polarized wave hydraulic power development hydrogen peroxide bleaching health-monitoring instrument heteromorphic transformation high-explosive rifle grenade high-frequency amplification high-frequency vulcanization high-temperature gas reactor high-velocity blasting agent highest-possible reliability honeycomb sandwich structure horizontal-amplitude control hydraulically-operated valve hydroelectric generating set hyperbolic navigation system harmonic selective signalling health-monitoring instalation high-speed milling attachment holographic television system horizontal current classifier horizontal-draught carburator horizontal-draught carbureter horizontal-force magnetometer heat-electric generating plant heavy-duty acetylene generator high-coercitivity oxide magnet high-frequency sealing machine horizontal-draught carburetter horizontal-draught carburettor horizontal-positioning control high-discharge-rate accumulator high-head hydroelectric station high-recombination-rate contact horizontal tabulation character heart-shaped directional diagram hollow ground metal slitting saw horizontal piano-milling machine high-altitude sounding projectile high-pressure acetylene generator hydraulic with vacuum power brake helium-cooled parametric amplifier heating-and-ventilating engineering heavy ion electron-ring accelerator hexagonal close-packed modification hyperbolic partial differential equation
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