За поръчка над 40 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти

За поръчка над 60 лв. 10% отстъпка за непромоционални продукти и БЕЗПЛАТНА ДОСТАВКА ДО ОФИС НА КУРИЕР

📗 Tермини започващи с буквата T в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата T

tab tag tan tap tar taw tax tee tie tik tin tip tit toe tog ton top tot tow try tub tug tup tye tack tact tail tain take tamp tang tank tare tarp task taut taxi teak team tear teat teem tend term tern test text thaw thin tick tide tier tiff tile till tilt time tint tire toed tone tool torn toss tour town tram trap tray tree trig trim trip troy true tube tuff tune turf turn twin type tyre tabby table tabun tacky tally talon talus tammy tarry tedge teeth telex tenon tenor tenth terne therm thick thiol thirl thole throw thurl thurm tibal tidal tight tilde tiled tiler timed timer tinol titer title titre tolyl tommy tongs tooth torch torus tosyl total touch tough tower toxic trace track trade trail train trash trass trawl tread treat trend triac trial trias trick tried trier tront truck trunk truss tuber tuned tuner twice twill twine twist typed typer t iron t slot t weld t-cock t-pipe tablet tackle taenia tagged tagger taking talcum tallow tamper tandem tangle tanker tannic tannin target tariff tarmac tarred tartar tauryl tauten teaser tedder teeter teflon teller temper temple tender tensor terbia terned terren tested tester thatch therma thione thoria thoron thread thrice thrill throat thrust thulia thymol ticker ticket tie in tie on tie up tilery tiling tiller tilted tilter timber timbre timing tincal tingle tinker tinman tinner tip up tipped tipper tipple tissue toe-in toggle tolite tongue toning toofie tooled tooler top up topped topper toroid torque torrid towing toxine traced tracer treble tremie tremor trench trepan triade tricar tricot triode triple tripod tritol triton trityl trivet tropic trotyl trough trowel truing try up tubing tugger tumble tuning tunnel turbid turned turner turret tuyere twitch tympan typhon typist tyrlte t joint t piece t valve t-r box tabular tag bus tail in tailing tambour tamping tangent tankage tannage tannate tannery tanning tap bar tap off tap out tapping tar cut tar gas tar oil tarnish tarring taurine te wave tearing tedious tee-off teeming telogen telomer telpher templet tending tenfold tensile tension tenuity terbium ternary terpene terrace terrain test to testbed testing tetrade tetrode texrope textile texture thallic thawing theatre therapy thermae thermal thermic thermit thicken thienyl thimble thinner thionyl thistle thiuram thorite thorium through thrower thulium thumber thunder thymine tie bar tie pad tie rod tie-bed ties up tighten tilting tin ash tin can tinlode tinting tipping tippler titania titanyl titrant titrate tm wave toe cam toe-out toluate toluene tonnage tooling toothed top cap top cut top gas top-hat tophole topmast topping tops up topsoil tornado torpedo torrefy torrent torsion tossing toughen tow car tow-bar tow-rod towline toxical tracery tracing tracked tracker tractor traffic trailer trained trainer trammed tramway transit transom trap-up trapped trawler treacle treadle treated trefoil trellis trestle triblet trickle trident trigger trimmed trimmer triplet triplex tripper trisect tritium trolley trommel trouble true up trueing trumpet trundle try-out tsunami tubbing tubular tumbler turbary turbine turning turnkey tweeter twinkle twisted twister two ply two-row two-way t branch t girder t socket t-shaped t-square tab gate tabulate taconite taffrail tail fin tail gas tail off tail pit tailband take gas take nut take-off takes up tall end tall oil tan bark tangency tank-car tantalic tantalum tap bolt tap down tap hole tap pipe tap test tar acid tartaric tartrate taskwork tautness tautomer taxation taxi-cab teamwork tear gas technics tectonic tee bolt tee head tee rail tee weld tee-beam teel oil telecast telegram teletext teletype televise telluric telluryl tem wave tempered temperer template tenacity tendency tenor in tenorite tensible terminal terminus termwise terpenic tertiary test bar test car test for test jig test pit test rig test rod test run test set tests to tetragon textured thallium thallous therblig thermion thermite thermode thin nut thin oil thinning thioacid thiolate thiolene thionate thiourea thrasher thraster threaded threader thresher throttle throw in throw on tie beam tie bolt tie line tie weld tie-back tiltable timbered timberer time cam time lag tin foil tin leaf tin pest tin-ware tintless tip area tip cart tip eddy tip over titanium to scale toe wall tolidine tolylene tone arm tonghold tool bag tool box tool man tool men tool-bit tool-kit toolhead toothing top bolt top face top gate top gear top hair top land top leaf top line top rail top rake top rest top sand top side top view toroidal torquing tortuous tosylate tote box tote pan tow boat tow tank tow yarn tow-pole tow-rope town gas toxicity trachyte track-in trackage tracking trackman traction tractive trailing training tram car tramming tramping transect transept transfer transmit trapping traverse trawling trawlnet treading treating treatise trencher triangle triassic triaxial triclene tricycle triglyph trigonal trillion trimming trioxide trip dog trip off trip pin triphase triplane tripling tripping trochoid troilite trombone truckage trucking trues up truncate trunking trunnion trussing try cock tube rod tubeless tue iron tug boat tumbling tungsten tungstic turbofan turbojet turboset turn off turn out turncock turnover turnpike tutenage tweezers twin lug twinning twisting two-axle two-bank two-fold two-part two-pole two-step two-tone two-unit typotron tyrolite tysonite t antenna t section t welding tablature table arm table dog table set tableting tabulated tabulator tack claw tack weld tack-free tackiness tail away tail fuse tail lamp tail lock tail mill tail pipe tail vice tail vise tail-less tail-race tailplane tailwheel take-over talmigold talus fan tam alloy tank ship tank test tantalate tantalous tap borer tap drill tap joint tap ladle tap water tape core tape feed tape line tape loom tape reel taper bit taper fit taper gib taper key taper pin tar paper tar pitch tarpaulin tasmanite tatlstock taximeter tear down teaseling technical technique tee valve tee-joint tee-solot telegauge telegenic telegraph telemeter telemetry telephone telephony telescope teletyper tell-tale tellurate telluride tellurite tellurium tellurous telomeric temperate tempering temporary tenacious tensility tensioner tentative tephigram terebinth terminate terracing territory test area test call test cock test cube test data test desk test hole test lead test load test pump test room test root test shot test site test tube test unit test weld test work tetramine texturize thalenite thatching theoretic therelite thermodie thermoset thesaurus thick bed thick nut thick oil thickener thickness thin line thin-film thinistor thiophene thioplast thrashing threading three-ply three-row three-way threshold throw off throw out thumb nut thumb pin thyratron thyristor tick over tide dock tie space tie-plate tied weld tigh turn tight fit tight fog tightener tightness tile kiln timbering time bomb time fuse time gate time rate time span time unit time used time zone time-base tin plate tin smith tin stone tip shaft tip speed titration to run in toadstone tolerable tolerance toluidine tommy bar tonometer tool case tool crib tool edge tool face tool hole tool mark tool nose tool post tool rack tool rest tool room tool shop tool work tool-life toolsmith tooth rim tooth tip top bench top brace top chord top flask top layer top shaft top slide top speed top water top-grade topograph torbanite torch tip torsional total sum totalizer touch key toughness tow cable tow-chain town hall townscape toxic gas toy motor track lug track pin track rod trackless trade-off tradename train bus trainroad tram rail tram-road transduce transform transient transmute transonic transpire transport trap dook trap-door trap-down trapezium trash bag traveller traverser treatment tree head tree-like tremolite trenching trial cut trial mix trial pit trial run tribology triclinic tridymite trigatron trigistor trihedral trihedron trilinear trimstone trinomial trip coil trip worm triturate trochilus troostite troughing true rake true size true with tub catch tube clip tube fuse tube head tube vice tube vise tube wall tube well tug wheel tungstate tungstite tunneller tunoscope tupe face turbopomp turboprop turbulent turgidity turn back turn down turn home turnplate turnstile twin gate twin jack twin lock twin plug twin-core twin-deck twin-lead twin-worm twist bit twist off two-cycle two-jawed two-level two-motor two-phase two-piece two-sided two-stage two-throw two-wheel type page type size type sort type test tyre bead tyre pump tyre tube t junction t-r device tab chaser tab washer table feed table lamp table land table vice table vise tabulation tachograph tachometer tachymeter tachymetry tack meter tack rivet tack-maker tag memory tail group tail light tail piece tail shaft tail stock tail track tail-water take apart take stock tan liquid tandem die tangential tank barge tank gauge tank truck tantamount tap cinder tap handle tap holder tap switch tap wrench tape drive tape guide tape punch tape start taper bolt taper bore taper file taper hole taper lead taper seat taper slot taper vice taper vise taping pin tappet rod tar kettle tautomeric tear-proof teat drill technetium technician technology tectonnics tee feeder tee girder telecamera telegraphy telescopic teleswitch televiewer television telewriter telpherage tennantite tensioning tenthmeter terminable terminator tern-plate terracotta terry loom terry yarn tertiarium tesla coil test block test board test chart test field test gauge test model test paper test piece test pilot test ratio test sieve test stand test valve tetrabasic tetragonal thaumasite theodolite thermalize thermionic thermistor thermocopy thermogram thermopile thermostat thick line thickening thin flame thin fluid thin juice thin plate thin vault thioacetic thiohalide thiorubber third rail thixotrope thixotropy thread eye thread hob three-step three-unit throat die throttling throughput throw down throw open throw-away throw-over thrust cap thrust pin thumb rule thuringite tidal area tidal wave tide water tie feeder tie member tight seam tight side tight weld tightening tile drain tile floor tile-stone tilt cloth tilt gauge tilt mixer timber cap timber car timber dam timberless timbertree timberwork time chart time check time cycle time graph time logic time mixer time relay time saver time scale time slice time space time study time taken time yield time-delay time-proof tin bronze tin-coated tintometer tiny crack tip relief tipp lorry tipped bit tipper car title page titre test to run hot toe burden toe camses toll board toll cable tomography tone value tool angle tool block tool clamp tool dress tool house tool maker tool point tool shank tool slide tool stand tool steel tool store tool-chuck toolholder tooth face tooth form tooth gear tooth rest tooth roll top bottom top camber top chisel top circle top flange top member top swedge top-driven tophaceous topography torch weld torpedoing torque rod tortuosity total drag total head total load total loss touch-down touchstone tourmaline tower acid tower span towing rod town house toxicology trabeation tracer ion track bolt track bond track link track lock track rail track work track-type tracklayer trade mark trade wind trafficway tragacanth train shed trajectory tramp iron transboard transcoder transcribe transducer transistor transition transitron translator transverse trash rack trash-rock travelling traversing travertine tread band tree crown tree resin trench hoe trend line trial bore trial load trial weld triamorphs triapsidal tribometer tribometry tribromide trick lock trifoliate triggering trilateral trim angle trinoscope trip block trip lever tripartite triplicate trochotron tromometer tropopause truck jack truck lane truck lift true error true locus true power true range true speed true value truncation trunk call trunk line trunk rack trunk road truss bolt truss post try square tube noise tube radio tube sheet tubing die tuned grid tuning eye tunnelling turbodryer turbulence turn bench turnbuckle turnicator turpentine tween deck twice size twin coach twin diode twin elbow twin screw twin table twin-shell twist warp twist-free two-decked two-stroke two-thread type fount type front type lathe typesetter typewriter typography tyre brake tyre chain tyre gauge tyre steel tyre stock tyre tread tyre valve t-head bolt tabby weave table angle table anvil table slate table-clamp tacheometer tachodynamo tack hammer tackle rope tact period tagged atom taggers tin tail centre tail signal tailing-out tailor-made take effect take in tow taking-down talc schist talking bus talking key tally light tamping bar tandem lock tandem type tandem unit tangent key tank boiler tank pallet tank vessel tannic acid tap circuit tap opening tap remover tap surface tape reader taper angle taper gauge taper joint tapered bit tapped coil tapped drum tapped gear tapped hole tapping bar tapping die tapping fit tar asphalt tar macadam target area target atom target coil target date target life tarred felt tarred road tartar salt tautochrone tautomerism tautomerize tearing-off tee welding teleammeter telecasting telecontrol teleprinter temperature tensiometer tension bar tension rod tension set terephtalic terminating termination terminology terne plate terrestrial test boring test buzzer test flight test method test report test result test sample testing bed testing car testing jig tetraborate tetradymite tetrahedral tetrahedron tetrahydric tetravalent thallic ion theft-proof theobromine theoretical therapeutic thermal lag thermal ray thermograph thermometer thermometry thermopaper thermophone thermophore thermoprene thick stuff thin bedded thin-bodied thin-walled thioacetate thioalcohol thiobromide thiocyanate thiooxalate thomas slag thread plug thread stop three-jawed three-phase three-throw throughfare thrown silk thrust face thrust gear thrust line thrust load thrust ring thrust shoe thrust unit thumb latch thumb screw thumb slide thunderbolt thunderhead thundestorm tidal curve tidal limit tidal power tide batten tie element tie polymer tie tamping tie welding tie-station tig welding tight cable tight joint tile lining tilt a rail timber jack timber mill timber pile timber wood timber yard time camses time device time domain time marker time series time signal time switch time-keeper time-tested timed spark timing disk timing gear timing unit tin coating tin dioxide tin disease tin pyrites tin sulfide tin-plating tip brazing tip eddyies tip orifice tipping car tissue dose title block titrimetric to creep up to give way to leak off to level up to run idle toe bearing toggle bolt toll centre toll office toluic acid tommy screw tonal range tone filter tone source tongue file tool change tool fitter tool lifter tool offset tool outfit tool relief tool set-up tool thrust tool turret tool-setter tooth block tooth crest tooth crown tooth flank tooth point tooth space toothed bar toothed rim toothing-on top casting top control top of rair top pouring top slicing topographer topological torpedoboat torque axis torque load torquemeter torrid zone torsiometer torsion bar total creep total earth total power total range touch spark touching-up tow packing tower crane tower drier tower hoist towing hook towing warp tracer atom tracer edge tracer head track block track brake track broom track cable track chain track entry track gauge track index track lever track relay track spike trackwalker tractor hoe trade price trade value traffic jam trafficator trailer car train ferry train graph train route train staff trainmaster trammelhead transaction transborder transceiver transcriber transferrin transfluxor transformer translation translucent transmitter transom bar transparent transponder transporter transuranic transversal trapezoidal trapped ion travel shot traversable treble lift trench bomb trial batch trial speed triangulate trichloride trifurcated trigger bar trigger cam trigger-off trip button trip hammer trip switch triple bond triple-core triple-pole tripod head tripod jack trolley arm trolley bus trolley car troop train troposphere troublesome trough core trough limb troy weight truck crane truck mixer true course true origin truing tool trunk cable trunk sewer truth table tube beader tube bender tube heater tube socket tube system tube tester tubular die tufa cement tuned relay tuning coil tuning dial tuning gear tuning knob tuning note tuning wave tunnel face tunnel gate tunnel kiln tunnel oven tup tippler turbine fan turbine pit turbine set turbodynamo turbosifter turgescence turn bridge turn button turn yellow turn-miller turning cut turning-off turning-out turpentinic turret head turret stop turret stud tuyere zone twill weave twin engine twin feeder twin girder twin triode twist angle twist drill two-address two-engined two-nucleon two-storied two-wheeled type family type matter typographer typomorphic tyre casing tyred wheel t-connection t-head screw tabel relief table feeder table lookup tablet press tabular data tack welding tail bearing tail current tail journal tail spindle tailingspile tainter gate take-up reel talbot's law tamper-proof tangent line tank bottoms tank furnace tap function tape control tape handler tape library tape puncher tape sealant taper boring taper reamer taper sleeve taper thread taper washer tapered file tapered pile tapinsg pins tapped guide tapped shaft tapping head tapping hole tapping pipe tapping slag tapping unit tar concrete target plane tarred board tavistockite teaching aid tearing test tearing-away technicality technologist teleautogram telegraphing telemetering tender shaft tensile load tensile test tension area tension drum tension gear tension grip tension roll tension side tension test tenter frame terephtalate terlinguaite term by term terminal bar terminal box termolecular ternary acid ternary link terrain line terry fabric tertiary era test chamber test circuit test current test figures test pattern test routine test vehicle test voltage tested chain testing bush tetrade code thallous ion thermal drop thermal flow thermal flux thermal head thermal life thermal pump thermal test thermal unit thermocolour thermocopier thermocouple thermography thermophoric thermoplegia thermostable thermostatic thermoswitch thiburethane thick-walled thimble hook thin section thinly-fluid thioaldehyde thioarsenite thiocarbonat thiocarbonyl thiochloride thiocyanogen thiofluoride thioglycerol thiolic acid thionic acid thiophosgene thiosulphate thread angle thread gauge threaded end three-hinged throat depth throttle rod through beam through call through hole through jack through rate through road thrower ring thrust block thrust borer thrust compo thrust meter thrust metre thrust nappe thrust plate thrust screw thrust shaft thrust strip tidal energy tight system tile machine tile masonry tile of wood tilling pile tilt autosyn tilt of rail tilted mixer tilting gate tilting load timber apron timber joint timber scram timber stick timber stuck timber truck timber-lined time checker time diagram time formula time horizon time release time slicing timing clock timing pulse timing relay timing shaft timing track tin sulphide tinned goods tinned plate tinned sheet tinted paper tissue paper titanic acid to gear down to gutter up to less down to level off tobin bronze toggle clamp toggle lever toggle press toggle-joint toll circuit tone circuit tongue flame tongue floor tonic accent tool cabinet tool carrier tool dresser tool grinder tool profile tooling hole tooth system toothed disk toothed gear toothed rack toothed rail toothed ring toothed roll top breaking top overhaul top pressure topochemical torn surface torpedo sand torque force torque metre torrefaction torsion head torsion test total carbon total energy total height total output total solids total weight touch button tough copper towed flight towed target tower saddle tower stairs tower washer towing cable towing force town network toxic hazard toxic liquid tracer lathe tracer shell tracer study tracing loss track change track girder track scales track switch track wrench tractor head tractor tyre traffic lane traffic load traffic sign trailer film trailing end training set trans effect transannular transfer arm transfer bar transfer bin transfer box transfer car transfer key transferable transference transferring transit line transit rate transit time transitional translucence translucency transmission transparence transparency transuranium trash baffle trass cement tread rubber treated wood tree circuit trestle work tri-lobe cam trial boring triangulator trichromatic tricot weave trigger gate trigger gear trigger lock trigonometry trim problem trimming die trimolecular trip circuit tripartition triple diode triple steel triplet term tripod level tripping cam trolley base trolley boom trolley bush trolley head trolley shoe tropical air tropicalized trouble area trouble gang trouble lamp trouble-free truck hopper truck length truck loader true bearing true contact true horizon trumpet arch trunk feeder trunk piston trunnion bed trussed dock trussed pole trussing rod tube adapter tube closing tube furnace tube railway tube rolling tube scraper tube spacing tube support tube welding tubing catch tubular axle tubular bulb tubular film tubular lamp tubular mast tubular spar tugger hoist tumbler gear tuned cavity tuned dipole tuned filter tungsten arc tuning board tuning curve tuning meter tuning metre tuning range tuning scale tuning screw tunnel borer tunnel diode tunnel drier tunnel laser turbidimeter turbidimetry turbihe room turbine gate turbine ship turbine unit turbo blower turbocharger turbofurnace turbomachine turkey stone turn forward turned screw turning gear turning mill turning pair turning shop turning size turning tool turning vane turning work turred drill turret block turret lathe turret plate turret slide turret steps tuscan order twin antenna twin circuit twin conduit twin contact twin crystal twin-engined twist a rope twist centre twist tester twisted gear twisted pair twisted rope twisted yarn twisting die two-levelled two-pin plug two-ply belt two-way cock two-way cord two-way feed two-way slab twofold axis type setting typification t-branch pipe t-head engine t-slot cutter table bracket table circuit tabular value tacking rivet tail fraction take-home pay take-up spool tandem engine tandem roller tangent angle tangent plane tangent screw tangent wedge tankage total tantalic acid tape recorder tape resistor taper journal taper stopper taper turning tapered rivet tapered screw tappet roller tappet wrench tapping chuck tapping screw tapping speed target figure target homing target method target nuclei tartaric acid teach control technological tee connector tee connexion tee-head bolt teeming ladle teeter column teleautograph telegraph key telemeasuring telemechanics teleobjective telephone set telephotolens televoltmeter telewattmeter telex service telluric acid temper carbon temper colour tempering oil template bolt templet gauge temporary set tenacity test tensile force tension brace tension chord tension fibre tension joint tension lever terminal atom terminal bond terminal hood terminal pair terminal rate terminal stud ternary logic terpenic acid terrace grade tertiary salt tesla current test analysis test building test drilling test duration test function test pressure test specimen testing bench testing error testing field testing model testing scale testing sieve testing spike testing stand testing valve tetrachloride tetrathionate texrope drive textured yarn thatched roof thawing water thermal aging thermal crack thermal cross thermal meter thermal metre thermal noise thermal power thermal relay thermal shock thermal value thermal water thermit joint thermit metal thermit mould thermite bomb thermocopying thermocurrent thermodynamic thermoelastic thermoforming thermonuclear thermoplastic thermosetting thick capping thick section thin arch dam thin negative thinly-liquid thiocarbamate thomson meter thomson metre thread bottom thread chaser thread picker thread sewing threaded pipe threaded stud threading die three-address three-bearing three-stepped threshold law throttle down throttle flap through route through stone through train throw in gear throw of pump throw-out pad thrust collar thrust device thrust washer tidal current tight framing tile drainage tilted turret tilting level tilting mixer tilting stand tilting table timber bridge timber damage timber saddle timbered back time constant time division time function time harmonic time interval time metering time of climb time response time schedule time selector time standard time symmetry time variable time-lag fuse timer circuit timing slicer timing system tin soldering tinning metal tip clearance tipping lorry tipping winch to level down to take a log tocco process toggle switch token carrier toll exchange tool designer tool engineer tool grindery tool grinding tool magazine tooling chart tooling resin tooth adendum tooth bearing tooth profile tooth segment tooth spacing tooth surface toothed blade toothed chain toothed wheel top clearance top flow line top of platen topochemistry topographical topping still torch cutting torch welding toroidal coil torpedo plane torque rating torque wrench torsion meter torsion metre torsion shaft total eclipse total storage tough service tower bottoms town approach town planning trace element tracer bullet tracer method tracing cloth tracing paper tracing table track booster track circuit track density track diagram track haulage track overrun track spacing track-mounted tracking shot traction load traction rope traction-type tractor-drawn tractor-lorry traffic chart traffic lever traffic light traffic noise traffic strip trailer coach trailing edge train service training ship training tank training wall tramp element transcription transfer case transfer jack transfer line transfer pump transfer time transfer tool transit level transit mixer transitionary translational translocation transmittance transmutation transpiration transportable transposition trapezohedron trapped orbit trash burning traverse feed traverse gear traverse line tray conveyer tray conveyor tread of tyre tread pattern treadle drive treating tank trembler bell trembler coil trestle board trial mixture triangulation trigger diode trigger pulse trigger relay triode-hexode triplet state tripod spread trivial graph trolley block trolley hoist trolley wheel troop carrier trouble-proof trough roller truck tractor truck trailer truck-mounted true distance true sentence true to gauge true to shape true top rake truing device trumpet vault trunk circuit trunk glacier trunk hunting trunk network trunk railway trussed blade trussed frame tube arrester tube arrestor tube expander tube friction tube stripper tubeless tyre tubular brick tubular frame tubular level tubular rivet tubular shaft tubular spoke tumbling body tumbling gear tumbling mill tuned antenna tuned circuit tuned doublet tuning handle tunnel effect tunnel intake tunnel signal turbid medium turbine blade turbine house turbine meter turbine metre turbine plant turbine rotor turbine shaft turbine wheel turbulent air turned finish turner's tool turning crane turning force turning joint turning lathe turning point turning radii turning valve turning-along turnpike road turret saddle twice as much twin-cylinder twin-splindle twisting test two-bar guide two-component two-drum crab two-high mill two-lane road two-pass core two-ply steel two-way array two-way radio two-way valve two-width key two-wire line t-headed spoke t-junction box t-r box cavity table capacity tabular matter tachogenerator tailrace canal take a diagram take up shocks take-off speed take-up pulley talking beacon tandem missile tandem turbine tangential die tangential fan tangential key tank capacitor tape transport taper-saw file tapered collar tapered cotter taping machine tapped circuit tapped winding tapping device tapping losses tapping sample tar distillate target backing target bearing target cathode target nucleus tarrying larry teach box unit teasel machine technical term tee connection teflon bearing teleclinometer telegraph code telegraph word telephone jack telephone line telephotometer teleprocessing telescope jack teletachometer teletypewriter television car television set television van telomerization temper rolling temper tinting tempered fifth tempered steel tempering mill temporary rate tenement house tensile region tensile strain tensile stress tension flange tension member tension spring tension strain tension stress tension washer tension weight tension wrench tensor product tentative data term of patent terminal board terminal clamp terminal cover terminal group terminal panel terminal plate terminal state ternary system terotechnology terrace layout terraced slope test apparatus test connexion test equipment test generator test parameter test procedure test programme test statistic testing device textural grade theory of sets thermal ageing thermal effect thermal energy thermal losses thermal naphta thermal output thermal source thermal strain thermal stress thermal tuning thermal-cycled thermalization thermic boring thermite joint thermoelectric thermojunction thermomagnetic thermonegative thermopositive thermoresistor thick arch dam thin navigable thin-faced bit thomson bridge thread chasing thread cutting thread grinder thread milling thread rolling thread templet threading head threading roll threading tool three-ply belt three-way cock three-way cord three-way pipe threshold dose threshold tube throat opening throttle screw throttle steam throttle valve throttled-down through bridge through drying through girder through repair through signal through street through system through-curing throw in speed throw of crank throw-away tip throw-in lever throw-out stop thrust bearing thrust journal thrust surface thundery front thymolphtalein tide amplitude tight coupling tight riveting tight standard tightening ear tightening key tile-hung wall tilt indicator tilting moment timber framing timber hoister timber storage time analyiser time behaviour time inversion time of flight time of return time quenching time selection time variation time-base unit time-dependent time-lag relay time-study man time-study men timing circuit timing diagram timing network tinner's rivet tipping bucket tipping device titanium white to run a level tolerance band tolerance dose tolerance unit tolerance zone toll connector toll telephony tone audiogram tone generator tone localizer tongued flange tool adjusting tool clearance tool equipment tool tolerance tooled bindery tooling layout tooling method tooling set-up toolroom lathe tooth coupling toothed clutch toothed sector top half crank torpedo bomber torque balance torque-chipper torsion moment torsion spring torsion torque torsional load torsional test total analysis total capacity total friction total moisture total pressure total radiator toughness test tow attachment tower scrubber towing vehicle town surveying toxic reaction toxicity assay trace analysis trace impurity tracer element tracer isotope tracer turning track adhesion track capacity track crossing track inductor track mountain tracking radar traction cable traction force traction motor tractive force tractive power tractor welder tractor-hauled traffic marker traffic signal traffic tunnel tragaconth gum trailer record trailing blade trailing cable train lighting train recorder training idler training truck tramming level tramp material transfer check transfer graph transfer ladle transfer mould transfer press transfer ratio transfer relay transfer speed transfer table transfer valve transformation transient area transient gain transient load transient time transistor die transistorized transit centre transit survey transition fit transmissivity transmittivity transom-window transportation trapezoid rule trash spillway traverse point traverse table treated timber trebly ionized trellis bridge trenching plow trepaning head trestle bridge trial drilling triangular web tricolour tube tridimensiohal trigger action trigger button trigger camses trigger shaper trigger source trimmed rafter trimmed tunnel trimming lathe trimming press triode-pentode triply ionized trityl alcohol triumphal arch trolley collar trolley shield trolley system trommel screen tropical month truncated cone trunk exchange trunk junction trunnion cross trussed bridge trussed girder truth function tube amplifier tube diaphragm tube extrusion tube voltmeter tubular girder tubular spring tumbler needle tumbler switch tumbling block tumbling drier tumbling mixer tumbling shaft tungsten brass tungsten steel tuning element tunnel cathode tunnel driving tunnel furnace tunnel heading turbine casing turbine engine turbine vessel turbine-driven turboconvertor turbogenerator turbulent flow turing machine turmeric paper turn around 90 turn finishing turn indicator turning action turning chisel turning couple turning effort turning length turning moment turning radius turnkey system turpentine oil turret machine turret spindle turret station tuyere opening twin conductor twinkling star twisted column twisting angle twisting force twisting frame two-band model two-coil relay two-core cable two-input gate two-layer film two-part resin two-rate meter two-rate metre two-shift work two-stage pump two-step relay two-valuedness tyndall effect type formation type page size T-reactive coil table of limits tabular deposit tabular setting tabulated value tackle purchase tagged molecule tagged neutrino tail stop block tailing launder tailstock guide tailstock slide take as a datum take-off runway take-off weight tamped concrete tangent forming tank street car tanker aircraft tape comparator tape perforator tape reproducer tape-end marker taper-flat file taper-pin drill tapered bearing tapered journal tapped resistor tapping bushing tapping fixture target aircraft target function target language target position target tracking taylor's series tear resistance tearing machine technical level tee-branch pipe telegraph relay telephone meter telephone metre telephone relay telephotography telescope joint telescopic boom telescopic lens telescopic mast telescopic wing telethermometer teletypesetting television band temper graphite temper-coloured temper-stressed tempering forge tempering range templet milling temporary mould temporary rivet temporary track ten-point scale tend to a limit tens complement tensile failure tensile modulus tension shackle tensor calculus terminal homing terminal office terminal socket terminal switch terminated line termionic relay termonucleonics terrain feature tertiary carbon tertiary gothic test at storage test at the rig test conditions test connection test laboratory test of whether test translator test-tube stand testing fixture testing machine testing voltage tetraboric acid tetraethyl lead textile bindery texture of wood textured finish tfrke-off boost thallofile cell thermal ammeter thermal balance thermal barrier thermal breaker thermal contact thermal control thermal current thermal cut-out thermal cutting thermal element thermal fatigue thermal inertia thermal process thermal reactor thermal spading thermal storage thermionic tube thermistor head thermit welding thermite collar thermochemistry thermodiffusion thermodynamical thermogenerator thermohardening thermomagnetism thermooxidation thermoregulator thermostability thickening tank thickness gauge thickness meter thin-sheet mill thin-slab vault thioacetic acid thiocyanate ion thiooxalic acid thrashing speed thread breakage thread cleaning thread diameter thread grinding thread of screw threaded sleeve three-component three-high mill three-lane road three-leg crane three-way valve threefold stand threefoldt axis threshold field threshold level threshold logic throat diameter throttled steam throttling cock throttling loss through burning through circuit through furnace through traffic throughput rate throw up a burr throw-out lever thrust capacity thrust duration thrust of earth thrust pressure thyratron motor tie instalation tie-down device tiering machine tight alignment tight alinement tiller steering tilting antenna tilting bearing tilting furnace timber carriage timber industry timber scaffold time controller time dependence time of heating time-lag action time-signal set timetable timer tin-lead solder tinman's solder tipple building titanium boride to plot a route toggle actuator tolerance bound tolerance level tolerance limit tolerance range tone audiometer tone correction tool parameters tool-holder bit tooling diagram tooth callipers tooth thickness top convergence top dead center topographic map topographic rod topping of road torch hardening torsion balance torsion failure torsion product torsional force total amplitude total extension toxic substance trabeated style trace a drawing trace of a line tracer activity tracer material tracing routine track advancing tracking system traction engine tractive effort tractor trailer tractor-mounted trade mark roll trade-off curve traffic control traffic density traffic routing trailer-mounted trailing tender trailing vortex trans activator transadmittance transducer gain transfer needle transfer scheme transformer oil transient compo transient curve transient state transit station transit traffic transition time transition zone transliteration transmuted wood transport plane transsonic zone transverse beam transverse flow transverse ring transverse test transverse wave trapping action trapping of air trash-rack rake traveling table travelling belt travelling crab travelling form travelling load travelling oven travelling rest travelling roll travelling rope travelling stay travelling wave traverse shaper traverse sketch traverse survey trawling vessel treasury rating treated sleeper treatment plant tremie concrete trench backfill trepanning tool tri-lobe camses triangular file triangular load trichlorethanal trickle channel tricolor camera trigger battery trigger crystal trigger voltage trigonal hybrid trigonometrical trihedral angle trim by the bow trimming cutter trimming shears trinitrotoluene tripartite pole triple integral triplet impulse triplex winding tripping camses tripping spring trivalent state trolley bushing troop transport tropicalization trouble hunting true absorption true accuracies true regression true resistance trunion fixture trunk connexion tube-type motor tubing coupling tubular element tubular journal tumbler bracket tumbling barrel tuned amplifier tungsten bronze turbine diffuse turbine steamer turbine stirrer turboalternator turbocompressor turbofan engine turboventilator turn from guide turn-over table turning ability turning fixture turning machine turret carriage turret terminal twin-head auger twin-screw ship twin-type cable twisted polygon twisting couple twisting moment twisting strain twisting stress two-bank engine two-bottom plow two-dimensional two-fold window two-furrow plow two-input adder two-level logic two-level mould two-pi geometry two-player game two-rate tariff two-tone keying two-way circuit two-way contact two-way traffic two-wheel buggy twos complement typewriter type t-reactive coils t-shaped antenna table classifier table floatation tabular analysis tabular language tactical missile tactile feedback tag for location tail end booster tail probability tail-race tunnel tailrace conduit tailstock barrel tailstock sleeve take-off booster take-off circuit takes as a datum talk-ringing key tandem capacitor tangential compo tangential force tangential spoke tank transformer tap-making lathe tape measurement taper attachment taper pin reamer taper-seat valve tapped capacitor tapped clearance tapping capacity tapping interval target actuation target detection target electrode target indicator tartrate complex taylor connexion technical manual telegraph office telegraph signal telephone system telescopic guide telescopic joint telescopic shaft telescopic staff television cable television image television range television relay television tower television waves tellurium bronze temper hardening temperature bulb temperature drop temperature head temperature loss temperature rise tempering colour temporary bridge temporary magnet ten-scale system tend to infinity tensile strength tensile-stressed tension carriage tension diagonal tension fracture tentative design terephtalic acid term of fraction term of priority term of validity terminal marking terminal station terminal voltage terminated level ternary division ternary notation tertiary crusher tertiary winding test environment testing campaign testing engineer tetramethyl lead textile industry texture of cloth theodolite level theory of errors theory of models thermal analysis thermal capacity thermal cleaning thermal detector thermal drilling thermal exchange thermal gradient thermal junction thermal lifetime thermal recovery thermal response thermal transfer thermionic diode thermistor gauge thermite welding thermoconductivy thermoelasticity thermogravimetry thermometer tube thermoplasticity thermostat relay thin-gauge sheet thin-walled tube thioarsenic acid thread callipers thread indicator thread stitching threaded bushing three-core cable three-point plug three-shift work three-way tipper threshold effect throat thickness throttle orifice throttle turbine throttling curve throttling index through bubbling through rotation throughput power throw of pointer throw-off effect throw-out spiral thrust alignment thrust alinement thrusting action thumb drive head thyratrone relay thyrite arrester thyrite arrestor tidal wave limit tightening wedge tilting magazine timber partition timber relieving timber structure timber treatment time coordinates time of ignition time of recovery time-base period time-delay relay time-independent time-limit relay time-pulse relay time-study timer time-varied gain timing generator tinned conductor tip navvy barrow titanium dioxide tool engineering tool gripper arm tool manipulator tool positioning tool-post wrench toothed coupling top contact rail top moulding box torgue amplifier toroidal winding torque converter torque convertor torque generator torsional moment torsional strain torsional stress total absorption total admittance total brake time total efficiency total regression total resistance totalizing meter totalizing metre touch-down speed tracer cartridge tracer labelling tracer technique track distortion traction battery tractor aircraft tractor airscrew traffic accident traffic capacity traffic recorder trailing antenna train dispatcher training missile transaction file transconductance transfer circuit transfer of axes transfer plunger transfer process transfer surface transformer bank transformer core transformer yoke transient effect transient period transient regime transient stress transient vortex transistor radio transit traverse transition curve transition layer transition metal transition piece transition point transition state translating gear translation loss translucent body transmissibility transmitted load transmitted wave transparent body transport glider transport theory transportability transverse brace transverse compo transverse field transverse force transverse frame transverse joint transverse slide transverse stope transverse strut trapezoidal load trapezoidal rule trapezoidal wave trapped electron travel of piston travelling block travelling chain travelling crane travelling field travelling hoist travelling mixer travelling wheel traverse network traversing crane traversing wheel trench excavator trenching plough trestle scaffold triangular tooth triangular truss triboelectricity trickling filter trifurcating box trigger reaction triggering level triggering pulse trimmer resistor trimming machine triode amplifier trip-dog control tripping circuit trivial solution tropic of cancer trouble location trouble-shooting true equilibrium true horse power true integration true orientation truncated thread truncation error trunk connection trunk-line board trunnion bearing trussed stringer tubular radiator tubular resistor tubular scaffold tuned-plate load tungsten carbide tungsten cathode tuning capacitor tuning frequency tuning indicator tunnel breakdown tunnel rectifier turbine cylinder turbo-jet engine turbulent motion turbulent stream turn signal lamp turn to diameter turnbuckle screw turning diameter turning of sheet twin flight lock twin-walled tube twisting diagram twisting machine two shaft system two-band antenna two-beaked anvil two-cycle engine two-digit number two-horned anvil two-lane traffic two-part bearing two-phase system two-stage rocket two-step puncher two-storey anvil two-valued logic two-wire antenna two-wire circuit twofold dilution table of contents tachometric relay tackle stop block tail-rope balance take pieces apart take-off distance talk-back circuit tangent elevation tangential chaser tangential cutter tangential runner tangential stress tape-reading head taper pipe thread tapered connexion tapered waveguide tarviated macadam taylor connection teach-in playback technical failure technological gap tee-slotting tool telegraph channel telegraph circuit telegraph network telephone channel telephone circuit telephone message telephone network telephone station telephone traffic telescopic binary telescopic finder telescopic tripod telescoping screw television camera television raster television screen television signal television studio television system temperature error temperature gauge temperature meter temperature metre temperature range temperature relay temperature scale temperature shock temperature slope tempering furnace template moulding temporary service temporary storage temporary support tend to the limit tensile ductility tension apparatus tension of spring tensioning device terminal capacity terminal decision terminal position terminal repeater terminal velocity terrestrial globe test organization testing technique tetrathionic acid tetravalent state texture of fabric theoretic ceiling theoretical curve theoretical model theory of chances theory of numbers thermal behaviour thermal breakdown thermal conductor thermal diffusion thermal expansion thermal explosion thermal pollution thermal radiation thermal shielding thermal stability thermal telephone thermal treatment thermal wattmeter thermoelectricity thermogravimetric thermoluminescent thermostatic trap thick-walled tube thickening washer thiocarbamic acid thiocarbonic acid thiocyanuric acid thioglycolic acid third-body effect thiuramdisulphide thoriated cathode thrashing machine threading machine three-dimensional three-hinged arch three-input adder three-level logic three-phase motor three-pinned arch three-square file threshold current threshold element threshold neutron threshold of pain threshold voltage throat admittance throat microphone throttling effect through hardening through insulator through-way valve throughput weight throw into action throw out of gear throw-over switch thrown-over relay thrust of a crown thyristor control tidal power plant tight-strong seam tilt-deck trailer tilting manometer tilting-flap gate timber reclaiming time differential time quantization time-base circuit time-base diagram time-base voltage time-switch timer timing-case cover tin-electroplated tinned sheet iron to break a corner to conjunction up to-and-fro motion tolerance quality tool life monitor tool post grinder tooling equipment toolmaker's lathe tooth-form factor toothed disk mill topical retrieval topographic chart topographic staff torque efficiency torque limitation torsion indicator torsion stiffness total correlation total probability total reflectance total sensitivity totalling counter tracer ammunition track maintenance track transformer trademark article traejectory angle traffic pollution trailing vortices training aircraft transannular bond transducer losses transfent current transfer a patent transfer constant transfer cylinder transfer function transfer moulding transient process transient voltage transistor action transistor tester transit-time mode transition bridge transition factor transition losses transition region translating relay translucent glass transmission band transmission case transmission code transmission gain transmission gear transmission line transmission rate transmission rope transmission time transmission unit transmitter noise transparent glaze transport protein transport vehicle transposed matrix transsonic flight transverse member transverse motion transverse spring transverse strain transverse stress transverse survey trapezoidal truss trapping the weld travel transducer travelling bridge travelling roller traversing pulley tread caterpillar treated effluents treatment charges tree of solutions trenching machine trial-load method triangle equation triangle of error triangular matrix triangular thread triangulation net triazidocarbonium trigger amplifier trigger electrode trigger flip-flop trigger generator trim by the stern trimmer capacitor triple-action die triple-core cable triple-screw ship trivial automaton trouble detection truncated picture truncated pyramid trunk-line office tube construction tube rolling mill tube-type furnace tubular condenser tubular extension tumbler gear yoke tumbler-gear unit tuned transformer tungsten arc lamp tungsten filament tuning-fork clock turbo-prop engine turbulence number turbulent current turn-to-turn test turns to diameter turnstile antenna turntable machine turret attachment turret-slide rest twice two is four twin-pulley block twin-rolling mill twinned electrode twisted steel bar twisting of frame twisting strength two-bottom plough two-colour offset two-course beacon two-element relay two-filament bulb two-furrow plough two-layer winding two-part adhesive two-phase circuit two-stacked array two-stage missile two-stage turbine two-state circuit two-stroke engine two-way amplifier type-matter plate typewriter ribbon tyre-rolling mill tabletting machine tabulated function tail-end treatment takes pieces apart tangential casting tangential turbine tap-fluting cutter tapered connection tapered plug valve tapped transformer tapping attachment target acquisition teaching automaton technical check-up technical standard technical training telecine projector telecinematography telecontrol system telegraph equation telegraph exchange telegraph receiver telegraph repeater telephone exchange telephone operator telephone receiver telephone repeater telescopic alidade telescopic antenna telescopic spindle television antenna television cabinet television channel television control television display television picture television relayng temper brittleness temperature alarms temperature colour temperature effect temperature factor temperature strain temperature stress tempering hardness templet-controlled temporal variation temporary standard temporary workings tensile elongation tensile shear test tentative standard terminal connector terminal insulator terminal parameter terminated crystal termination charge ternary arithmetic terrestrial dipole terrestrial planet terrestrial survey test for invention testing instrument tetrahedral hybrid theory of automata theory of decision theory of the case thermal conditions thermal conduction thermal convection thermal dilatation thermal dispersion thermal distortion thermal efficiency thermal equivalent thermal excitation thermal hysteresis thermal instrument thermal insulation thermal ionization thermal properties thermal refinement thermal relaxation thermal resilience thermal resistance thermal shock test thermal similarity thermal turbulence thermionic cathode thermionic current thermogalvanometer thermoluminescence thermometer pocket thermometric scale thermonuclear bomb thin magnetic film thin-film resistor thioantimonic acid thiosulphuric acid third motion shaft thoriated filament thread-cutting die thread-rolling die threaded connexion three-angular file three-digit number three-groove drill three-lipped drill three-phase supply three-phase system three-position key three-side trimmer three-stage blower three-valued logic threshold reaction threshold strength throghput capacity throttle governing throttle regulator throttling of flow throttling turbine through-put volume throw of eccentric throw-off carriage thrust bearing cap thrust coefficient tightening shackle timber compartment timber replacement timbering standard time discriminator time of combustion time of liberation time-delay circuit time-limit breaker time-zone metering tin-making machine tinsmith's machine to contest a claim to-and-fro ropeway toggle measurement toggle-lever press tool write-up card tool-setting gauge tooth-rounding hob top-slicing method topographic survey torque screwdriver torque transmitter torque-speed curve torsion rod spring torsion viscometer torsional capacity torsional rigidity torsional strength total differential tower-type antenna trace of a surface tracing distortion track-jamper cable traction-type tyre trade waste sewage trade-off analysis trade-off decision trade-off relation traffic controller traffic-type truck transfer of patent transfer operation transformer welder transforming plant transforming valve transient buckling transient interval transient movement transient pressure transient recorder transient response transient vortices transistor circuit transistor package transistor trigger transit instrument transition element translation thread translucent medium translucent screen transmission drive transmission level transmission ratio transmission shaft transmission speed transmitting power transmitting relay transmitting valve transparent enamel transparent medium transponder beacon transport aircraft transport reaction transsonic barrier transverse bearing transverse impulse transverse section transverse sleeper transverse spacing trapezoidal thread trash-laden screen travelling furnace travelling stacker traverse levelling trebly-charged ion tri nitrocellulose triangle of forces triangular channel triangular scraper tribo luminescence tricarboxylic acid trimmed sheet size triple correlation triple-change gear triply-charged ion tripping operation trolley locomotive trough gutter tile trough plate floor true radio bearing true-boring cutter trueing attachment trunk-line conduit tudor architecture tuning capacitance turbine locomotive turbine-driven set turbine-type mixer turbo supercharger turboprob aircraft turbulence chamber turbulent velocity turn-to-turn fault turnover frequency twin-boom carriage twin-fillet welder twin-shaft turbine twisting vibration two-centre orbital two-colour gravure two-port amplifier two-position relay two-stage aeration two-way television typographic layout t-type intersection table concentration table of correction table of logarithms tacheometric method take-up measurement tangential pressure tangential reaction tangential velocity tangential-feed hob tap cutting surface tap-drill size hole taper-turning lathe target present data task-and-bonus plan tea-pot spout ladle technical levelling telemetering device telemetering system telemetring counter telephone amplifier telephone capacitor telephone connexion telephone frequency telescope alignment telescope alinement television guidance television receiver television standard temperature balance temperature control temperature pattern temperature pick-up temperature profile temperature warping temporary fastening tensile deformation tensile impact test tensile-yield point tension brittleness tension dynamometer terminal accuracies terminal disclaimer terminal resistance terminal stop block terminate statement terminating circuit termination network termionic amplifier ternary electrolyte terrestrial attrite terrestrial current terrestrial deposit terrestrial equator terrestrial gravity terrestrial horizon terrestrial physics test of convergence test of sufficiency test specifications test to destruction testing certificate tetrahedral complex theodolite traverse theorem of the sine theoretical ceiling theoretical physics thermal ageing test thermal capacitance thermal circulation thermal conductance thermal deformation thermal diffusivity thermal dissipation thermal electricity thermal equilibrium thermal regenerator thermionic detector thermionic emission thermodynamic cycle thermodynamic state thermoelectric pile thermonuclear power thermonuclear yield thermoplastic resin thermosetting resin thickened-edge slab thin-film amplifier thiocarbonyl halide thiophosphoric acid thread-chasing dial thread-cutting tool threaded connection three-cornered file three-edged scraper three-necked bottle three-phase circuit three-phase winding three-side trimming three-stage turbine three-terminal line three-way connector three-wire balancer threshold amplitude threshold audiogram threshold frequency threshold intensity threshold of vision throttle regulation throw out of action thrust-bearing shoe thyratron rectifier tight-fitting screw tightening-up screw time characteristic time discrimination time off-shift down time-base frequency time-base generator time-cycling device tinctorial strength tipped stone rubble tipping arrangement to a station tuning to cancel the route tongued lock washer topographic drawing torque magnetometer torsion dynamometer torsion impact test torsional vibration total cross-section total transmittance totally-closed slot touch-sensing probe toxic concentration tracer-isotope atom tracking accuracies traffic distributor traffic disturbance training on-the-job training philosophy transfer admittance transformer booster transformer bushing transient analyiser transient behaviour transient condition transient indicator transient programme transient reactance transient stability transition function transitive relation translating routine translation circuit translation formula translational speed translucent ceiling transmission factor transmission feeder transmission losses transmission system transmission target transmission tunnel transmitter damping transmitter housing transmitting jigger transport phenomena transsonic velocity transversal profile transverse strength transverse traverse trapezoidal channel travelling carriage travelling platform traversing standard triangular calender triangulation point triangulation strip triangulation tower trichromatic system tricolour kinescope trigger measurement trimming inductance triple-roller chain triple-start thread triple-tariff meter triple-tariff metre triplet positronium troostitic pearlite tropic of capricorn trunk communication tubular-film method tungsten point file tunnel-type furnace turbine transformer turbine-driven pump turbo-generator set turbo-pump assembly turning slide valve turret-front camera twin-pair amplifier twin-screw extruder twisting resistance two-dimensional cam two-direction motor two-electrode valve two-element antenna two-motion selector two-phase generator two-position action two-stage amplifier typewriter keyboard typographical point tachometer generator tailor-made material talc-chlorite schist tangent galvanometer tap-grinding machine tape-to-card puncher taper-hobbing cutter tar-surface dressing target-homing system technical assistance technical competence technical regulation technical specialist technical speciality technological module telegraph cross-talk telephone connection telephone subscriber television projector television satellite temperature detector temperature function temperature gradient temperature recorder temporary bench mark tensile-test diagram tensioning insulator tentative experiment terain configuration termination reaction terrestial occurence terrestrial latitude terrestrial meridian testing of materials tetrahedral compound tetrahedral symmetry theory of algorithms theory of elasticity theory of plasticity theory of relativity theory of similarity thermal conductivity thermal luminescence thermal transmission thermionic generator thermionic voltmeter thermocouple ammeter thermocouple opening thermodyriamic scale thermoelastic effect thermoelastic strain thermoelectric alloy thermoelectric power thermoelectric relay thermonuclear charge thermonuclear device thermonuclear fusion thermonuclear plasma thermonuclear weapon thermostatic control thermostatic element thicknessing machine thin-film technology thin-section casting thiophosphorous acid thomson-joule effect thomson-varley coils thread-cutting lathe thread-rolling screw threading attachment three-blade airscrew three-centre bonding three-centre orbital three-coil generator three-electrode cell three-position relay three-square scraper three-way dump truck threshold excitation threshold of feeling threshold wavelength throttling diaphragm through-traffic road through-type furnace throw out the clutch timber-and-tile roof time-derived channel time-pulse converter time-pulse convertor titrimetric standard tolerance-limit test tool path generation tool-cutting machine topographic plotting topographic surveyor toroidal coordinates torque at rated load torsion galvanometer torsion magnetometer torsion strain gauge torsional resistance torsional suspension total characteristic total quantum number tracer investigation track return circuit track-drive sprocket track-laying machine traction dynamometer tractive-force meter tractive-force metre trade-off evaluation training off-the-job transfer measurement transformation chain transformation range transformation ratio transformer coupling transforming section transient distortion transient protection transistor amplifier transistor flip-flop transistor voltmeter transit-mix concrete transition frequency transition transient transitron generator translational energy translational motion transmission channel transmission circuit transmission diagram transmission echelon transmission housing transmission monitor transmission network transmission of heat transmitting antenna transmitting station transparent material transparent positive transpiration-cooled transportable boiler transverse dimension transverse equalizer transverse finishing transverse recording transverse stability transverse vibration trap-valve amplifier trapezium distortion travelling staircase travelling-wave tube traverse-head shaper triangular structure triangulation height triangulation method triangulation pillar triboelectrification trigonometric height tripping measurement tropicalizatron test trouble-free mileage trouble-free service trough-belt conveyer trough-belt conveyor tubular vector field tumbler gear segment tuned-reed rectifier tungsten sensitivity tunnelling operation turbine-nozzle blade turbolent convection twelve-channel group twin-diode amplifier twin-spindle machine twisting coefficient two-hinged structure two-out-of-five code two-position control two-switch connexion two-terminal network two-way entry pallet type-setting machine tailor-made equipment tailwater fluctuation take-off acceleration tandem concrete mixer tape operating system taper roughing reamer target-seeking device teach-yourself method technical feasibility technical maintenance technical terminology technological advance tee-head buttress dam telegraph transmitter telephone switchboard telephone transformer telephone transmitter telescopes alignments television microscope temperature expansion temperature inversion temperature regulator temperature vibration temperature-dependant temperature-resistant temperature-sensitive tempering temperature tensile reinforcement tension reinforcement terraced construction terrestrial longitude terrestrial magnetism test for divisibility test of insufficiency test of patentability test terminal station test-point scattering test-signal generator tetrahedral structure theoretical mechanics theory of equivalents theory of probability thermal decomposition thermal fission yield thermal transmittance thermal transpiration thermo-syphon cooling thermodynamic process thermoelectric couple thermoelectric device thermoelectric effect thermoelectric series thermoindicator paint thermoionic rectifier thermomagnetic effect thermoplastic varnish thermosensitive paper thermosetting varnish thin-coated electrode thin-film electronics thin-film solar array thiocarbonyl chloride thread milling cutter thread-forming insert three-axis contouring three-phase rectifier threshold sensitivity throat-opening factor time for acceleration time-limit attachment time-limited function time-pulse modulation time-schedule control time-selective action time-sharing priority timing-wave amplifier titration calorimetry tool receiving socket tool-grinding machine top of connecting rod top-capacitor antenna topographic levelling torque-reaction stand total annual rainfall totalizing instrument track indicator chart trademark application trailing-blade coater transformation family transformation theory transformer generator transformer regulator transient disturbance transient equilibrium transient temperature transit triangulation transition resistance transitron oscillator translating processor translating programme translation of motion translation operation transmission constant transmission distance transmitter amplifier transmutation isotope transpiration cooling transport coefficient transportability test transpose transporter transsverse shrinkage transverse projection transverse relaxation transverse resilience travelling gear brake travelling shuttering travelling wave valve travelling-wave maser traverse station mark treatment for erosion tree-planting machine triangulation network triazidocarbonium ion trichromatic equation trichromatic printing tricyanomethanide ion trigger discriminator trigger-delay circuit trigonal coordination triple-grid amplifier troop-carrying glider trundle roller pallet tube-spring manometer tuned-grid oscillator tungsten halogen lamp tuning of carburettor turbulence resistance turbulent flow motion tw-linear accelerator twin cathode ray beam twin-concentric cable twin-rotor helicopter twisted strip ammeter two-channel amplifier two-component lacquer two-pole wire circuit two-stage compression two-stage superheater two-switch connection two-way communication two-way reinforcement twofold-symmetry axis tacheometric surveying tape butt-seam welding tape-drive measurement tapped-actuating lever tapped-adjusting screw teletype communication television camera tube television engineering television transmitter temperature conditions temperature controller temperature equivalent temperature refraction temperature-time limit tension-adjusting gear terrestrial atmosphere terrestrial attraction terrestrial monitoring terrestrial photograph terrestrial refraction test-pattern generator theological properties theories of algorithms theory of logical nets theory of stream lines thermal transformation thermochromatic method thermocouple pyrometer thermodynamic function thermoelectric ammeter thermoionic conduction thermonuclear reaction thermoplastic plastics thermoreactive setting thermosetting plastics thermostatic regulator thin-shell barrel roof thread-cutting machine thread-milling machine thread-rolling machine three-cornered scraper three-pin central base three-sensation theory three-terminal contact threshold of annoyance threshold optimization throttling coefficient thumb-pressure oil can tilting steering wheel time-marking generator time-varying amplitude time-varying parameter timekeeping department titration calorimetery to reverse end for end tool monitoring system tool-breakage detector tool-wear compensation torque tube ball joint torque-convertor drive torque-producing field torsion-bar stabilizer torsion-bar suspension torsion-rod stabilizer torsional magnetometer totally-enclosed motor touch-sensitive switch tracer-milling machine tractive electromagnet traffic-control device trailing-blade coating trajectory measurement transfer patent rights transference of patent transistor electronics transition probability transition temperature transition-type galaxy transmission of energy transmitting capacitor transposition of wires transverse fillet weld travelling-body shaper travelling-head shaper travelling-wave factor trench-cutting machine trial-and-error method triangle of velocities trigonometric function trigonometrical height trigonometrical method triple-casement window triplet fine structure trouble-free operation trunk junction circuit tubular extrusion head tune-danode oscillator tuning-fork oscillator tunnel-diode amplifier turbine-generator unit twin-crankshaft engine twin-crystal formation twisted-bead steel bar two-component neutrino two-dimensional camses two-dimensional motion type-matter correction typographic typewriter tangential acceleration tank circuit inductance taper-root spline shaft taper-shank twist drill tapping of ground water tear-and-weaf allowance technological parameter telecommunication cable telephone communication television broadcasting television picture tube television transmission television-station link temperalure coefficient temperature environment temperature transmitter tensile testing machine tentative specification tetragonal coordination theory of invention law thermal derating factor thermal expansion relay thermal impulse welding thermal noise generator thermal-expansion valve thermocouple instrument thermoelectric junction thermomechanical effect thiophosphoryl chloride thread-grinding machine three-articulation arch three-dimensional curve three-dimensional model three-dimensional radar three-dimensional space three-phase transformer threshold of audibility time difference circuit time division multiplex time-displacement curve time-phase displacement time-sharing processing titaniferrous magnetite tongue-and-groove joint tool qualification test topslicing cover caving torque-indicator wrench torque-measuring wrench total reflection factor track-circuit connector transcendental function transfer characteristic transfer moulding press transistorized receiver transition-metal series transition-state theory transmission accuracies transmission by gearing transmission efficiency transmission gear ratio transmit-receive switch transmitting efficiency transmitting transducer transposition of claims transverse acceleration transverse oscillations travel-reversing switch traveling-wave klystron travelling-grate stoker travelling-wave antenna trigonal hybrid orbital trigonometric surveying triple-concentric cable tropospheric absorption tropospheric refraction tropospheric scattering turm-to-turn insulation turning-and-boring mill two-nucleon interaction two-position controller two-quadrant multiplier two-section superheater type-printing telegraph tyre-pressure indicator tandem-rotors helicopter tape sexagesimal measure target recognition chart teletype setting machine television-reporting van temperature compensation temperature differential temperature distribution tetrahedral coordination tetrahedral substitution thermal terminal station thermal-insulation layer thermal-magnetic breaker thermal-neutron lifetime thermo-chemical refining thermocouple thermometer thermodynamic properties thermoelastic relaxation thermoelectric converter thermoelectric convertor thermoelectric generator thermoelectric pyrometer thermomagnetic generator thin-laminated electrode three-dimentional effect three-dimentional motion three-point starting box threefoldt-symmetry axis threshold of sensibility time-and-motion planning time-dependent parameter time-division telegraphy time-schedule controller time-to-number converter time-to-number convertor tool-breakage monitoring tool-grinding department tooth-chamfering machine topographic irregularity totally disconnected set trajectory determination transient characteristic transistorized equipment transition dipole moment transmission coefficient transmission dynamometer transmission performance transmitter-blocker cell transverse electric mode transverse electric wave transverse magnetic mode transverse magnetic wave transverse magnetization transverse reinforcement travelling-wave klystron triple-wound transformer tropospheric reflectance trouble-location problem turn-signal-control lamp turning-and-boring lathe two-loop servo-mechanism two-phase electric motor two-piece adjustable die two-stream amplification type-printing telegraphy technical characteristics technical training course telecommunication circuit telegraph instrument room telescopic shock absorber television broadcast band tension-pulley stop block term of patent protection thermocouple galvanometer thermodynamic equilibrium thermodynamic probability thermodynamic temperature thickness-tolerance metre third-generation computer thread-generating machine three-dimensional copying three-dimensional display three-dimensional picture three-frequency amplifier three-phase rectification time-independent quantity to a closer approximation to contest a patent right topographical information traffic-carrying capacity transcrystalline fracture transfer of patent rights transfer-plunger cylinder transformerless amplifier transmission gear shifter transmutation of elements transportable transmitter transportation facilities transverse circular pitch triangular-threaded screw trigonometrical levelling triple-frequency harmonic tungsten-carbide drilling turbine-driven compressor turbo-driven supercharger turbo-electric locomotive turbo-supercharged engine turbulent-flow resistance two-dimensional profiling two-stage servo-mechanism tablet-compressing machine television graphic display temperature characteristic temperature-control device temperature-limiting relay terrestrial magnetic field terrestrial photogrammetry tetrahedral hybrid orbital thermal saturation current thermal tuning sensitivity thermal utilization factor thermogravimetric analysis throttling butterfly valve thyristor-controlled motor time-distribution function time-division multiplexing tool position compensation topographic identification total external reflectance total internal reflectance totally integrated process transverse planing machine trapezoidal characteristic triangulation station mark trigonal prismatic complex trigonal reflector antenna trigonometric substitution tuned-reed frequency meter tuned-reed frequency metre tungsten inert-gas welding turn-to-turn short circuit twist drill-fluting cutter typographical point system technical inspection report television broadcast centre television-radar navigation thermal electromotive force thermal-insulation capacity three-dimensional profiling three-dimensional structure threshold of perceptibility tight-binding approximation transformer condenser motor transmitting-power response transverse-bending strength travelling salesman problem two-component foam moulding temperature-indicating paint test at entrance for storing test for uniform convergence theorem of total probability thermal crystallization peak thermoremanent magnetization thin-film integrated circuit three-dimensional television three-groove chucking reamer train-to-train communication transmission frequency meter transmission frequency metre trigonometrical substitution two-course concrete pavement telecommunication engineering telephone-exchange area cable temperature-resistant coating temperature-sensitive element thermal diffusion coefficient thermal expansion coefficient thermally-insulated container thermodisplacement microscope thick-film integrated circuit threshold magnetomotive force tonguing-and-grooving machine torsionally flexible coupling totally additive set function transformation of coordinates transformation of information transformer-coupled amplifier transmission of patent rights transmitted carrier operation transmitting-voltage response travelling-wave amplification trigonal-bipyramidal compound triple expansion steam engine truncated flat-thrust journal television picture transmitter temperature-sensitive resistor thermo-electric generating set thesaurus of engineering terms thin-film-transistor amplifier to give the finishing touch to tuned radio-frequency receiver t-section four-terminal network take an expression into another threshold of hearing audibility tone operated net loss adjuster transmission performance rating transverse electromagnetic wave turn-over-type moulding machine two-layer printed-circuit board testing of mechanical properties thermal conductivity coefficient transmission electron micrograph transmitter-receiver transmitter thermal-conduction pressure gauge to a high degree of approximation translator with syntactic control transmitters-receiver transmitters transverse differential protection twenty seven-day recurrence effect transpose transporter patent claims transverse-wave electron beam amplifier three-wheeled counterbalanced lift truck typewriter for typing on a plane surface
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