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📗 Tермини започващи с буквата O в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата O

off oil one orb ore ort out own oast odds ogee oily omal onyx ooze oozy opal open oven ovum oakum ocean octal offal ogive ohmer oiled oiler oleic olein orbit order oriel osein osmic ottar outgo overs ovoid owner oxime o ring object oblate oblong obtuse occult octane octant octave octode offing offset ogival ohmage oiling olefin oliver on-off onflow onrush oolite opaque opener oppose optics optron orange ornate orogen osmium outage outgas outlay outlet output ox-eye oxalic oxamid ozoban obelisk oblique obviate octuple odd-odd odorant oersted off gas oil box oil can oil cup oil dag oil gas oil gun oil pad oil pan oil pot oil tar oil way oil-tan olefine olivine on time on-line on-load on-site one-way oolitic opacity opaline opalite opening openpit operand operate opposed optical optimal optimum options or gate orbital orbiter ordered ore bed ore bin ore box orepass organic orifice orthene osmosis osmotic osseous outfall outfeed outflow outlier outline outlook outmost outshot outside outward outwash outwork outworn overall overarm overdry overlap overlay overman overrun overtop oviform oxalate oxazole oxidant oxidase oxidate oxidize oximide oxo ion oxosalt oxy-jon ozonide ozonize oak wood obsidian obsolete obstacle obstruct obturate odd face odd mass odd test odd work odd-even odograph odometer off size off-duty off-hand off-line off-load off-peak off-stop off-take off-time off-tune offshoot ohmmeter oil bath oil boom oil coke oil dish oil dope oil duct oil feed oil film oil fuel oil fuse oil gear oil hole oil lead oil pipe oil plug oil pool oil pump oil ring oil sand oil seal oil ship oil tank oil trap oil tray oil tube oil well oiliness oilproof oiltight ointment olefiant olefinic oligomer omission on a par one-atom one-body one-coat one-pass open air open arc open car open cut open jet open use open web opencast openwork operated operator opposite optional ordering ordinary ore body ore lift ore mill ore rock ore vein oriented orienter orthicon orthogon ortstein out gate out-crop outboard outbowed outbreak outburst outhouse outreach outspent outweigh oven-dry over cut overarch overbank overcast overcure overdoor overdose overdraw overfall overfeed overfire overflow overflux overfold overhand overhang overhaul overhead overheat overload overpass overrule overshot oversize overstep overtime overturn overwind overwork oxidizer oxo-acid oxyamide oxyanion oxygonal ozonizer objection objective obliquity obturator occlusion occupancy occurence octagonal odd pitch odourless off-gauge off-grade off-tuned offending offspring ogee arch ogee roof oil blast oil brake oil crust oil drain oil forge oil guard oil motor oil paint oil scoop oil shale oil stain oil still oil stock oil stone oil wedge oil wiper oil-cloth oil-fired oil-paper oiled ore oleoresin oligonite olivenite omegatron on second on-period ondograph one state one-layer one-phase one-piece one-sided one-track onsetting opacifier opal lamp open code open face open fire open knob open loop open pass open pipe open sand open seam open slot open weld open-side operating operation optimeter optimizer optophone optronics oral bulb order set ore assay ore bloom ore field ore locus ore shoot ore slime ore stock ore-chute ores-body organogel organosol originate ornithine orpigment osmometer outer gap outfacing outgrowth outrigger outskirts oval file oval head oven coke oven test overcloak overcloud overcount overdrive overfault overglaze overladen overprime overrated overshoot overspray overstock overstory overswing overtared overwrite oxamidine oxidation oxidative oxo anion oxo group oxycation oxygenate oxyhalide oxyliquit ozokerite oast house oat huller observable observably observance oceanology octahedral octahedron octal base octodecimo odd number odd parity odd-charge off-centre off-design off-ground off-period offset cam offset ink offset rod ogee crest ohmic load ohv engine oil baffle oil buffer oil collar oil colour oil cooler oil damper oil engine oil feeder oil filler oil filter oil groove oil header oil holder oil rubber oil screen oil switch oil system oil travel oil-cooled oil-heated oil-sealed oleaginous oleic acid olein soap oligoclase olsen test ombrograph ombrometer on the run on-the-air oncost man oncost men one output one signal one-to-one one-valued opal glass opalescent opaqueness open chain open cycle open frame open inlet open jetty open joint open motor open riser open route open scale open space open steel open stope open-front open-sided opening-up order code ore column ore pocket ores-assay ores-chute ores-field originator orlop deck ornamental orogenesis orthoclase orthogonal orthoscope orthostyle oscillator osculating osmic acid out-to-out outbalance outer grid outer load outer main outgassing outleakage outlet box outlet cam output gap outscriber oven aging oven-dried over-speed overbaking overbridge overburden overcharge overcuring overdesign overdosage overdriven overground overriding overstrain overstress overthrust overtravel overweight oxide film oxide skin oxidizable oxo cation oxo halide o-ring seal object code object deck object line object time obscure ray observation obstruction obviousness occultation oceaneering octahedrite ocular lens odd integer odd isotope odd-toothed odontometer offset axis offset beam offset bend offset tool oil asphalt oil bodying oil breaker oil catcher oil chamber oil channel oil cleaner oil conduit oil cooling oil damping oil deposit oil derrick oil dip rod oil ejector oil feeding oil filling oil furnace oil geology oil horizon oil leather oil macadam oil mixture oil passage oil pick-up oil pointer oil product oil scraper oil starter oil stinger oil thrower oil varnish oil-bearing oil-burning oil-carrier oil-drowned oil-soluble oiling ring oiling wick oligomerize on the move on the spot on-position one-address one-off job one-storied opacization opalescence opaque body opaque copy open bridge open bubble open curing open piston open system open vessel open washer open wiring opening bit operational optimalizer or function orange heat ore bearing ore chimney ore crusher ore cushion ore deposit ore horizon ore mineral ore outline ore packing ore reserve ore scraper organogenic organolites origination ornate form ornithopter orthocentre orthonormal oscillating oscillation oscillatory oscillotron otto engine out of gear out of true out-of-date out-of-line out-of-mesh out-of-size out-of-spec out-of-step out-of-work outage time outbuilding outdoor use outer cover outer racer outer shell outer slide outer space outer tower outlet edge outlet pipe outlet tube outlet work outline map output area output data output file output link output tube output unit outside man outside men oval shears ovalization oven ageing over heater over length overbalance overcoating overcooling overcurrent overcutting overdriving overhanging overhearing overheating overlapping overloading overmeasure overranging overstretch overtension overtopping overvoltage oxalic acid oxide layer oxonium ion oxovanadium oxychloride oxycoal gas oxyfluoride oxygen bomb oxygenation oxyhydrogen oxysulphide ozonization oak panelled object glass oblique arch oblique face oblique wave obsolescence obtuse angle occluded gas occupational octane level octane value octynic acid odd function odd harmonic odd multiple odd-electron off the reel off-analysis off-diagonal off-grounded off-position offal timber offer signal ohmic losses oil atomizer oil breaking oil emulsion oil fraction oil purifier oil receiver oil recovery oil refinery oil refining oil strainer oil thinning oil-extended oil-jacketed oil-tank car oiling chart oleoresinous oleum spirit on-off relay on-off valve on-site test one-off shop one-velocity one-way slab ooze leather open bearing open burning open cathode open channel open circuit open conduit open contact open cornice open cutting open forging open furnace open polygon open spacing open surface open-grained opening time optical axis optical code optical flux optical mark optical slit optimization optimum code optimum test order number order to buy ordinary ray ore cleaning ore dressing ore in place ore in stock ore in-sight ore minerasl ore puddling ore smelting ores-bearing organic acid organic base organic bond organic soil organogenous organoleptic organophilic organosodium oriel window orifice land orifice tank ortho-isomer orthokinetic orthorhombic osciilometry oscilloscope out dialling out of level out-of-focus out-of-order out-of-phase out-of-plumb out-of-round out-of-shape outdoor unit outer effect outer normal outer planet outer screen outer sphere outlet angle outlet ditch outlet sewer outlet valve outlet water output block output choke output curve output delay output error output level output meter output metre output power output pulse output shaft output speed output stage outside cone outsqueezing outwash area oval calotte oval cathode oven battery over-tighten overall cost overall gain overall size overbreaking overclaiming overcoppered overcoupling overcrossing overexposure overflooding overflow lip overflow tap overgrinding overhead bin overlap area overpressure oversaturate overshooting overstrained overstressed oxidized cap oxo-compound oxyacetylene oxycellulose oxygen lance oxyhydroxide oxyl process oxyquinoline ozonised air object-finder oblique angle oblique anode oblique joint observability obtuse-angled ocean current octane number octane rating octanoic acid octenoic acid octet formula odd-a isotope of ample size off the shelf off-peak hour off-peak load official test offset camses offset wrench oil capacitor oil clarifier oil contactor oil container oil deflector oil dip stick oil dip stuck oil extractor oil gauge rod oil geologist oil hardening oil insulator oil pollution oil pump gear oil quenching oil rectifier oil reservoir oil seasoning oil separator oil stability oil stripping oil sump tank oil tempering oil-drip ring oil-insoluble oil-resisting old territory olefinic acid olefinic bond oleophobicity omnibus claim on the square on transistor on-off action on-off keying on-off switch on-site plant one-component one-pass weld one-time fuse one-time rate one-way board one-way slope opacity meter opacity metre opaque enamel opaque medium open district open drainage open position open riveting open spillway open traverse open universe open-end hole open-textured opening speed operating age operating air operating key operating rod operating run operating set operator desk operator hour opposed force opposite-flow optical angle optical cable optical fibre optical glass optical image optical maser optical power optical range optical waves optimum value optional word orbital radii orchard house order backlog ordered alloy ordered state ordering bias ordinary bond ore injection ore-surge bin organic glass organic slime organosilicon orifice plate original copy ornamentation orthocompound orthogonalize orthosilicate oscillography oudin current out of square out-of-centre out-of-repair outdoor aging outer bearing outer coating outer product outfall sewer outgoing call outlet branch outlet camses outlet tubing outlying data output buffer output device output energy output factor output filter output rating output signal output symbol output triode outside cable outside radii over-flow bin overburdening overdue train overexpansion overflow gate overflow pipe overflow tube overhang beam overhaul life overhaul shop overhead line overhead weld overhead worm overheat road overlap angle overlap joint overlap ratio overload test overload trip overlying bed overpotential overquenching oversensitive oversensitize oversize hole oversize part overtime work owerflow weir oxanilic acid oxide cathode oxide coating oxide replica oxidizability oxygen bottle oxygen ligand oxyhemoglobin oxypolymerize objective lens oblique bridge oblique impact oblique stress oblique-angled oblique-bedded obscured glass observed value occluded front occupied level occupied state ocean disposal odd-form compo off-axis angle off-on control off-shore dock offset machine offset of axes offset scriber offset section offset voltage ohmic coupling oil conversion oil dipper rod oil dispersion oil distillate oil eliminator oil floatation oil insulation oil processing oil reclaiming oil refinement oil resistance oil sweetening oil-catch ring oil-drain cock oil-drain plug oil-hole drill oil-hole screw oil-tank truck olympic bronze on-line system on-off control on-off service one-panel dook one-part resin one-way pallet one-way street one-way switch opaque barrier open a circuit open numbering open programme open structure open tolerance open wire fuse open-cell foam open-flame arc open-grain pig open-pit bench opening bridge opening stroke openwork tower operating coil operating deck operating duty operating gear operating head operating life operating load operating mode operating ring operating room operating time operating unit operating wave operation card operation code operation knob operation life operation mode operation rule opposing coils opposite angle opposite phase optical binary optical branch optical bridge optical filter optical homing optical isomer optical medium optical mirror optical ranger optical reader optical series optical switch optical system optimal filter optimum coding optimum system optional route orange peeling orbit approach orbit attitude orbit coupling orbit electron orbital flight orbital hybrid orbital radius orbiting space order quantity ordinal number ordnance steel ore floatation organic binder organic matter organometallic oriented curve orificed anode original plate orographic map orthochromatic orthonormalize orthophosphate oscillographic out of control out-of-balance out-of-service outboard motor outdoor ageing outer diameter outermost cage outlet conduit outlet diagram outlet diffuse outline sketch output cascade output channel output circuit output current output element output monitor output pentode output process output routine output stacker output voltage output winding outside chaser outside circle outside radius outward mining overall height overall length overall losses overdetermined overestimation overexcitation overflow error overflow level overflow meter overflow metre overflow valve overhaul costs overhaul stand overhead cable overhead costs overhead crane overhead valve overhung crank overhung motor overhung shaft overhung winch overirrigation overload level overload meter overload metre overload relay overlow record overmodulation overnight trip oversaturation oversize compo overslung worm oxidation film oxidation heat oxidation zone oxide catalyst oxygen ambient oxygen carrier oxygen cutting oxyphenic acid object distance object function object language objected patent oblique bedding oblique landing oblique section oblique setting obtain a patent obtuse triangle odd permutation odd-pitch screw odd-shaped part off-centre stop off-line memory office building offset eyepiece offset moulding offset printing oil gauge stick oil gauge stuck oil lubrication oil supply tank oil transformer oil-cell bottom oil-depth gauge oil-engined bus oil-gauge glass oil-impregnated oil-piston ring oil-pump screen oilless bearing olefinic carbon oligomerization on-line control on-line storage on-machine unit on-pad accident one-digit adder one-dimensional one-half period one-hour rating one-loop system one-phase relay one-strand rope one-way circuit one-way traffic one-wheel buggy ones complement opaque original open excavation open subroutine open-air drying open-belt drive open-butt joint open-circuiting open-cut method open-end method open-end wrench open-jaw wrench open-pit bottom open-pit method opencast mining opening of mine operating angle operating board operating compo operating costs operating cycle operating lever operating ratio operating speed operating state operating valve operator method oppose a patent opposed milling opposite forces opti-feed drive optical ammeter optical density optical pointer optical reading optical scanner optical spectra optimum control optimum process optoelectronics opuses incertum orbital vehicle order of values ordnance survey organ timbering organic acidity organic coating organic remains organoaluminium organoberyllium organomagnesium oriented flight oriented nuclei orienting group original ground original weight orsat apparatus oscillating bar oscillating cam oscillator tube osmotic balance out-of-position outboard engine outcropping bed outdoor antenna outer electrode outflow opening outlet manifold outlet pressure outlet triangle outlet velocity outline drawing output function output language output refining output sequence output terminal output variable outside antenna outstanding lot outward forcing oval-head rivet oval-head screw over-regulation over-sanded mix overall control overconsumption overdevelopment overdischarging overdrive ratio overfeed firing overfeed stoker overflow alarms overflow trough overflow vessel overgrate blast overhault cable overhead mining overhead naphta overhead system overhead vapour overhead-driven overheated weld overhung spring overlap welding overload clutch overshoot ratio oversize factor oversynchrdnous oxalacetic acid oxalato complex oxidation state oxidation-proof oxide inclusion oxidizing agent oxobutyric acid oxomalonic acid oxydizing flame oxygen cylinder object programme oblique longwall oblique triangle observation base observation data observation desk observation dook observation hole observation port observation stop obtain a licence occasional table occupational air ocean monitoring octadecylic acid odd-parity error off-line control off-line storage off-machine unit off-peak heating offset electrode oil accumulation oil gasification oil-drain period oil-drowned gear oil-electric car oil-ring bearing oil-thrower ring oil-volume relay oil-well blowing oiled-earth road omission of beds on a crash basis on a large scale on-hand quantity on-line terminal on-off regulator on-the-road test oncoming traffic one-address code one-bite etching one-column adder one-port network one-turn winding one-way movement opalescent glass open arc welding open river stage open-air theatre open-die forging open-hearth iron open-loop system open-phase relay open-side planer open-top trailer opening capacity opening strength operating height operating repair operating stress operating system operation layout operation number operationability operational data operative patent opposing traffic optical activity optical antipode optical constant optical racemate optical rotation optical scanning optical spectrum optically active optimum bunching optimum decision optimum planning optimum solution orange peel grab orange-peel edge orbital altitude orbital approach orbital coupling orbital electron order of radical order statistics ordered estimate ordinal relation ordinal response ordinary milling ore benefication ore intersection organic analysis organic compound orientation hole orographical map ortho-boric acid ortive amplitude oscillating axle oscillating beam oscillating flow oscillating link oscillating load oscillation loop oscillator drift oscillator plate oscillatory load osculating plane osmotic pressure out-core problem out-of-operation out-of-pile loop outboard bearing outboard exciter outborne bearing outdoor exposure outdoor lighting outgoing circuit outlet connexion output amplifier output amplitude output electrode output equipment output impedance output operation output regulator output resonator outside diameter overall estimate overall reaction overchanging arm overdrive factor overfall erosion overflow chamber overflow section overhang of arch overhanging beam overhanging roll overhead circuit overhead cistern overhead product overheat control overheated steel overhung bearing overhung support overlap integral overlapping seam overload breaker overload release overrunning stop overshoot period oversize product overspeed device overtaking meter overtaking metre overthrust plane overturning load overturning skip oxidation fusion oxidation number oxy-hydric torch oxygen analyiser oxygen apparatus object of control oblique circuitry oblique incidence observation angle observation board observation coach observation tower observatory clock obstruction light occupation number occupational risk octahedral hybrid odd-charge nuclei of low solubility off-centre dipole off-the-road tyre offensive grenade offer a challenge office facilities oil-fired furnace oil-quenched fuse oil-retaining rim oil-spill control oldham's coupling omnirange azimuth on-board guidance on-line equipment on-line operation on-off controller one-electron atom one-layer winding one-part adhesive one-piece pattern one-stage missile one-stone grading one-to-zero ratio one-way amplifier open hollow rivet open sand casting open star cluster open-circuit line open-circuit loss open-hearth steel open-loop control open-stope method operataional unit operated by steam operating contact operating current operating diagram operating economy operating licence operating license operating routine operating station operating storage operating voltage operation factors operation overlap operation profile operational cycle operational phase operational stage opposing reaction opposite vertices opposition duplex opposition method optical amplifier optical beam flux optical inversion optical magnifier optical recording optical resonance optical telegraph optical telescope optical wavemeter optimum operation optimum statistic optional sampling orbital splitting orbital stability order of accuracy order of equation order-record card ordered structure ordinary concrete ordinary-lay rope organic chemistry organic developer organic synthesis orifice discharge original equation original negative original solution orthoflow process orthogonal matrix orthosilicic acid oscillating field oscillating meter oscillating metre oscillation state oscillator triode oscillograph tube osculating circle out of proportion out-of-adjustment outer dead centre outer normal line outgoing junction outlet bell-mouth outlet connection output resistance outside callipers outstanding point outward amplitude outwards cambered oval-linked chain over-year storage overall dimension overall stability overall thickness overburden amount overburden bridge overcurrent class overcurrent relay overfall spillway overflow spillway overflowing nappe overhead cableway overhead conveyer overhead conveyor overhead crossing overhead position overhead shafting overlapping joint overlay programme overload breakage overload capacity oversquare engine oversteepened bed overtravel switch overvoltage relay oxalic acid dimer oxidative melting oxygen absorption oxypolymerization oblique projection observational data obstacle detection obstructive patent occasive amplitude occupational level oceanographic ship octahedral complex odd-charge nucleus off-line equipment off-line operation off-the-job course off-the-road truck offset lithography ogival-shaped body oil shock absorber oil-electric drive oil-pressure gauge oil-pressure mains oil-pressure relay oil-producing area oil-reservoir rock oil-retaining ring oil-running clutch old quantum theory on-line processing on-off measurement one particle level one-cylinder motor one-end substation one-off-time ratio one-piece flywheel one-port amplifier oneicentre orbital ontological method open grate surface open tubular rivet open-air operation open-ended control opening die holder operating engineer operating position operating pressure operating schedule operating variable optical absorption optical alignments optical anisotropy optical comparator optical dispersion optical distortion optical indicatrix optical instrument optical microscope optical properties optical resistance optical theodolite optical viewfinder optimization model optimum conditions optional equipment or logical element orange-peel bucket orbital degeneracy orbital laboratory orbital population orbital rendezvous orbital trajectory ore-dressing plant organization chart orientation effect origin coordinates original navigable orm milling cutter orographic tinting orthogam amplifier orthogonal process oscillating beacon oscillating camses oscillating dipole oscillating mirror oscillating motion oscillating regime oscillating screen oscillating series oscillatory system oscillograph trace osciloscope camera out-of-phase compo out-rapid traverse outdoor substation outdoor-type plant outer-space flight outflow resistance outlet temperature output capacitance output conductance output information output power meter output power metre output transformer outrigger scaffold ovefpotential test overall efficiency overall supervisor overannealed steel overburden removal overdamped circuit overflow discharge overflow indicator overflow of rivers overgrade crossing overhanging length overhead conductor overhead electrode overhead traveller overheat protector overidentification overlaying welding overload indicator overload safeguard overrunning clutch oversailing course overtone frequency overturning moment overwind clearance own-accord crusher oxidative addition oxidizing reaction oxy-coal-gas flame oxychloride cement oxyhydrogene flame object of reserarch oblique coordinates observable quantity observable variable observation circuit observation opening observation station observing telescope obsolescent product obtainable accuracy occupational hazard ocean-going tugboat octahedral compound octahedral symmetry off-centered dipole off-line processing offending trademark oil-electric engine oil-gun lubrication oil-hardening steel oil-jacketed kettle oil-minimum breaker oil-quenching steel on-line programming on-off servo-system on-the-job training once differentiable one-course pavement one-stage amplifier open-hearth furnace open-hearth process open-wire pole line open-work reflector operating equipment operating frequency operating parameter operating personnel operation indicator operational failure operations analises operator's position oppose applications opposite in sign to opposition in phase optical acquisition optical compensator optical measurement optical sound track optical thermometer optimality criteria optimalizing system optimum programming optimum reliability orbital compartment orbital contraction ordered orientation ordinary tool steel ordnance ammunition ordovician ordinate ore-forming process organic chromophore orientation of film orifice coefficient origin of inversion oscillating crystal oscillating current oscillating process oscillation pick-up oscillatory circuit oscillatory current oscillograph record out-of-balance load out-to-out distance outdoor advertising outdoor temperature outside measurement oval-turning device over-current factor overall performance overall weldability overburden spreader overcast conditions overcurrent release overhead distillate overlapping patents overlapping spectra overload protection overnight shut-down oversensibilization overshot distortion overspeed governing overspeed regulator overturnable hopper overvoltage release oxidation reduction oxide-film arrester oxide-film arrestor oxy-acetylene flame oxygen-blast cupola objectionable defect objective photometer observation aircraft observation equation occupational disease oceanographic vessel octahedral structure odd-parity check bit off-line programming off-standard product off-the-job training oil-bath lubrication oil-controlled valve oil-cooled generator oil-distributing box oil-quenched cut-out oil-regulating valve oleoresinous varnish omnibearing selector on-board electronics one-beam accelerator one-component system one-parameter family one-piece crankshaft one-switch connexion open circuit battery open-circuit current open-circuit voltage operating conditions operating efficiency operation deficiency operational calculus operational capacity operational sequence optical angle tester optical luminescence optical maser action optical spectroscopy optical transmission optimality criterion optimalizing control optimum rate problem ore dilution control organoboron compound original application orthoforming process orthogonal functions orthoscopic eyepiece oscilations build-up oscillating conveyer oscillating conveyor oscillating klystron oscillating movement oscillating quantity oscillation absorber outdoor broadcasting outer electron shell outer-shell electron outer-sphere complex outlet cross-section outside broadcasting outward-flow turbine over-and-under relay overbiased amplifier overburden stripping overburden thickness overdriven amplifier overhang of spillway overlapping multiple overload level power overspeed limitation oxidation resistance oxidative atmosphere oxygen-atom exchange object identification object module library obliquity of ecliptic occupation efficiency occupational exposure offset grinding wheel oil-reclaiming system one-switch connection open-and-shut control open-circuit grinding open-core transformer open-phase protection opening of discission operating convenience operating instruction operating measurement operating temperature operational amplifier operational behaviour operational readiness operative weldability optical amplification optical magnification optical mixing action optical monochromator optimal automatically orbital diamagnetisms orbital space station origin of coordinates ortho-phosphoric acid orthogonal projection orthogonal trajectory orthometric elevation oscillating separator oscillation amplitude oscillation condition oscillation frequency oscillatory discharge over-power protection overall amplification overall heating value overbalanced hoisting overhaul expenditures overhead contact line overhead contact rail overhead expenditures overhead storage tank overhead-valve engine overtemperature relay oxidation destruction oxidation measurement oxy-acetylene welding oxygen-enriched blast oblique parallelepiped observed radio bearing obtuse-angled triangle occupational radiation off-position interlock oil-burning locomotive on-off contrrol system on-one-level selection one-kick multivibrator one-line communication one-one transformation one-shot multivibrator one-way classification open-circuit indicator open-cycle gas turbine operating expenditures operational capability operational efficiency operational inspection optical interferometer optical multiplication optical reading device optical sound recorder orbital quantum number ore-dressing treatment original concentration original triangulation orographical colouring oscillation generation out-of-balance current outer macroinstruction overall characteristic overall contrast ratio overinterrogation gate overshot rotary feeder overtravellimit switch oxy-acetylene blowpipe oxy-benz cutting torch oxygen-blown converter oxygen-blown convertor oblique-angled triangle observational astronomy octahedral coordination octahedral substitution octave band-pass filter off-centre plan display oil-vessel galvanometer omnidirectional antenna one-dimensional circuit one-dimensional display one-quadrant multiplier one-quantum anihilation open-channel hydraulics open-circuit signalling operating process chart operational environment operationally available opposed cylinder engine optical maser altimeter optical maser amplifier optical radar altimeter optical sensibilisation optimalizing controller ore reverse calculation organoleptic inspection organometallic compound orthographic projection oscillation transformer oscillatory instability outline of scanned area over-current protection over-voltage protection overlook sewing machine overtopping of spillway objection an application of particle at rest mass on-line circuit analysis open-and-shut controller open-shell configuration operating superintendent opposed-rotation turbine optical sound reproducer optical thread callipers optical tuning indicator optimum blending problem optimum detecting filter optoelectronic amplifier optoelectronic converter optoelectronic convertor orbital angular momentum organizational subsystem organoaluminium compound organoberyllium compound out-of-gear falling worm outer-sphere measurement overall line attenuation overhead monorail system overhung-type alternator objection by an applicant octave-band amplification oil-pressure relief valve one-side printing machine operating characteristics operational effectiveness optical radome absorption optimum working frequency orientation system engine oscillatiory displacement out-of-works-hours course over-frequency protection overflow-type distributor overhead position welding oxygasoline cutting torch obtain a patent protection on-the-machine programming once-per-revolution signal opposed patent application optimization of parameters orbital station assembling output sampling controller outside screw-cutting tool overload-prevention device oxidation-inhibited grease oxygen-combustible balance off-the-machine programming oil pressure indicator lamp omnidirectional transmitter one-step pressure regulator open-circuit characteristic optical rotatory dispersion optoelectronics reading aid organic electrolyte battery objective lens automatically oblique pillow-block bearing outside micrometer callipers oblique plummer-block bearing odd-symmetrical non-linearity one-particle spectral density oscillating voltage regulator oxidation-reduction potential open-air hydroelectric station open-circuit output admittance order of differential equation ordinary differential equation orbit telemetry control antenna o-sect ion four-terminal network output power-tuning characteristic objective with variable focal length objectives with variable focal length one-head automatic arc-welding machine
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