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📗 Tермини започващи с буквата W в технически речник


Всички термини започващи с буквата W

wad wax way web wet win won wow wye wage wake walk wall wane want warm warp wash watt wave wavy waxy weak wear weep weft weir weld well welt whet whim whip wick wide wild wind wing wipe wire womp wood woof wool word work worm worn wrap wacke wafer wagon waist wares warts waste watch water weave wedge weigh wharf wheel whirl white whole widen widia width wimet winch winze wiper wootz wound wreck wring wrist write wabble waggon waiter walker walnut warper washer waster watery weapon webbed weeper welded welder whaler whiten wicket wimble winder window winged wiping wiring wobble wooded wooden woofer worker wortle wrench w notch wabbler wadding waffler walkway wall up walling warhead warm up warning warpage warping warrant wash up washery washout wastage watered wattage wattful wavelet wayside weather weaving weepage weeping weigher weld on weld up welding wet mix wetness wetting wheeled whirler whisker whistle whitbed whiting whizzer wind on wind up windage winding winning wobbler woollen wording work on work up working workman worn-in wrapper wrecker wrinkle wrought wustite wythern wage cut wainscot wall box wall fan wall set warms up warranty wash pot wasteful waterage watering waterway wattless wave ray wavepath waviness waxcloth wear off wear out wedge up weephole wehrlite weighing weighted weldable weldless weldmark weldment welds up wet dock wet slag wettable wheelset whipping whistler wibbling widening wild cat wind box wind off windhole windlass winds up windward wing nut wingless wire bar wire net wire rod wire way wirework withdraw wood dam wood dye wood oil wood saw wood tar wood-cut wool fat wool oil work off work out workable works up workshop worm hob wormgear wormhole worn-out wrapping wrecking wresting wurtzite wage rate wall arch wall beam wall pier wall plug wall rock wall slab wall tube wallboard warp land warp yarn wash away wash bowl washboard washes up waste gas waste oil waste ore wastefill wasteland water bag water box water gas water jet water ram waterfall watt-hour wave band wave drag wave form wave tilt wave trap wave zone wavellite wavy line weak acid weak base weakening wear away wear down weathered web width wedge pin weft yarn weir pier weld area weld iron weld pass weld rate weld seam weld spot weld test weld zone well bore well head well-worn wet assay wet basis wet blast wet press wet steam whale oil wheel arm wheel box wheel hub wheel rim wheelband wheelless whetstone whirlpool white-hot whiteness whitening wholesale wide gate wide-area wide-band wide-bore wide-mesh wild blow willemite willowing wind area wind belt wind bore wind load wind vane windowing windrower wing dook wing pump wing span wing spar wing stay wing wall wiper arm wire core wire drum wire feed wire fuse wire mill wire nail wire rope wires way witherite withstand wood char wood file wood pile wood work wood yard wood-coal wood-pulp wool yarn word size word time work area work cell work copy work down work file work head work into work lead work load work over work rest work roll work room workbench workplace worktable worm pipe worm rack wrist pin wulfenite wye level wye-delta wafer core waggon tip waggon-man waggon-men wagon road wall drill wall panel wall paper wall screw wall winch ware house warm front warm-house warming-up wash water waste acid waste cock waste ends waste heat waste iron waste pipe waste wood waste-trap water area water bath water blue water body water core water curb water cure water edge water face water feed water flow water gang water head water line water load water main water mark water pipe water pulp water pump water seal water shed water stop water tank water test water trap water tube water vein water-born water-side water-wall waterproof wave angle wave crest wave front wave guide wave meter wave metre wave ratio wave shape wave train weak field wear loose wear strip wear-proof weathering weaving-in web girder web rotary wedge bolt wedge crib wedge ring wedge-like weigh down weightless weld decay weld metal weld timer weld vacuo well borer well water well winch wet boring wet mortar wet vapour wharf wall wheel bore wheel boss wheel disk wheel drag wheel feed wheel gear wheel load wheel pair wheel seat wheel stud wheel trim wheel tyre wheel work wheel-base white acid white beet white coal white coat white damp white iron white lead white lime white peak white rope white wash whole beam wide angle wide-range wild steel willyamite winch drum winch rope wind brace wind gauge wind meter wind metre wind motor wind scale wind scoop wind speed wind trunk wind truss wind-blown window bar windscreen windshield wing screw wing valve winged nut winter oil wire cable wire chase wire chuck wire cloth wire fault wire fence wire gauge wire gauze wire glass wire guide wire joint wire shaft wire sieve wire spoke wire spool wire wheel wisaxonite withdrawal woehlerite wolframite wood block wood drill wood fibre wood float wood pitch wood resin wood screw wood sugar wood-flour wood-lined woody coal woolenette word plane word space work arbor work input work piece work track work train worked-out worm auger worm drive worm press worm shaft worm wheel wrench jaw write time wage freeze wage labour waggon body wagon truck wagon vault wail lining wainscoting wall saddle wall socket wash liquid wash wrench washability washed coal washer head washing oil washing-out waste canal waste cloth waste field waste mould waste paper waste space waste steam waste water watch lathe watch tower water catch water check water crack water cycle water drill water front water gauge water glass water guard water level water meter water metre water motor water paint water plane water power water press water ratio water scale water space water spout water stage water table water tight water tower water truck water valve water wheel water works watercourse waterlogged wave dipole wave effect wave filter wave length wave motion wave normal wave number wave optics wave theory wave-making wax coating wax pattern waxed paper waxy luster waxy lustre waybill way wc flushing weak sewage weak-walled weather map weathercock web antenna wedge block wedge brake wedge brick wedge clamp wedge joint wedge piece wedge slide wedges-like wedging-out wegle angle weight load weight loss weight rate weld collar weld defect weldability welded pipe welded seam welded tube welding arc welding die welding rod welding set well marked well spring well-bedded wet battery wet copying wet drawing wet tailing wet washing wettability wetted area wheel blank wheel block wheel gauge wheel guard wheel screw wheel shaft wheel slide wheel stand wheel tread wheelbarrow whip thread whistle box white brass white dwart white level white metal white noise white space whitney key wick oiling wide meshed wien bridge winch truck winch wheel wind stress wind tunnel windability windingless window arch window head window lead window mica window post window rail window sash window sill window-pane wine spirit wing camber wiper blade wiper shaft wire cutter wire enamel wire fabric wire holder wire pistol wire screen wire shears wire staple wire winder wiring plan witch-tower withdrawing wobbulation wolf number wood chisel wood cooper wood spirit wood-cutter wooden bolt woodworking wool fleece wool-staple woolen yarn word length word period work centre work driver work module work regime work region work safety work ticket work volume workability workmanship worm feeder worm thread wound rotor woven cloth wrap-around write pulse writinq gun wage control wages tariff waiting loop waiting room waiting time walking pace wall advance wall cornice wall fitting wall footing wall framing warble sound warm working warm-up time warming mill warning bell warning lamp warning pipe warning sign warp pattern warting file wary surface wash leather wash welding washing soda waste rubber waste sluice wasted power watch thread watch window water budget water cavity water cement water colour water column water cooled water engine water furrow water header water heater water height water intake water jacket water shield water supply water system water tunnel water vapour water-hammer water-quench water-sealed water-tamped watering can watering car waterlogging wave antenna wave changer wave clutter wave through wave winding waved stress weak current weak mixture weak solvent wear surface wearing face wearing part wearing ring wearing test wearing-away weather deck weatherguard weatherstrip weaving mill web flywheel web of wheel wedge driver wedge-shaped wedged stone wedging shot weigh anchor weigh hopper weigh-bridge weight brake weight break weight rough weight valve weightometer weld backing weld nuclide weld quality welded chain welded joint welded truss welding flux welding head welding iron welding rate welding seam welding shop welding site welding slab well sheared well-defined wet analysis wet cleaning wet scrubber wet strength wet-screened wheel camber wheel centre wheel cutter wheel dredge wheel flange wheel puller wheelabrator whip antenna white cobalt white copper white liquid white screen white spirit white x-rays whole number winch barrel wind bracing wind carving wind channel wind deposit wind erosion wind turbine windage loss winding drum winding gear winding roll winding rope winding shop window catch window cloud window cross window glass window niche window-frame wing flutter winged screw winning area winning bord wipe contact wiping blade wire circuit wire drawing wire grating wire netting wire trimmer wire twister wiring point wiring press woggle joint wollastonite wood alcohol wood bearing wood vinegar wood-carving wooden flume wooden stick wooden stuck woodruff key work carrier work handler work station working area working feed working life working line working load working path working step world market worm gearing worm grinder worsted yarn wrecking car wrenches off writing head wrought iron wagon balance waiting state walkie-talkie walking crane wall cladding wall covering wall friction wall mounting walling stage warm strength warning light warping frame warranty life warranty test wash-out hole washed rubber washing table washing tower waste heating waste of heat waste product water balance water chamber water channel water conduit water control water cooling water curtain water erosion water parting water service water soluble water sprayer water storage water surface water turbine water washing water-bearing water-heating waterflooding waterproofing wattful compo wattful power wave analises wave detector wave equation wave function wave ornament wave radiator wave selector wave velocity wave-particle waveguide tee wavy fracture waysbill ways weak coupling weakly damped weapon system wear hardness wear-and-tear wearing blade wearing strip weather cross weather-proof weatherometer wedge contact wedge cut-out weighed lever weight bridge weight factor weight feeder weight loader weight method weight number weir aeration weld assembly weld cracking weld dressing weld together welding alloy welding bench welding booth welding cable welding cycle welding flame welding force welding paste welding power welding robot welding speed welding stick welding stuck welding table welding torch weldless pipe well-base rim wet condenser wet corrosion wet separator wet treatment wetting agent wetting angle whatman paper wheel dresser wheel scraper whipping gear white arsenic white olivine white pyrites white vitriol wide part mix width control wigner isobar wigner nuclei winch antenna wind pressure wind-up speed winding angle winding guide winding level winding pitch winding shaft winding space window lifter window rabbet window recess window winder windows-frame wing of screw winged rocket winn's bronze winterization wire guidance wire rheostat wire-rod mill wiring layout wiring scheme witness stake wobbler shaft wobbling tone wood industry wood shavings wood-engraver wooden hammer word boundary word register work all-over work equation work handling worker output working cycle working fluid working lever working order working place working plane working point working range working shaft working space working steam working table worm conveyer worm conveyor worm toothing worm-gear hob worn pavement worst pattern worsted cloth would be user wrapper strap wrapping test wrecker truck wrincle-proof wringing roll wrist pin end writing paper writing speed wrought alloy wrought metal wrought steel waggon tippler waggon tripper walking dredge wall jib crane wall telephone wall thickness wall-box frame warning device warning signal warped surface warring system washed surface washing column washing powder waste industry wasted neutron water aeration water analysis water atomizer water backfill water cadastre water capacity water delivery water dressing water engineer water fittings water hardness water pipeline water purifier water recovery water rheostat water solution water sorption water-jet pump watered ground wattless compo wave acoustics wave amplitude wave impedance wave intensity wave mechanics wave radiation wave soldering wave steepness wave-measuring waveguide cell waveguide lens waveguide pump waveguide shim waveguide stub wayside marker weakness plane wear-resistant wear-resisting weather boards weather groove web's function weigh heavy on weigh-batching weight batcher weight of blow weight pouring weighted noise weighted valve weightlessness weld procedure welding defect welding handle welding pistol welding powder welding source welding spline welding stress welding symbol welds together wet metallurgy wetted surface wetting liquid wheel carriage whirling speed whistling buoy white antimony white feldspar white iron ore widely pitched williams riser winder chamber winding engine winding factor winding square winding stairs winding volume window cleaner window opening wing clearance winged missile wire sheathing wire stretcher wiring diagram without damage wobbler action wobbler screen wood sheathing wood splitting wood structure wood-engraving word selection word separator work balancing work hardening work on arbour working length working losses working medium working memory working motion working pulley working relief working scheme working sheave working stress working stroke working volume working weight workshop crane workshop gauge worm condenser worm-wheel hob worn-out compo woven resistor wrapping angle wrapping paper wrecking crane wrench opening wrinkle finish wall breakwater warehause winch warehouse truck warning circuit warning message warping machine wash-out thread waste effluents waste recycling water boil test water cartridge water chemistry water flowmeter water hardening water indicator water line load water pollution water quenching water recycling water resources water seasoning water separator water softening water tempering water transport water treatment water-absorbing water-proof ink water-repellent water-resisting watt-hour meter watt-hour metre wattful current wave distortion wave microphone wave refraction wave resistance wave-mechanical waveguide tuner way measurement wayside station weakening ratio wear resistance wearing quality wearing surface weather service weather station weather-proofed weatherboarding weathered layer weathering test weaving machine wefting pattern weighing bottle weighing hopper weighing scales weight analysis weight capacity weight function weight per unit weld-meial zone welding current welding dribble welding fixture welding goggles welding machine welding station welding tractor welding voltage westward motion wet thermometer wetting ability wetting machine wheel excavator wheel polishing wheel reversing wheel transport wheeled tractor while statement whirl gate gate whirl sintering whirling motion white annealing white cast iron white wall tyre whitening stone wick lubricator wide-angle lens wideband dipole winches antenna wind instrument wind resistance wind-blown sand winding diagram winding machine winding-up reel window dropping window fastener winter solstice wire-cloth area wire-feed speed wiring terminal withheld patent wooden drainage work-in-process work-rest blade working capital working chamber working current working drawing working formula working process working station working storage working surface working voltage worm-gear drive worst-case code write operation writing station wrought diamond walk-up building walking dragline wall temperature war shot torpedo warm-air furnace warm-air heating washable bindery waste-gas heater waste-water pipe wasteless method wasteway channel watched crossing water adsorption water economizer water equivalent water horsepower water pail forge water resistance water-closet pan water-tube grate watertight cover watt's governing wave attenuation wave disturbance wave reflectance waveform monitor waveguide feeder wavelength range waviness surface weak convergence weak electrolyte weather detector weather forecast weathering aging weathering steel wedge photometer weigh the anchor weighing machine weight aggregate weight equalizer weight variation weighted battery weld bridge seam weld penetration weldabifity test welded structure welder's goggles welding blowpipe welding ignitron welding position welding pressure welding sequence well-graded sand well-ordered set wet gas scrubber wet-bag moulding wetting property white saturation white substitute wide application wide-screen film width modulation wind-tunnel test winded callipers window amplifier window-rail seal windscreen wiper windshield visor windshield wiper wing-headed bolt wingless missile winter lubricant wire-mesh screen wire-rope pulley wire-wheel brush wired-in routine withworth thread woodworking shop woollen spinning wording of claim work brittleness work in practice work-in-progress workable deposit working position working pressure working register working standard working strength working the heat workplace layout works management worm-feed stoker worm-gear driven wormgear hobbing worsted spinning wrapping machine wrenchless chuck walking excavator warning apparatus warning indicator warranty coverage washing apparatus washing appliance waste utilization waste-heat boiler wastewater refuse wasting allowance watched time-base water circulation water gas welding water level gauge water line design water percolation water-bearing bed water-cooled roll water-gauge glass water-hammer wave water-level float water-level scale water-power plant water-tube boiler water-tube cooler waterfall erosion waterproof jacket wave interference wave-guide filter wave-length meter wave-length metre wave-range switch waveguide antenna waveguide coupler waveguide shutter wear compensation weather satellite weather-protected weathered surface weathering ageing web reinforcement web-type flywheel wedge breechblock wedge-shaped belt weight per output weight voltameter weighting network welding equipment welding generator welding operation welding procedure welding rectifier wellhead assembly wellhole blasting western amplitude wetness of flongs wheatstone bridge wheel stand slide wheels-up landing whirl gates gates white compression white precipitate wide-band antenna widely applicable willowing machine wind-formed basin wind-tunnel model windbreak barrier windshield washer wire broadcasting with n prior call wkb approximation wood distillation wood-screw thread work an invention workable concrete workable specimen working abilities working clearance working frequency working of boiler working of patent working operation working substance working thickness workpiece changer worm-gear control woven-wire memory wrapped electrode wrong number call wall recombination wall rock breaking warehouse computer warning indication warranty assurance washable wallpaper washing irrigation waste assimilation waste water system watchmaker's lathe water chlorination water conservation water disinfection water permeability water purification water-bearing rock water-bearing sand water-bearing soil water-cement ratio water-cooled grate water-escape valve water-jacket space water-jet arrester water-jet arrestor water-jet injector water-proof fabric water-seal packing water-sealed gland water-sealed joint water-spray nozzle water-tight vessel waterlogged ground waterproof fitting watt-hour capacity watt-hour constant wave amplification waveform corrector waveguide klystron wayside signalling weage-action valve weak-current cable weather instrument weather protection weather resistance weight application weld reinforcement welding distortion welding metallurgy welding positioner welding triangular wet classification wheel-stand platen whirl pool chamber who-are-you signal wide-angle scanner wideband amplifier width in the clear width of confusion winding department wire-drawing bench wire-mesh conveyer wire-mesh conveyor wire-wrapping tool wireless apparatus wireless telephony wiring capacitance withdrawing device wood-turning lathe wood-work industry woodworking planer work of resistance work-carrying head workholding device working conditions working efficiency working hypothesis working resistance workmanship defect workpiece magazine worm automatically wrap-around window wage-incentive plan walking arrangement wall-loss parameter want of spare parts waste reutilization water air clarifier water draught gauge water reutilization water storage basin water-adding device water-bearing layer water-bound macadam water-cooled cupola water-cooling tower water-heater boiler water-pressure main water-supply system water-tight packing waterproof hangings waterproof membrane waterside structure watertight bulkhead wattage transformer wave-form converter wave-form convertor wave-form generator waveguide resonator wavelength constant weather-proof paint wedge automatically wedge-shaped groove weight distribution welding engineering welding fabrication welding temperature well-type manometer wide-angle eyepiece wide-area electrode width automatically winding arrangement wire-feeding device wire-space detector wire-wound resistor wishbone suspension with agitator drier wood-block pavement wood-particle board woodruff-key cutter woodworking machine work of deformation work of ideal cycle working environment working temperature workshop conditions workshop microscope workshop video unit worm-and-worm wheel write-disturbed one waste-heat rejection wate-pumping station water conduit bridge water impermeability water sound absorber water supply network water-bearing strata water-boiled reactor water-cooled reactor water-cooling system water-cured concrete water-deposited soil water-feed generator water-hardened steel water-level receiver water-pressure gauge water-sealed bearing water-sealed packing water-supply control watt-hour efficiency watt-second constant wave-changing switch wave-type microphone way of stabilization weak-coupling theory weakest-link concept wear-resistant steel wedge friction wheel wedge-pointed hammer weight concentration wet-bulb temperature wet-bulb thermometer wide-angle objective wide-band instrument widely-spaced points wind erosion control windshield defroster wire-coiling machine wire-forming machine wire-splicing sleeve with hooked ends bar word intelligibility work between centres work-holding fixture working expenditures workmanship standard worm-hobbing machine worm-milling machine wall cantilever crane water erosion control water supply analysis water-column arrester water-column arrestor water-column pressure water-cooled ignitron water-inlet connexion water-level indicator water-power resources water-pressure engine water-resistant paint water-spraying nozzle wave-particle duality wave-shape distortion waveguide accelerator waveguide transformer weathered constituent wedge-shaped absorber weight counterbalance weight per horsepower weld-decay-free steel wheel-cutting machine wheel-dressing device wheel-retracting gear wide-angle deflection wide-angle scattering wire-to-wire capacity wire-wound resistance wood-scraping machine word organized memory worm-grinding machine waste-heat superheater water-holding capacity water-inlet connection water-jacketed furnace water-operated ejector water-outlet connexion water-repellent cement water-tabla depression water-treatment system water-yielding stratum wave-corpuscle duality weather-proof dressing weight per unit length wet flash-over voltage wet-dock entrance lock whistling atmospherics wholescale manufacture wien bridge oscillator wing-sweep measurement wire broadcasting line wire-stripping machine with dead engine start wood-splitting machine working characteristic wound-type transformer wall-entrance insulator water resourses balance water temperature gauge water vapour absorption water-absorbing quality water-activated battery water-bearing formation water-outlet connection water-power development water-power engineering water-regulation forest wayside signal location weighted belt tightener white point temperature widmanstatten structure window-efficiency ratio wire-mesh belt conveyer wire-mesh belt conveyor with vacuum power brake withdraw an application woodstick section break wrap-wound strain gauge water quality monitoring water-monitoring station water-recovery apparatus waterborne radioactivity waters-moderated reactor white-after-black effect whole-current classifier wide-angle light fitting winch for single hauling wire-wound potentiometer water-distribution system water-diverting structure water-purification system water-retaining structure watt-dissipating capacity web-feed printing machine wet preliminary splitting wiener-khintchine theorem with after-effect process without articulation arch wound roller-type bearing water pollution monitoring water-to-carbide generator wave-measuring point gauge wear-binding approximation workpiece control computer worm-and-nut steering gear worm-and-peg steering gear worm-wheel hobbing machine water quality deterioration wide-angle lighting fitting wound-rotor induction motor waveguide-to-coaxial adapter waveguide-to-coaxial adaptor wet-and-dry bulb thermometer wet-strengthening impregnant worm-and-lever steering gear with neutral position contact without galley-proofs make-up worm-and-roller steering gear worm-and-sector steering gear water-purification instalation water-quality sampling station white-to-black amplitude range with indication of charge call wrench with ratchet attachment water-and-wastewater engineering winding-type current transformer with interacted controlled conditions member
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