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📗 Tермини започващи с буквата S в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата S

sag sam saw set sew sit ski sky sol sow spa sub sun sack sail sale sand sarn sash save scab scan scow scum seal seam seat seed seep shed shim shoe shop show shut side sign sill sink sipe site sitt size skew skid skim skin skip slab slag slap slat slip slit slop slot slub slug smut snag snap snow snub snug soak soap soar sock soda soft soil sole soot sorb sort sour span spar spew spin spit spud spue spur stab stay step stop stow stub stud suck suit sull sump sunk swab sabin salol salty salve samel sandy sappy satin saver scald scale scalp scaly scape scarf scarp scoop scope score scour scout scram scrap scree screw scrub scuff scull seamy sedan seelp seize semis sense servo seryl sewer shade shaft shake shale shank shape share sharp shave shear sheen sheer sheet shell shift shine shock shoot shore shorl short shove shred shunt siege sight sigma silyl sirup sized sizer skarn skate skelp skill skirt skive skull slack slake slant slash slate slaty sleet slice slick slide slime slimy sling slipe sloop slope slump slush smear smelt smift smith smoke smoky snail snake snarl sneak sneek snips snore snout soapy solar solid solve somma sonar sonde sonic sough sound souse sower space spade spall spare spark speck speed spell spike spile spill spine spire spirt spiry splay split spoil spoke spoon spout sprag spray sprig sprue spurn spurt squib stack staff stage stain stake stale stalk stall stamp stank start state stave steam steel steen steep stern stick stiff stilb still stilt sting stock stoep stoke stone stool stoop stope store storm stout stove strap straw stria strip strix strut stuck study stuff stull stulm stump sugar suite surge swamp swarf sweat sweep sweet swell swift swill swing swirl s band saddle safety saggar sagged sagger salify salina saline salmon saloon saltus sample sanded saving saw up sawing sawyer scabby scaled scaler scanty scarce schist school sconce scorch scored scotch scotia scrape screed screen screwy scribe scroll scummy scutch scythe sealed sealer seamer season secant secohm sector secure seesaw seggar seiner select sender sensor serdes serial series sesqui set to set-up setter settle sewage sewing sextic sextol shader shadow shaker shanty shaped shaper shaver sheath sheave shelfy shelly shield shiver shoddy shoran shovel shower shrink shroud sickle siding sienna sifter silane silene silite siloxy silted silvan simmer single sinker sinter siphon sister siting sixths sizing sketch skewed skiddy skiver slaggy sledge sleeve slicer slider slight slimer sliver sloppy slough sludge sluice slurry smalls smeary smooth smudge snaggy snaker snatch socket sodium soffit solate solive solver sonium sorter source spacer sparge speech speiss sphene spider spigot spinel spiral spirit splash splice spline splint sponge spongy spotty spread spring squale square squeal squint squirt stable stadia stanch staple starch starve stayed steady stereo steric sterny stibic sticky stitch stocky stoker stoned stoner stoper stored storey stower strain strake strand strata strays streak stream stress strett strike string strobe stroke struck stucco sturbs sturdy stylus styryl subion subset subway sucker sucrol suffix summit sumper sunken sunlit survey suttle swager swally swampy swedge swelly swerve switch swivel symbol symons synfil syntax sypher syphon system syzygy s event s twist sacking sag rod sagging sailing salient salmiac salvage samaria samaric sampler sandbar sanding sapling sarking satisfy saw cut saw off saw out saw set saw web sawdust sawmill saws up scaling scanner scarfer scating scatter scenery schappe schlich scissel scooper scorify scoring scourer scraped scraper scratch scriber scruple scumble scupper scuttle seal up sealant sealing seaming seaport searing seating seconds section secular seepage segment seizing seizure sending sensing sentron serrate service set bar set die set nut set out set ram set-off sets up setting settler sextone sg iron shackle shading shaking shallow shanked shaping sharing sharpen shatter shaving sheafer sheared shearer sheathe shedder sheding sheeted shellac sheller shelter shifter shim up shingle shocker shoring shotted showery showing shucker shunted shunter shutter shuttle sidecar sieving sifting silanol silence silicon silicyl silting silumin similar simplex singing singlet sink in sinkage sinking sizable size up skating sketchy skewing skilful skilled skimmer skin up skipway skyhook skyline slabber slacken slaking sleeker sleeper slender slicing sliding sliming slip-on slipper slipway slitted slitter sloping slotter sludger slugged slusher smasher smelter smolder snubber snuffer soluble solvate solvent sondage sorbate sorbent sorbite sorting sounder spacing spading spangle spanker sparger sparkle spatter spattle spatula speaker specify spectra speeder spelter spewing spiegel spin in spindle spinner spitter splicer splined spoiler spoking spotted spotter sprayer springy spruing sputter squaler squarer squeeze stacker staddle stagger staging staking stamina stamper stannic stapler starchy started starter statics station staunch staying steamer steeple stemple step up stepney stepped sterine steroid stibine sticker stiffen stinger stipple stirrer stirrup stoning stop up stopper storage stoving stowage stowing stratum stratus streaky striate striker striped studded studdle stuffer stulled stuttle styling styrene subband subbase subdued suberol subhead subject sublime submain subsalt subside subsill subsize subsoil subvert sucaryl suck in sucking sucrase sucrose suction sullage summary suounit support surface surfeit surging swaging swallet sweeper sweeten swinger swingle swirler swither swollen sylphon sylvite synchro synodic syntony syringe s wrench sabulite saddling sag pipe salamide salience salinate salinity salt out samarium samarous sampling sanatory sanatron sand box sand pit sandhill sandwich sanitary saponide saponify sapphire sapropel sardonyx satinite saturant saturate save-all saw band saw disk saw logs saw yard scabbing scaffold scalding scale up scandium scanning scarting scavenge schedule schistic scission scissors scotopic scouring scraping scrapped screened screener screwing scrubber scuffing scum off scumming scutcher sea mile sea wall seal box seal off seam rip seamless seaplane seasonal sebacate security sedative sediment seed bed seed oil selector selenate selenide selenite selvadge semidine semidome semispan semistor semisunk semitone sensible sentence sentinel sequence sericite serrated set bolt set edge set free set over set time set-back settling severing shafting sharigol shearing sheathed sheduled sheetage sheeting shelling shielded shift up shifting shimming shipload shipment shipping shooting shop car shortage shortcut shorting shothole shotting shoulder shoveler showroom shredder shrinker shrouded shunting shut-off shutting sicalite sick tin side arm side set sideband siderite sidetone sighting sign bit silastic silazane silcrete silencer silicane silicate silicide sill cut siloceli siloxane siloxene silstone silurian silylene simulant simulate singular sintered sinusoid situated six-wire sizes up sketcher skew ray ski lift ski-jump skiagram skiatron skidding skim off skimming skinning skins up skipping skirting sky wave skylight slabbing slag off slag pot slagging slanting slap dab slapdash slashing sleeving slidable slide on slideway slip car slip jaw slippage slippery slit end slit nut slitting slop oil slop wax slope up slot die slotting sludging slugging sluggish sluicing slumping slushing smaltite smash-up smashing smearing smectite smeltery smelting smithery smithing smoother snagging snap set snap-die snapshot snifting snowball snug fit soap ash soda lye soda tar sodalite soft gum soft ray softener software solderer solidify solution solvency sonority sonorous sorption sourdine sowblock spandrel sparking specimen speckled spectrum speculum speed-up speedway spherics spheroid spillage spilling spillway spin out spin-off spiracle spitting splatter splicing splining splinter split up splitter spoilage spooling spotface spotting spouting spraying spreader springer sprocket spur rim spurging squaring squeegee squeezer squegger stagnant staining stairway stake on stalling stamping stand-by standage standing stannate stannite stannous star box starting staticon statuary stay put stay rod steaming steamway stearate stearine steatite steeling steering stellite stem bar stemming stempost step jaw stepless stepping steps up stepwise sternway stibnite sticking stilbene stilbite stillage stimulus stirring stitcher stockade stocking stolzite stooping stop arm stop dog stop pin stop rod stopcock stoppage stopping stops up store up storeyed straight strained strainer stranded strander streaked strength striated strickle strident striking stringer stripper strobing strontia struting stub end stub guy studding stuffing subclaim subdrain subdrift subentry suberane suberene suberone subfloor subframe subgrade subgraph subgroup sublayer sublevel submerse submetal suboxide subpress subpunch subraise subrange subshell subsonic subspace subtense subtidal subtitle subtract subtruss suburban succinyl suck out suitable sulliage sulphide sulphite sulphone sulphury sump pan sun gear sun spot sunproof superior suppress supremum surfacer surveyor swabbing swamping swan cap swapping sweeping sweetner swelling swinging switcher syncline synopsis synoptic syntexis saccharin safe back safe edge safe load safeguard safranine sag gauge sag ratio sail area sail boat sailcloth salicylic salimeter saltpetre salvaging salve oil sand bath sand belt sand clay sand core sand disk sand flag sand hole sand pile sand shop sand skin sand tank sand trap sanddrift sandpaper sandstone sanforize sapiphore saprolite sarcosine sash dook sassoline satellite satiation satinwood saturable saturated saturnine saturnism saw arbor saw blade saw block saw frame saw notch saw tooth scale off scale pan scales up scantling scapolite scarifier scatterer scavenger scheduler scheelite schistoid schistose sciagraph scorching scotophor scramming scrape to scrappage screening screw die screw key screw nut screw ram scribbler scrubbing scutching sea inlet sea level sea water seal coat seal weld seald end searching seasoning seat back seat belt seat clay secondary sectional sectoring seek time segmental segregate seignette sein boat selection selective selectron selliform semaphore semi axle semifluid semirigid semisteel semitruss semivault sendytron seniority sensistor sensitive sensitize separable sequencer sequester serration servicing set level set noise set plumb set point set punch set screw set solid set spark setter-up severance shadowing shaft box shaft man shaft men shake-out shale tar shank end sharpener sharpness shear die shear jib shear off shear pin sheathing shed roof sheet bar sheet ice sheet out sheet tin shielding shift man shift men shift out shifts up shingling ship crew ship lock ship yard ship-lift shipboard shipwreck shockless shoe sole shoot off shop kink shop test shop tool short oil short out short run short ton shortener shortwall shot size shotcrete shotfirer shredding shrink on shrinkage shrinking shrunk-on shunt box shut down siccative side blow side face side line side lobe side mill side play side rake side roll side slip side tool side view side weir side-wall signalman signature signifies silchrome silencing silicvlic silk loom silk mill silk yarn sill rail silt soil siltation silvering simulator sine line sine wave sinistral sink bolt sink hole sink mark sintering site area site test site-plan situation six-phase size data sketching skew arch skew back skiagraph skim gate skim milk skin coat skin dose skin glue skin weld skintling skip band skip cage skip weld skip zone skipshaft sky chart slab coil slab iron slab mill slabstone slack bin slackness slag cake slag dump slag hole slag sand slag trap slag wool slew gear slide bar slide box slide fit slide off slip band slip face slip form slip hook slip line slip over slip ring slit gate slope box slot head slot mill slow scan slow test slow-down small end smoke box smoke jet smokeless smoothing snap hook snap lock snap ring snap tool snatching snow bank snow line snow load snow plow soapstone soapsudes soda lime soda pulp soft acid soft base soft clay soft coal soft copy soft file soft iron soft soil soft trim soft wood softening soil bank soil body soil flow soil loss soil pipe soil road solar day solar oil solder up soldering soleplate solid axe solid bed solid end solid jaw solid jet solid key solid nut solid oil solid ore solvation soniscope sonograph sonometer sonorific soundness southward space age space axe space key spacistor spade tag span roof span rope spar boom spar buoy spar-deck spark gap spark out sparkless sparkover specified spent air spent ore sperm oil spin over spin wave spin-free spinneret spiraling spit ring splice in splineway splinting split die split nut split off split pin split rim splitting spodumene spoilable spoke rib spongious spot cure spot test spot weld spotfacer spotlight spray gun spray jet spreading springing sprinkler sprue cup spun pipe spun silk spun yarn spur dike spur dyke spur gear spur pile spur rack spur road square-up squeaking squeezing stabivolt stable to stage box staggered stainless staircase stairwell stake out stanchion stand oil star-quad starching starts up statement statistic stay bolt stay tube steam box steam jet steam off steam out steam ram steel bar steel dam steelwork steelyard steep dip steepness step cone step down step mode step size step-back steradian stereomer stibonium stick out stiff mix stiffener stiffness stigmator stimulant stippling stitching stock-out stockists stockpile stockturn stockyard stokehold stone pit stone red stone toe stoneware stop band stop bath stop bead stop bolt stop down stop lamp stop lens stop time stop work stop-head stoppered store man store men stoutness straining stranding strangler strap cam strapping strapwork straw oil streaming streetcar stretched stretcher striation strikling stringing strip out stripping structure stub file stub gear stub nail stub pipe stub tube stuck out stud bolt stylobate styrofoam sub-panel subatomic subbottom subcentre subfeeder subgrader sublethal sublimate submerged subnormal suboiling subpurlin subregion subscript subsiding substance succinate succinite suffocant sulphamyl sulphanyl sulphinic sulphinyl sulphonyl sulphoxyl sulphuric sump tank sump well sun burst sun relay sun shade sun visor sun wheel sun-blind sun-dried superchip superfast supergene superhard superheat supernova superpose supported surcharge surfacial surfacing surfusion surge bin surge box surge gap surveying suspended suspender swage die swan base swan-neck sweat box sweepback sweet gas sweet oil swineback swingling switch-in switching sylvanite symbionts symbolics symmetric syneresis synergism synthesis saccharate saccharify saccharose sack cloth sack truck saddle key saddleback sae thread safe range safety aid safety can safety dog safety gap safety jaw safety net safety nut safety pin safety rod sail plane saliferous salination salt brine salt error salt gauge salt spray salt water samarskine sample box sanatorium sand blast sand grain sand mould sandy loam sapropelic sash brace satin spar saturation saw pliers saw swedge scabbiness scale beam scale down scale line scale mark scale rule scale work scale zero scaled wax scaleplate scan angle scarf down scattering scavenging scheduling schizolite scientific scintigram score rail scrap iron scrap rate scrap view scrap yard scrape off screen dot screen off screen out screvy cap screw axis screw base screw clip screw feed screw gear screw head screw hole screw home screw hoop screw jack screw line screw nail screw pair screw pile screw plug screw prop screw pump screw ring screw stay screw vice screw vise scum board sea return sealing-in seam blast seat earth seat screw seating-in second cut second die sedimental seed drill seepy area seger cone seismogram selectance self actor self-moved self-reset semeiology semi-batch semi-cycle semi-fused semi-plant semi-polar semi-solid semiannual semicircle semiliquid semimolten semirotary sense byte sensitiser sensitizer separation separatrix sequencing sequential sere wings serpentine serviceman servo gear servo loop servo unit servomotor set agoing set chisel set collar set hammer set member set method set square setting-up settlement sewer pipe sexangular shade shed shaft kiln shaft line shaft neck shaft seal shaft tube shaft work shaker pan shaly blae shank base shaped bar shaped rod sharp bank sharp bend sharp fold sharp sand sharp turn sharpening shattering shave hook shawinigan shear area shear line shear load shear tool shed cover sheet iron sheet lead sheet mica sheet mill sheet pile sheet roll sheet vein sheet zinc sheet-like shelf life shelf oven shell arch shell bolt shell core shell roof sherardize shield can shield pot shift boss shift down shift knob shim brass ship crane ship plate ship-house shipmaster shock bump shock drag shock load shock test shock tube shock wave shoe block shoe brake shore line shore pipe shore span short iron short shot short-lead short-term short-time shortening shot blast shot metal shot noise shouldered shrink bob shrink fit shunt coil shunt feed shunt lead shuttering side chain side crank side ditch side flank side force side frame side slope side stake side track side valve sieve mesh sieve test sight bowl sight hole sight rule sign digit signal arm signal box signalling silent run silhouette silica gel sill ratio silo tower silty loam silylidene similitude simo chart simulative sine curve sine meter sine metre single cut single lug single-out single-ply single-row sink float sinusoidal size block size range sized coal sized feed sizing die skeltering sketch map skew angle skew lines skew tooth skew wheel skid-proof skim stock skin diver skip hoist skirt slot sky factor slab entry slab ingot slabby ore slack coal slack side slag crust slag ladle slag notch slant line slaty clay slave side sleeve nut slide film slide gate slide loop slide rail slide rest slide rule slime tank sling rope slip angle slip cover slip gauge slip joint slip meter slip metre slip plane slip ratio slip speed slope book slope cage slope down slope line slot array slot drill slot guide slot meter slot metre slow-speed sludge oil sludge pan slug tuner slush pump small mill small tool small-size smithcraft smoke bomb smoke duct smoke flue smoke jack smoke pipe smoke test smoke tube smoke-free smokescope smooth cut smooth run snake roll snap check snap flask snap gauge sneak path snow chain snow cover snow fence snow limit snow water snowflakes soap stock soap-drawn soapy clay socle beam soda brine soda glass soda nitre soft black soft drink soft error soft flame soft image soft shine soft sound soft steel soft twist soft water soil auger soil creep soil stack soil water solar apex solar cell solar halo solar heat solar tide solar time solar wind solded lug solderable solders up solid blue solid body solid fuel solid line solid mass solid pole solid pump solid rock solid tool solid wall solid-cast solidusmem solt field solubility solvolysis solvolytic sonic wave soniferous soot-laden sooting-up sopraporta sound beam sound head sound lens sound wave southbound space band space dust space ship space suit space unit space wave spallation span piece spare part spare tyre spares kit spark ball spark plug spark test spark trap spark wear sparks-gap spatiality spectacles speed data speed drop speed rise spent lime sperrylite sphalerite spheroidal spherolite spike nail spill over spin chuck spin state spine wall spiral cut splice bar splice box split beam split boss split cone split wood spoil area spoil bank sponginess spool gear spool-type spoon test spot check spot level spotfacing spottiness spout hole spray beam spray cone spray head spray hole spray ring spray test spread out spring cap spring eye spring pad spring pin sprinkling sprue bush sprue slug spur track spur wheel spur-brace sputtering square bar square key square nut square-law squariance squirt can squirt gun stabilizer stable arc stableness stack flue stack hood stadia rod staff bead staggering stagnation stair head stair pole stair step stand pipe standstill stannylene star chain star chart star cloud star drift star gauge star point star shake star shell star wheel starch gum start-stop starvation state band stationery staurolite stay block stay clamp stay wedge steady run steam bath steam coal steam dome steam drop steam drum steam heat steam iron steam lead steam line steam main steam pipe steam rate steam room steam seal steam shop steam trap steam tube steel ball steel band steel beam steel clad steel mill steel pile steel rope steel wool steel-cast steep bank steep edge steep rise steep roof steep turn step drill step grate step grind step stone stephanite stern-post stick coil stick-slip stickiness stiff flow stiffening stink damp stock card stock dies stock head stock rail stock room stock stop stock tube stoep-room stone bind stone bolt stone bond stone coal stone down stone dust stone flag stone head stone mill stone road stone slip stone-work stony soil stop block stop drill stop gauge stop lever stop light stop piece stop valve stop wheel stop-screw stop-watch stope back stope heel stoped-out stopped-up store area store room store ship store tank storehouse storm flow stove tile straddling straighten strain off strainless strand die strangling strap bolt strap seam stratified stray flux stray wave streamline strengthen stretching strike rod strip fuse strip iron strip line strip mill strippable strobotron strut rail stub entry stub stack stub track stub tuner stud lathe stud shaft study team study-hall subcarrier subchannel subcommand subcontrol subcooling subgrading subincfine sublattice sublicence sublicense submersion subroutine subsealtng subsequent subsidence subsidiary substation substitute substoping substratum subsurface subthermal subtracter subvention succeedent successive sugar beet sugar cane sugar lime sulphamate sulphamide sulphamine sulphation sulphidize sulphimide sulphinate sulphoacid sulphonate sulphonium sulphosalt sulphoxide sulphurate sulphurite sulphurous sun bronze sunk rivet sunk screw super acid supergraph superheavy superoxide superpower supersonic supersound supervisor supplement supply fan supply net supporting suppressor surfactant surge sump surge tank suspending suspension suspensoid swage head sway brace sway strut sweep unit sweepboard sweet clay sweetening swept band swept wing swing axle swing bolt swing dook swing gate swing link switch arm switch box switch key switch out switch-man switch-off switchyard swivel pen swivel pin symbol key synchrodyn synchrotie synergetic synonimous synthetics synthetize system key sack finish sacrificial saddle feed saddle gear saddle roof safe stress safety arch safety belt safety bolt safety cage safety code safety film safety flap safety fuse safety gear safety hook safety lane safety lock safety plug safety rail safety ring safety stop safety test safety trip safety tyre safety weir safety zone sag of belt sagged weld salinometer salt bridge salt effect saltpetrous sample copy sample size sample unit sample weld sand binder sand buckle sand cement sand filter sand hopper sand quarry sand revise sand sifter sandal wood sandblaster sandfilling sandslinger saponaceous sapropelite sash weight sash window sawn timber sawn veneer scale crust scale error scale model scale paper scale range scaling law scarf joint scatter set scattergram schiff base schistosity scintillate scoop wheel scoury slag scram drift scrap metal scrap value scrape down scraper box scratch awl screen area screen grid screen hole screen line screen size screen test screw auger screw blade screw block screw brake screw brass screw chain screw clamp screw cover screw dolly screw drive screw gauge screw joint screw mixer screw pitch screw plate screw point screw press screw shaft screw spike screw steel screw stock screw valve screw wheel script type scroll case scroll drum scroll roll scum baffle scum rubber sea clutter sea horizon sealed area sealed fire sealed pump sealing gap sealing run sealing-off seam course seam hammer seam strike seam welder seamed pipe seaming die search area search coil search time secant line second-hand section box sector gate sedimentary sedimentate see-through seed harrow seeger ring segment die segregation seismometry self-acting self-binder self-cooled self-curing self-feeder self-guided self-mixing self-moving self-oiling self-repair self-supply semi-acetal semi-cyclic semi-diesel semi-gantry semi-portal semibreadth semisoluble sending end sending set sensibilise sensitizing series path service bay service bit service kit service men service pit serviceable servo drive servo valve servo-brake servodriven sesquioxyde set a rivet set of lost set to zero set up hard set-up time setting-out settled tar severe load severe-duty sewage pump sewage tank shadow mask shadowgraph shaft angle shaft drive shaft floor shaft guide shaft hoist shake-proof shaped form shaped iron shaper tool shaper work shaping die sharp curve sharp screw shaving die shear blade shear curve shear force shear plane sheet anion sheet anode sheet gauge sheet glass sheet metal sheet steel shelf aging shelf drier shell drill shell flour shell mould shell still shell-proof shield gate shield grid shift gears shift pedal shift pulse shift speed ship's rope shipbuilder shock front shock mount shock-proof shop window shop-welded short radii short waves short-armed short-dated short-lived short-range shortcoming shot copper shot effect shot weight shouldering shovel boom show window shower gate shrink film shrink link shrink ring shroud ring shunt field shunt ratio shuttle car side chisel side cutter side effect side facade side loader side member side of vee side planer side shears sight frame sight glass sigma meson signal code signal disk signal flag signal grid signal knob signal mast signal post significant silent mesh silent zone silentblock silex glass sillimanite silo pallet silver foil silver salt simple beam simple boss simple roof simple tone sine-shaped singing arc single bond single cord single duct single hook single load single rail single test single-axle single-beam single-cast single-deck single-disk single-drum single-flow single-line single-pass single-pole single-seat sinter cake siphon pipe siphon trap sister hook sister ship site sketch site survey size effect size of jaw sizing stop sizing trip sketch area skew bridge skewed slot skin effect skip bridle skip bucket skirt along skyscrapper slab rubber slab shears slack water slag cement slag cotton slag hearth slaked lime slate chute slate flour slated roof slave sweep sledge mill slice drift sliced film slickenside slide block slide gauge slide ridge slide scale slide strip slide tongs slide-valve sliding bar sliding fit sliding jaw sliding nut sliding rod sling chain slip a pole slip clutch slip motion slip of bar slip socket slip stream slip stress slip washer slope meter slope metre slope stake slot cutter slot groove slot miller slot washer slotted nut slow banker slow cement slow-acting sludge acid sludge bank sludge pump sludge test slug caster sluice gate sluice weir slurry tank slush metal slush stock small stuff small-scale smith forge smithereens smoke black smoke meter smoke metre smoke stack smoke-laden smoke-tight smooth bore smooth drum smooth file smooth flow smooth hole smooth path smooth roll smouldering snap action snow loader snow plough snow screen snowballing soaking pit soap grease socked head socket pipe soda sludge sodium alum sodium cell sodium lamp sodium salt soft button soft hammer soft solder soft x-rays soft-facing soil binder soil column soil mortar soil survey solar cycle solar flare solar noise solar power solarigraph solarimeter solid angle solid anode solid block solid earth solid frame solid green solid phase solid shaft solid waste solid-drawn solid-state soluble oil sonic delay sonic speed sound cable sound field sound image sound level sound mixer sound panel sound power sound probe sound pulse sound track sound-proof space angle space array space blade space curve space group space image space truss space-based spacer ring spade drill spare compo spare wheel spectacular specularite speed brake speed gauge speed lathe speed lever speed meter speed metre speed range speed ratio speedometer spent steam spew relief spheriolite spheroidize spherometer spike pulse spin moment spindle box spindle oil spiral case spiral coil spiral gear spiral head spiral line spiral quad spiral rope spitzkasten splash core splash ring splint coal split chuck split crank split frame split mould split phase split rivet split skirt spluttering spoke wheel spoked ring sponge iron spontaneous spot defect spot height spot welder spray booth spray print spread beam spread roll spring band spring beam spring bolt spring clip spring coil spring jack spring leaf spring lock spring rate spring ring spring stop spring tide spring tool spring-back sprung roof spur pinion square area square bale square edge square file square head square iron square mile square root square rope square rule square wave square well square with squaring-up squeeze out stabilidyne stabilizing stable node staff error stage valve staged test stair riser stair tread staking lug stall angle stall start stallometer stamped-out standardize star handle star pinion star-shaped starch-free start pulse starter gap static dump static lift static load static test station bin stator vane status word stayed pole steady flow steady load steady rest steady ring steam blast steam chest steam drier steam gauge steam plant steam point steam power steam space steam state steam valve steam winch steam-blown steam-plate steam-proof steam-tight steel mould steel plant steel plate steel ratio steel shape steel truss steel-cored steel-faced steel-lined steelmaking steep curve steep grade steep pitch step action step change step ladder step piston step pulley step signal step sizing step splice step-shaped stereometer stereometry stern frame stibiconite stick relay stiff shaft stitch weld stock anvil stock count stock crane stock house stockpiling stoke's law stoker feed stone block stone drain stone plant stone-mason stoney gate stoning-out stop button stop collar stop filter stop motion stop signal stop sleeve stopehammer stoper ring stopper rod storage bin storage box storage dam storage map store crane store moist stored heat storm cloud storm sewer storm-water strap brake strap hinge strap joint straw press stray field stray light stream flow stream gold streamlined street-door stressmeter strike line strike tree striker rod strip borer strip chart strip joist strip steel strip-wound stroboscope strong acid strong base strong seam struck atom strut frame stub thread stud driver stud setter study group subaccetate subacoustic subcritical subdivision subdrainage subdrifting subfunction subharmonic sublicensee sublicensor sublimation submergible subordinate subsequence substandard substantial substantive substituent substituted subvertical succinamide sucking fit suction air suction box suction fan sudden bump sudden drop suds trough sugar juice sulphur dye summability summer beam summer wood super group superalkali supercharge supercooled superficial superfinish supergalaxy superheated superheater superimpose superjacent supermalloy supernatant superproton superscript superstrata superstruct supervision supervisory supply lead supply line supply main supply pipe supply rate supply tank supply tube supply unit surface air surface ice surge shaft surge spray survey grid survey team survey work susceptance swage anvil swaging die sweep delay sweep speed sweet water swing angle swing crane swing drill swing joint swing screw switch lamp switch over switch plug switch rail switch tube swivel head swivel hook swivel stud swivel vice swivel vise symbol rate symmetrical synchromesh synchronous synchrotron syphon wick system call systematics s distortion saddle point saddlebacked safe loading safety brake safety catch safety crank safety flask safety glass safety guard safety level safety lever safety relay safety rules safety stock safety strap safety strip safety tongs safety valve sailing boat sailing ship salient pole salification salmon brick salt hydrate sample piece sample point sand asphalt sand ballast sand casting sand control sand cushion sand cutting sand packing sand stinger sanding disk sanding gear sandy ground satin finish satisfactory saturability saucer wheel saved system sawed timber scalar field scalar meson scale circle scale effect scale factor scale length scale number scale pocket scaling pick scaling tool scarfed edge scatter band scavenge oil scim-off lip scintillator scoop feeder scoop loader scoop shovel scotch block scour outlet scrap baling scrap rubber scraper body scraper ring scraping cut scratch coat scratch test screen block screen glass screen image screen width screw barrel screw bronze screw chaser screw collar screw driver screw feeder screw motion screw sleeve screw socket screw thread screw wrench screw-driven screw-shaped screwed bolt screwed pipe screwed plug screwing die scroll chuck seal packing sealed joint sealing bead sealing bell sealing film sealing ring seam closing seam sealant seam welding seaming roll search cycle search light search pulse search radar search-angle seat cushion seating ring seating shoe seaway canal sebacic acid second sound second speed section gang section line section pile section plan sectionalize sector cable sector valve securing nut securing pin sediment box sediment pan seeded strip seedy cotton seepage loss seepage path segment gate segment gear segment line segmentation seismic wave selector key selenic acid self-braking self-closing self-control self-dumping self-excited self-gauging self-heating self-loading self-locking self-opening self-packing self-powered self-priming self-rescuer self-running self-sealing self-service self-setting self-starter self-tapping self-winding semi-crystal semi-product semi-refined semi-tracked semi-trailer semicircular semielliptic semifinished semilongwall semiportable semirecessed semishrouded semivitreous sense finder sensing coil sensing head sensor robot serrated end service area service band service call service data service life service load service road service shop service test service wear servo-action servo-clutch servo-effect servo-engine servo-system servocontrol set of rolls set of rules set of tubes set the pace set the tool set to angle set-off bend set-up error set-up scale setting coat setting tank setting time settled area settling vat severing jib sewage water sewer tunnel shackle hook shackle stud shackle-type shade lining shading coil shadow angle shadow price shaft collar shaft flange shaft hammer shaft-driven shafts necks shale retort shallow arch shallow beam shallow seam shallow weld shank cutter shannon code shape factor shaped plate shaped pulse shaped steel shaping tool sharp filter sharp tuning shaving tool shear a gate shear strain shearing cut shearing jib sheartng-off sheave block sheet billet sheet copper sheet ground sheet holder sheet piling sheet rubber shelf ageing shell number shell reamer shell socket sherardizing shielded arc shift labour shifted term shingle nail shipping box shipping ore shipping ton shock action shock damper shock stress shop drawing shop welding short ground short method short radius short-period short-stroke shot peening shotcleaning shrink-proof shrinking-on shutter dook shutter gate side channel side circuit side milling side section side spectra side-by-side side-centred sideral time sideral year sidereal day sieve bolter sieve shaker signal cabin signal compo signal delay signal droop signal glass signal level signal light signal noise signal panel signal power signal relay signal shape signal tower sihgle-m'ast silence room silent chain silica brick silica flour silica glass siliconizing silk-covered sill of weir silt control silver steel simple chord simple cycle simple ether simple event simple glass simple graph simple sugar simple truss simple twist simple vault simplex mode sine voltage single bevel single cable single drive single error single force single hinge single inlet single layer single level single pulse single space single track single-braid single-cycle single-digit single-gauge single-irack single-motor single-phase single-piece single-range single-screw single-shaft single-shear single-stage single-throw singlet term sink a mould sinking gang sinking mill site welding sitting room size control size grading size of bolt sizing sieve skew spanner skimmer wall skimming bar skimming cut skip welding skiving tool sklodowskite slab lattice slack piston slag beading slag breaker slag chamber slag-bearing slag-forming sleeper bolt sleeping car sleeve joint sleeve shaft sleeve valve slewing axis slewing gear sliced sheet slide damper slide holder sliding base sliding dook sliding feed sliding gear sliding head sliding jack sliding pair sliding ring sliding roof sliding rule sliding sash sliding trap slight curve slinger ring slip casting slip glazing slip surface slip tension slipping cut slitting saw slope bottom slope grader slope paving sloping bond sloping core sloping land slot antenna slot leakage slot machine slot-and-key slotted bolt slotted disk slotted head slotted hole slotted pole slotted weld slow neutron slow reactor slow-burning slow-release slow-running slowing time sludge-proof sluice panel sluice valve slurry mixer slushing oil smelter coke smith's vice smoke alarms smoke curing smoke damper smoke filter smoke helmet smoke screen smoked glass smooth curve smooth shaft snag grinder snap formula snappy sound snatch block snow sweeper snubber roll snubbing arm socke outlet socket chuck socket joint socket screw soda process sodium oxide soft picture soil aerator soil asphalt soil erosion soil texture solar aureol solar corona solar energy solar engine solar sensor solar system solarization solder stick solid column solid ground solid matter solid piston solid plasma solid reamer solid rubber solid wrench solifluction sonic energy sonic signal sorel cement sound baffle sound cement sound damper sound effect sound energy sound groove sound mixing sound record sound signal sound volume sowing drill space centre space charge space factor space flight space heater space rocket space saving spacing tube spade rudder spalling-off spare boiler spark spacer spark timing spasing ring spatter loss speaking key spectral hue spectrometry speech level speech power speed change speed factor spider lines spider wheel spiegeleisen spigot joint spill shield spillage bin spillage box spillway dam spillway lip spin welding spin-allowed spin-orbital spindle cone spindle head spindle nose spindle stop spinlessflgp spinnability spinner gate spiral angle spiral chuck spiral drill spiral wheel splash board splash guard splash-proof splene shaft splicing ear spline gauge spline joint splinting-up split cotter split socket splitter box splitting-up spoke sheave spoked wheel sponge metal spot jamming spot puncher spot welding sprag clutch spray burner spray drying spray dyeing spray nozzle spraying gun spring block spring brass spring catch spring clamp spring drive spring force spring latch spring plate spring power spring scale spring steel spring valve spring water sprocket hob sprue cutter sprue puller spudding bit spun casting spur gearing squall cloud square bevel square elbow square meter square metre square pitch square pulse square stock squeeze test stabilizator stable focus stable grade stable state stack damper stack memory stadia hairs stadia lines stagnant air stained wood staking tool stamp hammer stamped nail stamped with stamping die stand-by car standard air standard dam standard ohm standard tin standardised stannic acid staple fibre star catalog star cluster star current star voltage starch paper stared error start button startability starting fan starting run state of art static compo static level stationarity stay bracket steady compo steady dowel steady state steam boiler steam charts steam curing steam demand steam drying steam engine steam fitter steam funnel steam hammer steam heater steam jacket steam nozzle steam output steam piston steam supply steam thrust steam vapour steam washer steam-cooled steam-driven stearp drive steel bender steel bronze steel change steel facing steel girder steel timber steel tipple steel-plated steel-setted steep spiral steeple head steering arm step bearing step counter step missile step voltage step winding step-by-step step-up gear stepped gear stepped roof stereo mould stereography stereoisomer stereometric stereophonic sterilizator sternbergite stiff spring stilted arch stipple line stirrup bolt stitch rivet stock shears stone corbel stone facing stone hammer stone powder stone riprap stone veneer stone-chisel stone-cutter stony ground stop spindle stopped pipe stopper head stopper plug storage cell storage disk storage life storage pond storage room storage scan storage shed storage sump storage tank storage time storage tube storage unit storage yard storekeeping storing shed storm collar storm-sewage stove enamel straight arm straight dam straight key straight oil straight run straightener straightness strain aging strain clamp strain gauge strain meter strain metre strain speed strain tower strap camses stratigraphy stratosphere stratovision straw-yellow stream angle street elbow street front street inlet street-guide streets-door stress compo strike wheel strip cutter strip former strip heater strip mining strip winder stripped oil stroke ratio stroke scale strontianite structurless strut sleeve stub antenna stub heading stub station stub support stud welding studded tyre stuffer warp stuffer weft stuffing box sub-exchange subcarbonate suberic acid subminiature subparameter subphosphate subscription subsoil plow substitution substructure subtense bar subterranean sucking coil suction bend suction cone suction cowl suction duct suction face suction flap suction flue suction head suction lift suction line suction main suction pipe suction port suction pump suction side suction tube sulfate salt sulphamation sulphate ion sulpher band sulphhydrate sulphite ion sulphite lye sulpho group sulphonamide sulphonation sulphoxylate sulphur ball sulphur milk sulphuration sum of error sumet bronze summer-house super bronze superaudible supercharged supercooling supercurrent superemitron superheating supernucleus supertension supply cable supply canal supply spool supply valve support hook support ring supposed age surface area surface coat surface cock surface film surface flow surface haze surface load surface ship surface soil surface wind surging flow surging line surroundings survey party survey sheet survey stake swage hammer swaging tool swallow-tail sweep length swept volume swing motion swinging arm switch blade switch board switch lever switch panel switch point switch track switch tuner swivel clamp swivel screw swivel table symbol table syn-position synchrodrive synchroscope syndiotactic synoptic map system reset saddle washer safe handling safe practice safety clutch safety device safety driver safety factor safety handle safety hazard safety helmet safety ladder safety switch safety washer safety weight sag of spring sailing chart salient angle salient point salt solution salting agent salvage board salvage lorry sample boring sampling test sand blasting sand concrete sand moulding sandwich film sandy marking sanforization saturated air saving labour saw-tooth hob scalar matrix scale deposit scale drawing scale reading scale setting scale solvent scan-off beam scanning beam scanning disk scanning line scanning unit scattering-in scavenge flow scavenger fan sceptre brass scintillation scoop control scope display scored pulley scraper apron scraper blade scraping belt scraping tool scrapped iron scrapped part scratch brush screen ruling screen sizing screen washer screen-factor screw cutting screw gearing screw spindle screw steamer screw stopper screwed joint screwing tool scribe a line sea transport sealed module sealed system sealing fluid sealing gland sealing layer sealing ledge sealing strip sealling weld seat adjuster second course second member secondary bus secondary ion seconds timer section block section plane section steel sectional die sectionalizer sediment bulb sediment tank sediment trap sedimentation seepage force seepage water segment pitch segment shell segment table seismic shock selective fit selector bank selector code selector dial selector fork selector gear selenium cell selenous acid self-adapting self-adherent self-adhesive self-adjoined self-aligning self-catching self-cleaning self-defining self-emptying self-feedback self-focusing self-guidance self-ignition self-inductor self-recovery self-righting self-shifting self-starting self-steering self-stopping semaphore arm semi diameter semi-detached semi-sintered semiconductor semiempirical semipermeable semishrinkage sense antenna sense winding sensible heat sensing probe sensitiveness sensitization sensor switch serial camera serial number serial signal serialization serration hob service aging service apron service brake service cable service chart service rivet service speed service track service water servo channel set a problem set analyiser set in motion set of blades set of curves set of points sets the pace setting field setting gauge setting piece setting point setting range setting screw setting stake setting strip settling bowl settling tank settling well severity rate sewage filter sewage screen sewer manhole sewing needle sewing thread shadow region shaft furnace shaft leakage shaft locking shaft of tool shaft packing shaft sealing shakedown run shaker feeder shaker screen shaking chute shaking sieve shallow pitch shallow slope shallow water shape control shape welding shaped charge shared memory sharp draught shatter-proof shaving lathe shaving stock shearing area shearing test shearing tool sheat bonding sheat current sheathing die sheating nail sheet asphalt sheet deposit sheet erosion sheet forming sheet rolling sheeting roll shell casting shell of pile shelly ground shield factor shielded grid shielded pair shielding gas shift control shift foreman shift foremen shifting axle shifting fork shifting head shifting ring shimming cell ship-chandler shipping seal shock reducer shocking coil shooting star shore station short circuit short-brittle short-stopped shot blasting shot capacity shot drilling shovel access shovel dredge shovel loader shrink stress shrink-fitted shrinkage fit shunt circuit shunt peaking shunt winding shutting flap sickle-shaped side dump car side entrance side equation side reaction side spectrum side stringer side trimming side-hole bit sidereal noon sight carrier sight control sighting line sighting mark sighting slit sighting tube sigma welding sign function sign reversal signal bridge signal bronze signal button signal device signal fading signal source signaling key silencing pot silent tuning silicate bond siliceous ore silicofluoric silicon diode silicon oxide silicon stack silicon steel silicon wafer silver bronze silver glance silver solder silver-tipped similar terms simple ketone simple motion simple number simple sample simple stress simple theory sine function singing point single breast single feeder single nozzle single pulley single stroke single vortex single window single-acting single-column single-funnel single-groove single-handed single-proton single-rinlet single-sashed single-seater single-spread single-thread single-valved singlet state siphon intake site coverage site symmetry site-assembly six-cant file size analysis sizing device sizing screen skeleton form skeleton line skeleton view skew crossing skimmer scoop skimming boat skimming dook skimming roll skimming tool skin breakage skin breaking skin friction skin-hardened skip capacity skip crrarger skip distance skull cracker slabbing mill slag blowhole slag concrete slag flushoff slag smelting slag stringer slanted strut slanting roof slat conveyer slat conveyor slate roofing slave storage sledge hammer sleeper pitch sleeve dipole sleeve flange slewing crane slewing motor sliced veneer slicer-loader slicing lathe slide balance slide carrier slide surface sliding blade sliding block sliding grate sliding joint sliding scale sliding speed sliding tongs sliding track slip cleavage slip coupling slip multiple slipped screw slipper block slipping area slitting file slitting mill slop recovery slope control slope of line slope of roof sloping apron sloping grate slot quadrant slot radiator slotted frame slotted joint slotted lever slotted table slotting file slotting tool slow response slow-responce slugged relay sluice timber slush casting smelling salt smith forging smoke barrage smoke grenade smooth finish smooth motion smooth roller snap-fastener snap-head die snap-on cover snappy return snapshot dump sneak circuit sniffle valve snifter valve socket wrench socketed pipe soda feldspar sodium boride sodium captax sodium halide sodium iodide sodium rubber sodium-cooled soft concrete soft negative soft-magnetic soil pressure solar attrite solar eclipse solar spectra solar-powered solderability soldered seam soldering bit soldering tin solid bearing solid bushing solid casting solid deposit solid masonry solid packing solid spindle soluble glass solution tank solvent power sonastretcher sonic barrier sonochemistry sorting table sound barrier sound carrier sound casting sound chamber sound channel sound emitter sound impulse sound locator sound monitor sound pick-up sound quantum sound spectra sound-ranging sounder relay sounding gear sounding line source module space current space density space diagram space formula space heating space lattice space of time space pattern space phasing space physics space shuttle space station space vehicle spandrel wall spare contact spark catcher spark chamber spark control spark counter spark failure spark spectra spark testing spark welding sparking ball sparking coil sparklet fuse spatial curve spear pyrites spearmint oil special group special shape specific duty specific heat specimen copy specimen test specimen text speckled band spectral band spectral line spectral term spectrography spectroscopic speed changer speed control speed counter speed vanator speed-reducer speeder motor sperry buddle spheroidizing spider handle spillage risk spillway face spillway gate spillway pier spillway work spin operator spindle brake spindle press spinning tool spiral blower spiral branch spiral cutter spiral galaxy spiral nebula spiral spring spiral-fluted splayed niche splened shaft spline broach splining tool split bearing split contact split current split pattern splitted term spoiled steel sponge rubber spool winding sports centre spot analysis spot diameter spot lighting spotting tool spout bushing spray coating spray cooling spray thrower sprayed metal spraying rose spread coater spread factor spring a mine spring action spring bronze spring buckle spring collet spring cotter spring damper spring hanger spring needle spring return spring saddle spring socket spring temper spring timber spring washer sprocket gear spud vibrator spun concrete square engine square matrix square reamer square shovel square thread square timber square washer square-setted squaring tool squeeze board squeezer roll squirrel-cage stabilization stable motion stable nuclei stable system stack casting stack draught stack storage staff reading stage adapter stage adaptor stage heating stage of work stage working stained glass stamped frame stamping room stand-by duty stand-by pump stand-by unit stand-up rail standard cell standard code standard cost standard fuel standard lamp standard mode standard rate standard size standard test standard time standard type standard unit standing pile standing rope standing time standing wave stannous acid star antimony star follower star-grounded start-up time starting data starting duty starting gear starting rate starting time starting work starved joint state of cure state of rest static charge static design static energy static memory static moment static regime static stress static switch static system static thrust stating relay station block station error station track station wagon steady stream steady stress steam chamber steam conduit steam heating steam retting steam sealing steam sprayer steam station steam storage steam tractor steam tugboat steam turbine steam washing steaming rate steaming tube steaming zone steel casting steel foundry steel furnace steel-encased steeple clock steering axle steering gear steering lock steering post steering tube steering worm steering yoke stencil paper step function step junction step response stepped grate stepped shaft stepped shape stepped sprue stereo matrix stereo signal stereographic stereokinetic stereophonies stereoregular steric effect stick circuit sticker block stiffener bar stiffish soil stilling pool stir the fire stitch washer stock balance stock control stock in hand stocking tool stoichiometry stol aircraft stone arching stone bedding stone breaker stone crusher stone damping stone filling stone packing stone-dresser stop position stop riveting stoper hammer stopped chain stopped state stopper board stopper ladle stopping-down storage curve storage power storage track stored energy storm run-off straddle mill straight arch straight face straight file straight tool straight weld straight wing straight-edge straight-line straightening strain ageing strain energy strain tensor strainer core straining ear stranded rope stranger atom strap bearing strap tension stratospheric stray neutron stray voltage stream barker stream intake street refuge street survey streets-guide strengthening stress tensor stretch-proof striking gear stringer wall strip coating strip packing stripped atom stripping oil stroke volume strong patent strong sewage strong solder strutted pole stub-end loss stubbed tooth stuff loading stuffing bolt stull sloping stump mandrel sub-press die subcontractor subfoundation subirrigation subrefraction subsoil water subsonic area suburban area succinic acid suction gauge suction inlet suction noise suction valve sulphate pulp sulphoacylate sulphoarylate sulphur bloom sun-bleaching sunflower oil sunspot cycle superannuated supercharging supercritical superfine cut superfinisher superfluidity superharmonic superposition superpressure supersaturate superscrubber supply tunnel support blade support frame support plate support screw surface break surface check surface crack surface ditch surface drain surface force surface inlet surface layer surface noise surface screw surface slope surface speed surface water surge chamber surge voltage surging shock surplus valve survey marker survey signal survival time sustained arc suttle weight sweated joint sweep current sweeping coil swimming pool swing support swinging boom swinging gate swinging link swirl-chamber swirling flow switch engine switch matrix switch signal switch socket switches gear swivel castor swivel window symmetry axis synchro motor synchronizing synduct motor synodic month synoptic code synthetic dye system theory s-type spanner safe operation safe-edge file safety circuit safety control safety curtain safety cut-off safety measure safety officer safety staging safety stirrup sailing flight sales analises salicylic acid saline hydride salt patenting sample of data sampling model sand apparatus sand inclusion sand separator sand tempering sand-clay road sanitary plane sanitary sewer sanitary wares saponification satellite gear saturated core saturated felt saturated soil saving of fuel saw-tooth roof saw-tooth wave sawing machine scalar product scale division scale of shade scaling hammer scaling powder scan amplitude scanning angle scanning speed scanning stage scanning trace scattered band scattered read scattered wave scavenge trunk scavenging air schear diagram schedule chart schedule graph schedule speed schottky noise scinticounting scintillometer scintilloscope scoop capacity scrap grinding scraped finish scraped to fit scraper loader screen breccia screen burning screen cleaner screen picture screen surface screen tailing screened cable screening cage screening grid screw conveyer screw conveyor screw coupling screw cylinder screw elevator screw extruder screw terminal screw traverse screwed flange screwed sleeve screwed socket screwing chuck scribing block sea-going ship sealed bearing sealed chamber sealing liquid sealing washer seam seal weld search antenna search process searching tube second channel second sorting secondary axis secondary beam secondary cell secondary coat secondary coil secondary load secondary salt secondary slag section airway section lining section matrix sectional area sectional coil sectional iron sectional view sectioned coil seebeck effect seeded surface seek operation seepage uplift segmental arch segmental gear segmented tyre segregate into seignette salt seismoacoustic select pattern selection line selection rule selective dump selective gear selector pulse selector shaft selenium stack self alignment self alinement self-adjusting self-balancing self-centering self-contained self-diffusion self-directing self-discharge self-governing self-hardening self-impedance self-induction self-propelled self-recording self-resetting self-shielding self-supported self-sustained self-verifying semantic error semi-automatic semi-carbazide semi-log paper semianthracite semibituminous semicentennial semimajor axis semiminor axis sensation unit sensing device sensitive film separate drive separate sewer separating set sequence calls sequence relay series winding serrated blade service ageing service bridge service bullet service centre service manual service rating service stairs service weight serviceability servicing ease servicing time servo-operated servo-steering servoamplifier set of pulleys set-back scale setting device settling basin severe service sewage conduit sewing machine shaft bricking shaft shoulder shafting lathe shake-out sand shaking feeder shaking screen shank-end mill shank-type hob shaped casting shaped orifice shaping filter sharp v thread sharpened edge shaving cutter shear fracture shearer-loader shearing force shearing frame shearing punch sheath rolling sheet calender sheet delivery sheet leveller sheet material sheeting paper shell moulding shell-type hob shield support shield volcano shielded cable shift engineer shift register shifter collar shifter feeler shifting lever shock absorber shock at entry shock mounting shock strength shore hardness short delivery short exposure short moulding short-distance shot-fire cord shoulder screw shouldered rod shovel scraper shrapnel shell shrink-on film shrinkage area shrinkage head shrinkage hole shrinkage void shrinking wave shrivel finish shrouding ring shunt feedback shunting winch shut down work shut-off valve side clearance side elevation side frequency side lobe echo sideband compo sidereal class sidereal clock sidereal month sieve analysis sight distance sight-defiable sighting board sigma particle sign ambiguity sign reversing signal channel signal circuit signal element signal machine signal segment signal voltage signalling key signalling set silent circuit silent running silicate anion silicate wheel silicatization silicofluoride silicomolybdic silicon bronze silicon copper silicotungstic silver amalgam silver coinage silver cyanide silver nitrate silver plating silvered glass similarity law similitude law simple contour simple section simple turbine simplex method simplex spiral simplex system simplification simulated wood singing margin single coating single contact single crystal single vernier single-address single-channel single-circuit single-motored single-purpose single-riveted single-spindle sinking barrel sintered glass sintering coal site levelling skeleton frame sketch contour skew-wire line skewback hinge skid-resistant skid-resisting skidding tongs skilled labour skilled worker skimming lathe skin hardening skin impedance skirting board slack adjuster slack variable slag formation slag inclusion slant distance slaty cleavage sleeve bearing sleeve cathode slicing method slicker solder slide fastener slide rheostat sliding damper sliding motion sliding pinion sliding regime sliding window sling elevator slip frequency slip-on flange slip-ring bush sliping motion slipped thread slit diaphragm slope detector slope distance slope of curve slot amplifier slot magnetron slot reactance slot-and-crank slotted washer slotting drill slow developer slow-operating slow-speed arm slow-speed jet slowing period sludge chamber sludge density slurry reactor small hardness smith's chisel smoke detector smoke-consumer smooth burning smooth landing smooth running smooth support smooth surface smoothing tool snake riveting snap-head bolt snap-off diode snchor bearing sneak currents snecked rubble snifting valve snow avalanche snow retention soaring flight socket adapter socket adaptor socket bushing sodium acetate sodium amalgam sodium cyanide sodium hydride sodium oxalate sodium sulfate sodium sulfide sodium sulfite soft navigable soft porcelain soft radiation softened water soil chemistry soil mechanics soil pollution soil stability soil structure solar activity solar cadastre solar constant solar eruption solar interval solar parallax solar spectrum soldered joint soldering acid soldering flux soldering iron soldering lamp soldering seam soldering tool solenoid brake solenoid relay solenoid valve solid additive solid coupling solid food bar solid solution soluble cotton soluble starch solvent effect solvent naphta sonic detector sonic velocity sonoradio buoy sootless flame sorting column sorting needle sound absorber sound analises sound detector sound emission sound in cones sound pressure sound producer sound recorder sound spectrum sound strength sound velocity sounding board source of data source voltage sowing machine space activity space attitude space dynamics space harmonic space of tooth space-centered spaced antenna spacing collar spacing washer spade terminal spandrel space spanned record spanner wrench spark arrester spark arrestor spark ignition spark inductor spark recorder spark spectrum spark tracking specifications specified data specified load specified size spectacle lens spectral class spectral range spectrographic specular stone speculum metal speech circuit speed capacity speed limiting speed of sound speeder wrench spelter bronze spelter solder spent material spent solution spheric cutter spherical dome spherical pair spherical wave spider antenna spigot bearing spillway apron spillway chute spillway crest spillway level spin hardening spin resonance spin-forbidden spindle sleeve spindle stairs spindle-shaped spinel ferrite spinner runner spinning lathe spinthariscope spiral cutting spiral hooping spiral housing spiral winding spirit of salt spirit varnish spiro compound spline grinder spline hobbing split axle box split core box split of mould sponging agent spot frequency spot hardening spray painting spray transfer spray-type arc spread coating spread of fork spread of hole spreading weld spring ammeter spring balance spring bearing spring bolster spring carrier spring contact spring control spring cushion spring plunger spring release spring shackle spring stirrup spring support spring-mounted spring-opposed springing line springly plate sprinkler head sprocket holes sprocket wheel sputtered film square bracket square complex square the end square-set cap squrious image stability test stability zone stable isotope stable nucleus stack moulding stack of pipes stacking fault staffer thread stage addition stage aeration staggered read stagnant water stall roasting stalled torque stalling angle stamping board stamping press stand-by drive stand-by power standard brass standard buret standard cable standard compo standard error standard gauge standard meter standard metre standard state standard tooth standing block standing costs standing start stannicompound stannocompound star catalogue star connexion star groundsed star-connected star-producing start-and-stop starter switch starting anode starting crank starting force starting lever starting point starting power starting relay starting valve state crossing static balance static draught static orifice static storage station master stationary fit stationary jaw stay insulator steady bracket steady current steady running steam concrete steam cylinder steam digester steam fittings steam pipeline steam pressure steam radiator steam receiver steam refining steam reheater steam scrubber steam traction steam-jacketed steam-jet pump steam-operated steam-seasoned stearine pitch steel concrete steel flooring steel-armoured steep gradient steering angle steering bogie steering diode steering lever steering wheel stellar energy stellar system step annealing step connexion step regulator stepped piston stepped pulley stepping motor stepping relay stereo adapter stereo adaptor stereo balance stereo channel stereo decoder stereochemical stereoisomeric sterling brass stick together stiff concrete stiffening rib stilling basin stitch welding stobie furnace stock analysis stock in trade stock solution stoichiometric stone concrete stone dressing stone pavement stone's bronze stoneware pipe stoop-and-room stopcock buret stopping brake stopping lever stopping power stopping valve storage camera storage device storage effect storage medium storage period storage vessel storage volume store location stored routine straddle truck stragger-tuned straight angle straight blade straight chain straight joint straight resin straight-sided strain quadric strain-gauging straining arch straining beam straining rate stranded cable strap lap weld strapped joint strata control strategic game stratification stray emission stream channel stream current street cleaner street manhole street railway street traffic stress ellipse stress quadric stressing head stretch effect stretch factor stretch former stretched side stretcher bond strickle board striker clutch striking board striking lever striking press string cornice strip-end stop strip-pilaster stripper crane stripper plant stripper plate stripper punch stripping edge stripping line stripping room strobing pulse stroke counter strong mixture strong solvent strontium salt strontium unit stuck together studio complex stuffing gland stull timbered subject survey sublevel stope submachine gun submerged pump submerged weir subsidiary dam subsoil plough subsonic speed succinaldehyde suction basket suction blower suction dredge suction filter suction header suction stroke suction vortex sudden collaps sufficient set sugar refinery sulphamic acid sulphanylamide sulphapyridine sulphate anion sulphatization sulphidization sulphinic acid sulphoalkylate sulphonic acid sulphur ligand sulphuric acid sulphurization summation sign summation tone sun spot umbra sunrise effect superannealing superconductor superelevation superfine file superhighspeed superincumbent superintendent superior limit superoxide ion superphosphate superpolyamide superposed end superrange gun superregulator supersensitive supersonic jet superstructure superthickener supply section supply voltage support moment support pillar supporting arm supporting pad surcharged bin surface action surface attack surface cooler surface course surface damage surface dyeing surface energy surface finish surface motion surface sizing surface stress surface wiring surface-active surface-cooled surfacing feed surfacing gear surge absorber surge arrester surge arrestor surgical steel survey country survey monitor survey network surveying ship susceptibility susceptible to susceptiveness suspended call suspended roof suspended span suspending rod suspension arm suspension rod sustained load sustained wave swaging hammer swan-neck pipe swan-neck tool sweep interval sweep moulding sweep of gases sweeping curve sweet gasolene sweet gasoline sweet roasting swelled column swelling agent swinging chute swinging earth swinging radii switch starter switching foil switching gate switching mode switching time swivel bearing swivel support symbolic logic symmetric code symmetric game symmetry group symmetry plane synchronoscope synoptic chart synthetic fuel synthetic sand system analyst system control system library system of axes system of fits system testing saddle scaffold safety analysis safety distance safety engineer safety fastener safety membrane safety province safety training salamander wool saline solution salt correction salt saturation salvage tugboat same-size ratio sampling method sand filter bed sand-blast room sand-blast unit sand-lime brick sandwich course sanitary sewage sapropelic coal satellite orbit saturated diode saturated state saturated steam saturated steel saturated water saturating core sausage machine sausage orbital save-all sluice saving in power saving of power saw-tooth curve saw-tooth punch scaffold bridge scalar quantity scale factoring scale formation scale numbering scale-producing scanning motion scanning pencil scanning system scantling gauge scattered light scattered power scattering loss scavenging duct scavenging pump schering bridge schottky effect scientific base scope of patent scopeless radar scorch retarder scouring sluice scraped surface scraper machine scraping grader screaning angle screen analysis screen aperture screen capacity screen distance screen printing screen-feed bin screened intake screw callipers screw extrusion screw fastening screw retention screw-head file screw-plate die screw-type pump screw-type stop screwcrete pile screwed coupler scuff-resistant sea disturbance sealing current sealing voltage seaming machine season cracking seasonal demand seasoned timber seat upholstery seated activity seating surface second harmonic second-cut file secondary alloy secondary claim secondary fault secondary force secondary metal secondary mover secondary radar secondary relay secondary shaft secondary title secondary truss seconds counter secret abutment section modulus sectional house sectional screw sector scanning segmental truss selection check selective pulse selective relay selective reset self heterodyne self oscillator self-absorption self-con jugate self-consistent self-correcting self-energizing self-excitation self-generating self-inductance self-ionization self-monitoring self-oil feeder self-regulating self-regulation self-saturating self-sufficient self-travelling self-ventilated semi-continuous semi-fast train semi-industrial semi-solid tyre semiclosed slot semigothic arch semioscillation semirotary pump semitranslucent semitransparent sending station sensation level sense amplifier sensibilisation sensibilization sensing element sensitive drill sensitive layer sensitive paper separating tank separating wall separative sign sequence switch sequence symbol serial register serial-parallel serrated signal service ceiling service routine service station servo simulator servo-mechanism set accelerator set deformation set of readings seven-place log sewage aeration shacking trough shaft deepening shaft governing shaking machine shape of ground shaping machine shaping network sharp resonance shaving machine shear viscosity shearing clutch shearing strain shearing stress sheduling group sheet extrusion sheet lightning sheeting bronze shell hardening shell structure shellac varnish shelve a patent shelve an issue shift operation shifting handle shifting roller shifting sleeve shipborne radar shipping weight shock insulator shock-absorbing shock-sensitive shock-wave drag shoebutton tube shop management shopping street shore-end cable shoreside crane short afterglow short half-life short-circuited short-head cone short-time duty short-time test shredded rubber shrink wrapping shrinkage crack shrinkage ratio shrinkage sheet shrinkage stope shrunk-on joint shunt connexion shunt regulator shut-down relay shut-off nozzle shutdown alarms shutdown system shuttering mark shuttering ring shuttle traffic side-cut shears sidereal minute sieve separator sieving machine sifting machine sight indicator sighting device sightseeing bus signal analises signal location signal velocity signalling lamp signum function silchrome steel silence cabinet silicate cotton silicomolybdate silicon carbide silicotungstate silver chloride similar figures similarity rule simpie pendulum simple equation simple function simple indexing simple interest simple quantity simplex circuit simplex winding simulation test single purchase single vortices single-cut file single-cylinder single-gun tube single-j groove single-lap weld single-operator single-run weld single-u groove singular matrix sinking advance sinthetic resin sinusoidal wave siphon spillway six-canted file six-wheel truck sizing analysis skeletal coding sketching board skid resistance skin resistance slabbing cutter slag resistance slagging hammer slagging medium slaty limestone sleeve coupling slewing journal slide callipers slide projector sliding bearing sliding contact sliding gearbox sliding shutter sliding surface slime thickener slip resistance slipping clutch slipring spider slitting cutter slitting shears slope deviation slope of repose slotting cutter smashing action smoke abatement smoke deflector smooth blasting smooth fracture smooth-cut file smoothing choke smoothing press snap rivet head sodium barbital sodium chlorate sodium chloride sodium fluoride sodium peroxide sodium selenate sodium selenite sodium silicate sodium stannate sodium stannite sodium sulphate sodium sulphide sodium sulphite sodium vanadate soft excavation soft-iron meter soft-iron metre softening plant softening point solar converter solar convertor solar intensity solar radiation soldering board soldering fluid soldering paste soldering tongs soldering torch solenoid magnet solenoid switch solid conductor solid diffusion solid injection solid insulator solid lubricant solid partition solid shrinkage solid substance solo motorcycle solution cavity solvation shell solvent welding sonic altimeter sonic analyiser sonic frequency sorting machine sorting of data souding station sound amplifier sound bandwidth sound corrector sound deadening sound frequency sound in vision sound intensity sound projector sound radiation sound recording sound rejection sound vibration sound-absorbing sounding device sounding rocket sounding signal source follower source function source language source of sound space altimeter space framework space radiation space structure spare-parts kit spark capacitor spark discharge spark quenching special machine special-purpose specially-built specific energy specific output specific torque specific volume specific weight specimen holder spectral colour spectral region spectral series spectrochemical spectrum colour speed governing speed indicator speed of answer speed of torque speed reduction speed regulator speed-box drive spelling hammer spherical joint spherical pivot spherical shell spherical valve spider-web coil spiinging block spill-over echo spillway tunnel spin degeneracy spindel breaker spindle carrier spindle gearing spiral conveyer spiral conveyor spiral scanning spiral stellite splicing sleeve spline a keyway splined spindle split conductor split secondary splitting wedge spray condenser spray quenching spraying nozzle spraying pistol spreader roller spreader stoker spring adjuster spring assembly spring coupling spring dividers spring-actuated spring-operated spring-tie bolt sprinkler truck sprues-end-gate spur-gear drive square bar iron square stellite square-set area squaring shears squeeze riveter squeeze section stability limit stabilizing fin stack effluents stacked antenna stacking height stamping hammer stand-by boiler stand-by losses standard copper standard design standard magnet standard medium standard rating standard sample standard sewage star connection star generation star navigation start-up system starter battery starter cathode starting button starting clutch starting device starting effort starting handle starting period starting signal starting system starting torque state of strain state of stress static arrester static arrestor static balancer static friction static pressure static strength statical moment station licence station license station milling stationary atom stationary axle stationary load stationary mass stationary stay stationary vane stationary wave statistical sum statuary bronze steady gradient steam condenser steam generator steam regulator steam separator steam-propelled steel structure steel timbering steel-wire rope steering column steering damper stellar density stellar opacity stellar spectra stem dictionary stems stellites step connection step on the gas step-back relay stepped winding stepping action stereo recorder stereoautograph stereochemistry stereoisomerism stiffening ring stigmatic image stirring action stirring blower stirring motion stock depletion stock recording stone reversing stone structure stop on address stop-all button stopped polymer stopper circuit storage battery storage erasing storage protein storm detection storm-collector stoving lacquer stoving varnish straddle wrench straight boring straight cement straight firing straight stairs straight thread strain capacity strain deviator strain hardness strain recovery strained rubber straining piece straining strap strap conductor strap lap joint stratified rock streaky surface stream velocity streamline form street lighting strength factor strength member stress build-up stress deviator stressed collar stretch forming stretching mode stretching tool striated gypsum striking energy stringing chart strip annealing stripped plasma stripped thread stripping agent stripping crane stripping frame stroke capacity stroke of crane stroke of lever stroke of valve strong coupling strong focusing strong riveting strong solution struck capacity structural drag structural iron structural mill structural unit strutting piece stucco moulding stuck spot weld stuff colouring subject-mattter subjective tone sublevel method submarine cable suboptimization subroutine call subsidence area subsonic flight subsonic motion substratosphere subsurface flow succinamic acid sucking booster suction casting suction chamber suction opening suction passage suction pipette sugar raffinate sulphide colour sulphide sulfur sulphite liquid sulphoacylation sulphoarylation sulpholeic acid sulphomethylate sulphoryl group sulphur dioxide sulphurous acid summary puncher summation check summation curve summation meter summation metre summer solstice sun-dried brick sunk foundation superconducting superheterodyne supericonoscope superior planet superrefraction superrefractory supersaturation supersmooth cut supersonic area support bracket supported stope supporting area supporting axle supporting part supporting ring supporting roll suppressed-zero suppressor grid surface aerator surface cooling surface current surface density surface erosion surface failure surface grinder surface pattern surface run-off surface shelter surface tension surface working surface-treated surfacing lathe surfacing screw surge and flare surge discharge surge generator surge impedance surrounding air survey monument surveying trawl suspended floor suspended truss suspension clip suspension rail swaging machine swedish bellows sweep frequency sweep generator sweeping system sweeping tackle swing indicator swing-connected swing-jib crane swinging bucket swinging circle swinging feeder swinging motion swinging radius swinging screen switch location switch splitter switching diode switchover time swivel carriage swivel coupling symbolic coding symmetric graph synclinal basin synergetic link synergic effect syntactic error synthetic fibre synthetic latex system analysis system approach system building system of units system off-line system resource systematic code saccharification safety appliance safety clearance safety condition safety equipment safety governing safety interlock safety programme safety regulator safety set screw safety standards salt dehydration salvage industry sampling channel sampling machine sampling station sand conditioner sandwich rolling sanitary control sarcolactic acid satellitic comet saturated vapour saturating speed saturation curve saturation level saturation point saturation state saturation value saving in energy saving in weight saving of energy saw tooth effect saw-teoth thread sawtooth current scalar potential scale microscope scale-model test scalene triangle scanning antenna scanning circuit scanning pattern scarfing machine scattered x-rays scattering angle scattering layer science oriented scientific trend scouring machine scraper capacity scraper conveyer scraper conveyor scratch brushing scratch hardness scratching noise screen afterglow screen separator screen undersize screen-grid tube screened antenna screened element screening effect screening tubing screenline plate screw-driver bit screwdriver slot screwing machine scuff resistance sea led-in motor seagoing tugboat sealed spark gap sealer analyiser sealing compound sealing material sealing solution seam inclination seating capacity second curvature secondary access secondary boiler secondary carbon secondary girder secondary losses secondary member secondary memory secondary moment secondary planet secondary source secondary stress secondary x-rays section material section multiple section of shear sectional boiler sectioning valve sector lock gate secular equation secular parallax segmental girder selective fading selective filter selective signal selector channel self-acting feed self-capacitance self-diagnostics self-discharging self-disengaging self-homing bomb self-lubricating self-luminescent self-oscillation self-programming self-registering self-shunt field self-start motor sellers coupling selsyn generator semaphore signal semi-plant scale semidiurnal tide semimanufactures semipermeability sensible horizon sensitive region sensitive volume separate exciter separated oxygen separating relay separating strip separation nappe sequential carry sequential chart serial operation series of curves serpentinization service engineer service platform service position service pressure set in operation set in to motion set up a machine setting concrete setting strength setting to touch setting-up piece setting-up screw settling chamber sewage effluents sewage regulator sewage treatment sewage-flow rate shaby lamination shake-out screen shaking conveyer shaking conveyor shape anisotropy shaped conductor shaped workpiece shared electrons sharp transition sharpening stone shearing machine shearing section sheet for lining sheet metal work sheet resistance sheet-fed rotary sheet-iron crane sheet-iron plate sheet-iron tongs shell-type motor shielded nucleus shift controller shifter cylinder shiftimg spanner shifting bearing shifting element shipment in bulk shock eliminator shock excitation shock-wave front shop-floor staff short-circuiting short-cut method short-flame coal short-hour motor short-link chain shortage control shoulder of road shoveling stoker show by document shrinkage cavity shrinkage factor shrinkage method shrinkage strain shrinkage stress shrouding effect shunt admittance shunt connection shunt excitation shunt resistance shut-down device shut-down switch shuttering board shuttering panel shuttle conveyer shuttle conveyor shuttleless loom side penetration side-marker lamp sign of rotation