За поръчка над 40 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти

За поръчка над 60 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти и БЕЗПЛАТНА ДОСТАВКА ДО ОФИС НА КУРИЕР

📗 Tермини започващи с буквата P в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата P

pad pan pap par pat pay peg pen pig pin pip pit ply pop pot pry pug put pyx pack page pair pale pall palm pane pare pass pate path pave pawl peak peck peen pelt phon phot pica pick pico pied pier pike pile pill pine pink pint pion pipe pirn pise plan plat play plot plow plug plum pond pony pool pore port post pour pram prit prod prop puck puff pull pulp pure purl push paint panel parge parol party pasty patch patio pause paved peaky pearl peaty peavy pedal penta perch phase phial phone photo piece piled piler pilot pinch piped piper pique pitch pivot place plaid plain plank plant plate platy pleat plumb poach point poise polar poly- poppy potch pouch pound power press price prick prill prime print prior privy prize probe prong proof prove prune pulse punch purge putty pygmy pyrex p-salt pacing packed packer paddle palace pallet parcel parent parget parpen parrel parsec pastry patchy patera patina patrix patten paulin pavage paying peaked peaker pearly pebble pebbly pecker pectic pectin peeler pelite pellet pencil pentyl pepsin perish permit perron pestle petrol pewter phased phenol phenyl phonic phonon photic photon picked picker picket pickle picral picric pierce piling pillar pillow pimple pinion pintle pipage piping piracy pistol piston pitchy pitman placer planar plasma platen pleiad plenum plinth plough plunge pocket podium poised poison police poling polish pommel pontil poplin poppet popple porous portal porter potash potent potter pounce powder prefab prefix premix preset primer profit prompt propel propyl proved proxan public pucker puddle puffer puking puller pulley pulper pulsar pulsed pulser pumice punner pupper purfle purger purine purity purlin pusher put in put on pyrene p sweep pabulum package packing padding padlock painted painter pairing pakfong paktong palling panning pantile panting paraben parared parasol parging parking parquet parting passage passing passive pasting patched pathway pattern patting paucity pay bed pay ore pay out payable payment peacoke peaking pebbled pectase peeling peening peg pin pegging pelitic penalty pendant pending pentane pentene pentine pentode pentose peptase peptide peptone peracid percent perfect perform pergola peridot perigee perigon perlite perluxe permian permute perspex perturb petcock petinet phantom phasing phlorol phoneme photran phtalic physics pick ax pick-up picking picture piercer piezoid pig tin pigging pigment pigtail pile up pillion pinacol pincers pincher pinking pinning pinnule pipette pipeway pit car pit gas pit run pit top pitched pitcher pivalyl pivotal pivoted placing plaited planing planish plasmon plaster plateau plating pleater pliable plug up plug-in plugger plumber plummet plunger pointed pointer polling polyene polygon polymer polyose pondage pontoon popping porocel portico portion posting pot gas potcher potelot pothead pothole pottery potting poundel pounder pouring powdery powered precast precise precoat precook preform preheat preload prepare prepreg pricing pricker primary priming printer probing problem procain process produce product profile progeny program project prolate pronate propane propene propfan propine propjet propyne prorate protect proteic protein protium protore provide proviso pull on pull up pulling pulpify pulsate pulsing pump up pumpage pumping punched puncher punning purging purpose pushing put out pyrazol pyrites pack ice packaged packless pad weld padstone palisade palladic palmette palmitin pampress pan mill pan soil pan stop panelled parachor paradrom paraffin parapack parasite parastat parazone parchmyn paroline paroxysm part off particle passband patching patented patentee patulous pavement pay dirt pay load pear oil pearlite peat bed peat bog peat tar pebbling peculiar pedestal pediment pedology peen pin peephole pegmatic pelleter pellucid pendular pennsalt penozone penstock pentagon penumbra peptizer per hour per unit perilune periodic permeate permitol peroxide perthite pertinax pervious petrohol pharmacy phase-in phenacyl phenetyl phenolic phlorone phosgene phosphor photonic phreatic phtalate phtalein phycitol phyllite physical pi meson pick axe pick out pick-off pickling picks up picoline picramic pig iron pig lead pigstyed pilaster pile cap piles up pilework piloting pimpling pin gate pin gear pin hole pin jack pin stud pinacoid pinacone pinboard pincette pinching pine oil pink ash pinnacle pipe man pipe men pipe run pipe tap pisolite pit bank pit boss pit cage pit coal pit kiln pit prop pit rope pit wood pitching pivalone plancher planking planning plastics plastify plastula platband plateaux platform platinic playback plotting plug key plugging plugs up plumbago plumbane plumbate plumbite plumbous ply wood ply yarn pocketed pockhole pointing polarize polaroid pole guy pole tip poleshoe polished polisher pollopas polonium polyacid polybase polynome polysalt polytope pony cut poor gas poriness porosity porphine porphyry portable positron pot lead pot life pot mill potstone powdered powerful powering practice praemium precinct preimage preserve pressman prestore primeval printing probable producer profiler progress promoter proofing propenal propenol property propping prospect prostyle protract protrude province proximal prunella psammite ptomaine puddling pull box pull off pull rod pulls up pulsator pump cup pump out pump rod pumpback pumproom puncheon punching puncture purchase purifier push car push rod puzzolan pyridlne pyriform pyroacid pyrostat pyroxene p control p display pacemaker packaging paint-out paleocene paleogene paleolith palladous palletize pan mixer panel box panel-saw panelling papaverin paperback papertape parabolic parachute paraffine paralysis parbuckle parchment parchmoid pargeting parhelion parkerize parochial part flow part-list part-time partition partitive pass into patchcord patenting path flow patterned pay limit peak hour peak load pearl ash pearlitic peat coke peat soil pectolite pedal pad peel test pegmatite pelletize pencilled pendulant pendulate pendulous penetrant penetrate pent roof pentatron pentoxide peptidase percolate perennial perfector perforate perhalate perhydrol periclase perimeter period on periodide periphery periptere periptery peristyle perma nut permalloy permanent permeable permeance permendur perminvar permutite persistor pervasion perveance petrified petroleum petrology petticoat phanotron phase lag phase-out phasitron phasotron phenacite phenazine phenazone phenolate phenomena phenoquin phenylate phenylene pherietol phonation phonofilm phonogram phosphate phosphide phosphine photistor photocell photocopy photolyte photomuon photostat phototube phototype physicist piece out pier head pig metal pig mould piggyback pile bent pile pier pilot bar pilot bit pilot die pilot jet pilot run pilot tap pilotless pin clamp pin drill pin joint pin tongs pin tooth pin valve pin wheel pinacolic pinch bar pinch fit pinch nut pinchbeck pine wood pinholing pipe bend pipe clay pipe clip pipe coil pipe dies pipe grip pipe head pipe hook pipe jack pipe line pipe mill pipe nail pipe plug pipe ring pipe roll pipe vice pipe vise pipe work pit's eye pitch arc pivot arm pivotless placement placering plain fit plan area plane off planished plasterer plastisol plastomer plate cam plate jib plate jig plate-out platinate platinite platinize platinous pleonaste plot data ploughing plug fuse plug hole plug weld plug-type plugboard plumb bob plumbicon ply metal ply steel ply twist pointsman poisoning poisonous polar air polarized polarizer pole face pole hook pole horn pole span pole spur polishing pollutant pollution polyamide polybasic polyblend polydiene polyester polyfibre polygonal polymeric polymorph polyoxide polyphase polyplast polyprene polyspast polystyle polythene polyvinyl ponderous pony axle pool area poor weld pop rivet porcupine pore size porphyrin port-hole post-cure postulate pot steel pot still pour test powdering power car power cut power dam power law power oil practical preageing precision predesign predicate preferred preheater premature prescribe prestress pretuning preventer primitive principal principle prior art prior use procedure procuring producing profiling prognosis programme projector prominent promotion prong die prong key proof bar prop stay propagate propanone propargyl propeller propenoic propiolic propionic propylene proration protargin protected protector prototype proustite prove-out provision proximate proximity prussiate publicity puckering pull back pull down pull ring pull rope pull side pullscoop pulp pump pulp wood pulsation pulsatory pulsatron pulverize pulverous pumecrete pump duty pump main pump slip pump work pumpcrete pure surd pure tone push-pull pyramidal pyramidon pyridoxin pyrolysis pyrolytic pyrometer pyrometry pyrophore pyroscope pachymeter page frame page table pagination pain brush paint coat paint rock paint room paint shop paintbrush palagonite pale brick palisander palletized palletizer pan feeder pan-shaped pandermite pane glass panel dook panel form panel lamp panel wall panel-work panelboard pantograph papaverine paper clay paper drum paper feed paper mill paper roof paper work paperboard paragonite paralogism paramagnet parametron parathenes paratroops parent ion parity bit part print particular party line party wall paste flux pasteboard patch area patch weld patchiness patent kid patent law patent use patentable patterning pauly silk paved road pay streak pd control pea gravel pea huller peak black peak error peak flood peak power peak value peak white peak xenon pearl-spar pearlstone peat brick peaty soil pedal gear peg rammer pendentive penetrable penetrance penetrator penicillin pennystone pent house pentadiene pentagonal pentanizer peppermint perbromate percentage perception perceptron perchloron percolator percussion percussive perflation perforated perhydride peridotite perihelion period off periodical peripheral peripteral perishable permafrost permanence permutator perovskite peroxidase peroxidate peroxidize perrhenate persistent persulfate petri dish petrol bus petrolatum phase lead phase path phase rule phase-band phase-down phasograph phasometer phenacetin phenocryst phenol red phenomenon phenoplast phlogopite phone jack phonograph phonolysis phonometer phonoscope phosgenite phosphatic phosphoric phosphorus photodiode photoflash photograph photolysis photolytic photometer photometry photon gas photophore photoplate photoprint photorelay photovalve phtalimide physically pi control pi section picked-out picnometer picrolonic piece-rate piece-work piezodiode piezometer piezotropy pig copper pigmentate pilastered pile cover pile crown pile pulse pile-plank pilot beam pilot bell pilot coil pilot hole pilot lamp pin clutch pin rammer pin wrench pinacoline pinch bolt pipe angle pipe cross pipe elbow pipe frame pipe joint pipe range pipe still pipe strap pipe swage pipe tongs pipe union pipefitter pipelining piperazine piperidine piston cup piston pin piston rod pistonless pistophone pit bottom pit sample pitch coal pitch cone pitch gear pitch line pitch play pitman arm pitot tube pivot axis pivot bolt pivot ring pivot stud place mark plain gate plain mill plain rest plain text plain tube plane dook plane face plane wave planer dog planimeter plank keel plank nail plank pile plant acid plant area plant unit plasma gun plasmotron plast-iron plastering plastework plasticate plasticine plasticity plasticize plastifier plate iron plate keel plate mill plate rail plate roll plate shop plate-mark playground plian view plough cut plug gauge plug valve plug wedge plumb line plumb rule pneumatics pneumation pneutronic point fuse point lamp point load point mass point rail poiree dam poison gas polar axis polar bond polar glow polar zone pole brace polyacidic polyatomic polycyclic polydymite polygraphy polyhalide polyhedral polyhedron polyhydric polyiodide polymerise polymerize polyolefin polyplexer polyprotic polyvalent pomp shaft pony motor pony truck porphyrite port glass porter bar positioner positronic postal car pot bottom pottassium poundstone powder car power boat power drop power feed power gain power gear power head power load power loss power pack power pool power pump power tool power unit power-line pre-drying precaution precession prechamber precoating precooling prediction preforming preheating presetting pressboard pressurize prestellar prevention preventive prime cost prime fuel primer cap print span production productive progenitor programmed programmer projectile projecting projection promethium prominence prominency promptness proof line proof load proof test propellent propelling proportion propulsion proto-salt protogenic protolysis protolytic prototropy protractor protruding protrusion protrusive pseudoacid pseudobase pseudocode psin diode public use puddle bar pull chain pulley rim pulp assay pulp board pulp drier pulsatance pulse base pulse code pulse pike pulse rise pulse time pulse wave pulsometer pulverized pulverizer pump house pump shell pump slope pump speed pump wheel punch card punch code punch rate punishment pupin coil pure sound pure steel purge pipe pycnometer pycnostyle pygmy lamp pyrochlore pyrolusite pyrometric pyrophoric pyropowder pyroxyline pyrrhotite pacing item pack camera pack-harden packed soil packed word packing box packing nut packing pot padded dook paddle ship paint drier paint resin paleography palladinite pane hammer panel entry panel scram paper cloth paper guide paper sheet paper shred paper stuff papermaking paracentric parachrosis paragenesis parallactic paralleling parallelism paranephrin paraprocess parent atom parent ship paring plow paris green parkertzing parking lot partial sum parting cut parting die partitioned partography pass rating passage way passes into passing bay passivating passivation paternoster path length patrol boat patrol ship pattern cam paving sand pawl clutch pay station payable ore paying load peak energy peak factor peaky curve pearl white pebble mill pebblestone pedal brake pedal crank pedal drive pedal lever pedological peeled film peeled wood peen hammer pelton case pencil beam pencil core pencil tube penetrating penetration penetrative pennyweight pentacosane pentadecane pentadecene pentahalide pentahedral pentangular penultimate peptization perchlorate percolation perfect gas perfect lot perfluoride performance performeter periodicity permanganyl permeameter permissible permittance permutation perspicuity persulphate perturbance petrography petrol tank phase angle phase curve phase delay phase error phase fault phase meter phase metre phase order phase plane phase shift phase space phenetidine phenic acid phonic call phosphamide phosphatase phosphatide phosphatize phosphonate phosphonium phosphorate phosphorite phosphorize photoactive photocopier photoeffect photography photoreader photorecord photoresist photostable photoswitch phytic acid pick hammer pick-up arm picked coal picric acid pie winding pier column pier fender piezoquartz pig breaker pig machine pig process pile bottom pile bridge pile driver pile theory pillar bolt pillar file pillow test pilot chart pilot ditch pilot flame pilot model pilot motor pilot order pilot plant pilot relay pilot scale pilot study pilot valve pilot wheel pin locking pin spanner pinion cage pinion gear pinion rack pinion-stem pioneer cut pipe bender pipe branch pipe bridge pipe casing pipe closer pipe column pipe cooler pipe cutter pipe flange pipe hanger pipe header pipe nipple pipe reamer pipe saddle pipe sleeve pipe socket pipe strand pipe swedge pipe thread pipe tunnel pipe welder pipe wrench pipe-outlet piping plan pippin file pirate copy pistol grip piston body piston face piston head piston play piston pump piston ring pit asphalt pit barring pit outline pitch angle pitch chain pitch curve pitch earth pitch error pitch limit pitch point pitch radii pitch ratio pitch wheel pitchblende pitching-in pivot point pivot screw pivot shaft pivoted arm plagioclase plain weave plan figure plane angle plane graph plane table plane truss planer jack planer rail planer shoe planer vice planer vise planer work planet gear planing jig plant scale plasma wave plastic mix plastichlor plasticizer plastograph plastometer plate blank plate brass plate frame plate glass plate hinge plate steel plate tower plate valve plate wheel plated film plated hole platelaying platen size platinotron play button pleistocene plinth wall plough body ploughpoint ploughshare plumb ruler plumbic ion plunger die plunger pin plunger set pocket lamp pocket rule pocket size point gauge point group point image pointed bar polar angle polar curve polar front polar light polar pitch polarimeter polarimetry polariscope polarograph polarometry pole beacon pole shader police call polycrystal polygon leg polymorphic polynuclear polypeptide polystirene polysulfide polythionic ponded area pool pallet poor fusion poor solder poppet head pore filler porosimetry port engine portlandite positioning positronium post pallet post-office postulation pot furnace potted line pouring cup pouring pot powder coal powder core powder flux power aging power brake power cable power compo power diode power drive power graph power house power input power meter power metre power press power pulse power range power relay power screw power spark power stage power stall power truck power waste power water power-plant practicable praseodymia preassembly precipitant precipitate precleaning precomputed precracking precrushing predictable prefocusing preignition preliminary preparation preselector preset time press water pressurized prestressed prick punch primary air primary bus primary gas primary ion primary tar prime mover prime power primer line print order probability probe check procurement product mix programming progressive proof print propagation proper axis proposition propylidene prospecting proteolysis proteolytic proterozoic proton mass protophilic prototropic protraction proved ores provisional pseudograph psilomelane psophometer PTP control puddle ball puddle mill pull aparat pull boring pull button pull shovel pull spline pull stroke puller bolt pulley disk pulley fork pulley gear pulley lift pulley yoke pullman car pulsafeeder pulse burst pulse curve pulse front pulse meter pulse metre pulse noise pulse ratio pulse shape pulse spike pulse train pulse width pulverulent pumise sand pump barrel pump basket pump dredge pumping-out punch plate punched nut pure copper pure stress purl stitch purlin roof push boring push button push stroke push trough putty joint putty knife puzzle lock pyrargyrite pyrgeometer pyroceramic pyrochroite pyrrolidine p controller p-type alloy package tray packed joint packed tower packing bolt packing bush packing cord packing line packing loss packing ring packing rock padding weld paddle drier paddle mixer paddle valve page make-up page printer paint blower pair furnace paired cable paleobiology paleontology pallet mover pallet truck pan conveyer pan conveyor panchromatic panel girder panel method paneled dook panic repair paper feeder paper patent paper sleeve paracompound paraffin oil parallel arc parallel cut parallel key paramagnetic paramorphine parapet wall parent comet parent metal parity error parrot tooth part changer partial load partial wave parting line parting sand parting tool partitioning pass leading pass templet passive film passive zone paste cement paste colour patent claim patent plate patent stock pattern loft pattern loom pattern shop paved gutter paving block paving mixer paving stone payable area peacock-blue peak current peak voltage peaked curve peaking coil pearl filler pearl powder pebble grain pectin sugar pedal driven peen plating peening test pen carriage pen recorder pencil wheel pendant cord penetrometer pentabromide perambulator perch beacon periodic law perlate salt permanganate permeability permittivity peroxide ion peroxo group perturbation pest control petrifaction petrofabrics petrol truck ph titration phantom line phantom view pharmaceutic pharmacology phase change phase-locked phenanthrene phenol resin phenylarsine phenylborate phenylhalide phono stylus photo sensor photocopying photocurrent photoelement photoemitter photofission photogeology photographer photographic photogravure photoneutron photonuclear photoprinter photovoltaic phtalimidine phytoclimate phytoecology piano wiring piano-miller pick breaker pick-up head pick-up roll pick-up tube pick-up unit picture area picture lock picture size picture tube picture-rail piece tongue piece-worker piercing die piercing saw piezocrystal pigmentation pile cluster pile driving pile grating pile neutron pile spectra pile trestle piling groin pillar blast pillar brace pillar burst pillar crane pillar drill pillar press pillar stone pillow block pilot bridge pilot engine pilot method pilot reamer pilot sample pilot signal pilot vessel pin coupling pin riveting pinch effect pinch welder pinched base pinched head pine camphor pinion drive pinion shaft pintle chain pintle valve pipe adapter pipe adaptor pipe carrier pipe conduit pipe erector pipe gallery pipe leading pipe orifice pipe scraper pipe stopper pipe support pirn changer piston crown piston drive piston force piston guide piston skirt pit moulding pitch accent pitch binder pitch circle pitch radius pitched roof pitrun earth pivalic acid pivot centre pivot reamer pivoted axis pivoted axle plain carbon plain cement plain girder plain washer plan section planar diode plane domain plane figure plane girder plane kernel plane mirror plane motion plane strain plane stress plane survey planed tooth planer chuck planer table planet wheel planing boat planing shop planing tool plank timber plant rubber plaster kiln plaster lath plaster slab plaster work plastic clay plastic flow plastic lens plastography plate buffer plate camses plate clutch plate cooler plate cutter plate girder plate memory plate shears plate spring plated metal platen press platform car plating bath plating rack plotted beam plotted line plough blade plug adapter plug adaptor plug bushing plug cluster plug contact plug cut-out plug rolling plug spanner plug welding plug-in unit plugging bar plumbaginous plumbiferous plunger pump plywood form point defect point effect point source point switch pointed arch pointed bolt pointed file pointed tool poke welding polar circle polar moment polar vector polarization polarography polarometric pole bracket pole figures pole trolley poling board polish fault poly-forming polyacrilate polyaddition polybutilene polyethylene polyglycerol polymer melt polymorphism polymorphous polysilicone polysiloxane polysulphide polyurethane pool cathode poor contact poor mixture poppet stock poppet valve porcelaneous porpoise oil port station portable set portal crane portal frame post-and-pan post-mounted potentiostat potted cycle potter wheel pottery clay pottery kiln pouring gate pouring head pouring hole pouring test powder blast powder blend powder house powder mixer power ageing power charge power clutch power demand power feeder power grader power hammer power liquid power loader power output power rating power screen power series power shovel power source power stroke power supply power system power window power-driven power-factor praseodymium pre-emphasis pre-position preadmission preamplifier preavis call precast face precast slab precipitator prefabricate preferential preheat coil preselection presentation preservation preshrinking presintering press button pressed part pressure fan pressure jet pressure oil pressure pad pressure pin pressworking prestressing pretreatment price ticket primary beam primary cell primary coat primary coil primary data primary road prime colour prime number priming line priming plug priming pump print effect printed form printed work printing ink prior patent prisrh angle private bank probe boring producer gas product atom product code productivity profile form profile iron profile line profilograph profilometer program head program unit programmable prolix claim prolongation prong number proof fabric proof figure proof ground proof reader proof sample proof spirit proof stress prop collaps prop density proportioner protactinium protein-free proton donor proton shell protopection protuberance proved field proving ring prussic acid pseudorandom psychrometer pudding rock puddle steel puddlet clay pull contact pull-bushing pulled coils pulley block pulling rope pulling test pulling yoke pulp density pulse action pulse coding pulse height pulse jitter pulse length pulse mixing pulse period pulse regime pulse shaper pulse signal pulse source pulse switch pulse timing pulse valley pulsed laser pulsed maser pulverizable pumice stone pump chamber pump cooling pump feeding pump plunger pumping main pumping unit pumping-over punch holder punch pliers punched card punching die punching pin pupinization pure bending pure crystal pure science purification purpose-made push contact push-up list pusher grade put to earth putrefaction putty chaser pyrocatechol pyromorphite pyromorphous pyrophyllite pyrotechnics pyruvic acid pacing factor pack in sacks package-model packed column packed format packing block packing board packing gland packing layer packing paper packing piece packing plate packing space packing strip pad electrode paddle feeder paddle vessel paging device paint coating paint remover paint sprayer paint thinner pair creation paleomorphism paleozoic era palette knife palmitic acid panel heating panel landing panel sloping panel working panel-mounted paning hammer pantiled roof paper bindery paper-hanging para-hydrogen paracentrical paraffin flux paraffine oil paralax error parallel beam parallel feed parallel jaws parallel line parallel path parallel ribs parallel slot parallel vice parallel vise parallel wing parallelogram paramagnetism parasite drag paratellurite parcing apron parent nuclei parian cement paring plough parkerization parking brake parking light parking meter parking metre parking place parking space parlour coach parquet block parquet floor partial carry partial earth participation particle flux particle size parting plane parting slide partition law passenger car passing light passing track passive compo passive metal passive radar passive sonar paste cathode patch surface patent action patent appeal patent holder patent matter patent number patent office patent search patentability path velocity patrol grader pattern field pattern plate pattern-maker pavement slab pawl coupling pay the cable pd controller peak clipping peak detector peak pressure peak response pearl beading pectinic acid peculiar star pedestal base pedestal body pedestal foot pedestal pile peel strength peinted tooth pendant panel penetrability pentachloride pentenic acid pentinic acid peptide chain perboric acid perched water perfect fifth perfect fluid perhalate ion perhalic acid peri-position periodic acid periodic duty periodic kiln periodic wave periphery cam perking brass permanent gas permanent lag permanent set perpendicular personal time pertinent art pervious seam petletization petrochemical petrol engine petroleum car petroleum gas petroleum oil pewter solder phantom group phase adapter phase adaptor phase advance phase anomaly phase changer phase control phase diagram phase hunting phase lagging phase monitor phase setting phase spectra phase voltage phase-shifter phenasic acid phenesic acid phenisic acid phenobarbital phenolic acid phenosic acid phenylbromide phenylglycine phone adapter phone adaptor phophoroscope phosphate ion phosphatizing phosphorylate photo-cathode photoactivate photochemical photocomposer photoelectret photoelectric photoelectron photoemission photoemissive photoemulsion photographing photomagnetic photometering photon rocket photoreaction photoreactive photorecorder photoresistor phototelegram photovaristor phtalocyanine phthalic acid physical unit physiotherapy pi controller pick up probe pick-off gear pickled sheet pickling bath picramic acid picture black picture shape piezochemical piezoelectric piezomagnetic pigme welding pigment paper pile spectrum pile-dwelling pile-up pulse pillar method pillar taking pilot bearing pilot carrier pilot channel pilot circuit pilot exciter pilot factory pilot machine pilot relayng pilot voltage pin connexion pin insulator pin-type bond pinch-off die pinion cutter pip amplifier pipe aqueduct pipe capacity pipe coupling pipe extruder pipe fittings pipe fracture pipe friction pipe junction pipe manifold pipe scaffold pipe standard pipette stand piping layout piping system piston action piston barrel piston bottom piston driver piston engine piston stroke piston thrust piston travel pit corrosion pitch control pitch macadam pitch of note pitch of tone pitch setting pitched blade pitching vein pivot journal pivot spindle pivoting wing place decimal placer mining placing plant plain bearing plain grinder plain macadam plain milling plain turning plane antenna plane grating plane milling plane surface planet motion plasma engine plaster board plaster mould plaster stone plastic range plastics tube plate battery plate casting plate current plate process plate voltage plated carbon plated finish play-off beam playback head plot the data plough harrow plug hand tap plug lap weld plug reversal plug-in relay plumb balance plumbic glaze plummer block plutonic rock pneumatic gun point cathode point contact point gearing point machine point setting point spectra pointed drill pointed pulse pointed screw pointed style pointer gauge polar contact polar diagram polarity mark polarographic pole armature pole distance pole mountain pole mounting pole reverser pole scaffold pole strength pole terminal pole trollies polyampholyte polybutadiene polycarbonate polychromatic polymer alloy polymer blend polymer chain polymethylene polymolecular polypeptidase polyphasicity polypropylene pomping shaft pontoon crane pool capacity pool gasolene pool gasoline poor concrete poor geometry poppet sleeve porcupine die portable cell portal column portal gantry position data position line positive bias positive feed positive film positive glow positive ores positive pole positive seat positive sign positive stop possible ores post mountain post-emphasis postprocessor pot quenching potable water potato digger potential box potentiometer potentiometry pouring basin pouring crane pouring point pouring truck powder charge powder factor powder funnel powder magnet powdered fuel powdered lime power braking power circuit power control power cut-off power density power divider power failure power impulse power loading power machine power network power pentode power reactor power scraper power spectra power station power storage power stowing powerful grip practical use practice weld precipitation precise level precombustion predetermined prefabricated preheated air preionization preponderance prescot meter prescot metre press forging pressed sheet pressing ring pressure arch pressure bolt pressure bump pressure cell pressure coil pressure disk pressure drop pressure feed pressure flap pressure head pressure hose pressure jump pressure line pressure lock pressure loss pressure node pressure pipe pressure pump pressure ring pressure side pressure span pressure tank pressure test pressure tube pressure unit pressure zone pressure-cast primary fault primary motor primary order primary radar primary relay primary truss prime quality primer charge priming paint priming valve primitive set printed sheet printing area printing head printing shop printing type prism antenna prism compass prismatic key private sewer pro-eutectoid probable ores problem state process sheet product cycle profile board profile gauge profile paper profile shaft profiled iron profitability program meter program metre progress card prop blasting proportionate proportioning prototype job proving trial pruner shears prussian blue pseudocrystal pseudohalogen pseudoplastic pseudosimilar psyllaic acid puckered ring puddled steel pull fastener pulley system pulley tackle pulling cable pulling chain pulling range pulp digester pulp industry pulse advance pulse circuit pulse control pulse counter pulse current pulse element pulse loading pulse overlap pulse shaping pulse spacing pulse spectra pulsing laser pulverization pump capacity pump concrete pump cylinder pump delivery pump pressure pumping plant punch carrier punch locator punched chain punching test punching unit pursuit curve pylon antenna pyrheliometer pyrochemistry pyromagnetism pyrosulphuryl pyrotechnical pack hardening packaging film packing degree packing flange packing liquid packing spring packing washer packless joint paddle aerator paddle steamer paddle stirrer page numbering pair formation pairing effect paleontologist pallet changer pallet station pan-head rivet pan-head screw pancake engine panel absorber panel boundary panel mounting pantograph pan paper breaking paper industry paper laminate paper sheeting papercard code parabolic dish parabolic load paraffinaceous parallel carry parallel clamp parallelepiped paraphase code paraxylic acid parent element parent isotope parent nucleus parity doublet part by volume part by weight partal section partial ground partial vacuum partial volume particle orbit particle track partition wall passenger lift passenger ship passing siding passive homing passive module paste adhesive patent leather patent library patent service pattern camses pattern tracer patterned heat paver's hammer paving asphalt pay-off matrix peak amplitude peak detection peak discharge peak indicator peak voltmeter peak-load time pearlitic iron pedestal strut pedestrian way peening hammer peep-hole card pen attachment pending patent pendulum meter pendulum metre pendulum table peppermint oil perbromate ion perbromic acid perchlorethane perclormethane percussion cap percussive cap perfect liquid perfect square perfect vacuum performic acid periodic chart periodic table permanent axis permanent echo permanent form permanent load permanent mark permitted size perrhenic acid personal error petrified wood petrochemistry petrol chamber petrol station petroleum acid petroleum fuel petroleum tank petrotectonics pfeased thread phantom signal phase adjuster phase advancer phase analysis phase balancer phase constant phase detector phase focusing phase invertor phase reaction phase relation phase response phase rotation phase spectrum phase splitter phase velocity phase-inverter phase-sequence phase-to-phase phased antenna phenolfurfural phenylchloride philips wrench phonic control phosphate rock phosphobenzene phosphonitrile phosphorescent photactivation photocatalysis photochemistry photoconductor photoduplicate photogrammetry photomechanics photomicrocopy photomodulator photon welding photooxidation photosensitive photostability photosynthesis photosynthetic photronic cell physical assay physical stock pick-off diode pick-up device pick-up dipole pick-up needle picketing ring pickle killing picotransistor pictorial view picture camera picture period picture screen picture signal picture window pid controller pie-crust roof piece together piece-work job piercing punch piezochemistry piezomagnetism pigment colour pigment finish pilaster strip pile extension pile extractor pile radiation pile sheathing pile-activated pillar extract pillar robbing pillar support pillar working pilot analysis pilot-type bit pin connection pinch assembly pinched plasma pinching screw pinion carrier pioneer patent pipe connexion pipe tie strap pitch cylinder pitch diameter pitch interval pitch of sound pivoted window pivoting shaft placer deposit placing volume plain concrete plain grinding plain knitting planar crystal planar network plane fracture plane geometry plane of shear plane sequence plane triangle plane-parallel planer fixture planetary gear planing cutter planing hammer plant capacity plant engineer plasma physics plasma reactor plasma welding plaster quarry plastic bronze plastic effect plastic matrix plate detector plate material plate mounting platform lorry plating dynamo platinum gauze plots the data plotting board plotting paper plotting scale plotting sheet plotting table ploughing tool plug connector plug lap joint plug reversing plug-in device plunge battery plunge cutting plunge turning plunger feeder plunger magnet plunger piston plunger spring plurality dies pneumatic jack pneumatic pier pneumatic pump pneumatic tool pneumatic tyre pocket bearing pocket chamber pocket compass point function point of sight point position point shifting point spectrum point symmetry point toothing pointed staple poker vibrator polar distance polar equation polar invertor polar molecule polar response polarizability polarized beam polarized wave pole indicator pole retrieval polishing buff polishing cone polishing tool politic schist polyampholytic polycondensate polycore cable polydispersity polyethylation polyfunctional polygonal line polymer series polymerisation polyphase load polysaccharide polythene lens polyvinylidene pontoon bridge pool electrode pool rectifier poor conductor porcelain clay porcelain-clad porphyrin ring portable light portable tower position error position gauge position lever positive angle positive drive positive image positive logic positive meson positive plate positive print post insulator post timbering potassium alum potassium salt potassium soap potato steamer potential drop potential hill potential jump potential well potentiometric poured asphalt powder cutting powder density powder pattern powder-ed flux power cylinder power delivery power detector power function power hack saw power industry power klystron power lifetime power producer power riveting power spectrum power steering power take-off power traction power traverse power-actuated power-operated powered flight precious metal precious stone precision work precoated sand precompression prediction law prefabrication preirradiation preplasticator preserved food preset loading press material pressed-on rim pressing force pressing screw pressure angle pressure board pressure burst pressure cable pressure curve pressure fluid pressure force pressure gauge pressure level pressure meter pressure metre pressure plate pressure range pressure screw pressure shell pressure shock pressure space pressure stage pressure surge pressure tight pressure torch pressure valve pressure water pressurization primal problem primary carbon primary colour primary factor primary glider primary memory primary planet primary signal primary source primary x-rays prime meridian priming charge primitive soil principal axis principal root principal view print recorder printed matter printed output printed wiring printing block printing chain printing frame printing house printing paper printing plant printing plate printing press prismatic disk prismatic edge prismatic part probable error probe drilling procedure head procedure name process layout process patent processability produce a line product design product nuclei product patent production run profile cutter profiling roll programme flow programme head programme item project survey projected area projector head projector lamp promenade deck prompt neutron propanoic acid propeller pump propeller root propfan engine propionic acid protect rights protected cell protecting cap protecting net protective gap protective net proton carrier protoporphyrin prototype test prototype work proving ground proximity fuse pseudolanguage pseudomorphism pseudomorphous pseudosymmetry pseudosyncline psychozoic era ptostic design public service pull broaching pull direction pull into step pull-back draw pull-over mill pull-up torque pulled surface pulling device pulling figure pulsating flow pulsating flux pulsating load pulsating pump pulsation test pulse counting pulse detector pulse duration pulse function pulse interval pulse invertor pulse polarity pulse recorder pulse repeater pulse response pulse selector pulse sequence pulse spectrum pulsing column pulsing system pumice machine pump discharge pumping action pumping engine punch position punched washer punching press punching tongs punctiform set purdy solution pure quadratic pure radiation pure reactance push broaching push-down list push-out chuck push-pull test push-rod cover pushing figure pushing trough pyramidal roof pyroboric acid pyrometallurgy pyrometer tube pyromucic acid pyrophosphoryl p-type impurity package licence package license packaged design packing leakage packing surface page imposition paint-spray gun pair production paired latticed palladium black pallet conveyer pallet conveyor palletized load pan-headed bolt panoramic radar paper capacitor paper invention paper-insulated parachute flare paraffin series paraffinic acid parallel access parallel girder parallel motion parallel shears parallel signal parallel thread parallel-serial parameter value parametrization parasitic array parent aircraft parent material parent particle parity of level parity operator parked position parson's bronze partial cut-off partial diagram partial eclipse partial polymer partial section partial stowing particle charge particle sizing parting surface partition noise partition plate pass-band width passage of heat passage section passenger cabin passenger depot passenger plane passenger space passing station passivating dip passive antenna passive circuit passive element paste lubricant pateht attorney patent engineer patent examiner patent monopoly patented method path accuracies path definition patrol aircraft patterned after pause statement paving material payload adapter payload adaptor peak limitation peak-load plant peak-power rate peaking network pearlitic steel peculiar galaxy pedal clearance pedal operation peek-a-boo card peeling machine pelargonium oil pellet moulding pelleting press pencil hardness pencil of light pendulum action pendulum motion pendulum shears pendulum survey penetrating ray penstock intake pentagrid valve per hour output percentage test perchlorate ion perchloric acid perchromic acid percussion fuse percussion test percussion tube perfect crystal perfect diffuse perfect-gas law perforated path perforating die perimeter joint periodic motion periodic signal periodic system periodical kiln periodical test periodocompound peripheral atom peripheral unit periphery speed perishable tool permanent delay permanent error permanent joint permanent mould permanent shore permanent white peroxide bridge peroxide number perpetual screw persistent wave perturbing atom petinet machine petrol capacity petroleum ether petroleum jelly petroleum pitch phantom antenna phantom circuit phase deviation phase equalizer phase indicator phase interface phase inversion phase localizer phase modulator phase recording phase regulator phase resonance phase stretcher phasing network phenolphthalein phenylhydrazine phenylhydrazone phoiomultiplier phonograph disk phosphine oxide phosphinic acid phosphoglycerol phosphonic acid phosphorescence phosphoric acid phosphorization phosphorylation photo engraving photoconduction photoelasticity photoflash lamp photoflash tube photoflood lamp photogrammetric photomacrograph photomicrograph photon momentum photoresistance photosensitizer photostat paper phototelegraphy phototopography phototransistor phthalonic acid physical binary physical change physical device physical labour physical optics physical record physical region physicochemical pick-up antenna picked dressing picket aircraft picrolonic acid picture carrier picture channel picture counter picture element picture monitor picture quality piece-rate plan piezotransistor pigmented glass pigmented paper pile foundation piling elevator pillar abutment pillar thinning pilot frequency pilot generator pipe connection pipe roll stand pipeline system piping material piston tramming pitch of strand pitch tolerance pitched turbine pitches of note plain butt weld plain conductor plain spark gap planar compound planar junction plane framework plane of couple plane of motion plane of vision plane surveying plane-polarized planetary drive planetary train planing machine plank sheathing planning system plastering sand plastic package plastic sulphur plastic welding plastic working plate capacitor plate detection plate potential plate rectifier platform scales plating balance plating machine platinum silver playback losses pliable support plough unloader plug commutator plug-and-socket plug-in package plugging device plunge grinding pneumatic brake pneumatic chuck pneumatic crane pneumatic drill pneumatic drive pneumatic gauge pneumatic hoist pneumatic press pneumatic steel pneumatic table pneumohydraulic point discharge point electrode point indicator pointing vector poisoning yield polar-sensitive polarized relay polirod antenna polish dressing polish notation polishing wheel pollution level polychloroprene polycrystalline polygonal truss polyhydric acid polymer network polymeric alloy polyphase meter polyphase metre polyphase motor polyphase power polyprotic acid pool of experts poor efficiency poor regulation poor visibility porphyry cooper portable beacon portable blower portable boiler portable engine portable lifter portable outfit porting diagram portland cement position fixing position isomer position switch position vector positioned stop positive blower positive charge positive clutch positive column positive mixing positive motion post toolholder post-and-lintel post-office box potash feldspar potassium glass potential field potential probe potential relay potential slope potential value powder adhesive power amplifier power capacitor power contactor power converter power convertor power detection power elevation power frequency power governing power rectifier power regulator power-producing powered support pozzolan cement practical range practice buzzer precision block precision gauge precision lathe precision steel precoated sheet preconditioning precooling room predicate logic predicted comet predicted value preforming tool preheating gate preheating zone preliminary run premix injector preset position pressure blower pressure column pressure cooker pressure device pressure filter pressure height pressure helmet pressure nozzle pressure piping pressure piston pressure relief pressure roller pressure spring pressure stress pressure stroke pressure switch pressure tensor pressure tunnel pressure vessel pressurized air prestellar body prestressed dam preventive lead preview monitor primary battery primary breaker primary carrier primary circuit primary crusher primary current primary deposit primary launder primary process primary valency primary voltage primary winding prime a grenade prime amplifier priming varnish primitive graph principal focus principal plane principal scale printed circuit printing roller prior applicant prior statistic prior treatment priority system prismatic guide processing data processing line product control product nucleus product of sets production line production load production test production time production tool production unit productive rate productive time profile grinder profile turning profiling slide program control programme fetch progressive die projecting roof projection lamp projection room projection tube projection weld prominence knot prompt lifetime prop distortion prop jet engine propel sprocket propellent fuel propeller meter propeller metre propeller mixer propeller shaft proper fraction proper lifetime proper rotation proper variable propulsion bond propulsion unit protected motor protecting dike protecting dyke protecting film protection gear protective belt protective grid protective leaf protector block proton acceptor proton affinity proton exchange proton transfer protracted test prove a theorem proximity meter proximity metre pseudopotential psychoacoustics public building pufse steepness pull-out torque pulsating force pulse amplifier pulse amplitude pulse analyiser pulse corrector pulse discharge pulse frequency pulse generator pulse modulator pulse operation pulse recording pulse separator pulse shrinkage pulse technique pulse-modulated pulsed emission pulsing circuit pulverized coal pulverized fuel pumice concrete pumping station punch-press die punching pliers pure resistance purifying plant push-button key push-cut shaper push-down stack push-on starter push-out collet pusher aircraft pusher airscrew pyroelectricity pyrogallic acid pyrometallurgic pyrometer probe pyrometric cone pack carburizing pack compression package engineer package solution packing fraction packing in sacks packing-up piece page frame table paid circulation painter's colour pair of antennas panelled ceiling panoramic camera panthograph shoe parabolic girder parabolic mirror parachute beacon parachute canopy parallel circuit parallel control parallel folding parallel running parallel storage parallel winding parallelepipedon paramagnetic ion parametric diode parasitic signal parity-check bit part positioning partial bulkhead partial fraction partial multiple partial pressure partial reaction particle counter particle physics particular value parting compound passive hardness passive repeater passive terminal pasteurized milk patch the damage patent agreement patent clearance patented article path of particle pattern scanning pay off the warp payload capacity peak temperature peak transformer peak-load period pebbling machine pedestal bearing pedestrian truck peeling of glaze pendulum bearing pendulum machine penetration test penstoke footing pentiformic acid percentage error percentile chart percentile curve percussion borer percussion press percussion shell percussive drill perfect absorber perfect radiator perforated sheet perforated sieve performance data performance test performing press perhydrocompound periodic circuit periodic current periodic testing periodical chart peripheral joint peripheral speed periphery camses peristaltic pump permafrost table permanent magnet permanent output permanent strain permanganate ion permanganic acid permeable medium permissible dose permissible load permissive block peroxodisulphate perpetual motion persistent cloud personal monitor personel carrier perspective view persulfuric acid pervious blanket petroleum spirit phase comparator phase comparsion phase correction phase difference phase distortion phase modulation phase multiplier phase opposition phase quadrature phase transition phenomenological phenylenediamine phonocardiograph phonon amplifier phosphide streak phosphonium salt phosphorous acid phosphorus alloy photo ionization photo multiplier photocomposition photoelectricity photofabrication photolithography photometer bench photosensitivity phototypesetting photozincography physical circuit physical meander piano-head screw pick-up position picture aperture picture duration picture scanning piece production pierce generator piercing machine piercing mandrel piezoelectricity piezometric head piled foundation pillar splitting pilot locomotive pilot oscillator pilot-scale work pinch welder gun pinhole porosity pipe arrangement pipe instalation pirani manometer piston clearance piston rod guide piston-ring seal pitch cone angle pitch-cone radii pitch-line speed pivot suspension pivoting bearing pivoting support place in circuit plain-web girder plaiting machine planar structure plane kinematics plane of flexure plane of loading plane of rupture planetary albedo planetary motion planetary nebula planetary system planishing stand planned coverage planning horizon plant efficiency plant management plasma amplifier plasma anodizing plasma generator plasma radiation plasma resonance plasma waveguide plaster concrete plaster of paris plaster-shooting plastic concrete plastic fracture plastic material plastics bearing plate resistance plate saturation plotted function plotting machine plug switchboard plug-in mounting plumber's solder plumbic compound plunger retainer pneumatic buffer pneumatic chisel pneumatic clutch pneumatic hammer pneumatic holder pneumatic piston pneumatic pusher pneumatic system pocket dosimeter point brilliance point of contact point of support point transistor pointless nozzle poisonous action polar projection polarity control polarized nuclei polished section polishing powder pollutional load polycondensation polygonal domain polygonal method polyhedral angle polymer concrete polymer gasolene polymer gasoline polymer material polysubstitution polythionic acid polytropic curve polyvinylalcohol poor penetration poor reliability pop safety valve porcelain enamel porous diaphragm port of registry portable battery portable firearm position control position finding position readout position sampler positioning time positive carrier positive closing positive current positive cut-off positive gearing positive integer positive opening positive suction post-hole digger potassium iodide potato harvester potential energy potential stress potential trough potted capacitor powder sintering power efficiency power generation power production power protection power regulation power transistor power-off flight power-signal box practice torpedo prandtl criteria pre-heating time preamplification precast concrete precision method predelivery test preheating bench preliminary test premagnetization prepared reserve prepayment meter prepayment metre preset capacitor preset parameter pressing machine pressure capsule pressure casting pressure chamber pressure circuit pressure conduit pressure control pressure feeding pressure forging pressure forming pressure pick-up pressure trouble pressure turbine pressure welding pressure-set ink pressurized tank prestressing bar prestressing bed prevailing value preventive check primary cleaning primary electron primary emission primary feedback primary graphite primary radiator primary standard primer cartridge principal normal principal planet principal rafter principal strain principal stress printed assembly printer keyboard printing machine printing process printing puncher printing station prior art search prismatic action private exchange probe microphone procedures names process engineer processing waste producer furnace producer's goods product analysis product engineer product particle product warranty production basis production batch production chart production costs production piece production store production timer profile of slope profiling device programme branch programme matrix programme memory programming unit progress section progressive kiln progressive wave project engineer project oriented projecting jetty projecting shaft projection booth projection plane projection-power projector camera promotion energy pronged-drag bar proof of novelty propagated blast propagated error propagation time propelling force propelling power propelling screw propulsion plant propulsive force prospecting bore prospecting work prospective ores prosthetic robot protected forest protecting glass protecting group protecting means protection cover protection fence protective choke protective earth protective layer protective relay protective scale protective sheet protective shell proton migration proton stripping prototype design proven territory proximity effect proximity switch pseudostationary publishing house puch-button dial puddling furnace pull out of step pull-on transfer pulley separator pulsating screen pulsating stress pulse commutator pulse correction pulse distortion pulse excitation pulse modulation pulse stretching pulse triggering pulse-decay time pulse-jet engine pulse-time ratio pulsed rectifier pulsed technique pulverizing mill pump compartment pump feed system pumped reservoir punching fixture punching machine punching station puncture voltage push-type broach put into service pyroconductivity pyrometer couple packaging density packaging machine packed slip joint padding condenser paddle-wheel ship palladic compound panel-built house panoramic adapter panoramic adaptor panoramic monitor panthothenic acid pantograph collar paper-cored cable papertape channel papertape scanner parabolic channel parachute braking parachute landing parallactic angle parallel computer parallel feedback parallel register parallel-line pen parametric action parasitic circuit parasitic element parasol monoplane paratartaric acid parent population parity check code partial selection partially ionized particle dynamics particle emission particle focusing particle trapping parting-line mark passenger station passenger steamer passenger traffic passive electrode passive reflector patching material patent protection pattern generator pattern of motion patterned surface pavement concrete peak-load station pearlitic ferrite pedestal moulding pedestrian tunnel pelleting machine pendulum absorber penetrating power penetration depth per capita sewage per second cycles per thousand cost perceptive action perchlorate anion percussion action percussion boring percussion bullet percussion feeder percussion piston percussion welder percussive action perfect diffusion perfect modulator perfluorocompound perforated bottom perforated screen perforating press performance chart performance check performance curve performance index period of service periodic function periodic quantity periodic variable periodical motion periodical regime periscope antenna permanent storage permeable channel permissible error permissible limit permissible orbit permissible speed permissible value persistent screen personal computer personal parallax persulphuric acid petroleum asphalt petroleum benzene petroleum residue phase compensator phase equilibrium phase transformer phase-wound rotor phenylacetic acid phonograph record phosphate coating photoconductivity photographic film photovoltaic cell physical pendulum physical sorption pick-up amplifier pickling solution pictire amplifier pictorial diagram pictorial display picture frequency picture generator picture synthesis pierce's function pigmented mixture pillar-type drill pillow distortion pilot instalation pin-jointed truss pinch-bug riveter pine-tree crystal pineapple winding pinhole corrosion pipe straightener piston attenuator piston compressor pitch-cone radius pivot point screw plain-ended screw planar transistor plane coordinates plane deformation plane of symmetry plane of weakness plane-face flange plane-table sheet planer attachment planetary gearing planetary spindle planetary stirrer planishing hammer plasticizer blend plate conjunction platform conveyer platform conveyor platform vibrator platinic compound plug-in amplifier plug-in connexion plumbing fittings plumbous compound plunger-type pump plutonium reactor pneumatic cleaner pneumatic control pneumatic ejector pneumatic working point of junction point of tangency pointed hand vice pointed hand vise polar coordinates polarised sounder polarity reversal polarity reverser polarized ammeter polarized circuit polarizing filter pole-face winding polishing machine polishing varnish politic structure pollution density pollution monitor polygon of forces polygonal network polyphase circuit polyphase current polyphase winding polytropic change polyvalent cation polyvinylchloride pontoon-type body pool of equipment pool-type reactor portable conveyer portable conveyor portable elevator portable receiver portable test set portioning device positioning relay positioning screw positive electron positive emission positive eyepiece positive feedback positive limiting positive pressure positron-emitting post-equilization pot electromagnet potassium acetate potassium cyanide potassium oxalate potassium rhenate potassium sulfate potassium sulfide potassium sulfite potential barrier potential circuit potential divider potential plateau potential winding potentional pulse powder metallurgy powdered material power attenuation power consumption power dissipation power electronics power engineering power instalation power transformer power-house block powerless landing practical ceiling prandtl criterion precast roof unit precedence rating precision balance precision casting precision measure prediction theory preformed winding preliminary alloy preliminary check premature failure premultiplication preset conditions pressure build-up pressure bulkhead pressure charging pressure gradient pressure grouting pressure manifold pressure moulding pressure of chips pressure pipeline pressure recorder pressure recovery pressure response pressure-actuated preventive action preventive alarms primary levelling primary messenger primary pollutant primary radiation primary treatment priming apparatus priming potential primitive lattice principal cornice principal volcano printing industry printing pressure prior application prior publication prismatic compass probability bound probability curve probability logic problem programme procedure control procedure heading procedure library processed surface product assurance production design production engine production scheme profile levelling programme counter programme library programme monitor programme package programme welding progressive field progressive trial projection optics projection screen prominent feature promoted electron proof of priority propagation delay propellent effect propeller draught propeller turbine propelling sheave proportional band proportional coil proportional mean propulsion charge propulsion system propulsive effort propulsive energy propulsive thrust protecting device protecting sleeve protective action protective device protective effect protective finish protective forest protective helmet protective screen protective sheath protective shield protective system proton microscope protractor turret pseudoinstruction psophometer noise puddled clay core pull-in actuators pull-off transfer pulling on whites pulling-off screw pulsating current pulsating turbine pulsating voltage pulsation welding pulsatory current pulse accelerator pulse compression pulse distributor pulse disturbance pulse duty factor pulse interchange pulse interlacing pulse regenerator pulse transmitter pulse-wheel meter pulse-wheel metre pumping appliance punched-card code puncture strength pure oscillations purple copper ore push-down storage push-pull circuit push-pull control put out of action pyramide hardness pyroligneous acid pyrometallurgical pyropracemic acid packaged magnetron packing water seal palindromic number palladous compound pancratic eyepiece pantograph trolley paper conditioning paper tape puncher paraboloid calotte parallel connexion parallel operation parallel-t network parallel-type worm parallel-wire line parasitic currents parasitic feedback parity check digit part serialization partial derivative partial disclaimer partial solubility particle radiation particulate matter particulate solids parting tool slide partition function partly-closed slot passage instrument passenger aircraft passive transducer patches the damage patent application patent examination patent publication patent terminology patentable novelty patentable subject pattern processing peak cross-section peak-to-peak value pedestrian traffic peep-sight alidade pen-type dosimeter pendulum governing penetration factor peppermint camphor percent efficiency perception current percolation filter percussive welding perfect combustion perfect dielectric perfect elasticity perfect plasticity perfecting machine performance flying perhydronaphtalene periodic structure periodic transient periodic vibration periodical decimal peripheral milling peripheral passage permissible signal permissible stress peroxomonosulphate peroxonitrous acid petroleum industry petroleum refining phantom indication phase compensation phase demodulation phase displacement phase equalization phase-lead circuit phase-shift keying phasing commutator phonograph adapter phonograph adaptor phonograph pick-up phosphor activator photo-luminescence photoacoustic cell photoelastic study photoelectric cell photoelectric tube photoemissive cell photographic image photographic paper photographic print photometric binary photopiezoelectric physical acoustics physical astronomy physical chemistry physical pollution pick-off electrode pickle brittleness picture distortion picture resolution picture telegraphy pile-driving plant pilotless aircraft pinch-pass rolling pinetree structure pipeline processor pipeline transport piston ring groove piston slide valve piston-bottom body piston-pin bearing place in operation plain carbon steel plain circular saw plain-cored carbon plain-text message planar measurement plane of incidence plane trigonometry plane-table method plane-table survey plano-concave lens planographic plate plant-mix pavement plasma-arc cutting plate-bending roll platen superheater playback amplifier plug-board control plug-in connection plumbite treatment pneumatic actuator pneumatic cleaning pneumatic conveyer pneumatic conveyor pneumatic elevator pneumatic operator pneumatic recorder pneumatic riveting pneumatic starting pneumatic throttle point interference point of elevation point of inflexion point-charge model pointer instrument pointer-stop meter pointer-stop metre poisson population poisson's equation polarisation error polarity indicator polarization plane polarized armature polarizing current pollution standard polychromatic beam polychrome picture polydentate ligand polygraphic worker polymeric material polynomal equation polyparabanic acid polytropic process polyvariant system poor approximation poor machinability poorly graded sand population density porosity apparatus portable appliance portable equipment position dimension position indicator position isomerism position regulator positional command positional operand positioning system positive allowance positive electrode positive governing positive reactance positive reversing positron radiation post-forming sheet post-precipitation potassium chlorate potassium chlorite potassium fluoride potassium selenate potassium selenite potassium stannate potassium stannite potassium stearate potassium sulphate potassium sulphide potassium sulphite potassium vanadate potential function potential gradient potential plateaux potential pressure powder sensibility powdered-iron core power distribution power friction saw power interlocking power limit switch power oscillations power transmission power-factor meter power-factor metre power-factor swing power-output stage power-time diagram practicable patent practical standard pre-stressing head precipitation tank precise instrument predefined process predominant factor prefabricated part prefabricated unit preheating chamber preheating furnace preliminary design preliminary report preliminary roller premature ignition preparation losses preplanning system preproduction test preserving process preset measurement presetting circuit pressed glass base pressing-in method pressure altimeter pressure cementing pressure connector pressure equalizer pressure governing pressure indicator pressure quenching pressure reduction pressure regulator pressure reservoir pressure sensitive pressure tightness prestressed girder primary inductance primary ionization primary-float feed primitive eyepiece principal meridian printing formation printing telegraph priority indicator process acceptance process controller process inspection processing element processing machine processing overlap product evaluation product life cycle product of numbers production control production counter production of heat production process production reactor production reserve programme sequence programmed control programming office progressive motion projection drawing projection formula projection welding propellent mixture propeller-type fan property in patent proportioning pump propulsion current protective circuit protective coating protective colloid protolytic acidity proton tautomerism protonated species proximate analysis pseudoconglomerate public call office publicity campaign puckered structure pulsating quantity pulse polarography pulse regeneration pulse servo-system pulse transmission pulse-forming coil pulse-leading edge pulse-width coding pulsed accelerator pump-suction valve pumping facilities pumping-out system pumpless rectifier punch-holder plate puncturing machine pure semiconductor purification plant push-button switch push-button tuning pushing locomotive pyrosulphuric acid p-type conductivity paced assembly line packaged transistor pancratic telescope panoramic amplifier pantograph trollies parabolic detection parabolic reflector paraffin distillate paralax-free mirror parallax correction parallel connection parallel inductance parallel processing paramagnetic medium parametric function parametric solution paraphase amplifier parent distribution parent radioisotope part-load operation partial backfilling partial cementation partial constituent partial correlation partial integration partial-flow filter partiallordered set particle kinematics particle trajectory particular solution parting-line gating partition insulator passenger transport patent interference path of integration path of propagation pattern recognition pauli paramagnetism payable ore reserve pedestrian crossing pencil-beam antenna pendulum viscometer penetration macadam percentage gradient percussion drilling perfect correlation perfect reliability performance diagram performance measure performance monitor performance profile performance testing periodical fraction peripheral computer peripheral pressure peripheral velocity permanent connexion permanent expansion permanent extension permanent magnetism permeability bridge permeability tuning perpendicular lines perpendicular style perspective utility perturbation theory petrol-electric bus petrol-electric car petrol-engine truck petticoat insulator phase automatically phase discriminator phase null detector phase-shift circuit phenol-formaldehyde phosphate treatment phosphorescent glow phosphoric compound phosphorized copper photocell amplifier photochemical yield photoelastic method photoelectret state photoelectric meter photoelectric metre photoelectric relay photographic camera photographic record photon-coupled pair photopic luminosity photopolymerization photoresistive cell phototechnical film photovoltaic effect physical absorption physical adsorption physical metallurgy physical photometer physical photometry physical properties physiological noise piano-wire concrete pickled sheet steel pictorial trademark picture transmitter pig-casting machine pin-connected frame pin-connected truss ping-pong operation pinpoint accuracies pipe expansion loop pipe-threading tool piston displacement piston-path diagram piston-swept volume pitch stabilization place in commission placing of concrete plain-break breaker plain-concrete pier plain-turning slide plane discontinuity plane of projection plane triangulation plane-bottom hammer planetary obliquity planned maintenance plastered brickwork plastic deformation plastics industries plate-girder bridge plate-type rheostat plot of x against y plot point by point plotting instrument plug-type rail bond plunging trajectory pneumatic amplifier pneumatic governing pneumatic transport pneumatical working point of engagement point-contact diode point-to-sphere gap pointing accuracies pole-changing motor pollution abatement polyatomic molecule polygonal condition polynuclear species polyphase generator polysulphide rubber polytropic exponent polyvalent notation pony roughing stand port of destination portable instrument positioning element positive absorption positive distortion positive modulation positive valve gear post-heat treatment postcrystallization potassium carbonate potassium hydroxide potassium rhodanide potassium tellurate potassium tellurite potassium tungstate potential indicator potential rectifier pounding-up machine pouring temperature powdered-metal part power amplification power supply system power-angle diagram power-control lever power-supply ripple precessional motion precipitated cooper precipitating agent precipitation gauge precision mechanics prefabricated house prefabricated panel preheat temperature preliminary breaker preliminary crusher preliminary drawing preliminary section preliminary support preoperational test preoptive headstock prepayment coin box preproduction model pressure controller pressure diecasting pressure microphone pressure resistance pressure transducer pressure-jet burner pressure-tight weld pressurizing system previous mutilation primary constituent primary information primary publication primary superheater principal curvature printing perforator printing technology priority processing probabilistic model probability density probability element processing industry product engineering production engineer production of sound production planning production progress production schedule production sequence production standard productive capacity profiled sheet iron programme amplifier programme debugging programme generator programme parameter progressive failure project engineering projection distance projection eyepiece projection printing projective geometry promoting substance propellant capacity propeller-type pump proportional action proportional factor proportional region propositional logic proprietary article proprietary product protecting covering protection of labor protective clothing protective resistor proton-proton chain pull-button contact pulse interrogation pulse stabilization pulse trailing edge pulse-bucking adder pulsed laser action pulsed oscillations punched-card column punched-card reader puncture resistance puncture-proof tyre purchase department push-button contact push-button control push-button station push-down automaton push-pull amplifier pyroelectric effect pyrolitic breakdown pyrophosphoric acid pythagorean theorem p-type semiconductor paddle-wheel steamer pallet number reader panel-frame mounting panoramic windscreen paper chromatography paper tape equipment parallel arrangement parallel relay adder parametric amplifier parametric equations parametric resonance parasitic resistance part-winding starter partial differential partial prestressing partial racemization particle attenuation partitioned data set partitioning of load parts categorization passage to the limit passenger locomotive patent specification patentability search patentable invention pattern-maker's rule peak inverse voltage peak-to-valley ratio pearl polymerization pendulum impact test penetration integral percentage by volume percentage by weight percentage variation perfectly black body performance analysis performance build-up performance criteria performance standard period of excitation peripheral equipment peripheral processor permanent connection permanent distortion permanent elongation permanent foundation permissible overload permissible solution perovskite structure perpendicular offset persistent radiation perspective geometry petroleum locomotive petroliferous strata phase sequence meter phase sequence metre phase transformation phase-boundary layer phase-corrected horn phenolsulphonic acid phenomena of inertia phonograph amplifier phosphomolydric acid phosphorescent decay phosphorescent paint phosphoric acid salt photo-electric valve photoconducting cell photoconductive cell photocurrent density photoelastic varnish photoelectric effect photoelectric mosaic photoelectric reader photoelectric sorter photoemissive effect photometrical binary photomultiplier tube photon amplification photoresistance cell photosensitive layer physiological stress piano-spherical lens pick-and-place robot pick-holding control picture control coil picture reproduction picture transmission picture-signal input piecewise analytical piecewise continuous piezocrystallization piezoelectric effect pilot pressure gauge pinion-shaped cutter pip-matching circuit pipe friction losses pipe-bending machine pipe-cutting machine pipe-welding machine piston-ring spreader pit-head arrangement pitch discrimination pitched-paddle mixer place out of service plain milling cutter plain-round moulding plane-table traverse planetary atmosphere planimetric features planimetric plotting planned obsolescence plaster ceiling slab plate buffing spring plate characteristic pneumatic breakwater pneumatic servomotor point of application point of measurement point operating gear point-to-point curve pointed steel hammer polar-cap absorption polarization ellipse pole-changing switch pollutants transport pollution prevention polychromatic finish polymerization level polyphase alternator polythene insulation polytropic expansion pomped-storage plant popping safety valve porcelain insulation portable transmitter positional astronomy positional parameter positive correlation positive electricity positive-ray current post-graduate course post-process gauging postulational method potable water supply potatomasher antenna potential difference potentially operated power supply battery power-operated valve power-spectrum level practical efficiency precipitation regime precision resistance preinstallation test preliminary analysis preselective control preserving technique preset automatically pressure accumulator pressure atomization pressure cementation pressure distributor pressure fluctuation pressure fuel system pressure lubrication pressure sensitivity pressure transmitter pressure-seal gasket pressure-sealing zip prestressed concrete primary radioisotope primary roof control principle of duality priority application probabilistic system probability function procedure identifier proceed to the limit processing behaviour processing equipment processing parameter processing programme processor supervisor product degeneration production assurance production equipment production personnel production programme production prototype profile displacement profile ground tooth profiling attachment programme flow chart programme monitoring programming language progressive assembly progressive scanning prohibitive overload projection kinescope projection televisor propagation constant propagation distance propagation of light propagation of sound propagation of waves propagation velocity proportional divider proportioning piston propulsion generator protect an invention protected solar cell protective colouring proton radioactivity prove-out acceptance psophometric voltage puch-button assembly pulse-height spectra pulse-modulated wave pulse-width selector pulsed doppler radar pulverised soapstone pump-discharge valve pure-tone audiometer push-button actuator push-pull microphone push-pull modulation push-pull oscillator packed decimal number packing of pipe joint pair-to-pair capacity palatial architecture paper-cutting machine paper-folding machine parallel circular saw parallel misalignment parallel spot welding parallel transmission parallel-cut blasting parallel-flow turbine paramagnetic material parametric transducer parasitic capacitance paraxial ray equation part-load performance partial cross-section particulate radiation partition coefficient passages to the limit passive relay station passive retransmitter pauli-fermi principle peak-to-valley height pendant light fitting pendulum magnetometer penetrating radiation penetration corrosion penetration potential percentage elongation percentage inspection percussive coalcutter performance criterion performance parameter periodic oscillations periodical inspection peripherical electron permanent deformation permissible cartridge permissible variation phase-control circuit phase-focusing action photo-audio generator photoconductor target photoelectric counter photoelectric current photoelectric element photoelectric fatigue photoelectric pick-up photoelectric scanner photoelectric voltage photographic emulsion photon-induced action photonuclear reaction photoresistance relay photovisual magnitude physical significance piezoelectric crystal piezoelectric modulus piezoelectric pick-up piggy-back freighting pillar disintegration pin-point information piston pressure gauge pistonless steam pump pitch-circle diameter plain-shunt generator plane of polarization plane-parallel plates plane-table operation plane-table surveying plano-concave antenna plano-milling machine planographic printing plaster mould casting plasticating pressure plate sensibilisation plate-bending machine plate-cutting machine plug-and-socket inlet pneumatic loudspeaker pneumatic transmitter point of intersection point-to-point system polarization capacity polarizing microscope polychrome television polycomponent ferrite polycristalline solid polygraphic machinery polynomial regression portable steam engine positive acceleration positive transmission post mortem programme pot annealing furnace potassium persulphate potassium phosphatase potential temperature potential transformer potentiometer circuit power pulley assembly power-driven conveyer power-driven conveyor power-driven selector power-feeding station power-to-volume ratio power-to-weight ratio practical application precast concrete pile precipitation process precision engineering precision measurement precombustion chamber predicted reliability prediction of failure preferred orientation preliminary operation preliminary treatment premature publication preplasticating screw present-position data presses for transfers pressure contact weld pressure differential pressure oscillations pressure transmission pressure water piping pressure-reduce valve pressure-relief valve preventive inspection primary fission yield primary speed control primary triangulation printed circuit track printed-circuit board priority interruption priority of invention probabilistic circuit probabilistic process probability amplitude processing conditions processing department processing properties production conditions production constraint production department production facilities production metallurgy profile-turning lathe programme status word programming programme projection microscope projection of surface projection television proof correction mark proportional feedback proportionality limit proportionating valve propulsive efficiency protection signalling protective atmosphere protective resistance prototype development protractor set square provisional agreement pseudoscalar quantity pseudosymmetric graph published application puckered conformation pulsation coefficient pulse-circuits-theory pulse-code modulation pulse-forming network pulse-height selector pulse-height spectrum pulse-modulated radar pulse-repetition rate pulse-shaping circuit pulse-spike amplitude pulse-time modulation pulse-train generator pulses interrogations pure imaginary number push-button telephone push-pull transformer pusher-chain conveyer pusher-chain conveyor package patent licence package patent license pallet-loading pattern paper feed measurement paper-stripping method parallax automatically paramagnetic amplifier parametric interaction parametric programming parasitic oscillations parent autocorrelation particle concentration particle-size analysis party line ringing key pasteurizing apparatus pattern identification paving expansion joint peak-to-peak amplitude penetration resistance per capita consumption percentage composition perforated card reader perforated tape reader performance capability performance evaluation performance properties permanent-magnet meter permanent-magnet metre permitted energy level perpendicular equation personal dose metering perspective projection perturbation of regime perturbation technique perturbed energy level petrochemical industry petrol-filling station phase-inverter circuit phase-modulated signal phase-pulse modulation phase-shift oscillator phase-shifting network phase-splitting device photochemical activity photochemical reaction photocomposing machine photoconductive effect photoelectric emission photogrammetric survey photographic apparatus photographic magnitude photomapping equipment photometric brightness photometric integrator photosensitive surface physiologic adaptation piano-cylindrical lens pick-up characteristic picture-frequency band piezoelectric recorder piezoelectric vibrator pigment paper transfer pin-cushion distortion pipe-expanding machine pipe-line transmission pipe-threading machine pith-ball electroscope plain corner butt weld planck's radiation law planer-and-shaper vice planer-and-shaper vise planetary transmission planetary-motion mixer plate-grid capacitance plate-punching machine plate-shearing machine platform-scale ammeter plunger-type injection pneumatic-driven press pneumatically operated pocket folding machine point of discontinuity point of interpolation point-to-point control polarization potential polarization separator polygon cutting device pore-size distribution positioning accuracies positive-negative tool positive-positive tool post-stressed concrete potassium ferricyanide potassium permanganate potential productivity potential-energy curve power-supply equipment pre-assembly selection pre-exponential factor precast-concrete house precipitation reaction predetermining counter prefabricated concrete preoscillation current preselective headstock pressure automatically preventive maintenance primary electric clock privileged instruction probabilistic approach proceed-to-send signal production engineering products degenerations profile grounded tooth profile-extrusion head programme control word programme interruption programming department projecting folded seam pron-and-bar timbering proof by contradiction propagating shock wave proportional compasses proportional governing proportional regulator proportionality factor propulsive coefficient protective forest belt pull-broaching machine pull-type hand grenade pulmonary dust disease pulse-height analyiser pulse-phase modulation pulse-width modulation pulsed-light generator pumped storage station puncture of insulation purification apparatus push-broaching machine pyrogenic distillation parallel search storage paramagnetic dispersion parameter-setting order parasitic magnetization passive countermeasures pattern sensitive fault pattern-running torpedo peak-holding controller penetration probability permanent-mould casting permissible deformation perpendicular alignment perpendicular alinement perpendicular recording persistent oscillations phase-lock acceleration phase-splitting circuit phase-splitting network phenomenological theory phosphonitrile compound phosphorescence spectra photoelectric amplifier photoelectric magnitude photoelectric pyrometer photoelectric threshold photogoniometric method photographic flash bomb physiological acoustics picture synchronization piecewise approximation piezoelectric manometer pillar-drilling machine pinacolic rearrangement piston-engined aircraft pit-bottom construction pitch-to-foot indicator plan-position indicator planetographic latitude plaster-moulded cornice plastic-insulated cable plate-levelling machine playback characteristic pneumatic control valve pneumatic surge chamber point of solidification point-by-point scanning polar-radiation pattern polarized electromagnet polarographic technique polichromatic radiation portable electric drill positional servo-system positioning instruction positively-ionized atom post-tensioned concrete power blast development power-and-heating plant precast-segmental sewer precipitation hardening precipitation inversion precipitation potential prefabricated structure preliminary reliability pressure at right angle pressure cementing work pressure-reducing valve pressure-sealing zipper pressure-volume diagram pressurized accelerator primary-clearance angle principle of relativity priorities of invention probabilistic automaton production machine tool profile-milling machine profile-sharpened teeth programme compatibility progressive maintenance progressive spring seat prompt-neutron lifetime propagation coefficient proportional controller proportional power unit propped cantilever beam proton-exchange process provisional certificate psychological acoustics pulse carrier frequency pulse relative duration pulse repetition period pulse-averaging circuit pulse-length modulation pulse-type radio beacon pulverized-coal furnace purification by storage push-pull amplification p-semiinsulating-n diode parabolic characteristic paraboloid of revolution parallel arithmetic unit parallel milling machine parallel phase resonance parallel planing machine parallelepipedal product parametric amplification partial-voltage starting partition chromatography pasted-plate accumulator patent rights protection pendant lighting fitting perfect magnetic circuit perfect trinomial square perfectly-plastic impact performance depreciation peripheral device buffer permanent-magnet ammeter permanent-magnet machine permeability coefficient perpetual-motion machine phase division multiplex phase-change coefficient phase-sensitive detector phase-stable accelerator phosphorescence spectrum photoacoustic microscope photoelectric absorption photoelectric ionization photoelectric photometer photoelectric transducer photoelectrically active photoelectromotive force photomechanical printing phototypesetting machine physicochemical analysis pi four-terminal network picture-signal amplitude piezoelectric microphone piezoelectric stabilizer piezoelectric transducer pinion-and-rack steering plain metal slitting saw plasma-arc cutting torch pnotocomposing technique polarization of neutrons polycondensation product polymerization activator portable pneumatic drill portland-cement concrete position-voltage control positional number system positive self-regulation positive-grid oscillator post-and-panel structure potentiometer multiplier potentiometric technique potentiometric titration power-transmission chain precision-approach radar preliminary design phase preliminary transit line pressure contact welding pressure-sensitive relay preventative maintenance principal quantum number principle of the maximum probability density plot probability distribution probability of occurence processing compatibility product-by-process claim product-quality analysis production manufacturing production time resource profile-grinding machine programme control system programme identification programme initialization programme-making routine progressive transmission progressive-wave antenna proton-exchange reaction public telephone station public-address amplifier pulse-finding accuracies pulse-generating circuit pulse-operated cyclotron pulverization carburator pulverization carbureter push the analogy further pushbutton control group paint-spraying compressor parallaxes of coordinates parallel microprogramming parallel-flow superheater parallel-plate viscometer parameter of distribution parasitic autooscillation partial-admission turbine pentode-voltage amplifier percentage critical speed performance apportionment phase modulated recording phase-inverting amplifier phase-sensitive amplifier phase-sensitive rectifier phase-splitting amplifier phase-stable acceleration phenol-formaldehyde resin phenomena of interference phosphonitrile dichloride phosphorescence afterglow photoelectric colorimeter photoelectric door-opener photoelectrochemical cell photogrammetric surveying photoparametric amplifier piezoelectric loudspeaker pitch-differential factor plain-flat-strip moulding plane-table triangulation plate-cathode capacitance platform-type transformer pneumatic conveyor system pole of analytic function polynominal approximation porcelain leading-in tube position contouring table positioning repeatability post-and-lintel structure power-transmission medium prelimitary investigation pressure-drop coefficient pressure-regulating valve pressurized water reactor prestressed reinforcement principle of conservation printed-circuit amplifier probability of collission probability of no-failure problem-oriented language processing characteristic producer of visible light production specifications progressive-assembly line propeller-balancing stand proportional control band proportional control zone pulse-duration modulation pulse-height distribution pulse-position modulation pulse-width discriminator pulverization carburetter pulverization carburettor purchase of patent rights push-pull amplifier valve parallel-crank measurement parallel-resonance circuit particle-size distribution passivated transformer oil patent infringement action pattern recognition method pending patent application performance characteristic permeability of free space permittivity of free space phase shift characteristic phase-compensating network phase-frequency distortion phase-preserving amplifier photoelectric conductivity photogrammetric theodolite physiological acceleration planetary gear measurement plate-edge-planing machine plate-filament capacitance point-by-point computation point-by-point integration point-focused electron gun polarity of picture signal polarization of gamma-rays polymerization accelerator polymorphic transformation polyphase commutator motor power amplification factor power-factor automatically power-house superstructure pressure-grouted diaphragm principle of complementary product quality inspection projected-scale instrument projection digital display projection-welding machine pulse-amplitude modulation pulse-frequency modulation pulse-height discriminator pulse-repetition frequency push-button control system pushes the analogy further put into service operation pyrometric-cone equivalent parabolic-reflector antenna parachute deployment device parallel binary accumulator pedestrian electric tractor percussion-riveting machine permanent-magnet instrument phase quadrature modulation phenolic polyepoxy oligomer photoconductive camera tube photoelectric densitorneter photoelectric reflectometer photographic sound recorder photomicrographic apparatus picture-synchronizing pulse piezoelectric accelerometer piezoelectric amplification piezoelectric crystal plate pivoted-needle galvanometer planer-type milling machine planer-type surface grinder plate-straightening machine polarization discrimination polymerization acceleration positioning servo-mechanism postthreshold amplification potentiometer-type resistor potentiometer-type rheostat power-transmission sequence premixed bituminous surface pressure diecasting machine pressure sensitive adhesive pressure-equalizing passage pressure-spring thermometer primary-distribution feeder primary-transmission feeder printed pattern recognition procedure-oriented language productivity increase ratio proportional-action control punched-card reading device parallel-to-serial converter parallel-to-serial convertor partially specific automaton particle-size classification patent-and-licence agreement peripheral-admission turbine permanent-magnet loudspeaker phase modulated oscillations phase-modulated transmission photopic absolute luminosity photopolygonometric traverse physical-roentgen equivalent picture-synchronizing signal piezoelectric ceramic filter piezoelectric pressure gauge piezoresistive accelerometer plate-edge bevelling machine pneumatic charging apparatus polarities of picture signal polarizing spectrophotometer position sensing measurement primary natural radionuclide primary-distribution network prismatic transit instrument pseudorandom number sequence pulse-discrimination circuit pulsed-laser pulse amplifier pulverized-fuel fired boiler pure-rotating magnetic field pad-and-pedestal type footing partial differential equation partitioned file organization perfect pairing approximation period of a repeating decimal permanent-magnet galvanometer photogrammetric triangulation photoinitiated polymerization pilot-wire controlled network pneumatically operated switch point-to-point control system pole of system of coordinates positive-moment reinforcement precast concrete wall section progressive motion servomotor pseudorandom signal generator pulse-forming pulse amplifier pulse-response characteristic punched-tape controlled lathe push-pull series spot welding pentagonal pyramidal structure per-person-employed production permanent-split capacity motor phase-frequency characteristic picture-to-synchronizing ratio principle of electroneutrality property of ellipse reflection proportional-action controller parallel serial arithmetic unit passive communication satellite pattern recognition reliability photodiode parametric amplifier photoelectric spectrophotometer pressure-difference transmitter primary distribution trunk line probability of large deviations production scheduling programme particle-size distribution curve pentagonal bipyramidal structure precast reinforced-concrete roof proportional-position controller psophometric electromotive force photographic recording instrument polyphase series commutator motor proportional-and-integral control point-to-point radio communication phase-coherent degenerate amplifier plano-type surface-grinding machine proportional-and-derivative control proportional-and-integral controller position-contouring numerical control proportional-and-derivative controller parabolic partial differential equation parallel-feedback operational amplifier proportional-and-integral-action control proportional-and-derivative-action control programmed inert gas multielectrode welding proportional-and-integral-action controller periodically-distributed parametric amplifier proportional-and-derivative-action controller piezoelectric-semiconductor ultrasonic amplifier proportional-and-integral-and-derivative controller proportional-and-integral-and-derivative-action control proportional-and-integral-and-derivative-action controller
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