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📗 Tермини започващи с буквата M в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата M

man map mar mat mel mho mil mix mol mud maar mace mach mack main make male mall malm malt mane mark marl mash mask mass mate maul meal mean meat meet mend mesa mesh mica milk mill mine mire mist moat mode mole mono moon moor moss move muck muff mule mull muon mure mush must macle macro magma major maker malax malic malmy malol malty maneb marsh maser mason match matte meand merge merit mesic metal metre milli miner minge minor minus mipor miter mitre mixed mixer model modem moire moist molal molar monel monol month motel motif motor mould mound mount mouth mover movie mower mucic muddy multi mushy macker maggie magnon making malate maleic mallet maltha mangle manjak manned manner mantel mantle manure marble marbly margin marked marker market masque massif mastic mastix mating matrix matter median medium megger mellow melted melter member mender merino merlon meshed mesons meteor methen metric metron middle milker milled miller mincer minery mingle minima mining minium minued mirror misfit misrun misuse mitred mix up mizzen mizzle mobile modern modify module modulo molten moment monkey monose morass mortar mosaic motion motive motley moving muckle muffle muller muskeg mutual muzzle myopia macadam magenta magneto magnjco magslip mainway make-up maleate malonic maltase man car manager mandrel mandril maneton manhole mapping marking martite masking mastery matched matcher maximax maximin maxterm maxwell meander meaning measure mediate megomit melting mending menthol mercuri mercuro merging meshing mesomer mesonic message metamic metered methane methene methide methine methoxy micaite micrite mid-tap midband midline midspan migrant mileage millbar milling mineral minetta minimum minterm miocene missile mistake misting mixture mock-up modular modulus moisten molasse molding mongrel monitor monofil monomer moorage mooring moraine mordant mortice mortise mottled moulded moulder mounted mounter mousing movable move in move on move up mud box mud cap mud pan mudhole mudlark mudsill muffled muffler mulling mullion mullite mullock multiar muonium mutable mutamer mutator mx-rays mycalex mylanex m&s tyre macerate machined madistor magazine magmatic magnesia magnesol magnesyl magnesyn magneton mahogany mail car main gap main jet main pay main pin mainmast majolica majorant majority malamide male die malleate malonate man cage man hour man-made mandelic manganic mangling manifest manifold mannitol manostat map grid marginal marriage massless mastless masurium match up material materiel mattness maturing maturity maverick maximize measurer mechanic medicate megaline megamega megotalc melalite melamine melanine melt dip melt out meltable membrane memistor memorial meniscus menthone mephitis mercapto merchant mercuric mesionic mesonium mesotron messroom metadyne metalite meteoric metering meterman methanal methanol methoxyl methylin methylol metreage micanite microvac mid gear mid-part mid-wall middling midpoint midrange mill off mill-dam millhole mine age mine air mine rig mini max minimize miscount mismatch misroute mix cake mixes up mnemonic mobility moderate modifier modulate moisture molality molarity molecule molybdic monazite monoacid monocoil monofilm monolith monomial monopole monopoly monorail monotron monotype monoxide monument moquette morainic morphine mortgage mortiser motivity motoring motorist motorway mototrol mottling mouldbar moulding mountain mounting move out movement mu meson mu-metal mucilage mud cone mud drum mud jack mud lump mud pump mud sump mud trap mud wall mudguard mudstone mulberry multicut multifil multiple multitap multiway murexide muscovit mushroom mylonite machinery machining machinist machmeter mackenite macrocopy magdolite maghemite magic box magic eye magnaflux magnalium magnesite magnestat magnetics magnetism magnetite magnetron magnifier magnistor mail ship main bang main beam main belt main boom main deck main deep main feed main fuel main gear main line main pipe main pole main reef main road main step main tank main unit main vein main wall make fast make time makeshift making-up malachite maleation malleable malthenes man hoist man power man shift mandelate manganate manganite manganous manhandle manograph many-fold map paper map scale map-maker mar-proof marcasite marchpane margarate mark buoy mark post marketing marlstone marmatite marsh gas mash weld mass flow masticate mat glaze mat weave mean life mean line mean time measuring megacycle mellinite mellitene mellitose mercaptal mercaptan mercurate mercuride mercurous mesh weld mesomeric mesozonic messenger metabolon metal fog metal ion metal rod metal tie metallate metallics metallide metalloid metameric metastate metcolise meter key methaform methanate methoxone methylate methyloic mica talc micaceous microbeam microcell microcode microcopy microfilm microlite micropore microtome mid-board midnormal migmatite mile post milestone milkiness mill duty mill feed mill-hand millerite millipore millstone mine wood mine-yard minelayer miniature misfiring mispickel mistiness mistuning mitre box modelling moderator modillion modulator mohr salt moist air molecular molybdate molybdite molybdous momentary monobasic monoblock monochord monocoque monocular monolayer monomatic monomeric monoscope monzonite morse key morstener motor bus motor car motor hoe motor oil motor-man motorboat motorised motorized motorroad mould bed move down mu factor mud mixer mud valve multi-use multiband multibank multicore multiduty multifoil multifold multiform multigrid multihorn multiloop multipart multipass multiplay multipled multiplet multiplex multipole multirate multiring multistep multitool multitube multiturn multiwire myoglobin macadamize maceration machinable macrograph macroimage magazining magnescope magnet gap magnetizer mail train main angle main anode main brace main cable main claim main cleat main crank main drain main drive main field main floor main frame main input main rotor main route main sewer main split main store main track main valve main water maintained major axis major lobe make pulse make-ready malaxation male force male gauge male mould male screw male union malic acid malm brick malm-stone malt sugar manageable management manipulate many-stage map margin marine oil marker-off marker-out marlaceous martensite mash angle mass shell mast crane master cam master die master pin master rod master tap masticator match-mark maturation maucherite meadstream mean depth mean orbit mean power mean range mean speed mean value measurable measure up mechanized medio yarn medium fit meerschaum megarelief megascopic melaconite memnoscope memory map mercerizer meridional merohedric mesh gauge mesic atom mesomeride mesomerism mesosphere metabolite metaborate metagalaxy metagneiss metal atom metal core metal lens metal loss metal road metal tube metal wool metal-clad metamerism metastable metasymbol metathesis metathetic meter base meter case meter rack meter rule methanator methionine methyl red methylanol mezorelief mica paper mica plate mica sheet mica slate mica-shist microblock microcline microcrack microf low microfiche microimage micromicro micromotor microphone micropipet microprobe microscale microscopy microstate microwaves mild steel milk glass milk sugar mill board mill scale mill table mill train milled nut milling-up millwright mimeograph mimetesite mine field mine hoist mine shaft mine shell mine water mineralize mineralogy minor axis minor lobe minor road minuteness mirabilite mirror arc miscut lum misreading mitre gate mix muller mixer unit mixing bin mixing pan mobile oil mode shift model test moderation modul base modulating modulation mohs scale moistening molybdehyl molybdenic molybdenum monitoring monkey way monoatomic monochroic monoclinal monoclinic monocyclik monohydric monolithic monoprotic monopteral monostable monotropic monovalent montan wax monumental morse code mortar bed mossy zinc mother rod motion rod motionless motor crab motor fuel motor line motor pump motor ship motor slip motorailer motorcycle mould cope mould core mould cure mould drag mould nest mould seam mould wash moulded-in moulded-on move about mucic acid muck raise mud baffle mud collar mud pocket mud shield mudcapping mullocking multi-span multiblade multibreak multicored multicycle multiedged multigraph multilayer multilense multimotor multiphase multiplier multipoint multipolar multirange multispeed multistage multivalve multiwheel mutilation mach number machine gun machine man machine men machine oil machine tap machine-cut macro crack macrography macrometric macrorelief macroscopic macrosonics magnal base magnet coil magnet iron magnet pole magnet yoke magnetizing maillechort main bottom main colour main effect main memory main motion main patent main return main saddle main spring mains noise maintenance mair girder major chord major compo make use of maladjusted male flange male thread male wrench maleic acid maley brake malfunction man trolley man-density manganosite mangle gear manipulator mantlepiece mantleshelf manual weld many-valued mapi method mariculture marker buoy marker lamp marketology marking awl marking cut marking die marshalling marshy soil mash hammer masonry dam mass number master cock master drum master file master film master form master line master part master plan master side master tool master unit mastication mat footing match board match plate match wheel materialize mating part matte glaze matted wool meager data mean minute mean number mean square mean stress measuration measure off measurement meat cutter meat mincer mechanician median line medium line medium sand medium scan medium sump medium tank medium-duty medium-hard megalopolis melioration meltability melting pot memory cell memory tube memory unit mendelevium menu button mercaptanic merchandise mercuration mesothorium metadiazine metal lathe metal mould metal oxide metal snips metal strip metal wares metallation metamorphic metasomatic meter board meter panel meter-relay methanation methodology methylation metric gear metric unit metrication mica schist micro-lathe microclinic microcoding microfilmer micrography microgroove microlysine micrometric micromodule microphonic microporous microrelief microscreen microseisms microswitch mid-feather middle deck middle post mig welding mil ammeter mildew spot mildewproof mill barrel mill cinder mill finish milled file milled head milling jig mimic panel mine safety mine timber mine vessel mine-rescue mineral oil mineral tar mineral wax mineralizer mining dial minor chord minor compo minus sight minute book minute hand mirbane oil mirror axis mirror bulb mirror iron mishandling mismachined mismatching misregister missile bay mitre angle mitre wheel mitre-block mitre-board mitre-joint mixed ether mixed oxide mixed train mixer diode mixer lorry mixing cock mixing drum mixing roll mixing room mixing tank mixing tube mixing zone mobile load mock rafter mock silver modal logic modal value mode filter model basin model study module gear mohr circle moist steam molar ratio molten bath molten slag molybdenite molybdenous moment area monel metal monochroism monocrystal mononuclear monorailway monovariant monson wind morphotropy morse inker mortar mill mortar sand mosaic gold mother gate motion link motion work motor coach motor lorry motor mower motor power motor truck motor-drawn mould board mould dress mould joint mould paint mould shift mould-proof mouth piece movable die movable fit movable jaw moving coil moving form moving load moving stay moving wave moving-core moving-iron muck shears mud chamber mud scraper mullock tip multangular multi meter multi metre multi-throw multicolour multifinger multimotion multiplexer multiplying multiseater multispline multistable multistorey multisystem multivalent multivalued multivision muntz brass muntz metal mustard gas maag process macadam road machicolated machine bolt machine code machine file machine hall machine hour machine part machine room machine shop machine time machine tool machine vice machine vise machine word machine work machine-made macquer salt macroclastic macrocrystal macrolibrary macrosection made circuit magazine gun magenta acid magic circle magic nuclei magic number magnet crane magnet steel magnetic cup magnetic gap magnetic hum magnetic ink magnetic ion magnetic lag magnetic law magnetic ohm magnetisable magnetizable magneto bell magneto call magnetograph magnetometer magnetometry magnetooptic magnetoscope magnetosonic maiden field main bearing main circuit main contact main felling main gangway main lateral main network main spindle main storage main turbine maintlandite major defect major repair major second make contact make-up time malalignment malamic acid malbperation malformation malleability malonic acid malonyl urea man trollies man's impact mandrel work manganic ion mangle wheel manhole dook manipulation manned space mansard roof manual check map cracking marine radar marine screw maritime air mark scraper marker pulse market brass market study market value marking tool markov chain marlinespike martempering martin steel maser action mash welding masked state masonry flue masonry pier masonry unit masonry wall mass casting mass doublet mass inertia master alloy master batch master blank master drain master gauge master level master lever master model master mould master pulse master relay master sheet master valve matched load matless cell matrix adder matrix metal matrix model matter waves maximum lift maximum size mean anomaly meat-chopper meaty cotton mechanically median strip medium heavy medium steel medium waves medium-sized megaohmmeter megohm meter megohm metre melt backing melting heat melting loss melting plug melting rate melting time melting zone memory block mephitic air mercaptation mercuric ion mercury cell mercury lamp mercury pool merit rating mesh current mesh network mesh voltage meshed anode mesic charge meson-active mesonic atom mesozpic era metagalactic metal cation metal cutter metal master metal plasma metal shaper metalanguage metallic arc metamorphism metamorphous metasilicate metathetical meteorograph metered call methacrylate methanometer method claim methyl ester methyl ether metre bridge metric waves mght fitting microammeter microbalance microcapsule microcircuit microclimate microcopying micromodulal microphonism microphysics micropipette microsection microseismic mid position middle shaft midpoint tap midpotentiai midship beam mileage life milk of milk mill setting milled screw milled teeth milled tooth miller-borer milliammeter milling head milling hole milling tool milling unit milling work mine orifice mine thrower mine-run bin mine-sweeper mineragraphy mineral acid mineral coal mineral spot mineral wool mineralogist minicomputer minidiskette minimization minimum size minor defect minor planet minor repair minor second mint camphor minterm form mirror image misalignment misoperation missing data mist cooling mitre fillet mitre square mixed ketone mixed number mixing ladle mixing plant mixing space mixing stage mixing valve mixture yarn mjdget motor mnemocircuit mobile crane mobius strip mock antenna mock-up test mode changer mode of test mode on-line modification moire effect moire method moist curing moist ground moist vapour molar volume mold opening molectronics molten metal molten state moment curve monifilament monitor lamp monitor roof monitor room monkey entry monodiaspore monodisperse monofrequent monoisotopic monometallic montana gold mooring buoy mooring pile mooring rope moorish arch mordant salt morphotropic mortar mixer mortar trass mortise lock mother entry mother locus motion range motion screw motion shaft motive force motive power motor carbon motor cutter motor driven motor grader motor magnet motor spirit motor vessel motorcyclist motoring map motoring run mould cavity mould closer mould holder mould insert mouldability moulded coal moulded core moulded part moulding box moulding ink moulding wax mouline yarn mounted axle mounting jig mounting pad movable core movable grid movable load moving blade moving force muddy ground muitftubular muller mixer mullion post multi-column multichamber multichannel multicircuit multicyclone multiengined multilateral multinuclear multipartite multiple arc multiple bed multiple die multiple jet multiple jig multiple key multiplexing multiplicand multiplicate multiplicity multisection multispindle multivalence multivariant multivariate multiwheeler mural circle mushet steel musical echo mutarotation mute antenna mute control mutual force muzzle sight machinability machine drill machine lathe machine mixer machine screw machine steel machine-dried machined part machinery oil macro-etching macroanalysis macrolanguage macromolecule macrooperator magazine case magazine feed magic nucleus magnesia alba magnesite tar magnet keeper magnetic atom magnetic core magnetic disk magnetic drum magnetic flow magnetic flux magnetic fuse magnetic gear magnetic head magnetic iron magnetic lens magnetic link magnetic lock magnetic mass magnetic path magnetic plug magnetic pole magnetic test magnetic trap magnetic unit magnetic wave magnetic yoke magnetization magnetometric magnetomotive magnetosphere magnetostatic maiden flight main carriage main computer main pipeline main terminal main traverse main variable mains antenna mains voltage maize sheller major product majority game maladjustment male fittings malleable pig malleablizing maltese cross mammoth blast mandelic acid mandrel stock manganic acid mannheim gold manto deposit manual labour manual tuning many-colgmned many-coloured map graticule mar-resistant marble quarry marbled glass margaric acid marginal melt marginal test marine boiler marine engine marker beacon marketability marking punch mask register masking level mason's float masonry vault mass absorber master camses master patent master switch mastic cement mat-type cell matched joint matching stub material base material flow mating member matrix memory matrix-valued maximal value maximum error maximum relay maximum speed maximum stock maxwell meter mean diameter mean lifetime mean pressure mean velocity measurability measure space measured ores measuring bar measuring bin measuring rod meat industry median centre medical glass medium solder megohm bridge melanphlogite mellitic acid melting point melting range melting ratio melting stock membrane knob membrane pump memory effect memory module mercerization merchant mill merchant navy merchant ship mercurous ion mercury gauge mercury relay meridian line mesasrtucture mesh analysis meshing angle mesityl oxide meso-position mesonic decay meta-position metachromatic metal backing metal chelate metal cutting metal deposit metal forming metal physics metal roofing metal science metal sprayer metal working metallic bond metalliferous metallization metallochrome metalloenzime metaphosphate metaprogramme meteor shower meteor stream meteoric body meteoric dust meter matcher metering band metering hole metering pump metering unit method patent methoxyphenol methyl halide methyl rubber metric system metric tensor metric thread mhd generator microadjuster microanalyser microanalysis microanalytic microcellular microchemical microcomputer microdrilling microhardness microporosity microprinting mid-frequency middle girder middle sample mildew attack milled rubber miller centre milling angle milling arbor milling slide millon's base mimeographing mimic diagram minable width mine capacity mine detector mine drainage mine surveyor minefield gap mineral apron mineral ether mineral fibre mineral green mineral pitch mineral resin mineral white mineralogical minerogenesis miniature cap minimum relay minimum stock mining losses mining method minor product minute finish minute of arc mirror finish mirror isobar mirror isomer mirror nuclei misadjustment miscellaneous misconnection mismanagement mismatch loss mist atomizer misty coating mitre cutting mixed complex mixed crystal mixed macadam mixed polymer mixed problem mixed product mixer circuit mixing blower mixing header mixing nozzle mixing vessel mixture ratio mixture water mobile bridge mobile loader mode of decay mode off-line moderate-duty modernization modified mean modified wood moisture trap moisture-free mole drainage molten charge molybdic acid moment output monitor pilot monitor spout monkey wrench monochromatic monochromator monoenergetic monolith wall monomolecular monsanto salt monumentation moorish style moquette loom morse sounder mortar trough mortise joint moseley's law motion thread motive column motor bicycle motor bracket motor car set motor scooter motor starter motor sweeper motor tugboat motor vehicle motor-boating mould casting mould closing mould coating mould release mould sticker mould welding moulded screw moulding loam moulding plug moulding room moulding sand moulding shop moulding time moulding tool mouline twist mounted wheel mounting hole movable frame moving roller mu-mesic atom mud avalanche mudguard wing mule carriage mullock chute multi cutting multi-bearing multi-mu tube multi-purpose multi-shuttle multiaperture multicoloured multicylinder multidiameter multijaw grab multioperator multiple belt multiple bond multiple boss multiple dike multiple dyke multiple echo multiple jack multiple plug multiple slip multiple-turn multiplicator multiposition multiterminal multivelocity multivibrator muon neutrino musical scale mutual branch m-shell x-rays macadamization machine design machine dyeing machine finish machine fitter machine grease machine hammer machine module machine output machine pistol machine reamer machine set-up machinery part machining cell machining head machining line machining time macromolecular macroprocessor macroprototype macrostructure magenta colour magnetic aging magnetic alloy magnetic board magnetic brake magnetic chuck magnetic cycle magnetic drive magnetic field magnetic force magnetic guard magnetic order magnetic power magnetic prism magnetic probe magnetic relay magnetic shunt magnetic state magnetic storm magnetic track magnetic valve magnetocaloric magnetodynamic magnetoelastic magnetothermal main direction main discharge main electrode main headlight main kiln room main processor main resonance mains receiver major diameter major overhaul majority logic make for stock make-and-break make-busy jack making contact malfunctioning man efficiency man-assignment man-made noise manganese iron manganic oxide manganous acid manned capsule manometer tube manpack camera mantle of soil manual control manual ringing manual setting manual welding map draughting map projection mapping survey marginal check marginal compo marine climate marine turbine marking device markov process masonry bridge master monitor master pattern master routine master-builder mastic asphalt mat foundation match together material hoist matrix element mean deviation mean discharge mean low water measurable set measuring data measuring gear measuring loop measuring mark measuring reel measuring rule measuring tank measuring tool measuring tube measuring unit mechanic noise mechanical aid mechanical arm mechanical ear mechanical hoe mechanical ohm medim-granular medium drawing medium quality medium-grained meet condition melamine resin melilotic acid melt viscosity membrane valve memory erasing merchant steel mercury butter mercury memory mercury switch mesh connexion mesh electrode mesonic charge message source messenger call metaboric acid metadyne drive metal carbonyl metal ceramics metal cladding metal negative metal splasher metal transfer metallic plate metallic radii metallic solid metallochromic meteor radiant meteoric storm meteorological meter resistor metering relay metering valve methane blower methane series methanoic acid methine halide methionic acid methoxybenzene methyl alcohol methylene blue mica capacitor microautograph microchemistry microcorrosion micromanometer microminiature microoperation microphotocopy micropollution microprojector microstructure microtelephone microvoltmeter microwave lens microwave tube middle section mill circulary milling cutter milling method mine valuation mined-out area mineral carbon mineral cotton mineral estate mineral filler mineral spirit mineral tallow mineral valuer mineral-filled mineralization mining transit mining venture minor diameter minor exchange minute of time minute surface miogeosyncline mirror compass mirror reading mirror surface misapplication misarrangement miscalculation miscalibration mismatch error misorientation misrun casting missile system mixed en route mixed fraction mixed notation mixing chamber mixing machine mixing torpedo mobile antenna mobile station model adequacy model analysis modified resin modular design modular system modulated wave modulator tube modulo-n check moisture aging moisture chart moisture level moisture meter moisture metre moisture-laden moisture-proof moisture-tight molal solution molar solution molecular link molecular mass molecular pump molten cathode moment diagram moment of load moment of mass momentary load momentum grade monic polynome monitor signal monitoring key monkey gangway monopropellant monorail crane monorail hoist monosaccharide mooring anchor moquette weave mordant dyeing mosaic display moseley number mother missile motor industry motor operator motor-car jack motor-operated mottled effect mould retainer moulded veneer moulding board moulding cycle moulding flask moulding plate moulding press moulding stake mountain creep mountain green mountain range movable bridge movable flange move statement moving element moving moraine mowing machine mucking bucket muffle furnace multi-drilling multi-tool bar multibarrelled multicomponent multicut lathe multielectrode multifrequency multigrade oil multiple error multiple frame multiple image multiple joint multiple motor multiple mould multiple punch multiple truss multiple-stage multiplet term multiplex mode multiplication multiprocessor multistability mural painting muscovite mica mushroom cloud mushroom floor mushroom valve mutual bracing mylonitization myriotic field machine barking machine cutting machine drawing machine element machine failure machine loading machine setting machine welding machine-mounted machinery steel machining costs macroanalytical macrodefinition macrogeneration macrosimulation macrostatistics magazine camera magazine loader magazine matrix magnesia cement magnesia mortar magnesian slate magnesite brick magnesium oxide magnetic ageing magnetic bridge magnetic bubble magnetic clutch magnetic couple magnetic dipole magnetic effect magnetic medium magnetic memory magnetic mirror magnetic moment magnetic needle magnetic ripple magnetic screen magnetic shield magnetic strain magnetic stress magnetic switch magnetisability magnified image magnifying lens maintainability maintained wave maintenance man maintenance men make up a train making-up strip malachite green malconformation male receptacle manganese black manganese steel manganicompound manipulator arm manned aircraft manoeuvrability manual assembly manual blowpipe manual handling map delineation map development mapping project marcing scriber margin of power marginal groove marginal-marine marine aviation marine engineer marine surveyor mark of burning market research marking battery marking current marking machine mascart circuit maser amplifier maser-generator massive texture master mechanic master negative master overhaul master schedule matched samples material defect material medium material patent material system matrix analysis matrix calculus maximum breaker maximum density mean brightness mean difference mean high water measure of area measuring buret measuring chute measuring diode measuring error measuring flask measuring flume measuring gauge measuring glass measuring means measuring range measuring robot measuring scale measuring screw mechanical axis mechanical feed mechanical fuse mechanical seal mechanical test mechanical wood mechanocentrism mediate contour medium granular melt flow index melting chamber melting furnace member in shear membrane filter membrane stress memory capacity memory clearing memory register mercaptoethanol mercerized yarn mercury breaker mercury cathode mercury sulfide meridian circle meridian stress meridional zone merocrystalline mesh connection meshed strainer mesonoic x-rays messenger cable meta anthracite metainformation metal navigable metal rectifier metal spray gun metallic radius metallic sponge metallized bulb metallized lamp metallizing gun metastable atom metering device metering nozzle metering system methoxycompound methyl chloride methyl silicons metric standard metrical tensor mghting fitting microanalytical microcontroller micrometer dial micrometer feed micrometer head microphotometer microphotometry microradiograph microscope lens microstrip line microwave radar microwave range mild conditions military glider milking booster milking machine milling fixture milling machine min-max control mincing machine mine resistance mineral coating mineral genesis miniature valve miniaturization mining activity mining industry minute friction minute-finished mirror pig iron mirror symmetry mismatch factor mismatched gain misregistration missile battery missile control mixing cylinder mixture control mnemonic symbol mobile electron mobility degree mode separation modified rubber modified thread modifying agent modular surface modulating wave modulation code modulation grid moisture ageing moisture attack moisture bubble moisture teller moisture tester molding machine molecular plane molecular shape molecular sieve molybdenum blue moment of force momental vector momentary force momentary power monaural signal monitor control monitor counter monitoring site monitoring test monitoring tube monitoring well monoacetaniline monocrystalline monocylindrical monohydric salt monolithic chip monometal plate monopulse radar montmorillonite mother-of-pearl motor transport motor-generator motorcycle tyre mottling luster mottling lustre mould-fill time moulded section moulding powder mountain intake mounted pattern mounting column mouray's solder movable bearing movable contact movable support moving platform mu-mesonic atom muck-bar shears mucking machine mulling machine multi-file reel multi-grid tube multi-jet spray multi-lane road multicore cable multilayer coil multilayer foil multilayer weld multimode radar multiple binary multiple dipole multiple gating multiple reamer multiple switch multiple system multiple target multiple thread multiple tracer multiple v belt multiple-series multiple-valued multiplet level multiplier gain multiprocessing multiscale rule multistage pump multiway switch muscovite glass mush-wound coil music programme musical quality muzzle velocity macadamized road machine building machine drilling machine grouping machine industry machine language machine learning machine moulding machine printing machine riveting machined surface machining centre machining module macrocrystalline macroinstruction macrophotography macroprogramming macrosegregation magnaflux method magnesium halide magnetic anomaly magnetic antenna magnetic azimuth magnetic balance magnetic battery magnetic bearing magnetic braking magnetic circuit magnetic compass magnetic control magnetic damping magnetic element magnetic equator magnetic figures magnetic heading magnetic lattice magnetic leakage magnetic linkage magnetic loading magnetic logging magnetic pyrites magnetic rougher magnetic spectra magnetic storage magnetic sweeper magnetized state magnetizing coil magneto cohesion magneto ignition magneto-ohmmeter magnetocatalytic magnetochemistry magnetostriction magnetron cavity magnifying force magnifying glass magnifying power main trunk sewer maintenance area maintenance base maintenance crew maintenance shed maintenance shop maintenance test maintenance time maintenance tool maintenance work majority current majority element majority emitter man-made changes man-made statics manganese bronze manganese copper mangano-compound mangling machine manhattan spirit manipulating key manned satellite manometer liquid manual operation manual-automatic mapping function margin of energy margin of safety margin tolerance marginal deposit marine formation marine pollution maritime climate marker generator marking compound masers-generator masked diffusion masonry arch dam master frequency master navigable master operation master programme matched assembly matches together matching matcher matching network material balance material fatigue mathematic check matrix of cycles matrix structure matrix technique matte foundation matured concrete maximum capacity maximum gradient maximum strength mean convergence mean light level mean tidal level measured daywork measurement cell measurement rate measurement unit measuring bottle measuring bridge measuring bucket measuring device measuring hopper measuring method measuring nozzle measuring system mechanical drive mechanical float mechanical force mechanical grate mechanical joint mechanical noise mechanical power medicinal carbon medium frequency medium structure medium-force fit medium-lift pump meet a challenge melt accumulator member of girder memorizing metre mercaptocompound mercuri-compound mercuric nitrate mercuro-compound mercury pressure mercury sulphide merdiantable ore merely supported mesomeric effect metal chalconide metal deck floor metal-glass seal metallic bonding metallic coating metallic mineral metallic packing metallographical metastable level metastable state meter multiplier metering circuit metering orifice metering section methacrylic acid methods engineer methyl-cellulose methylene halide metrical measure metrophotography microcalorimetry microcrystalline microfarad meter microfarad metre microfilm camera microfilm reader microfilm viewer microinstruction micrometer gauge micrometer screw microphone probe microphone relay microphotography microradiography microscope stage microscope table microsegregation microwave energy mid-focal length mileage recorder mill tailing dam miller generator miller time base mine car cleaner mine ventilation mineral charcoal mineral dressing mineralized vein mining authority mining explosive mining geologist mining intensity mining technique minority emitter mirror alignment mirror alinement mirror reflector mirror telescope missile armament missile capacity missile guidance mist lubrication mistuned circuit mitchell turbine mixed in transit mixed reflection mixed-light lamp mixing amplifier mixing condenser mixture strength mobile relay bus model experiment model validation moderating block moderating power moderating ratio modified grading modulated groove modulated signal modulation index modulation meter modulation metre modulation noise modulation stage modulator system mofecular theory moisture content moisture pick-up molar attraction molecular adduct molecular dipole molecular magnet molecular volume molecular weight moment of magnet moment of motion momentary output momentum theorem monitor receiver monoatomk ligand monostatic angle monotype machine moonstone adular mosaic structure mossbauer effect motion amplitude motion analyiser motion in a path motion indicator motor cultivator motor rail coach motor-alternator motor-car engine motor-type meter motor-type metre motor-type relay motoring highway mould impression moulded plastics moulder's hammer moulding machine moulding scraper mound breakwater mountain folding movable coupling moving staircase mud-flush boring multi-gate mould multi-jet burner multi-jet nozzle multi-link chain multi-point tool multi-rate meter multi-rate metre multi-tier mould multiaccelerator multichrome copy multicompartment multidigit shift multidimensionat multiflue boiler multilinear form multimotor drive multiperson game multiple bonding multiple circuit multiple gearing multiple milling multiple station multiple tooling multiple-address multiple-ionized multiplex system multiplex thread multiplying coil multiplying gear multiplying unit multiport memory multiprogramming multispeed drive multisystem mode multivolume file municipal centre mutual induction mutual reactance mutual repulsion macerate moulding machine screw tap machine tool cell machine-cut teeth machining quality machinist's clamp macroscopic state magellanic clouds magnesium hydride magnesium nitrate magnetic activity magnetic analises magnetic arc blow magnetic coupling magnetic creeping magnetic detector magnetic focusing magnetic hardness magnetic material magnetic meridian magnetic pressure magnetic printing magnetic recorder magnetic reversal magnetic rotation magnetic scanning magnetic spectrum magnetic standard magnetic strength magnetic transfer magnetizing field magnetizing force magneto generator magnetodielectric magnetomechanical magnetoresistance magnetron cut-off magnitude of star main outlet ditch main-line haulage main-line service main-line traffic mains frequencies mains transformer maintain a patent maintenance costs make-before-break maladministration maltese mechanism man-made emission management system managing engineer manganese dioxide manganic compound manifold pressure manometric column manual data input manual regulation manual typewriter manually operated manufactured sand marine monitoring marketing science marshalling depot marshalling track martensitic steel marvy-bottom plow masonry of boiler mass spectrometer master oscillator matched amplifier matched waveguide mathematical form mathematical sign matrix moistening matrix production mature technology maturing of paper maximum clearance maximum deviation maximum principle mean proportional mean solar second mean square value mean-square error measure expansion measure of length measure of weight measured traverse measured variable measurement range measuring burette measuring circuit measuring element measuring machine measuring pipette mechanical action mechanical attack mechanical digger mechanical energy mechanical feeder mechanical filter mechanical holder mechanical loader mechanical losses mechanical outfit mechanical output mechanical shovel mechanical stoker mechanical tubing mechanical tuning medium-hard steel medium-keying fit member in bending member in flexure member in tension member in torsion memory protection mental arithmetic mercuric chloride mercury electrode mercury fulminate mercury manometer metal arc welding metal-cast bullet metal-coated bulb metal-vapour lamp metallic ceramics metallic membrane metallic resistor metalliferous dye metallized screen metastable nuclei meter ampere-hour meter sensitivity metering conveyer metering conveyor metering cylinder methane emanation methylated spirit methylene bromide microfilm library micromagnitometer micrometric screw microphone hummer microphone insert microphonic noise microscope thread microscopic slide microscopic state microscopic study microwave antenna microwave horizon microwave spectra mid-perpendicular midfrequency gain midget microphone mileage indicator military aircraft military aviation military industry milking apparatus milled tooth file millisecond delay minable thickness mineral inclusion mineral resources mineral substance mineral-insulated minimum clearance minimum-drag body mining anemometer mining conditions mining locomotive mining subsidence mining technology mining theodolite minorant function mirror instrument mirror reflection mirror transition mirror viewfinder missile detection missile deviation mixture analyiser mobile laboratory mobile substation mode of operation mode of vibration model recognition moderated neutron moderated reactor moderating medium moderation length moderator lattice modified plastics modulating action modulating signal modulation factor modulation method modulator circuit module-type robot moisture capacity molar conductance molecular formula molecular hydride molecular orbital molecular physics molecular species molybdenum bronze molybdic compound moment at support moment of flexure moment of inertia moment of rupture moment of torsion moment planimeter moment resistance momental equation monadic operation monitor amplifier monitor kinescope monitoring device monitoring signal monitoring system monkey stop block monocable ropeway monochromatic ray monochrome signal monolithic memory monometallic salt monopulse antenna monovalent cation mortising machine mosaic telegraphy motion aberration motor-coach train motor-driven pump motor-truck mixer motorcycle engine motorized scraper mottled cast iron mould-drying oven moulded capacitor moulded insulator moulded-in stress moulding compound moulding material moulding pressure mountain building moving coil relay moving-coil meter moving-coil metre moving-iron meter moving-iron metre mud-and-snow tyre multi-mode switch multi-run welding multi-strand rope multi-tool holder multiband antenna multicollinearity multifeed network multigap arrester multijet blowpipe multilayer system multiloop network multiple chucking multiple drilling multiple emulsion multiple integral multiple punching multiple scanning multiple-arch dam multiple-dome dam multiple-way feed multiplex channel multiplying wheel multipoint switch multistage rocket multistorey frame multitube circuit multiturning tool multiunit antenna multiwire counter musical acoustics musical spark gap mutual attraction mutual inductance mutual resistance mutual visibility mach-number effect machinability test machine components machine foundation machine jig reamer machine-cut thread machining property machining sequence macroscopic theory magnesia limestone magnesia quicklime magnesium chloride magnet arc welding magnetbgasdynamics magnetic adherence magnetic allotropy magnetic amplitude magnetic annealing magnetic contactor magnetic detection magnetic indicator magnetic induction magnetic intensity magnetic objective magnetic potential magnetic reactance magnetic recording magnetic rectifier magnetic repulsion magnetic resonance magnetic screening magnetic separator magnetic shielding magnetic stability magnetic structure magnetic tape unit magnetic variation magnetization wave magneto alternator magnetoresistivity maintenance centre make an alteration man-machine system man-made ecosystem man-made pollution management control management science mandatory standard manganic anhydride manipulating robot manometer pressure manufacture patent manufacturing cell manufacturing step many-electron atom marginal amplifier marine engineering marketing research marshalling siding mass producibility mass-spectrography master-slave robot matching impedance mathematical logic mathematical model matrixes inversion maximum deflection maximum luminosity mean of a function mean value theorem measurement method measurement signal measuring cylinder meat-packing plant mechanic impedance mechanic interlock mechanical aerator mechanical control mechanical draught mechanical drawing mechanical erosion mechanical fatigue mechanical feature mechanical filling mechanical grading mechanical mixture mechanical network mechanical shaping mechanical stirrer mechanical stoking mechanical working mechanical-locking membrane amplifier membrane electrode membrane manometer membrane potential memory access time memory protect bit memory-plane noise memory-protect key meniscus telescope meridian astronomy merit of invention mesh reinforcement metabolic activity metal slitting saw metal spraying gun metal-cored carbon metal-stuffing box metal-to-metal fit metallic rectifier metallic substrate metallurgical coke metamorphic schist metastable nucleus meteorite fragment meteorological map metering equipment method of doublets methoxyacetic acid methylene chloride microdeterminatton microphone battery microphone circuit microphonic effect microscopic sizing microscopic theory microwave absorber microwave spectrum mid-band frequency mid-line capacitor mileage inspection mill blunt scraper mill-head elevator milling attachment mine air analyiser mine-detecting set mine-laying vessel mineral assemblage minimum generating minimum generation mirrors alignments miscellaneous load missile trajectory mixed-flow turbine mixed-highs signal mixed-radix number mixture additivity mobile equilibrium mobile transmitter mode of inspection mode-select switch moderator material modulation monitor moistening machine moisture separator moisture-repellent moisture-resistant moisture-retentive molar polarization molecular analysis molecular friction molecular integral molecular mobility molecular rigidity molecular solution molecular symmetry molybdous compound moment of a couple moment of friction moment of gyration moment of momentum moment of rotation momentum diffusion momentum transport monaural amplifier monitoring antenna monitoring circuit monitoring display monitoring network monitoring station monoaural receiver monochromatic beam monochromatic wave monochrome channel monochrome picture monodentate ligand monolithic conduit monometallic plate monoplane filament monotonous process monovariant system Monte-carlo method moonstone adularia motionally induced mould misalignment moulded insulation moulded stereotype mountain inversion movement stability mulibench blasting multi-bite etching multi-pass welding multi-platen press multi-spindle head multi-step missile multi-unit machine multiband receiver multicellular pump multicircuit relay multielement array multiexchange area multigap arrestors multilayer coating multilayer winding multilevel winding multipactor action multipactor effect multipath arrester multipath arrestor multiple condenser multiple connexion multiple deck cage multiple machining multiple operation multiple reception multiple resonance multiple time plan multiple-die press multiple-track cam multiple-twin quad multiplexed signal multiplier puncher multipolar machine multishaft turbine multistage process multistage turbine multistate circuit multistate element multiwheel trailer mutual capacitance mutual conductance machine countersink machine preparation machine translation machining allowance machining electrode machining operation magazine attachment magnesium hydroxide magnetic active day magnetic anisotropy magnetic attenuator magnetic attraction magnetic continuity magnetic deflection magnetic dispersion magnetic distortion magnetic elongation magnetic inspection magnetic pole piece magnetic properties magnetic relaxation magnetic scattering magnetic separation magnetic tachometer magnetic tape label magnetic transition magnetically active magnetization curve magnetizing current magnetohydrodynamic magnetomotive force magnetron amplifier magnetron generator magnettic amplifier magnification ratio magnitude of vector main characteristic main frame computer main quantum number maintenance ability maintenance package malleable cast iron man-induced erosion man-machine complex management approach manganese cast iron manifold of class c manned space flight manner of occurence manufacturer's mark manufacturing costs manufacturing error manufacturing lathe manufacturing plant many-particle level marine architecture marine galvanometer marine-type turbine mark-to-space ratio market segmentation marshalling masonry martens temperature marvy-bottom plough masonries of boiler mass spectroscopies matching resistance materials behaviour maximum flood level maximum probability maximum scale value mean absolute error measurement average measurement reading measuring amplifier measuring apparatus measuring diaphragm measuring equipment measuring frequency measuring potential measuring technique measuring waveguide mechanical aeration mechanical analises mechanical analysis mechanical cleaning mechanical engineer mechanical friction mechanical impurity mechanical moulding mechanical recorder mechanical sampling mechanical scanning mechanical strength medical electronics medium clear signal medium-carbon steel medium-haul circuit medium-temper steel meissner oscillator melting temperature memory-type control mercaptoacetic acid mercerizing machine mercury motor meter mercury motor metre mercury-vapour lamp meridian instrument meridional velocity metal filament lamp metal reinforcement metal turning lathe metal-ceramic alloy metal-film resistor metering-type screw micaceous sandstone micrometer stop dog micrometrical screw micropressure gauge microprocessor unit microprogramme unit microwave acoustics microwave detection microwave frequency microwave radiation mid-phase grounding milling calculation mine characteristic mine rescue station minimizing sequence minimum scale value minimum thermometer minimum-access code mirror galvanometer mirror oscillograph mixed dwelling zone mixed semiconductor mixed-base notation mixed-valence oxide mode of interaction mode of propagation moderate conditions modulated amplitude modulation envelope modulator electrode moisture absorption moisture deficiency moisture instrument molal concentration molar concentration molecular abundance molecular acoustics molecular amplifier molecular resonance molecular structure moment of stability moment of switching monitoring feedback monitoring position monitoring receiver monochrome original monochrome printing monochrome receiver monolithic concrete monomolecular layer mononuclear species monotone regression mortar-mixing plant motion-picture film motor-generator set motor-speed control mould vulcanization mould-release agent mountain rope hoist moving star cluster multi-cellular horn multi-pallet device multi-purpose meter multi-purpose metre multi-stage missile multibranch network multicentre bonding multifamily housing multiflame blowpipe multifunction radar multigap discharger multilayer material multileaded package multilevel hoisting multilevel indexing multimode waveguide multinomial theorem multiple bond order multiple connection multiple excitation multiple ionization multiple modulation multiple production multiple reflection multiple regression multiple tool block multiple toolholder multiple-cavity die multiple-disk brake multiple-drill head multiple-drum winch multiple-grid valve multiple-layer wall multiple-part mould multiple-point plug multiple-ring valve multiple-thread hob multiple-tool lathe multiple-tool slide multiple-twin cable multiple-unit valve multiplet structure multiplex modulator multiplexed channel multiplier klystron multipoint earthing multipurpose grease multistage grinding multistage hoisting multitubular boiler multivariant system municipal effluents municipal transport machine construction machined barrel bolt macromolecular chain magnaflux inspection magnesium dichloride magnesium difluoride magnet automatically magnet-pulse welding magnetic conductance magnetic declination magnetic disturbance magnetic inductivity magnetic instability magnetic loudspeaker magnetic measurement magnetic-disk memory magnetic-drum memory magnetic-tape memory magnetic-tape reader magnetron oscillator magnification factor main-battery circuit main-line locomotive maintenance activity maintenance building maintenance engineer make induced current make-or-buy decision malfunction analysis malonaldehydric acid man-machine relation man-made environment management hierarchy management of labour management technique manifolds of class c manipulated variable manned space station manufacturing defect many-valued function many-variable system marble-flag pavement marginal probability marshalling sequence masser amplification massive buttress dam master control panel master multivibrator master straight-edge master-control board match-plate moulding matching transformer mathematical physics maximality condition maximum interference maximum-shear theory mean annual rainfall measurement accuracy measuring instrument measuring microscope measuring resistance measuring transducer mechanical alignment mechanical alinement mechanical amplifier mechanical clearance mechanical connector mechanical connexion mechanical gradation mechanical impedance mechanical interlock mechanical levelling mechanical manometer mechanical operation mechanical pollution mechanical reactance mechanical recording mechanical rectifier mechanical transport mechanical treatment mechanical vibration mechanical viscosity median of a triangle medium-alloyed steel medium-term forecast meet the requirement memories allocations merchantable quality mercury-pool cathode metal-sawing machine metal-spinning lathe metal-to-metal joint methane hydrocarbons methylsulphonic acid methylsulphuric acid metropolitan railway microcomputer system microcrystallography micrometer callipers microminiaturization microphone amplifier microphone diaphragm microwave oscillator microwave radiometer mid-position contact middle-pointed style military engineering military reliability mine-mouth structure mine-sweeping vessel minimality condition minimizing technique minimum interference minute automatically mismachined oversize mixed-radix notation mobility of concrete mock seaming machine mode-selected button modified binary code modular construction modular ratio method modulated-light beam modulation amplifier modulation amplitude modulation electrode modulation frequency molecular absorption molecular adsorption molecular relaxation molecular scattering moment of deflection moment of resistance moments of momentsum momentum of electron monitoring equipment monocentric eyepiece monochromatic x-rays monochrome bandwidth monolithic amplifier monostable flip-flop Monte-carlo analysis most-significant bit motion-time analysis motor-operated valve mould-clamping force mould-opening stroke moveable distributor multi-access machine multi-centre orbital multi-channel system multi-electrode tube multi-point recorder multi-skill training multi-span structure multicircuit control multicolour printing multicomputer system multicylinder engine multilated selection multilayer extrusion multilayered cathode multiple correlation multiple flame torch multiple programming multiple sound track multiple switchboard multiple-arch bridge multiple-disk clutch multiple-file volume multiple-mounted cam multiple-skill group multiple-speed motor multiple-thread worm multiplex telegraphy multiplication point multiplication table multiplier photocell multiply-charged ion multiplying operator multireflex klystron multirestraint relay multistage amplifier multistation machine multistorey dwelling multitube elutriator multivariable system machine blacksmithing machine-mounted robot macroscopic structure made-to-order product magnesium bicarbonate magnetic conductivity magnetic displacement magnetic permeability magnetic permittivity magnetic perturbation magnetic polarization magnetic spectrograph magnetic spectrometer magnetic spectroscopy magnetic-drum storage magnetic-fluid clutch magnetic-flux density magnetic-tape control magnetic-tape storage magnetic-vane ammeter magnetization current magnetoelastic effect magnetooptical effect main repeater section maintenance equipment maintenance functions maintenance personnel major hysteresis loop malfunction diagnosis man machine interface manufactured corundum manufacturing control manufacturing licence manufacturing license manufacturing machine manufacturing process manufacturing routing material accumulation material-handling fan mathematical analysis matrix multiplication maximum recorded flow maximum-strain theory mean-square deviation measurement precision measurement procedure measuring transformer meat-preserving plant mechanical anisotropy mechanical connection mechanical dictionary mechanical efficiency mechanical equivalent mechanical laboratory mechanical metallurgy mechanical multiplier mechanical properties mechanical resistance mechanical steam trap mechanical television mechanical trajectory mechanically operated mechanics of continue median of a trapezoid member in compression mercaptocinnamic acid mercurial thermometer mercury-arc rectifier meridian of longitude metal working machine metal-jacketed bullet metallogenic province metallurgical furnace metalographic section metalworking industry meteorological rocket meteorological signal meter braking element microalloy transistor microcomputer control micrometer instrument micrometer microscope micrometer theodolite microoptic theodolite microprocessor system middle-wing monoplane millimeter-wave maser milling-grade milling mineral-bearing froth minimum useful signal minimum-distance code minor hysteresis loop mismachined undersize mittivibrator divider mixed-bituminous road mobile concrete mixer modulation capability modulation percentage moisture conservation moisture-proof socket molasses distillation molecular arrangement molecular dissymmetry molecular electronics momentum conservation monitoring instrument monochrome television monocyclic alternator monural tape recorder mortar-mixing machine mosaic-like structure mosbauer spectrometer mother-of-pearl cloud motion-picture camera motor-mounted bicycle mould-cavity pressure moving contact member multi-anode rectifier multi-diameter reamer multi-electrode valve multi-facetted mirror multi-periodic regime multi-phase rectifier multi-range voltmeter multi-step controller multibucket excavator multicavity magnetron multicomponent system multiextremum problem multilayer insulation multiloop superheater multimode propagation multiple circular saw multiple electrometer multiple power source multiple spline shaft multiple thread screw multiple-duct conduit multiple-part pattern multiple-piercing die multiple-row riveting multiple-seated valve multiple-spot welding multiple-track camses multiple-unit control multiple-valued logic multiple-wire antenna multiplex transmitter multiplication factor multiplication length multiplicative mixing multiplying electrode multiposition element multiseasonal storage multivariable control multivariate analysis municipal engineering mushroom-headed screw mutual characteristic machine-control system macrosynoptic analysis magnetbacoustical wave magnetic blow-out fuse magnetic discontinuity magnetic hydrodynamics magnetic ore separator magnetic particle test magnetic potentiometer magnetic tape recorder magnetic-pole strength magneto-electric relay magnetoacoustic effect magnetometric guidance mail-and-parcels train maintenance deficiency make-and-brake current man-modified ecosystem management engineering manoeuvrable satellite manometric coefficient manometric thermometer manufactoring engineer manufacturing approach manufacturing computer manufacturing oriented manyone transformation master-slave flip-flop mathematical modelling mathematical reasoning maximum probable flood maximum-work principle mean square estimation mean-orbital longitude mean-squared departure measure of utilization mechanical atomization mechanical engineering mechanical ventilation merry-go-round machine metal-to-metal bonding metal-to-metal contact metallographic etching metallurgical engineer metastable equilibrium meteorological balloon meteorological station method of point rating microchemical analysis micrometer screw gauge microminiature circuit microphone transformer microprogramme algebra microwave magnetometer microwave spectroscopy mineral identification missile-firing battery missile-guidance radar mixed-pressure turbine mixed-valence compound mode of desintegration modulus of compression moisture-content value molecular dissociation monitoring loudspeaker monqmolecular reaction morphological analysis most-significant digit moulded laminated tube moving-coil instrument moving-coil microphone moving-iron instrument moving-iron transducer moving-media acoustics multi-channel recorder multi-drilling machine multi-jet spray nozzle multi-level controller multi-range instrument multichannel analyiser multichannel operation multicomponent balance multicriterion problem multicurrent selection multiloop servo-system multiple gating system multiple-contact relay multiple-module memory multiple-point contact multiple-speed gearbox multiple-spindle lathe multiple-stage crusher multiple-tuned antenna multiplexing equipment multiplication theorem multiprocessing system multipurpose reservoir multispigot classifier multivariable function multivariate statistic municipal water supply mushroom-type retainer magnetic classification magnetic crack detector magnetic susceptibility magnetic-field strength magnetic-holding device magnetic-sorting bridge magnetoelectric machine magnetostriction filter magnetostrictive effect magnetothermal analysis main distribution frame maintenance instruction maintenance measurement majority-charge carrier male screw-cutting tool man-assignment schedule man-roentgen equivalent manifold classification manufacturing equipment manufacturing parameter matched repeating coils materials compatibility mathematical expression mathematical simulation mathematical statistics maximum allowable limit maximum-stress theories mechanical disinfection mechanical interlocking mechanical misalignment mechanical oscillations mechanical servo-system mechanical transmission medium edison screw cap melting-point apparatus mercury-vapour detector metal inert gas welding metal-removing capacity metallochromic compound metallographic analysis metallographic specimen meteorological forecast meter change-over clock method of least squares microelectronic circuit middle-pressure turbine millstone grinding mill minimal latency routine minority-charge carrier modulation factor meter modulation factor metre molecular recombination monochromatic radiation monochrome transmission monomolecular reactions monopoly in manufacture monosubstituted benzene motor vehicle pollution motor-integrating meter motor-integrating metre motorcycle with sidecar moulded per shot weight moving boundary problem moving-coil loudspeaker moving-iron loudspeaker moving-target selection multi-channel amplifier multi-component mixture multi-directional probe multi-machine operation multiparameter analysis multiple disintegration multiple ratchet wrench multiple-activity chart multiple-axis machining multiple-conductor line multiple-heading method multiple-impression die multiple-jet carburator multiple-jet carbureter multiple-mounted camses multiple-operation tool multiple-point recorder multiple-screw extruder multiple-stepped piston multiple-unit capacitor multiplier-divider unit multiprogramming system multirib grinding wheel multispeed transmission multivariate population macroinstruction operand magnetic crack detection magnetic residual losses magnetic-cobbing machine magnetic-field intensity magnetic-hysteresis loop magnetic-particle clutch magnetical concentration magnetogasdynamic engine magnetomechanical factor magnetostriction compass maintainability analysis maintenance expenditures make allowance for waste mandrel bend flexibility mansard cornice moulding manufacturing department master-slave manipulator material testing machine mathematical expectation mathematical linguistics mathematical programming maximum permissible dose measure of effectiveness mechanical cooling tower mechanical-drive turbine metallochromic indicator method of energy balance metric temperature scale micrographic examination microinstruction storage micrometer automatically microstructural analysis middle-condenser circuit midspecification quality millisecond blasting cap miniaturized electronics missile-target encounter mixed partial derivative molecular polarizability molecular transformation monadic boolean operator monochrome monochromator monostable multivibrator monotonic transformation moving target indication moving-coil galvanometer moving-coil oscillograph moving-iron galvanometer moving-magnet instrument multi-channel telegraphy multi-purpose instrument multiaddress instruction multicircuit transformer multiple piece-rate plan multiple-casement window multiple-cavity klystron multiple-earthed neutral multiple-field generator multiple-jet carburetter multiple-jet carburettor multiple-projection weld multiple-purpose project multiple-spindle machine multiple-valued function multiresonator magnetron mutual inductance factor machine-control interface main-line electrification make-before-break contact manufacturing feasibility maximum credible accident maximum-modulus principle mean-square approximation mechanical recording head mechanically-hoisted gate member of kinematic chain mercury-cathode rectifier metal-interface amplifier meteorological atmosphere millsstone grinding mills minimum constraint system mixed-radix number system modulated-pulse amplifier moment of random function motion picture projection moving-character printing multi-carrier transmitter multi-channel loudspeaker multi-loop control system multicellular loudspeaker multicone friction clutch multifrequency alternator multiple-drilling machine multiple-slit diffraction multiple-stage compressor multiple-throw crankshaft mutually-disjoint numbers machine check interruption magnetic character figures magnetic grain orientation magnetic-powder inspection magnetically-hard material magnetically-soft material magneto-optical dispersion magnetohydrodynamic engine magnetostatic magnetometer magnetostriction generator magnetostrictive alignment magnetostrictive alinement maintainability assessment maintenance of environment majority-carrier amplifier mathematical frequency law maxwell's distribution law mean hemispherical average measure of interdependence mechanical characteristics mercury electrolytic meter mercury electrolytic metre mercury high-pressure lamp metallized-paper capacitor method of steepest descent microelectronic components micrometer-screw callipers microprocessor engineering millisecond delay blasting minority carrier amplifier mirror-image interpolation missile-firing instalation missile-to-larget approach moisture-content indicator most significant character multichannel communication multilayer phosphor screen multiple rectifier circuit multiple-counter technique multiple-current generator multiple-electrode welding multiple-reclosing breaker multiple-repair capability multiple-tuned transformer multiplex operation system multistep decision process magnetic isoanomalous lines magnetic-disk drive storage magnetic-inductive capacity magnetostriction hysteresis magnetostrictive delay line magnetostrictive transducer majority carrier admittance make theoretical prediction manufacturing compatibility many-electron approximation material-handling equipment mathematical model approach mathematical transformation maximum concentration limit melting recording technique method of differential head microprocessor architecture minority carrier absorption minority carrier admittance monochrome printing machine moulding-generating process multi-frequency transmitter multiaperture ferrite plate multiple objective planning multiple-coincidence memory multiple-impression forging multiple-projection welding multiple-range transmission machine condition monitoring magnetic electron microscope magnetic-field automatically magnetic-particle inspection magnetically-confined plasma magnetization characteristic magnetostriction loudspeaker makes theoretical prediction man-variant process planning maximum-recording attachment metal-type composing machine micro gas analysis apparatus minimal sufficient statistic momentary-duty electromagnet motional electromotive force multi-server queueing system multi-spline hobbing machine multicolour printing machine multiplex radio transmission multistep pressure regulator mutually perpendicular lines magnetic recording reproducer magnetic-potential difference magnetohydrodynamic generator management information system manufacturing characteristics mass-spectrograph ic analysis momentless relay servo-system monolithic integrated circuit mould-and-die copying machine multi-cascade servo-mechanism multiple common frame breaker multiple spot-welding machine maximum emission concentration minimum acceptable reliability mobility of a charged particle moulded-in-place concrete pile multi-operator arc welding set multi-track magnetic recording multiplication division device magnetic-deflection sensitivity magneto hydrodynamic generation magneto-ionic double refraction managerial activities appraisal maximum allowable concentration mean-square slowing-down length mechanical interlocking machine modulated high-frequency energy molecular-orbital approximation multiple-electrode spot welding magnetic-particle flaw detection make-before-break contact spring method of successive corrections multiple curvilinear correlation master oscillator-power amplifier maximum permissible concentration medium-head hydroelectric station medium-output acetylene generator modulation-demodulation amplifier monotonically increasing sequence multioperator welding transformer multiple-address instruction code method of successive substitutions mechanically refrigerated container medium-pressure acetylene generator method of successive approximations method of undetermined coefficients modified phase modulation recording multi-component synchronizing signal modulation of sinusoidal oscillations magnetic hyperfine-structure alignment magnetic hyperfine-structure alinement magnetic hyperfine-structures alignments multi-head automatic arc-welding machine
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