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📗 Tермини започващи с буквата N в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата N

nab nap nef nib nip nod nor nut nand nano naos nave navy neat neck nest next nick node noil noon nose note nova null nurl nabla nager naked nappe navvy neper newel niche nicol niter niton nitre no-go no-op noble noise noisy noria nosed notch novel nowel nylon naphta natant native natron nature naught necked needle negate neosyl neozyl nerves nested neuron newton nibbed nickel niclad niello nimbus niobic niphos nipple nitric nitron nitryl no-mag nodule nonane nonene nonius nonode norite nosean nosing not-go nought nozzle nuclei nugget number nut up n-space n-tuple nacelle nail on nailery nailing narrows narthex nascent natural nebular neck in necking negated negator neglect nematic neocene neogene neotron neozoic neritic nesting netting network neurine neutral neutron ni-hard nicaloi nimonic niobate niobite niobium nip out nippers nis mat nitrate nitrene nitride nitrify nitrile nitrite nitrous no load no-volt nobbing nodical nodular nominal norgine notched nourish novolac noxious nuclear nuclein nucleon nucleor nucleus nullode nut cap nut key nuts up nutsche n-thread nail set nailable napalite naphthol naphthyl navigate nebulous neck out needling negation negative negatron nemaline neodymia neoprene neothane nephrite net area net cost net head net load net time neutrino new sand nibbling nichrome nickings nicotine nip roll nitrosyl nitroxyl no-glare nobbling nobelium nodulize nomogram non-skid non-slip non-stop non-type nor gate norganic nose key not gate notation notching nuisance null set numerate numerics nut bolt nut lock nut seat nutation nuvistor nail iron naked eye nalfining nand gate naphthane naphthene naphthoic narcotine natrolite naval gun nave boss navigable near echo neat area neat-work nebulizer nebulosus neck knot neckmould neighbour neocomian neodymium neolythic neon lamp neon tube nephology neptunian neptunite neptunium net power nevillite niccolite nickeline nickeling nickelous nigrosine nitralloy nitramide nitramine nitration nitriding nitronium noble gas nodalizer nodulizer noibe oil noiseless nomograph non-level non-metal non-rigid non-toxic normality normalize nose dome nose fair nose pile novocaine nucleonic null page numbering numerable numerator numerical nut arbor nut lathe nut press nutsching nutted-up nail drift nail punch naked lamp name plate naphthenic naphthoate natroncalc naval dock naval yard navvy work nc machine near-sonic needle dam needle gap needle ore negligible neopentane nephoscope nephridine net effect net losses net method net moment net output net profit net volume net weight net-shaped neutrality neutralize neutrodyne neutronics new matter ni-carbing nickel mat nickelling night bell nitre bath nitre cake nitro-acid nitroamine nitrometer no-voltage nodulizing noise band noise tube noisemaker nomography non-ageing non-baking non-coking non-linear non-loaded non-planar non-random non-recoil non-rising non-stable non-static non-steady non-viable non-vortex non-wovens nonadecane nonlocking nontronite norbergite norleucine nose angle nose cable nose-piece nose-wheel notch test nucleation nucleotide null event number tag numberless nut runner nut setter nut wrench nail drawer nail-puller naphthalide naphthamine naphthenoid naphthionic narrow beam narrow gate narrow-band native gold natural bar natural dye natural gas natural log naval brass nave collar navy bronze neat cement neck gutter needle file needle head needle seat needle-beam nero-antico nest spring net defence neutral oil neutralator new quality news rotary nickel shot night shift niobic acid nipkow disk nitralizing nitrate ion nitric acid nitro group nitrophoska nitrosonium nitroxylene nitrpcotton no-go gauge no-load run noctovision nodal point noise booth noise compo noise diode noise meter noise metre noise power non-aqueous non-bearing non-current non-driving non-ferrous non-fusible non-lifting non-perfect non-rusting non-setting non-soluble non-thermal non-uniform non-variant non-viscous normal atom normal bend normal load normal mode normal salt normal weld normalizing normanesque nosing-over not-go side notch board nouveau art nozzle flow nucleaction nucleometer nucleophile null circle null method null string number axis number base numeroscope nut machine n-type alloy nail nippers nail-catcher nailconcrete naphthalenic narrow angle narrow curve narrow flame narrow-gauge natural arch natural fall natural fuel natural head natural road natural silk natural wave natural year naval vessel navvy barrow nc machining nearby level neck bearing neck journal necking tool needle gauge needle valve negated form nephelometry neurobionics neutral atom neutral axis neutral line neutral soda neutralizing neutron beam neutron bomb neutron flux neutron mass neutron-rich newel stairs nicked teeth nicked tooth nickel black nickel matte nickel steel nicking file night effect night flight nipple union nitrate base nitrile base nitrobenzene nitrogeneous nitrolacquer nitrous acid no operation no-lag motor no-load loss no-load test no-load work nodular iron noise effect noise factor noise figure noise filter noise killer noise rating noise signal noise source noisy blacks nominal size non-altering non-attended non-balanced non-breeding non-buckling non-cohesive non-freezing non-integral non-metallic non-negative non-periodic non-resonant non-sparking non-standard nonylic acid nor function nordmarskite normal force normal slope normal state normed space nose of pier not function notch groove notching die nought state novel result nozzle angle nozzle brick nozzle valve nuclear area nuclear bomb nuclear core nuclear fuel nuclear heat nuclear pile nuclear ship nuclear size nuclear spin nuclear star nuclear term nuclear time nucleic acid nucleophilic null gravity nullity suit number plate numeric word nyquist plot nail together naked reactor nand function naphta sludge naphthochrome naphtoic acid napierian log narrow patent narrow-meshed native defect natural aging natural latex natural resin natural steel natural stone nautical mile naval fighter naval harbour nebulous knot needle insert needle lifter needle nozzle needle roller needle-shaped negative bias negative film negative glow negative pole negative sign negative wave negative work neighbourhood nematic phase nematic state nephelauxetic neritic areas net reactance net structure neutral field neutral flame neutral layer neutral meson neutral phase neutral plane neutral point neutral relay neutron cycle neutron decay neutron level neutron power neutron shell neutron waves neutron yield neutron-tight ni-tensy iron ni-vee bronze nickel glance nickel silver night fighter nigrotic acid nipper pliers nitrided case nitrification nitroglycerol nitronium ion nitroso group nitryl halide no-delay gate no-load curve no-load relay no-load speed no-slip joint node analysis node of curve nogging piece noise current noise density noise pattern noise spectra noise voltage noisy circuit noisy running nominal pitch nominal power nominal value non-absorbing non-activated non-conductor non-corroding non-effective non-essential non-existance non-flammable non-fluid oil non-inductive non-isotropic non-quantized non-radiative non-saturated non-shrinking non-sine wave non-skid tyre non-slip tyre non-symmetric non-vanishing nonanoic acid nonenoic acid normal output normal spinel normal stress normal thread normalization notched wheel notching tool notcned ingot notcred brick nozzle holder nozzle throat nuclear blast nuclear field nuclear fluid nuclear model nuclear power nuclear radii nuclear shell nuclear state nuclear track nucleoprotein nuclide chart nuclidic mass nudeon number nuisance area null and void null detector nullification numbering die nylon bearing nail-extractor nails together nand operation naphta residue naphtalic acid naphtenic acid native asphalt natural ageing natural cement natural magnet natural number natural parent natural period natural region natural rubber natural stream naval aircraft naval aviation navigation aid neck-down core needle crystal needle scratch negative angle negative image negative meson negative metal negative plate negative slope neon glow lamp nernst theorem nest of sieves nested routine net efficiency net generation net inaccuracy net regression network feeder neutral filter neutral ligand neutralization neutron albedo neutron number neutron optics neutron poison neutronography nickel coating nickel coinage nickel plating nickel sulfide nickel vitriol nicotinic acid niicleogenesis nil visibility nipping pliers nitrated steel nitrating acid nitrided steel nitro-compound nitrocellulose nitroparaffins no-charge call no-go decision no-load nozzle noble-gas atom nodal analysis nodding action noise emission noise immunity noise quieting noise spectrum nominal output nominal rating non-comparable non-conducting non-conformant non-consumable non-corrodible non-deflecting non-enumerable non-expendable non-integrable non-metrisable non-monumented non-patentable non-persistent non-productive non-reflecting non-reversible non-slip tread non-stationary non-tilt mixer nonconjunction nonequivalence normal voltage northern light notching press notching ratio note amplifier note frequency note magnifier novelty report novelty siding nuclear carbon nuclear change nuclear charge nuclear energy nuclear engine nuclear forces nuclear fusion nuclear isobar nuclear isomer nuclear matter nuclear moment nuclear proton nuclear radius nuclear safety nuclear theory nuclear weapon nuclei counter nucleon charge nuisance value null character null-indicator number of page number of yarn numbering head numerical code numerical data n-type impurity nacreous effect naphtalene ring narrow fraction national thread natural channel natural cooling natural damping natural draught natural neutron natural uranium navigation lock needle antimony needle fracture needle scaffold needle vibrator negataive-going negativ booster negative charge negative moment negative number negative proton nematic crystal net correlation network circuit network density network element neutral balance neutral diffuse neutron counter neutron deficit neutron fission neutron heating neutron leakage neutron logging neutron monitor neutron physics neutron shutter neutron spectra neutron-induced neutron-optical new application ni-carb process nickel compound nickel sulphide night blindness nitranilic acid nitrogen ligand nitrosyl halide no-load current noise abatement noise ambiguity noise analyiser noise audiogram noise bandwidth noise enclosure noise generator noise induction noise pollution noise reduction noise stability nominal voltage non-associative non-blind cloth non-caking coal non-circulatory non-commutative non-conformable non-crystalline non-destructive non-dimensional non-directional non-equilibrium non-fluctuating non-homogeneous non-inflammable non-interaction non-linear coil non-looking key non-metal plate non-obviousness non-oscillatory non-radioactive non-retractable non-return flap non-sensitivity non-steady flow non-symmetrical non-synchronous nonexcited atom nonstop service normal polarity normal position normal reaction normal solution normative logic nozzle pressure nuclear attrite nuclear barrier nuclear battery nuclear bindery nuclear density nuclear fission nuclear neutron nuclear physics nuclear process nuclear quality nuclear reactor nuclear science nuclear species nuclear warhead nucleophilicity nucleus counter nuisance patent null instrument numerical scale numerical value nutrient liquid n+1 column adder nameplate rating narrowing cutter nascent hydrogen natural adhesive natural corundum natural currents natural detector natural disaster natural exposure natural features natural material natural plastics navigation canal navigation chart navigation light navigation radar near-sonic speed needle deviation needle indicator needle-point gap negative carrier negative current negative valency nested electrode network analises network of pipes neuroelectricity neutral absorber neutral armature neutral position neutron absorber neutron detector neutron hardness neutron lethargy neutron lifetime neutron producer neutron spectrum newtonian liquid niche-buttressed nictation signal nitrate nitrogen nitric acid salt nitric anhydride nitrogen ambient nitrogen blanket no-delay service no-load friction noise audiometer noise background noise dispersion noise limitation noise resistance noise suppressor noise-cancelling nominal diameter non-ageing steel non-bearing wall non-conservation non-diagram line non-eddying flow non-linear scale non-overflow dam non-return valve non-steady state non-uniform beam non-uniform flow nondurable goods nonlinear region nonyielding arch nonzero sum game norm of a vector normal frequency normal incidence normal vibration normal-law curve north-light roof notched test bar noxious compound nuclear compound nuclear emulsion nuclear magneton nuclear material nuclear particle nuclear reaction nucleonic isobar nugget thickness null information number of claims number of patent numerical coding numerical filter numerical method numerical signal nyquist criteria nailable concrete narrowing knitter national standard natural frequency natural impedance natural pollutant natural resonance natural resources natural satellite natural seasoning natural vibration navigable balloon navigating bridge navigation system necked-down riser needle instrument negative exponent negative eyepiece negative feedback negative limiting negative polarity negative pressure nest of intervals net caloric value net heating value network frequency network of chains neutral absorbent neutral conductor neutron analyiser neutron diffusion neutron generator neutron indicator neutron moderator neutron radiation neutron reflector neutron stripping neutron-activated neutron-bombarded neutron-deficient newspaper make-up nickel dichloride nitration mixture nitride hardening nitriding furnace nitrogen fixation no-fines concrete no-load operation no-pressure resin no-slump concrete nodular cast iron noise elimination noise measurement noise suppression noise temperature nominal frequency nomographic chart non-burning model non-crossing rule non-ferrous alloy non-freezable oil non-linear effect non-linear factor non-linear spring non-linear system non-perfect fluid non-potable water non-rain moisture non-reactive load non-resonant line non-rusting steel non-skid flooring non-uniform field nonlinear shaping nonmagnetic alloy nonredundant code normal conditions normal derivative normal dispersion normal indication normal population normal resistance normalized number notch sensitivity notch-brittleness novelty of design nuclear chemistry nuclear collision nuclear explosion nuclear magnetism nuclear potential nuclear radiation nuclear resonance nuclear shielding nuclear spin echo nuclear stability nuclear structure nuclear submarine nuclear-propelled numerical control numerical example numerically equal nyquist criterion n-terminal network n-tuple experiment naphthalene nuclei narrow fabric loom narrow-band filter narrow-gauge track narrow-narrow gate natural admittance natural conditions natural convection natural gas liquid natural wavelength nautical astronomy naval architecture navigating officer needle annunciator negative allowance negative electrode negative engraving negative hardening negative quenching negative reactance negative stability negative-connected negative-glow lamp network integrator network of patents neumann's function neutral absorption neutral atmosphere neutron activation neutron background neutron moderation neutron population neutron production neutron scattering neutron-flux level neutron-irradiated no-voltage breaker noiseless pavement non-aqueous medium non-black radiator non-bleeding cable non-cutting stroke non-cyclical field non-inductive coil non-inductive load non-infringing use non-linear circuit non-linear control non-luminous flame non-magnetic steel non-ohmic resistor non-reactive power non-rigid plastics non-stoichiometric non-stolen iometry non-uniform motion non-virgin neutron non-viscous liquid non-wetting liquid non-working stroke nonbonding orbital noninductive shunt nonnvariant system nonseparable graph norm of a function normal coordinates normal probability normal running fit normal segregation normed probability northern amplitude note magnification nuclear absorption nuclear attraction nuclear degeneracy nuclear detonation nuclear energetics nuclear propulsion nuclear refraction nuclear relaxation nuclear scattering nuclear transition null-gravity state number system base number-plate light numerical analysis numerical aperture numerical constant numerical notation numerical relation numerical solution n-type conductivity nail-making machine naphthalene nucleus narrow-beam antenna narrow-gate circuit natural attenuation natural bonded sand natural circulation natural environment natural ventilation navigation computer near-end cross-talk necking-down action negative absorption negative distortion negative modulation negative resistance negatives-connected nernst heat theorem network transformer neutral abnormality neutral equilibrium neutral instability neutrino tomography neutron bombardment neutron degradation neutron diffraction neutron irradiation neutron radiography neutron-fissionable newtonian mechanics ni-resist cast iron ninhydripe reaction non-arcing arrester non-arcing arrestor non-circuital field non-congealable oil non-contact copying non-continuous flow non-corrosive steel non-cutting shaping non-dimensionalized non-erasable memory non-freezing liquid non-linear buckling non-linear equation non-phantom circuit non-polar generator non-polarized relay non-registered call non-stationary flow non-uniform circuit non-volatile memory non-zero conditions nonequilibrium site nonlinear acoustics nonlinear variation nonmetallic mineral nonresident portion nonstandard product normal distribution normative prognosis normed linear space not logical element notorious trademark novelties of design nuclear bombardment nuclear constituent nuclear electronics nuclear engineering nuclear interaction nuclear orientation nuclear power plant nuclear temperature nucleophilic attack number divisible by nut-tapping machine n-type semiconductor nand logical element narrow-band absorber narrow-band receiver narrow-gauge railway national advertising natural oscillations natural purification natural radionuclide natural-size drawing navigation satellite negative coefficient negative correlation negative electricity nephelauxetic series nerve-action current neutron spectrometer neutron spectroscopy neutron-age equation neutron-rich isotope newspaper stereotype ninhydrine reactions nitro-sulphuric acid no-cut hole blasting non waste technology non-bonding electron non-contact printing non-degenerate level non-degenerate state non-destructive test non-dimensional time non-dissipative stub non-guarded crossing non-linear amplifier non-linear time base non-linear vibration non-overflow section non-pressure conduit non-pressure welding non-silting velocity non-stationary state non-straining cement non-transition metal non-uniform velocity non-volatile vehicle non-zero probability noncontact recording nonexclusive licence nonexclusive license nonlinear inductance nonlinear regression nonlinear regulation nonnormal population nonproductive labour nonreciprocal effect nonresident patentee normal concentration normal-force diagram normalized functions normalized statistic novelty over the art nuclear energy level nuclear energy plant nuclear fluorescence nuclear magnetometer nuclear polarization nuclear reactor core nuclear substitution nuclear transparency nuclear-powered ship nuclear-shell theory numerical controller numerical evaluation numerical expression numerical prediction naphtolsulphonic acid narrow-band amplifier natural birefringence natural non-linearity natural radioactivity natural waters waters naturally radioactive navigational accuracy needle-point dividers needle-roller bearing negative acceleration negative transmission negative water hammer negative-rake milling neutralized amplifier neutron cross-section neutron monochromator nitroglycerin leakage nitrososulphuric acid nivation-type glacier nodular-graphite iron non-automatic breaker non-bearing structure non-coherent material non-dimensional curve non-equilibrium state non-inductive circuit non-inductive winding non-linear dependence non-linear distortion non-linear resistance non-metallic material non-reversible pallet non-selective diffuse non-splintering glass non-stationary motion nonassignable licence nonassignable license nonconforming article nondestructive marker nonlinear programming normal circular pitch normal-pitch diameter normalized admittance normally-open contact nose-suspension motor notch-impact strength nuclear decomposition nuclear fuel breeding nuclear paramagnetism nuclear phase anomaly nuclear power station nuclear transmutation number of application numerical reliability narrow-beam absorption natural condition test navigation coordinates needle tear resistance neighbourhood of point neon digital indicator neutralizing capacitor neutron diffractometer neutron multiplication neutron thermalization nickel-cadmium battery no-load characteristic noise stability theory noise-level scattering non-compressive engine non-condensing turbine non-contacting pick-up non-directional beacon non-inductive resistor non-lift mixing action non-metallic inclusion non-oscillating system non-patentable novelty non-polarized armature non-recoverable rocket non-retentive material non-reversible control non-reversible process non-selective radiator non-stationary process non-transition element non-uniform combustion noncombustible coating nondestructive reading nondestructive readout nondestructive sensing nonsequential computer nonstandard production nonuniform convergence normal domestic sewage notch-bar bending test nuclear binding energy nuclear disintegration nuclear magnetic probe nuclear polarizability nuclear potential well nuclear reactor period nuclear transformation nuclear-missile weapon nucleophilicity series number-received signal n-fold degenerate level narrow-gauge locomotive negative characteristic negatively-ionized atom neutron instrumentation neutron magnetic moment neutron-induced fission nickel dimethylglyoxime nitro-hydrochloric acid nitrogen case hardening noise-balancing circuit noise-control acoustics non-attended substation non-conducting material non-destructive testing non-dilatational strain non-directional antenna non-linear oscillations non-reactive resistance non-reactive voltampere non-redundant structure non-refuelling duration non-self-operating head nondestuctive measuring nonexecutable statement nonsymbolic information normal addition theorem normal head water level normal-distribution law normally-closed contact nuclear reaction energy nuclear reactor element nuclear resonance level nuclear-fuel processing null-reading instrument nullification of patent numeral-indicating tube numerical triangulation natural drainage channel negative self-regulation neutralized series motor neutron-induced activity nipple-threading machine no operation instruction noise-suppressing device non-adiabatic transition non-consumable electrode non-disclosure agreement non-homogeneous equation non-inductive resistance non-interchangeable fuse nonlinear characteristic normal chordal thickness nuclear repulsion energy nuclear rotational level number of copies printed numerical control system negative-thrust propeller neutralization of current neutron radiative capture neutron-deficient isotope neutron-diffraction study neutron-reflecting mirror nicked-teeth taper reamer non-corresponding control non-dimensional parameter non-linearity of scanning non-sulphur vulcanization nondestructive inspection nonsteady characteristics normal circular thickness normal-polarity electrode nuclear-power engineering nuclear-radiation counter numbers of copies printed numerical control machine numerical differentiation narrow-angle light fitting natural-frequency response naturally-aspirated engine neutron-proton interaction non-directional microphone non-interacting conditions non-interacting regulation non-negativities of values non-reflection attenuation nondestructive examination normal magnetization curve nuclear magnetic alignment nuclear magnetic alinement nuclear particle detection nuclear radiation detector numerical-graphical method nappe-shaped-spillway crest negative feedback amplifier neutralization of reactance noise-reduction coefficient non-condensing steam engine non-linearities of scanning non-metallic sheathed cable non-stoichiometric compound non-stoichiometric impurity nuclear attraction integral nucleon-nucleon interaction network of compass traverses neutron-diffraction analysis neutron-electron interaction non-linear distortion factor non-positional number system non-return-to-zero recording nonsquare-hysteresisevt loop nonsymmetric autooscillation nuclear energy-level density nuclear photoelectric effect nuclear-interaction operator number representation system narrow-angle lighting fitting natural attenuation frequency naturally-radioactive nuclide negative-moment reinforcement neutron diffraction apparatus neutron-diffraction technique noise transmission impairment non-excited synchronous motor non-self maintained discharge numerical positioning control near-end crosstalk attenuation negative-conductance amplifier network with insulated neutral neutron of intermediate energy non-stoichiometric measurement not completely reversed stress numerical reliability analysis numerically controlled machine natural-radioactivity background non-planar four-terminal network neutron-diffraction investigation non-destructive of testing method nuclear magnetic resonance spectra nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
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